Ash of War: Savage Claws |
Affinity | Keen |
Skill | Savage Claws |
Ash of War: Savage Claws is an Ash of War and Upgrade Material in Elden Ring. It is a brand new Ash of War in the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. Ash of War: Savage Claws provides Keen affinity and the Savage Claws Skill. Ashes of War can be equipped on Weapons and Shields to modify the Skill or an equipment, or to apply affinities that modify scaling values.
This Ash of War grants an armament the Keen affinity and the following skill:
"Savage Claws: Pounce like a beast to viciously slash into foe with left and right claws."
Usable on beast claws.
Ash of War: Savage Claws Location in Elden Ring
Where to find Ash of War: Savage Claws:
- Found on the Beast Claw (Weapon), which drops upon defeating Logur, the Beast Claw.
Ash of War: Savage Claws Elden Ring Guide
- Grants the skill Savage Claws
- Provides the Keen affinity
- Usable on Beast Claws
- Skill Cost: 13 FP
Elden Ring Ash of War: Savage Claws Notes & Tips
- This is an Ash of War Skill, associated with the Ash of War: Savage Claws
- FP Cost: 13
- Deals 22 stance damage
- This Skill is not Chargeable
- Performs a series of savage slashes, for a total of 6 slashes
- Each attack deals 60% of the weapon status buildup
Builds & Videos for Ash of War: Savage Claws in Elden Ring
- Anonymous
This is an Ash of war, not an incant folks in the comments.
The ash needs serious work like most things in the dlc. The slashes do not true combo, and do middling damage, yet you are locked into a pretty long animation which gives opponents time to back up and flask or guarantee a counter punish which should never be the case. Needs to true combo the first 4 hits to start by speeding up the animation, with the jumping slash being timed to a roll catch panic rolls (similar, to houraloux) . Any attack that leaves you open for this long with no hyper armor needs to true combo and do significant damage so around 25%. Lastly, when you cancel out you need to be able to cancel towards them rather than just away in order to maintain pressure and prevent free flasking
I guess the point of this being non-Somber, since there's nothing else you can equip it on, is so you could replace it with another Ash of War to throw people off, do some mix-ups while having 2 sets of Beast Claw equipped, or you just love the base moveset but want a different Ash.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Recently realized you can dodge cancel out of it after the 4th strike. Considering that the 4 first strikes are very fast and stunlock pretty much anything that can be stunlocked, this is huge, since the last 2 hits are delayed and you can get punished for them by hyperarmored attacks. Knowing this makes this ash go from great but risky to just great. Highly recommend it.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
The where to find thing here is just copy pasted from the "savage lion's claw" page and is incorrect, this is found as the default ash of war on the Beast Claws.
This stun locks malenia from the first hit. Buffed with blood flame blade makes it highly effective and hella fun to use. Just be careful because if she goes to waterfowl as you start it you’re dead. Two people alternating this aow is the fastest I’ve ever seen her go down, my flame grant me strength buff lasted the whole fight.