Count Ymir, Mother of Fingers

count ymir mother of fingers boss elden ring wiki guide
Location Cathedral of Manus Metyr
Drops runes currency elden ring wiki guide 18210,000 
Ymir's Bell Bearing
Maternal Staff
High Priest Set
HP 11,147
Stronger VS
Immune to
Weaker to

Count Ymir, Mother of Fingers is a Boss in Elden Ring. Count Ymir, Mother of Fingers is the High Priest who has taken power from Metyr, Mother of Fingers, and is found in the Cathedral of Manus Metyr. This is an optional boss as players don't need to defeat it to advance in Elden Ring.

See Count Ymir, Mother of Fingers Lore


Truly, I desired... to be your mother...

Elden Ring Count Ymir, Mother of Fingers Boss

  • This is an optional boss
  • To defeat this boss, you must first defeat an invasion from Swordhand of Night Jolan, then defeat Ymir himself
  • This is a Tarnished boss: its stats and attacks work like a player character with equipped items
  • Closest Site of Grace: Cathedral of Manus Meyr
  • Multiplayer is not allowed for this boss
  • You cannot summon Spirit Ashes for this boss


Elden Ring Count Ymir, Mother of Fingers Location

Count Ymir, Mother of Fingers can be found in the Cathedral of Manus Metyr once you've defeated Metyr, Mother of Fingers. Interact with the throne, and the boss fight will begin. [Map Link]


Count Ymir, Mother of Fingers Combat information


The defense numbers are compared to the incoming attack power to determine how much to scale down the damage. The higher the ratio, the more damage comes through.

Negations (or Absorptions)

The negation numbers are the % of your damage that gets blocked. For example, if a negation is 60, 40% of that damage by that type will go through a nd 60% will be negated. Bigger number = less damage. A negation of 100 means no damage goes through, and a negation of -100 mean the enemy takes 2x damage from that source. 0 means damage goes pretty much as is.


The resistance numbers are the buildup amount to trigger it. For example, if a resistance is 100 you must deal 100 points of the given buildup to trigger it. Note that these go down over time, and increase each time the effect procs. The values after the "/"s indicate the increased resistances after each successive proc.

  NG NG+ NG+2 NG+3 NG+4 NG+5 NG+6 NG+7
HP 11,147 12,004 13,204 13,804 14,405 15,605 16,205 16,805
runes currency elden ring wiki guide 18Runes 210,000 210,000 231,000 236,250 252,000 257,250 262,500 267,750


standard upgrade affinity elden ring wiki guide 60pxPhysical 158 162 166 170 178 186 194 210
magic upgrade affinity elden ring wiki guide 60pxMagic 210 214 220 225 236 246 257 279
fire upgrade affinity elden ring wiki guide 60pxFire 179 183 188 192 202 211 220 238
lightning upgrade affinity elden ring wiki guide 60pxLightning 152 155 159 163 171 179 187 202
holy upgrade affinity elden ring wiki guide 60pxHoly 199 203 208 213 224 234 244 264


poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxPoison 643 731 742 753 764 775 786 797
scarlet rot status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxScarlet Rot Immune
hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxHemorrhage 529 602 611 620 629 638 647 656
frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxFrostbite 529 602 611 620 629 638 647 656
sleep status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxSleep 770 876 889 902 915 928 941 954
madness status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxMadness 770 876 889 902 915 928 941 954

Swordhand of Night Jolan

HP 10,878

Swordhand of Night Jolan Combat information


The defense numbers are compared to the incoming attack power to determine how much to scale down the damage. The higher the ratio, the more damage comes through.

Negations (or Absorptions)

The negation numbers are the % of your damage that gets blocked. For example, if a negation is 60, 40% of that damage by that type will go through a nd 60% will be negated. Bigger number = less damage. A negation of 100 means no damage goes through, and a negation of -100 mean the enemy takes 2x damage from that source. 0 means damage goes pretty much as is.


The resistance numbers are the buildup amount to trigger it. For example, if a resistance is 100 you must deal 100 points of the given buildup to trigger it. Note that these go down over time, and increase each time the effect procs. The values after the "/"s indicate the increased resistances after each successive proc.

  NG NG+ NG+2 NG+3 NG+4 NG+5 NG+6 NG+7
HP 10,878 11,103 12,214 12,769 13,324 14,435 14,990 15,545


standard upgrade affinity elden ring wiki guide 60pxPhysical 123 124 127 130 137 143 149 162
magic upgrade affinity elden ring wiki guide 60pxMagic 161 163 168 172 180 188 196 213
fire upgrade affinity elden ring wiki guide 60pxFire 135 136 140 143 150 157 164 177
lightning upgrade affinity elden ring wiki guide 60pxLightning 116 118 121 124 130 136 141 153
holy upgrade affinity elden ring wiki guide 60pxHoly 154 156 160 164 171 179 187 203


poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxPoison 686 727 738 749 759 770 781 792
scarlet rot status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxScarlet Rot Immune
hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxHemorrhage 529 561 569 578 586 594 603 611
frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxFrostbite 529 561 569 578 586 594 603 611
sleep status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxSleep 627 664 674 684 694 704 714 724
madness status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxMadness 627 664 674 684 694 704 714 724


Elden Ring Count Ymir, Mother of Fingers Boss Guide

Count Ymir, Mother of Fingers Boss Video Guide

[video coming soon]


Shadow of the Erdtree Bosses Ranked



Count Ymir, Mother of Fingers Fight Strategy

The Best Tips for Count Ymir, Mother of Fingers:


Melee Users

Count Ymir, Mother of Fingers can be encountered in the Cathedral of Manus Metyr. After defeating Metyr, Mother of Fingers, return to the Cathedral of Manus Metyr and interact with the throne again. Jolán will first invade, then Count Ymir will appear after she is defeated. This boss deals Magic Damage and can summons allies.

Count Ymir has several sorceries up his sleeve, including Cherishing Fingers, this is where he lifts his staff and slams it back down to cast a ring of six fingers that surround him, this attack can be indicated when Count Ymir raises and slams his staff down directly. When the fingers come up, it will deal damage to you so you will need to dodge backward and attack his once the fingers go away.

Another one is Glintstone Nails, in which Count Ymir will lift up his staff once again but wave it around to launch six tracking projectiles towards you. You can easily avoid this attack by simply sidestepping or perfectly timing your forward dodge roll to avoid the projectiles. You can also use the pillars around the area if you are having difficulties with dodging this attack.

His last attack is Finger Spawn. Just like Metyr, he can also summon Fingercreepers, though the move is slow and it leaves him open to attack. Ymir will stay stationary while summoning. He will start groaning, and dark green liquid can be seen as Fingercreepers move out of his body. Just like for the Metyr boss fight, you can take those out first, so you won't be overwhelmed.

Once Count Ymiris defeated, he will drop Ymir's Bell Bearing, the Maternal Staff, and the High Priest Set.

Magic and Ranged Users

Before the initial fight with Jolán, you can roll around the area and break all the benches. They can block projectiles and make it hard to quickly get away from Ymir.

For Faith builds, Frenzied Burst can reach all the way across the arena. You can just stand at the opposite end of the cathedral from Ymir and blast away, he will usually just stay over there. The Fire Damage will also kill the Fingercreepers quickly. If you're feeling risky, Inescapable Frenzy can be used, though he is rather resistant to Madness

For Intelligence builds, Stars of Ruin or Star Shower can keep him on the defensive. Use attacks like Carian Greatsword or Adula's Moonblade to deal with the adds. Carian Piercer can easily roll-catch Ymir and knock him down.

For ranged users, consider using Fire Arrows or Explosive Bolts to deal with the Fingercreepers. Otherwise, be wary of his Cherishing Fingers deflecting any of your projectiles. Rancor Shot with the Bone Bow or Enchanted Shot can land some hits from afar.

Count Ymir, Mother of Fingers Attacks & Counters

Attack Description Counter
Staff Strike While in melee range, Ymir may use their staff to club the player, dealing minuscule damage. A weak attack that is rarely used, but can interrupt your own attacks. 
Keep wailing on him to prevent him from counter-attacking.
Finger Spawn Much like Metyr, Ymir reaches into his chest and births a Lesser Fingercreeper to assist him in combat.  Ymir gains a lot of poise when performing this move and is unable to be backstabbed, but it leaves him open to attacks.
Get some hits in and then deal with the spawned Fingercreeper, preferably using Fire.
Cherishing Fingers Ymir slams his staff into the ground, causing six fingers to erupt from the ground and encircle him, dealing damage. He may charge this spell, increasing its damage and size.

While active, most projectiles, whether physical or magical, will be warded.
Ymir often casts this spell when in melee range. Roll backward once you get a couple of hits in.
Glintstone Nails Lifts up his staff to launch six white projectiles that slowly move but heavily track the player.  Avoid taking the brunt of this attack head on. Roll forward to make most of the projectiles hit the ground and disappear instead of looping around.
Miriam's Vanishing Ymir waves his staff, suddenly vanishing into blue mist and reappearing further away. Often used to escape melee range. This spell often messes with your lock-on. He only teleports a short distance away, so keep watch.

Count Ymir, Mother of Fingers Notes & Other Trivia

  • Voice Actor: Matthew Gravelle
  • Other Notes and Trivia Go Here




"My shining star."

"Grant me mother's strength."

"Look here. At my fingers."

"I will be the true mother."

"And I will be the only mother!"

During Fight:

While using Finger Spawn:

"My dear children!"

Defeating player: 

"I will be the true mother! Dear Yuri, dear Fingers!"

After Fight:

"Forgive me, Yuri…"

"Truly, I be your mother..."


Count Ymir, Mother of Fingers Lore






Lore Items Related to Count Ymir, Mother of Fingers


Beloved Stardust

A talisman depicting a wizened hand gently gripping a glintstone.

Shortens casting speed for sorcery and incantations by the utmost, but increases damage taken.

Count Ymir was known for his recitations.
"One need only envision the romance of the stars above with adoration for stardust in one's heart to become a great sorcerer. Do so, and you will know love."

High Priest Hat

The hat of Count Ymir, High Priest. The circular design at the top represents the Greater Will and its lightless abyss, imparting increased intelligence and arcane to the wearer. Though Count Ymir instructed Rellana in the sorcerous arts, he abandoned his allegiance to the moon. "It was merely the closest of the celestial bodies. Nothing more."

High Priest Robe

Robe of Count Ymir, High Priest. Conceals the abundance of squirming beneath. Gold embroidery decorates the purple cloth, with a jewelled ruff that sparkles like a flower wet with dew.

High Priest Undergarments

Undergarments of Count Ymir, High Priest. Soft and well-tailored.

Hole-Laden Necklace

A pale-blue necklace made from a thin, elongated stone hollowed out from the inside. Use at a hallowed ruin to sound a hanging bell. It was a teaching of Count Ymir. The fate of the one who sounds the hanging bell will be guided by the stars.

Maternal Staff

Staff of Count Ymir, who made himself a Mother of Fingers.
Carried for want of tail-fingers of his own.
Enhances finger sorceries.

The crystal ball, though representative of a microcosm, would not receive any sign.


Dialogues Related to Count Ymir, Mother of Fingers

Count Ymir

  • Well. We don't often receive visitors. I am Ymir. Welcome, to Manus Metyr. It is a pleasure to have you. In lands so forsaken as these, chance encounters are precious indeed. Seeing that we have convened here on this day, allow me to mark the occasion with a modest offering. 
  • I, too, am a glintstone sorcerer. We study the stars, and examine the life therein. Are you familiar with our findings? Long ago, we began as stardust, born of a great rupture far across the skies. We, too, are children of the Greater Will. Is that not divine? Is that not sublime? ...and yet, none can fathom its implications, its utter brilliance!
  • Forgive me. I failed you. Failed to birth you whole. I was not ready to be your mother. But I can still stay here, nice and close. For now, my dear, sleep soundly…

Swordhand of Night, Jolan

  • I've no interest in small talk. My only concerns are the concerns of Count Ymir. And you are not among them.
  • Only, there is one thing I will say. Count Ymir's kindness is a gift. Should you cross him, you will sorely regret it.
  • Be gone, there is nothing more to say.



Count Ymir, Mother of Fingers Image Gallery

[screenshots and artwork go here]


Elden Ring Bosses
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    • Anonymous

      He's not a mother in the sense he is a woman. He's a mother in the sense that he can give birth to fingers.

      • Anonymous

        He might have gotten a better ending if he sought to become the FATHER of the fingers and marry Metyr to complete that nuclear family (along with ~100,000 of his wife's sons). His questline should have been preparing the wedding and making sure Metyr's cousin's don't show up to crash the wedding.

        • Anonymous

          This fight is indeed a little frustrating on low levels (15 +3/+1 weapon) with wrong setup.
          Did both Ymir and Jolan with Roar of Rugalea. Had to use everything to increase damage, including Godrick rune, Golden Order Seal + Intelligence and Faith Crystal Tears. This build required just 1 try.

          • Anonymous

            This is the representation of LGBTQIAPN+ community in a horror game...

            Still, it is nice to see that Miyazaki-kun gave always a representation of sexual minority in his game.

            Hmm??? Miquella? He is a GODDESS for sexual minority community, so Ymir is what we wanna be!

            • Kinda disappointed Ymir dropped so quickly. Int build, I used night comet from across the room, near the door to the grace. Ymir summoned two hands but nothing ever touched me. Jolan before him was pretty simple too. I used normal Moonveil attacks to break her, she got one attack in at most.

              • Anonymous

                I used comet azur against this boss just to see whether that would work. The dude didn’t even get to do anything apart from summoning this oversized hand. He just sat there getting blasted to oblivion

                • Anonymous

                  I was kinda nervous, but I went in there with Mohg's spear and he didn't even have a chance to summon more than twice. I killed him by spamming the AOW 4-5 times, he wasn't able to get a sorcery out or anything.

                  • Anonymous

                    this has got to be the most disturbing boss, not because he looks weird, but because he literally gives birth to giant hands in front of you and seems to partake pleasure in it

                    • Anonymous

                      Be careful with facing Anna while having runes after the first horn. I had 500k runes and lost to Anna then I couldn't get a rematch.

                      • Anonymous

                        It seems like they fixed the issue where he can teleport out of the arena and kill himself. Also if something funny happened, and your save reset to before fighting him, and you could no longer fight him to get his rewards, they seem to have fixed that too. It happened to me but I was able to fight him now.

                        • Anonymous

                          If someone hasn’t already, they should notify the devs that Ymir can teleport out of the arena and insta kill himself, make the fight rally anticlimactic and can even lock you out of his rewards if your game crashes after.

                          • Anonymous

                            Discovered that while he’s popping out those finger babies he is immune to being grabbed by Inescapable Frenzy. You’ll just scratch his face for a few damage as if he wasn’t an npc. Can be grabbed otherwise though. Also, it’s funny that they clearly learned from Gideon, he’s invincible during his monologue.

                            • Anonymous

                              The way he says 'My Shining star, grant me a mothers strength...' with the echo gave me a slight shiver down my spine

                              • Anonymous

                                Pure INT here this was the first boss I really enjoyed! What a blast. When he spawns dosed him with freezing mist/night mist. That was a quarter of his health right off the bat. Ran around misting more usually avoiding fingers. Was fun!

                                • Anonymous

                                  I just wandered into this questline. I had only met him once and just happened to find those horns in the finger ruins. Came back, he dumps some interesting lore on me. I sit at the grace. Go back to him to buy some cool new spell, suddenly I'm under the church fighting an eldritch being. Then I warp back to the church after beating that monstrosity only to be invaded by edgelord and then Ymir attacks me as he transitions. I'm so confused.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    It turns out that being strong VS Magic and strong VS Night Comet are two entirely different states of being.

                                    • This fight is harder than Metyr on low levels. (15 +3/+1) Mainly because you can't summon AND both Ymir and Jolan are IMMUNE to rot, robbing you of your main damage source. However, it is doable. It is a battle of attrition and a rather long fight bc you don't deal much dmg. I used poison great stars with stormcaller - frost is ok to chunk Jolan but is a trap against Ymir. Jolan you can beat rather easily, but stack defences (phys AND magical), for me she was a 3 shot. Beware the stance, you can stagger her out of it tho. Watch your stamina and you will kill her easily. Now, Ymir. Ymir is.. Weird. You gotta poison him and whack him, especially when he spawn fingercreepers, and then when he is poisoned run away and wait. IGNORE THE HANDS bc they are kinda docile and Ymir can spam you down from afar, his nail barrage hits hard and if you eat it all, it's a oneshot. Rinse and repeat when poison is up, between it and bleed procs it requires 3-4 iterations. Hide away behind the throne - there is a wall and a small corridor behind it, Ymir won't chase you down unlike Jolan. This fight is long, so equip golden land and mana dew talisman for Ymir. It saved me when I wasted all flasks. Good luck!

                                      • Anonymous

                                        i started the fight and he just... died on his own? I didn't get to fight him at all, not even damaged the finger creeper...

                                        • Anonymous

                                          I don’t understand. He literally gave me a map piece showing me the last bell and told me to find it. and went on about how the original mother was flawed. And then you kill her and I’ve apparently offended him? He practically asked me to do it. Am I misinterpreting this? Like girl this was YOUR idea?? I’m helping

                                          • Anonymous

                                            This fight was a good breather after the hog rider. Jolan softened my flasks up a lot and had to rely on taker's cameo and starlight shards to replenish, some things I rarely use. Had a lot of fun, good boss!

                                            • Anonymous

                                              my computer crashed after killing him for the first time, and now every time i kill jolan ymir doesnt spawn, the fog walls remain and i can teleport out to reinitiate the jolan invasion but ymir wont spawn

                                              • Anonymous

                                                I’d like to interpret this ending as the power of the mother somehow went to him as obv he cared for the little finger dudes, and therefore had an urge to kill us after we killled Metyr. Jolan joining in on him is mostly out of loyalty? I can see where people get confused though because you can totally miss going in there early and Ymir telling you to ignore what you saw when in fact, you cannot ignore what you saw to move his quest.

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  Don't understand why Ymir attacks us. What was the purpose of telling us the finger mother is corrupt other than to lead us to kill it? What was supposed to have happened when Ymir gave us the third map?

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    My fight bugged, I threw an explosive stone at the hand he summoned. After a few seconds he just died, health bar just went from 100 to 0. I don't think it had anything to do with the explosive stone though, I think he just clipped through a wall and fell to his death.

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      first npc boss in this dlc that doesnt have bloated stats hes fair and easy to beat. i felt kinda bad for him after his dialogues

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        I knew the second this man started speaking facts about Marika about and the state of the world...we're gonna kill him. I know you, Miyazaki. Sanity, brevity, or even a hint of companionship? No, says Miyazaki. Never change, FromSoft, never change.

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          Wiki stating you can only find them in the cathedral after defeating the mother of fingers, this is false, I have not defeated mother of fingers, yet Ymir is still here.

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