Bloodbone Arrow (Fletched)

bloodbone arrow fletched elden ring wiki guide 200px
attack power elden ring wiki guide 18Attack Power
Phy 28
Mag 0
Fire 0
Ligt 0
Holy 0
Crit 100
passive effects elden ring wiki guide 18Passive
Causes blood loss build up (55)

Arrow Pierce

Bloodbone Arrow (Fletched) is an Arrow in Elden Ring. Bloodbone Arrow (Fletched) is a craftable ammo that can be used to inflict ranged blood damage. Ammunition can be used in ranged weapons such as Bows and Crossbows, so players can deal ranged damage to Enemies and Bosses.


Arrow whittled from animal bones. The tip is daubed with a blood tincture. Afflicts targets with blood loss.

Craftable item. The fletching adds distance to the arrow's flight.


Where to Find Elden Ring Bloodbone Arrow (Fletched)

Bloodbone Arrow (Fletched) can be found at the following location:


Elden Ring Bloodbone Arrow (Fletched) Notes & Tips

  • The feather fletching adds distance and accuracy to the standard Bloodbone Arrow.
  • The blood build up is affected by the Arcane scaling of the Serpent Bow, but rate of fire must also be taken into consideration with Status buildup.
  • You can hold up to 99 Bloodbone Arrow (Fletched)
  • You can store up to 600 Bloodbone Arrow (Fletched)
  • Sell Value: runes currency elden ring wiki guide 18 1


How to Craft Elden Ring Bloodbone Arrow (Fletched)

To craft Bloodbone Arrow (Fletched) (x10) you need the Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook [6] as well as the following Crafting Materials:


Elden Ring Bloodbone Arrow (Fletched) Moveset & Videos


Elden Ring Arrows
Arrow  ♦  Ballista Bolt  ♦  Black-Key Bolt  ♦  Bloodbone Arrow  ♦  Bloodbone Bolt  ♦  Bolt  ♦  Bone Arrow  ♦  Bone Arrow (Fletched)  ♦  Bone Ballista Bolt  ♦  Bone Bolt  ♦  Bone Great Arrow  ♦  Bone Great Arrow (Fletched)  ♦  Burred Bolt  ♦  Coldbone Arrow  ♦  Coldbone Arrow (Fletched)  ♦  Coldbone Bolt  ♦  Dwelling Arrow  ♦  Explosive Bolt  ♦  Explosive Greatbolt  ♦  Fire Arrow  ♦  Firebone Arrow  ♦  Firebone Arrow (Fletched)  ♦  Firebone Bolt  ♦  Flaming Bolt  ♦  Golden Arrow  ♦  Golden Bolt  ♦  Golden Great Arrow  ♦  Golem's Great Arrow  ♦  Golem's Magic Arrow  ♦  Great Arrow  ♦  Haligbone Arrow  ♦  Haligbone Arrow (Fletched)  ♦  Haligbone Bolt  ♦  Lightning Greabolt  ♦  Lightning Greatbolt  ♦  Lightningbone Arrow  ♦  Lightningbone Arrow (Fletched)  ♦  Lightningbone Bolt  ♦  Lordsworn's Bolt  ♦  Magicbone Arrow  ♦  Magicbone Arrow (Fletched)  ♦  Magicbone Bolt  ♦  Meteor Bolt  ♦  Perfumer's Bolt  ♦  Poisonbone Arrow  ♦  Poisonbone Arrow (Fletched)  ♦  Poisonbone Bolt  ♦  Radahn's Spear  ♦  Rainbow Stone Arrow  ♦  Rainbow Stone Arrow (Fletched)  ♦  Rotbone Arrow  ♦  Rotbone Arrow (Fletched)  ♦  Rotbone Bolt  ♦  Serpent Arrow  ♦  Shattershard Arrow  ♦  Shattershard Arrow (Fletched)  ♦  Sleepbone Arrow  ♦  Sleepbone Arrow (Fletched)  ♦  Sleepbone Bolt  ♦  Spiritflame Arrow  ♦  Storm Arrow  ♦  Stormwing Bone Arrow

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    • Anonymous

      Now that Ansbach’s longbow exists, the arrow argument remains pretty much the same: this, rot, freeze and maybe sleep if low on Trina’s should be the only arrows people farm for as far as crafting is concerned. You can buy all other elements including deadly poison.

      • Anonymous

        Fletched fly notably further. Range seems to be uniform across all crafted arrows, so you can just make a bunch of bone and bone (fletched) to try and see if it's worth. My opinion is it's almost mandatory unless you plan on shotgunning enemies with your bow. The drop you get without fletching is horrible.

        Also why FROM decided that farming for arrows is a fun thing to do for all the wannabe archers is beyond me. Archers already suffer from absolutely atrocious scaling in late game, so you will be burning lots of arrows as is, just now instead of a soul/rune tax it's mind-numbing grind tax to get the pinions for all the arrows you gotta craft. And while some arrows at least have a merchant sold version (which thankfully is always a better version), half of them don't, or are limited to something like 80 per NG. Why even put bows in the game if you will do this to anyone who wants to play that way?

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