Ash of War: Wing Stance |
Affinity | Quality |
Skill | Wing Stance |
Ash of War: Wing Stance is an Ash of War and Upgrade Material in Elden Ring. It is a brand new Ash of War in the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. Ash of War: Wing Stance provides Quality affinity and the Wing Stance Skill. Ashes of War can be equipped on Weapons and Shields to modify the Skill or an equipment, or to apply affinities that modify scaling values.
This Ash of War grants an armament the Quality affinity and the following skill:
"Wing Stance: Calmly assume a right-sided stance. Normal attack triggers a rapid three-slash combination. Strong attack triggers a leaping thrust."
Usable on light greatswords.
Ash of War: Wing Stance Location in Elden Ring
Where to find Ash of War: Wing Stance:
- Castle Ensis: Inside a chest in the tower that you can reach by jumping over the edge just outside Castle Lord's Chamber Site of Grace, and following the cliffside down to the tower before climbing up two ladders to reach it. [See Shadow of the Erdtree Map] [Video Location]
Ash of War: Wing Stance Elden Ring Guide
- Grants the skill Wing Stance
- Provides the Quality affinity
- Usable on Light Greatswords
- Skill Cost: Normal Attacks: 8 FP and Strong Attacks: 10 FP
Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree Ash of War: Wing Stance Videos
Elden Ring Ash of War: Wing Stance Notes & Tips
- FP Cost: 0 (stance), 8 for light follow-up and 10 for heavy follow-up
- Deals 16.5 stance damage on light follow-up, and 30.2 stance damage on heavy follow-up
- This Skill is not Chargeable
- This Skill can be Parried
- After performing a light follow-up without letting go of the Skill button, the user will immediately return to the Wing Stance and will be able to perform a follow-up again with very little delay. The heavy follow-up has some end-lag before returning to the stance.
- While one-handed, the light follow-up can be chained into a multi-hit combo: L2-R1 > R2 > R1 > R1 (stance-light, heavy, light, light)
- The Heavy follow-up leaps over and evades low/ground attacks, but doesn't count as a jumping attack for the Claw Talisman (and similar effects).
- This Skill is a Stance Skill, thus it is buffed by the talisman Rellana's Cameo.
- Anonymous
once encountered a guy using this while i was using unsheathe and we both had rellana's cameo equipped. most hype fight i've ever done online
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Nice ash for an intelligence build as is the weapon itself. Magic or Cold infused, rellana cameo, shard of alexander. You can use terra magica to boost the damage as well for bosses and tankier enemies. The L2-R2 does ridiculous damage for only 8fp with great poise damage. Might be the most cost efficient skill I've seen so far.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Looks so cool, I wish it was compatible other sword types, I just want to do the "hesitation is defeat" pose with an uchi
- Anonymous
Shame is only usable on milady. This would’ve been dope on a claymore. Hope they extend its usability to greatswords or straight swords too
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I used this on Malenia and i ****ing destroyed her im genuinely certain if i used this the first time around i wouldve beaten her on my first try thats how good this AoW is
- Anonymous
This should be usable on katanas and twinblades. Change my mind.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
The R2 on this is obnoxiously busted. Combine with Rellana's Cameo, Shard of Alexander and the Two-Handed Talisman you'll be consistently putting up damage numbers in the several thousands
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
R2+ Alexanedr shard+ Rellana's cameo melts EVERYONE, including rellana herself
- Anonymous
Me and my friends tried using a mod that would allow an AoW to all weapons and we discover one problem with this if used it the other weapon variants esp the light ones: It combo and connects way too fast, so fast that most of the mobs cannot react any longer. Guessed there's a reason why they restricted this to light greatsword only.
- Anonymous
why doesn't the straight sword stance feel as smooth as this stance???
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
So pleased by the Milady and this AOW. I only wish they went further with the chinese swordmanship trip with a one handed jian like.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Why didn't this just come equipped on milady ? especially when it's only usable with milady. Milady comes with a copy pasted default skill anyway. You already did that with the great katana. People can miss this unnecessarily.
- Anonymous
Sote devs. Read the room. You made an ash of war for a single weapon. Open it for other weapons.
- Anonymous
Really really wish I could put this on Curved Greatswords T__T;;
- Anonymous
I am HIGHLY disappointed that this cannot be used on the Claymore Fromsoft!
- Anonymous
Lol might as well say "only useable on Milady" since Rel and Leda's LGS both have uniques. Still awesome tho and highly useful esp in Shadow realm. 10/10 would stance again.
- Anonymous
Open stance doesn't look very logical. Honestly, I was disappointed by this ash. Generally, two part ashes seem to me not very convenient.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
The only thing it bothers me is how is only available in light greatswords. It could’ve perfectly been also in straight swords and even greatswords , you know how double slash animation changes depending on the weapons? In straight swords is faster but in other heavier weapons is slower due to the damage difference. they could’ve made the same thing here but I guess not, especially knowing how the only weapons you can put this in is the milady lmao.
- Anonymous
Lol this can only go on one weapon, is there any other ash that limited? Want to use this but I don't have a fedora.
- Anonymous
R2 is super good. The range is pretty long and you can dodge some sweep attacks by the initial jump.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
AOW is good but the delay on the arm extending before heavy/light followup is useable is really annoying.
occasionally gets me killed because skill doesn't go off cause player inputs doesn't seem to be queued -- you have to do heavy/light input only _after_ arm is extended animation else skill won't execute. can lead to a lot of "AOW whiffing", which in the heat of tight voss openings makes the skill way more frustrating than it needs to be.
- Anonymous
When you wield it two-handed and go into the AOW stance, it's held in one hand. Is it still boosted by the Two-handed Talisman?
- Anonymous
Makes no sense how all other stance skills can be used instantaneously after you press L2 except for this one that has a full-second delay for some odd af reason
- Anonymous
Is the R2 affected by the Claw Talisman or the black feather armor?
- Anonymous
What does the dmg of this ash of war scales with? Is it worth to use with weapon buffs like order's blade?
- Anonymous
The range on the R2 is deceptive. Caught a lot of people lackin in duels because they think they're out of range.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
The start up time really kills this ash of war for me. It's so bizarre because no other stance-type ash of war has it that long to the point of being such a noticeable delay, not even Rellana's Twin Blades which are also light greatswords with a stance-type ash of war.
Unsheathe doesn't have that start up time, Square Off doesn't have that start up time, Overhead Stance doesn't have that start up time, Ghostflame Ignition/Call doesn't have that start up time, why does this have that incredibly awkward start up time on actually assuming the stance? Imagine how unwieldy and how much worse Unsheathe would be if it took the length this took to assume stance. It'd drop down from one of the best ashes of war in general to just meh at best and I think that's being generous with how hyper-aggressive and fast lategame and DLC bosses can be.
- Anonymous
God I hope they buff the start up speed.
Similar to square off and unsheathe. So you can use the attack right away and don't have to hold the stance first.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
They will totally make another DLC with more Light Greatswords so this skill can be used on more than just one weapon.
- Anonymous
Absolute SHAME that I cannot put this on Straight Swords and Katanas. It doesn’t make sense. WHY
- Anonymous
the poise damage is crazy on the r2, staggers margit in 3 hits. doing a new playthrough after cheating it in at the start and it goes really hard. the range is nuts too, it chases like crazy. total npc destroyer and a boss killer at the same time. plus it has so many style points, just that initial stance is really pretty but the r2 is super graceful.
- Anonymous
this would be so cool if there were more than one infusable light greatsword. awesome weapon class, wish I had more than 3 choices, one of which being a trash all rounder build. introduce more weapon classes but put nothing in them genius miyazaki strikes again. not to mention how the throwing dagger(singular) got treated.
- Anonymous
'Can be applied to Light Greatswords'
*Looks at the Infusable Light Greatswords*
Can be applied to all one of them.
Why must you do this, FromSoft?
- Anonymous
Why is this not on Milady by default? It can only be applied to light greatswords and it's the only lgs that can change its ash, and they're found in the same legacy dungeon. This should be its default ash.
- Anonymous
how to make normal attack on this ash of war? [Mouse and keyboar] i can do only heavy attack.
- Anonymous
This has been a lifesaver for the expansion. Every single NPC 'invader' fight can be cheesed with the following technique:
Wing stance R2 while they run at you.
Roll away.
Do it again.
- Anonymous
why did they make this AoW smoothly transition between the r1 and r2? similar stance ashes don't operate this way, and the ones that did in ds3 like the straight sword's stance no longer have this luxury in elden ring
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Why this is only stance ash we have to wait for full animation before attack. sqare-off or unsheat can just L2 R1/L2 R2 instantly.
this ash would be much better if it can fire off instantly even broken with R2.
- Anonymous
Totally not inspired nor reminiscent of Isshin's occasional winged stance while in neutral from Sekiro
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
After finishing the light attack triple slash, if you’re still holding down L2, you can press heavy to instantly follow up with the jump attack.
- Anonymous
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- Anonymous
The r2 speed is acceptable in regards to the mandatory stance prep time but I do wish you could fire off the r1 instantly like with ds3 stance skills, or at least make it faster
- Anonymous
Wait, if this can only be used on light greatswords, and there are only three light greatswords, with two of them having unique skills. Wouldn't that make this AOW a "unique" skill exclusive to Milady?
- Anonymous
2k damage on r2 on dlc enemies achieved. Only problem is the initial startup time: your character needs to complete the stretching out of the arm before you can attack
I tested its R2 stance damage on Black knight before castle ensis. This black knight can take 2 unblockable blades and then R1 from coded sword staggers him. Unblockable deals 36 stance damage. Sothe knight breaks at 75 stance probably.
Same knight can take 2 R2s from wing stance and R1 from milady. That probably means, that wing stance R2 is 36 poise damage aswell. Which is actually really awesome considering how much damage it deals, range it covers and the fact you can dodge some low attacks for almost 3K damage counter attacks.
While awesome tho, lot of bosses have 120 stance in DLC. Meaning you need 4 consecutive wings to strike or 3 + another R2-R1 combo after that, which is still quite hard to do sometimes. Maybe safest option would be guardcounter and follow up with 3 wings.
- Anonymous
From plz let this be usable on Straight Swords/ Thrusting Swords in a future patch
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
It's only usable on Light Greatswords.
There's only one Light Greatsword that can receive Ashes of War.
And it doesn't start with this.
Just stretching out the DLC I guess
Not necessary
It just annoys people
When you make
something take longer
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
It's a shame something like this isn't on thrusting swords of any kind. This stance fits into the whole "regal swordsman" aesthetic.
- Anonymous
Its a stance Skill, means you need preperation time.
The Light Attack chain lacks range and is dangerous when face enemies with longer range in my opinion. The Skill locks you in a 3hit Combo but Special/Shield Skills are not staggered a Black Knight NPC with 2h Hammer and Shield is not impressed.
3. The Heavy Attack is another number. Can be blocked so its no "Pierced Fang" but the Damage is big. Alexander Shard + Rellana Talisman are easy 1850 against Knights and over 2000 vs Soldiers. (lvl +24 with occult with only 499Atackpower)
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Something to keep in mind: youre required to hold the stance for a bit before executing, might feel clunky at first.
Triple Swing punches a bit higher in poise damage tier than it's normals. You can link it into the dive very smoothly. It also returns to stance if you wanted to repeat it, but a bit slower than going into dive. Slow startup and lacks the forward momentum of its normals
Dive is basically a guaranteed headshot as long as you don't aim for their ass. Counter+Headshot is wild (throwing blades do it pretty handily too). Does pretty hefty poise damage, far more than LGS can manage with charged r2. Basically, neck swipe if it was good. Getting it called out makes you flail to the ground like waterfowl, lol
Can't believe we have a simple stance AoW where there's two distinct functions and one doesn't invalidate the other! Interesting to have an ash that's literally only usable on one weapon lol
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
It's heavy attack is pretty much Impaling thrust and it's primary attack is like a less all in waterfowl dance.
Overall it's a really good ash of war, the light greatswords feel great to use in general as it's attacks flow extremely well into each other.
- Anonymous
Use this with Milady in any scaling you choose, then add a weapon buff spell, Rotten Winged Sword Talisman, Milicent's prothesis, Alexander's Jar shard, and Rellana's Cameo.. Congratulations, you just made a more pvp smart version of Waterfowl Dance.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Does almost 2k damage with the heavy thrust of the ash of war lmao
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Does almost 2k damage with the heavy thrust of the ash of war lmao
- Anonymous
a little sad we can't use this on scythes
imagine walking on wing stance with the blade pointing down, like sister friede
- Anonymous
What is the point of not making this default AOW for Milady? There are only 3 light greatswords and 2 of them are somber upgrade so you cant change their AOW anyway.
For those interested in pairing this with Renalla's Cameo, you do not have to wait again after using the light version of this ash of war, if you use a second light version or the heavy, the buff will carry over from the previous attack. As far as I know, it's the only 'Stance' ash that does this, as Overhead Slash, Unsheathe, and Square Off all do not do this, and require you to wait again after using one of their attacks.