Ash of War: Scattershot Throw |
Affinity | Keen |
Skill | Scattershot Throw |
Ash of War: Scattershot Throw is an Ash of War and Upgrade Material in Elden Ring. It is a brand-new Ash of War in the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. Ash of War: Scattershot Throw provides Keen affinity and the Scattershot Throw Skill. Ashes of War can be equipped on Weapons and Shields to modify the Skill or an equipment, or to apply affinities that modify scaling values. Usable with Throwing Blades
This Ash of War grants an armament the Keen affinity and the following skill:
"Scattershot Throw: Employ smithing arts to conjure multiple copies of the armament in both hands and throw them all at once. Follow up with an additional input to throw again."
Usable on throwing blades.
Ash of War: Scattershot Throw Location in Elden Ring
Where to find Ash of War: Scattershot Throw:
- Can be found by killing a scarab. Just south of Taylew's Ruined Forge entrance, near a bridge. It's hanging high on a pillar with some mobs underneath it. [Map Link]
Ash of War: Scattershot Throw Elden Ring Guide
- Grants the skill Scattershot Throw
- Provides the Keen affinity
Elden Ring Ash of War: Scattershot Throw Notes & Tips
- FP Cost: 11 per throw
- Deals 11.2 stance damage
- This Skill is not Chargeable
- 28 projectiles are thrown, able to hit multiple enemies up to four times
- Effective against large enemies and bosses, which can be hit by all four at a further distance
- Additional input allows for another scatter throw
- If the Skill is used without FP, only two daggers will be thrown, keeping the increased range
- Other notes and tips go here
Builds & Videos for Ash of War: Scattershot Throw in Elden Ring
- Anonymous
These ashes feel like a bug.
Should go on all the Smithscript weapons alike and scale properly or do something else for every of them.
Dont know, but this feels like an afterthought.
Like a lot with the DLC, not properly done or finished.
I often feel the DLC is just the first part of a two part Episode. Theres a lot of ashes that only go on one weapon, new categories with barely anything in it, overall most new ashes are only usable on one weapon or unique to a weapon or really restrictive.
Same goes for the weapons or talismans, new items etc.
I see a lot of recycling when it comes to enemies, the map has a lot of unused space for no reason and is generally very boring, barely any dungeons, barely anything to explore and pretty much everything is so restrictive.
From knew what was fun back with Demons Souls and went far crazier. Less content and options, but more unique. Two Swords you can combine, a weapon thats only strong against one boss, players that get spawned as bosses. Those things were cool and were repeated later for good reason.
But Elden Ring feels like they threw all that fun stuff out in favor of space. Large but empty and weirdly i enjoyed playing the DS3 Areas a lot more than any of the Elden Ring Regions and it was also far more memorable.
I cant even remember the freaking names here because 3 Regions have names that are too similar, the Bosses all sound similar and look similar and are similar and get repeated, Margit, Morgot, Malek, Mike, Migraine, Mogh? Rennalla, Renna, Rani, Reduvia?
Its utterly awful and uninspired. And the items or skills show.
- Anonymous
Soooo... Can this go on anything other than the scriptsmith dagger?
- Anonymous
This unironically does too much stagger damage, calling nerf's on it, oh also it spreads bleed like crazy? No thanks, crutch AoW.
- Anonymous
The location was so ambiguous, I spent 30 minutes in Taylew's Ruined Forge, looking for it. The bridge it's talking about is the one leading to the West Rampart sight of grace. I got to it from the Ancient Ruins grace and ran up the path going NE. There's some ruins with a bunch of misbegotten enemies. It's hanging on a broken pillar inside one of the what-used-to-be buildings.
- Anonymous
Just a reminder that you need to be in Stand On for it to be the go- wait this isn't SuperCombo.
- Anonymous
With bleed
It is a good punisher against status effects abusers
Shove em knives into the face and make em BLEED
- Anonymous
This ash definitely should have been able to be put on normal knives and claws as well. It's a shame you can only put this pretty good ash of war on 1, not even very good weapon
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Can this only go on the daggers????? Wtf is the point of an ash of war that can only go on 1 weapon
- Anonymous
When used without enough FP, this will still throw 2 daggers and deals less damage than a 2H R1. (Tested on Keen +25 with 27 Str, 70 Dex, 11 Int, 11 Fai)
- Anonymous
The difference in range between this and a regular R1 is comically sad. Daggers need a range buff big time.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Through my testing Scattershot Throw seems to only has a Motion Value of 15 per projectile x 12 total projectiles, which equates to 180 MV total which is honestly pretty mid, and only really useful against big enemies. The status MV appears to be 25 per projectile though, so each usage can reach up to 300 MV. This is hampered by the Dagger's low total status on the weapon itself though. For example +25 Blood at 80 Arc only provides 49 Blood Loss buildup, which with an effective MV of 300 equates to 147 Blood Loss per Ash of War usage. That buildup is comparable to Blood affinity with 80 Arc on any 'great' but not Colossal Weapons like the Great Katana, and that is just with R1s, doesn't require FP, and also doesn't require hitting all 12 projectiles against a super big target. This Ash of War isn't especially good in any regard statistically, but boy is it satisfying.
- Anonymous
Location: just outside Taylew's Ruined Forge, you will see a scarab hanging on one of the pillars. Kill it to get this AoW.
- Anonymous
Use the Golden Epitaph's Ash of War and then switch to a weapon with this ash of war and every little hit will apply 20 more holy damage which means you will suddenly do a ton of extra damage with this.
- Anonymous
Maxed out claws of night are better then the maxed out Smithscript dagger in damage but you can add grease to the daggers and other buffs so it's cool to have both set up for bleed for night and poisoning for dagger maybe...
- Anonymous
Is this ash of war only compatible with certain throwing weapons?
I have the chakram the axe and the greathammer, but I'm unable to put it on any of them.
It's in my inventory but it's like I don't even have it.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
This seems to be pretty strong even when only a portion hits your enemy. Wide arc for group control and decent stagger. Honestly I'm loving the throwing daggers more and more.
- Anonymous
This is not great for frostbite. Tried against an omen in the sewers and it took 3 while being pretty close and in a succession. Spamming under a dragon and against a Haligtree big knight took 5.
- Anonymous
For those curious this ash is found in Rauh Base underneath the great bridge that is connected to Shadow Keep. To get to Rauh Base start at Moorth Ruins site of grace and head northeast to the pond on the map. At the north of the pond is a cave entrance. At the end of the cave is a tree and an exit on the right. Go through the exit and hug the left wall for a while till you end up a Rauh Base (You will pass a lot of stone birds in a posion swamp). Once there take a right. You will need to fight some demihumans and the beetle holding the ash is on floating on the pillar closest to the cave wall.
- Anonymous
this ash drops from a scarab, if I remember correctly i found it between the ancient ruins grace and taylew's ruined forge, theres a few scarabs around there but only 1 has the ash
- Anonymous
Just tested this, and can confirm that every individual blade procs status effects separately. Try it out with a bleed or poison build.
- Anonymous
I think this only works with the throwing blade. doesn't seem to work on any other weapons I have but I haven't tested many of the new ones
- Anonymous
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