Count Ymir, High Priest

Location Cathedral of Manus Metyr
Role Merchant
Voiced by Matthew Gravelle

Count Ymir, High Priest is an NPC in Elden Ring. Count Ymir, High Priest is a High Priest who oversees the Cathedral of Manus Metyr. He sells a collection of spells that can be purchased with runes. He has a servant named Jolan, who can be summoned during certain fights after progressing his questline. Count Ymir, High Priest is an NPC exclusive to the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC and does not appear in the base game.

See Count Ymir, High Priest Lore


I am a glintstone sorcerer. We study the stars, and examine the life therein.


Count Ymir, High Priest Location in Elden Ring

Count Ymir, High Priest can be found at Cathedral of Manus Metyr


Elden Ring Count Ymir, High Priest Shop

Item Name Item Type runes currency elden ring wiki guide 18Purchase Value Stock
Glintstone Pebble Sorceries 1,000 Default
Great Glintstone Shard Sorceries 2,000 Default
Glintblade Phalanx Sorceries 2,500 Default
Carian Phalanx Sorceries 12,000 Default
Carian Retaliation Sorceries 9,000 Default
Miriam's Vanishing Sorceries 10,000 Default
Glintstone Nail Sorceries 12,000 After 1st Bell
Glintstone Nails Sorceries 12,000 After 1st Bell
Fleeting Microcosm Sorceries 20,000 After 2nd Bell


Count Ymir, High Priest Quest Objectives in Elden Ring


Elden Ring Count Ymir, High Priest Notes & Trivia

  • Lockout conditions for Count Ymir, High Priest's Quest:
    • Count Ymir, High Priest and Jolan's questlines are parallel to each other, some steps may be missed or locked out of progression. Check Jolan's page or our SOTE Walkthrough page if you want to learn more.
  • In some cases, Count Ymir, High Priest will go missing and not be seated on the throne which prevents you from progressing the quest. (We still need confirmation to see where he moves to but other players have reported that you will sometimes find him near Yuri's gravestone.) To continue your progress, you can redo your current objective (ring the bell in either Finger Ruins) to force him back on the throne. Doing this will allow you to complete the rest of the quest. 


Elden Ring Count Ymir, High Priest Questline Guide

Mother of Fingers

Count Ymir, High Priest, is found behind closed doors in Cathedral of Manus Metyr. When you first meet him, he will be surprised and give you the Ruins Map and Hole-Laden Necklace. The necklace is a key item used to ring a bell at a sacred ruin. Exhaust his dialogue, as he also acts as a merchant selling spells. He will mention a boy in the church and advise you to watch your step.

Using the Ruins Map, fast travel to the Finger Ruins of Rhia Site of Grace [Map Link]. Navigate carefully through Fingercreepers and leech-like enemies to reach the bell. Ringing it will grant you the Crimson Seed Talisman +1. Return to Count Ymir in the Cathedral of Manus Metyr to receive the second Ruins Map and Beloved Stardust.

path to ruins of rhia southern shore walkthrough elden ring dlc wiki guide 3

NOTE: You can find Jolan leaning against a pillar after ringing the first finger bell.

With the second map, fast travel to the Shadow Keep, Back Gate Site of Grace [Map Link]. Facing the entrance, go left to find a Summoning Pool and a room. Inside the room, read the message "Have mercy, For the spirited-away shamans" on the left. At the altar straight ahead, pick up the Scadutree Fragment and perform the O Mother Gesture in front of the altar to activate it.

NOTE: The O Mother Gesture can be found north of Bonny Village, in front of a headless statue. [See Shadow of the Erdtree Map Link]

Go through the hidden tunnel and you will find yourself at the Hinterlands.

AT THIS POINT - If you return to the Cathedral of Manus Metyr, Ymir will be ouside by Yuri's Grave. You can activate the switch under the throne and descend. You will be invaded by Anna, and can come back up and tell Jolan about it. Doing this seems to have no special effect on the questline and lets you get the Claws of Night earlier

BACK TO HINTERLANDS: On your way to the Finger Ruins of Dheo, you will encounter a lot of smaller enemies and 2 Tree Sentinels so you will need to be careful in this area. You can summon Jolan by interacting with her golden sign on the ground just before the first sentinel and get help for the boss. Once you reach the end, you can interact with the bell and you will be granted the Cerulean Seed Talisman +1. Return to the Cathedral of Manus Metyr and speak to Count Ymir, High Priest and he will reward you with the Ruins Map (3rd).

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With the third map, ask about the nature of the world, then reload the area, and Count Ymir will not be there. Make your way over to the throne you met Count Ymir, High Priest on, this time you can examine the throne. Interact with it to see it slide back and reveal a rope ladder, take the ladder down to reach the Finger Ruins of Miyr. Once you head down, NPC invader Swordhand of Night Anna will appear, defeat her and you will be rewarded with the Claws of Night.

NOTE: If you still see Count Ymir, High Priest on the throne, exhaust all dialogue with him and rest at the Site of Grace.

NOTE: Head back up and speak with Jolan about fighting Anna to gain more dialogue from her.

You will be able to find a few Finger Mimics scattered around the area, other than that, you can find the Finger-Weaver's Cookbook (2) on a body on the lower left walkway of the path. Nearing the bell, you can interact with the Summoning Pool to activate it and then interact with the hanging bell to teleport you to the Metyr Mother of Fingers arena. 

2miyr walkthrough er sote wiki guide 300px7miyr walkthrough er sote wiki guide 300px

Once you defeat Metyr Mother of Fingers you will be granted 420,000 Runes, and the Remembrance of the Mother of Fingers. You can then fast-travel back to the Cathedral of Manus Metyr and head back to the throne and interact with it once more to encounter another NPC invader named Swordhand of Night Jolan, defeat her and you will have to face Count Ymir, High Priest, Mother of Fingers. This is when Count Ymir, High Priest borrows the powers of Metyr to fight you. Defeat him and you will be granted the High Priest Armor Set that comes with the High Priest Hat, High Priest Robe, High Priest Gloves, and High Priest Undergarments, as well as Ymir's Bell Bearing and the Maternal Staff.

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At this point, you can head over to the graveyard in the west area of the Cathedral and pick up Cherishing Fingers. This is the end of Count Ymir, High Priest's questline. You can rest at the Site of Grace and enter the Cathedral and speak with Jolan who is now slumped over the pillar you normally see her leaning against. Speak with her to continue her questline.

Dialogue in Elden Ring: Count Ymir, High Priest


  • Well. We don't often receive visitors. I am Ymir. Welcome, to Manus Metyr. It is a pleasure to have you. In lands so forsaken as these, chance encounters are precious indeed. Seeing that we have convened here on this day, allow me to mark the occasion with a modest offering. [Hands over Hole-Laden Necklace and Ruins Map]
  • The map I gave you charts the site of a hallowed ruin. It is said that after sounding the hanging bell there... One's fate will be guided by the stars. I only wish to be of service. To help those who fight for their purpose. I'm not mistaken am I? I can see it in your eyes. You are a fighter are you not?
  • Is something the matter? I've given you a map to the hallowed ruin... Oh, I suppose you expect a lesson of me, do you. I know the feeling. Those with purpose are nothing if not ravenous... For power. For truth.

Ask about glintstone sorcery:

  • I, too, am a glintstone sorcerer. We study the stars, and examine the life therein. Are you familiar with our findings? Long ago, we began as stardust, born of a great rupture far across the skies. We, too, are children of the Greater Will. Is that not divine? Is that not sublime? ...and yet, none can fathom its implications, its utter brilliance!


  • Oh, yes. Do mind your feet around the church. You wouldn't want to hurt the little boy.
  • Is something the matter? Here to squeeze another lesson out of me?

Ask about the knight in black armor:

  • Ah, you met Jolán? Well, I hope that she behaved, at least. The poor girl has overcome grave misfortune. Her tongue can be sharp at the best of times, but don't think that makes her a bad person. Mm. It's no surprise her little sister too, has a heart of gold.

On return:

  • Oh my, you poor thing. Another bad dream, Yuri? Put that rotten thing out of your mind. That tangled mess can’t hurt you.

After blowing bell at Finger Ruins of Rhia:

  • Oh, there you are. The exalted timbre of the bell has reached these ears of mine. Gracious, the starry sky is wondrous tonight indeed. Only your fate shines brighter. Now, these are for you. (Gives Ruins Map (2nd) and Beloved Stardust)
  • Think nothing of it. I have made my decision to be of help. May the gleaming stars guide you evermore.
  • (Ask about the nature of the world) I fear that you have borne witness to the whole of it. The conceits – the hypocrisy – of the world built upon the Erdtree. The follies of men. Their bitter suffering. Is there no hope for redemption? The answer, sadly, is clear. There never was any hope. They were each of them defective. Unhinged, from the start. Marika herself. And the fingers that guided her. And this is what troubles me. No matter our efforts, if the roots are rotten, …then we have little recourse.
  • (Ask about Miquella) Ever-young Miquella saw things for what they were. He knew that his bloodline was tainted. His roots mired in madness. A tragedy if ever there was one. That he would feel compelled to renounce everything. When the blame... lay squarely with the mother. 

If the player blows the bell at the Finger Ruins of Dheo first:

  • Oh, there you are. The exalted timbre of the bell has reached these ears of mine. Gracious, the starry sky is wondrous tonight indeed. Only your fate shines brighter. But fate can be a strange thing indeed. The hanging bell you sounded was not the one on the map I gave you. The bell you found, was in fact, here. (Gives Ruins Map (2nd) and Beloved Stardust)
  • Please, take a second look at the original map. And may the gleaming stars guide you evermore.


  • Forgive me. I failed you. Failed to birth you whole. I was not ready to be your mother. But I can still stay here, nice and close. For now, my dear, sleep soundly…
  • I will return shortly. Please, allow the two of us a moment alone.

 Return after descending:

  • Hmm? Did you espy something unsightly, perchance? Well, put it out of your mind. The stars will reveal the truth, in time. Free yourself of any misconceptions, lest they bring woe upon the both of us.


  • Oh yes, I believe I can feel it brewing. This evening is a sign, of a greater night to come.

 After blowing bell at Finger Ruins of Dheo

  • Mm. Hello there. I heard another sound, coloured by your essence. Simply exhilarating, I must say. The stars are dark tonight. But rest assured, this is no ill omen. On the contrary, I believe that this portends a magnificent starry cascade. Now, thake this, my final gift to you. May you join the glimmering stars above. (Gives Ruins Map (3rd))
  • (Ask about the nature of the world) Do you recall what I said? That Marika, and the fingers that guided her, were unsound from the start. Well, the truth lies deeper still. It is their mother who is damaged and unhinged. The fingers are but unripe children. Victims in their own right. We all need a mother, do we not? A new mother, a true mother, who will not give birth to further malady.
  • May you join the glimmering stars above.

 After defeating Jolán:

  • My shining star. Grant me a mother’s strength. Look here. At my fingers. I will be the true mother. And I will be the only mother!
  • (Using Finger Spawn) My dear children!
  • (On player's death) I will be the true mother! Dear Yuri, dear Fingers!
  • (On defeat) Forgive me, Yuri. Truly, I be your mother…


Count Ymir, High Priest Lore






Lore Items Related to Count Ymir, High Priest


Beloved Stardust

A talisman depicting a wizened hand gently gripping a glintstone. Shortens casting speed for sorcery and incantations by the utmost, but increases damage taken. Count Ymir was known for his recitations. "One need only envision the romance of the stars above with adoration for stardust in one's heart to become a great sorcerer. Do so, and you will know love."

High Priest Hat

The hat of Count Ymir, High Priest. The circular design at the top represents the Greater Will and its lightless abyss, imparting increased intelligence and arcane to the wearer. Though Count Ymir instructed Rellana in the sorcerous arts, he abandoned his allegiance to the moon. "It was merely the closest of the celestial bodies. Nothing more."

High Priest Robe

Robe of Count Ymir, High Priest. Conceals the abundance of squirming beneath. Gold embroidery decorates the purple cloth, with a jewelled ruff that sparkles like a flower wet with dew.

High Priest Undergarments

Undergarments of Count Ymir, High Priest. Soft and well-tailored.

Hole-Laden Necklace

A pale-blue necklace made from a thin, elongated stone hollowed out from the inside. Use at a hallowed ruin to sound a hanging bell. It was a teaching of Count Ymir. The fate of the one who sounds the hanging bell will be guided by the stars.

Maternal Staff

Staff of Count Ymir, who made himself a Mother of Fingers.
Carried for want of tail-fingers of his own.
Enhances finger sorceries.

The crystal ball, though representative of a microcosm, would not receive any sign.


Dialogue Related to Count Ymir, High Priest

Swordhand of Night, Jolan

I've no interest in small talk. My only concerns are the concerns of Count Ymir. And you are not among them.

Only, there is one thing I will say. Count Ymir's kindness is a gift. Should you cross him, you will sorely regret it.

Be gone, there is nothing more to say.




Elden Ring NPCs
Abandoned Merchant Siofra River  ♦  Aeonian Spirit  ♦  Aeonian Swamp Spirit  ♦  Albinauric Village Spirit  ♦  Albus  ♦  Ashen Spirit  ♦  Aureliette  ♦  Blackguard Big Boggart  ♦  Blaidd  ♦  Bloody Finger Hunter Yura  ♦  Boc the Seamster  ♦  Brother Corhyn  ♦  Carian Manor Spirit  ♦  Church Of Pilgrimage Spirit  ♦  D's Twin Brother  ♦  D, Hunter of the Dead  ♦  Deathtouched Spirit  ♦  Diallos  ♦  Dragon Communion Priestess  ♦  Dryleaf Dane  ♦  Dung Eater  ♦  Eclipse Spirit  ♦  Edgar  ♦  Enia  ♦  Ensha  ♦  Erdtree Sanctuary Spirit  ♦  Fia  ♦  Finger Maiden Therolina  ♦  Fire Knight Queelign (NPC)  ♦  Frenzied Spirit  ♦  Frustrated Spirit  ♦  Gate Town Bridge Spirit  ♦  Gatekeeper Gostoc  ♦  Gideon Ofnir  ♦  Godwyn the Golden  ♦  Goldmask  ♦  Gowry  ♦  Grape Spirit  ♦  Gurranq Beast Clergyman  ♦  Hermit Merchant  ♦  Hornsent  ♦  Hornsent Grandam  ♦  Hyetta  ♦  Igon  ♦  Imprisoned Merchant  ♦  Irina  ♦  Iron Fist Alexander  ♦  Isolated Merchant Raya Lucaria  ♦  Isolated Merchants  ♦  Jar Bairn  ♦  Jolan  ♦  Kenneth Haight  ♦  Kingsrealm Spirit  ♦  Knight Bernahl  ♦  Laiedd Spirit  ♦  Latenna  ♦  Lionel the Lionhearted  ♦  Liurnian Highway Spirit  ♦  Liurnian Lake Spirit  ♦  Lost Snow Spirit  ♦  Master Lusat  ♦  Medallion Spirit  ♦  Melina  ♦  Merchant Kale  ♦  Millicent  ♦  Millicent's Sisters  ♦  Miquella  ♦  Miriel Pastor of Vows  ♦  Moore  ♦  Morne Spirit  ♦  Mushroom Spirit  ♦  Nanaya  ♦  Needle Knight Leda  ♦  Nepheli Loux  ♦  Nomadic Merchant Mohgwyn Palace  ♦  Nomadic Merchant West Altus Plateau  ♦  Nomadic Merchants  ♦  Patches  ♦  Phillia, Towering Little Sister  ♦  Pidia, Carian Servant  ♦  Preceptor Seluvis  ♦  Primeval Sorcerer Azur  ♦  Queen Marika  ♦  Ranni the Witch  ♦  Redmane Freyja  ♦  Renna  ♦  Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon (NPC)  ♦  Roderika  ♦  Rya  ♦  Rykard  ♦  Sanguine Noble (NPC)  ♦  Shabriri  ♦  Shaded Castle Spirit  ♦  Siofra River Spirit  ♦  Sir Ansbach  ♦  Smithing Master Hewg  ♦  Sorcerer Rogier  ♦  Sorceress Sellen  ♦  St. Trina  ♦  Stranded Graveyard Spirit  ♦  Study Hall Spirit  ♦  Tanith  ♦  The Gloam-Eyed Queen  ♦  The Great-Jar  ♦  Thiollier  ♦  Thops  ♦  Three Fingers  ♦  Tower of Return Spirit  ♦  Twin Maiden Husks  ♦  Two Fingers  ♦  Volcano Manor Spirit  ♦  Wandering Artist Spirit  ♦  War Counselor Iji  ♦  White Mask Varre  ♦  Windmill Spirit  ♦  Witch-Hunter Jerren

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    • Anonymous

      I'm glad to see not everyone fell for his lies. It is absolutely crazy how many just blindly takes as true a random guy who insists on "just wanting to be of help" while sending you to work in the Lamprey Convention for him.
      You can see with each bell you ring, he changes part of his view on things. If anything, this is one of the least trustful sources for any lore theory.

      • Anonymous

        The description of the Maternal Staff shows how he was delusional and ignorant. And his usage of puppets shows how much of a PoS he was, 2+2, he was using you to take down Metyr and put on a show for his “dolls” later.

        • Anonymous

          People seething about the possible implication of this character as if Fromsoft was sitting in their meeting room seriously pondering how to tackle the topic of transexuality. They just wanted to create the biggest freak the Shadow Lands have ever seen and I think they succeeded. Despite that, I found Ymir to be an awfully candid guy and the fact that he's effectively in a constant state of self-f*ngering just makes him that much more of a relaxed gentleman. I think we all have our vices and just because this guy likes to give birth to giant disembodied hands that try to kill you doesn't mean he's hurting anyone.

          • Anonymous

            The lore of this NPC is that you're character insists that Ymir doesn't have a womb and therefore cannot bear a child, angered by this, he tries to prove you wrong by giving male birth to fingers.

            • Anonymous

              I don't understand why he attacks me. He said the mother of fingers was unhinged, and that she was the source of Marika's and the fingers' imperfection. So by becoming the new mother of fingers, he could usher a new age ("no further malady")... So why is he angry that I killed the mother of fingers ?

              • Anonymous

                If we uses the dated term of mother (give birth to) then yeah they would be a mother since they literally give birth mid fight.

                • Anonymous

                  The amount of transphobic comments about a fictional character in a magical world with men fusing with snakes, people splitting into two people and those two people having kids, and a god who half brother is a dog with death powers is kinda insane NGL

                  • Anonymous

                    Why did he give me the map leading to the finger monster if he loved it so much ? What did he expect, that I would give it a big hug ?

                    • Anonymous

                      "I will be the TRUE mother... and I will be the ONLY MOTHER!”

                      Average dad two weeks after "I don't want a cat" and "I'm not a cat person, keep it away from me" type dialogue

                      • Anonymous

                        Im so glad that I can finally get the glintstone pebble sorcery that Ive been hearing so much about. I cant imagine what I would do if this npc didnt sell it!

                        • Anonymous

                          Something mysterious about this character seems to make him controversial in the fextralife community... not sure what it could be though

                          • Anonymous

                            If anything by killing the mother of fingers boss he now can finally be t"he only mother" he wanted to be
                            He should be grateful not angry

                            • Anonymous

                              Curse these games quests, I just wanted to hang with my bro Ymir and lady of the night Jolan for eternity is that so much to ask? They seem more chill than any other group in The Lands Between, so much so I wish there was a fingerprint ending. To hell with the erdtree, empyreans, poo-master, or fundamentalist chuds; bring forth the peace of the starlit night!

                              • Anonymous

                                genius game design michael zaki, lets make an entire area locked behind a statue that requires a gesture without leaving a single clue in the entire game about where to use the gesture. lets make the entire questline unable to be completed unless you either look at a wiki or dig through the game's code to notice it, amazing!

                                • Anonymous

                                  Ringed the bell, noticed that he wasn't on throne. I pressed the button and then accidentally fell into the abyss. No Anna's invasion, now Ymir ain't leaving his place. Great!

                                  • Anonymous

                                    I just absolutely love his voice. It's very soothing, similar to Ludleth from DS3. Definitely one of the NPCs I'll always listen to when doing their quest. I like Ymir but he's insane. Is he trying to become a mother of fingers to birth more of them so they will eventually start communicating with the greater will again or am I missing something?

                                    • Anonymous

                                      I blew the finger hole because you told me to and fought the giant fingermom because she started it. Wtf are you upset at me for?

                                      • Anonymous

                                        Be careful with facing Anna while having runes after the first hanging bell. I had 500k runes and lost to Anna then I couldn't get a rematch.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          I'm so incredibly confused by his whole questline. I listened to all of his dialogue, all of Jolan's dialogue, saw the grave outside, read the descriptions on the related items and I am still not really any closer to understanding what actually went down I came to this page looking for answers but it seems most people are just as confused as I am. At the very least I feel a bit better that I'm not the only one who didn't get it.

                                          • Anonymous

                                            Im surprised that the info isnt on the page that during the "Oh my, you poor thing. Another bad dream, Yuri? Put that rotten thing out of your mind. That tangled mess can’t hurt you." dialogue that Ymir is cradling a very small finger creeper like a baby in his arms.

                                            Either he has really latched on to this idea that this finger creeper is a replacement for a lost child named Yuri (since the grave for Yuri is outside and readable before this point)
                                            He really did give birth to this finger creeper, named it Yuri, and between this point and our next visit, it dies, and he buries it in the grave (as he is weeping at the grave after this visit, crying about the loss. Fromsoft may have just overlooked hiding the gave before this point in the quest)

                                            If the latter, then the finger creeper Yuri may have died as Ymir has yet to take the mother of fingers position, almost unable to sustain these creepers due to weakness. This is supported by the fact he can summon lively smaller fingers during the boss fight with him, that even live on after you kill him. And the "Tangled Mess" mentioned earlier may have been referencing the current mother of fingers, who is really just a tangled mess of fingers, and horrifyingly flawed in Ymirs opinion. It could be that Yuri, although born to Ymir, still felt the ties of the real mother of fingers, giving it nightmares, and that split origin may have helped lead to its death,

                                            • Anonymous

                                              Really underrated quest. Ymir himself brings so much to the table both in lore and in the new spells he sells. The finger ruins have such a unique vibe and look and feel so unnerving to go through (even though they’re admittedly empty beyond the quest). And having it all cap off with probably the biggest lore drop in the DLC with one of the most ****ed up disgusting bosses since Bloodborne is a great ending. Up there with Igon’s quest for sure.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                Who is Yuri? And why would Count Ymir want you dead after you kill the (supposedly damaged and unhinged) Mother of Fingers?

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  the ending invasion with Jolan and him as a boss did not happen until i went to go click on the button at the throne again, in case anyone is having the same issue. that's what fixed it

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    He has additional dialogue if you go to the second ruins when he's only given you the first map, and you haven't visited the first yet

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      Not surprised that a man that wanted to be a mom started to worship a phallus-looking alien.

                                                      Even Miyazaki low-key roasted him lol.

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        I discovered something about the interjection point after getting the 2nd map. The part where this page says you can go back to the church and ymir is outside mourning amd you can open the throne to fight Anna can be bugged, at least for me it was. I discovered it amd went down and tried to fight her but died and when I spawned back in ymir was back on the throne and it was closed so I lost my runes down there with no way to get them back unless I manage to go through and complete the 2nd ruin and keep progression going for their quest line all without dying ever just to get them back. It wasn't anything I can't farm back fast enough but I figured I'd let people know so you don't stumble upon it and lose your runes as well.

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          Ymir is very easy to defeat. Just use Sacred Relic Sword's Wave of Gold one after another and he and his creeper fingers will be dead in no time.

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            I do not understand what he was expecting me to do with the big finger alien thing....

                                                            Why so mad in the end?

                                                            I genuinely do not get it...

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              there's the incoherent writing I was hoping for, peak souls quest design. not sure what I was supposed to do with your giant finger alien but I'm sorry it upset you I guess

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                I'm starting to think the leading the glintstone sorcerer community has a problem with prominent figures being or becoming predators

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  Ymir tried to touch me. What is it with the DLC and touching me. Like Miquella is already miquellesting me.

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    "Marika and her order are obsolete and corrupt. We need to remove the system she's created..."
                                                                    "Hell yeah Ymir"
                                                                    "...and replace it with fingers"

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      FromSoftware Logic: NPC gives you final quest, you do the quest, he wants to kill you. What is happening???

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        I used the summon, could not do anything besides leaving, now Ymir is on the throne and nothing happens, is it bugged?

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          after doing O Mother gesture you have to sit at grace in new area before heading back to the Church if you want to trigger throne early.

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            There is a switch on Ymir's throne you can trigger when he isn't there. It opens a path to a ladder. At the bottom, NPC "Anna" invaded but I went back to not kill her. Had to quit to end without fighting because she went after me for a very long time. Then Ymir was back on his seat and mentionned something like: if I found something unusual, I should forget it and move along.

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              I went to Hinterland and ringed the bell before meeting him for the first time, when I meet him, he gave me Ruins Map (1st) and then Ruins Map (2nd), but now I can't proceed his quest. With 2nd map as written here I have to reach Hinterland and ring the bell, but I already did this, and I can't do it again. Any solutions?

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                Guy gets mad for doing exactly what he told us to do and trys to kill us. Why is everyone in souls like this?

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  After you investigate the gravestone outside and exhaust the dialogue of Ymir and Jolan, Ymir will have a small talk about Yuri, but I'm not quite sure how it triggers.
                                                                                  To me, it is teleporting to the Cathedral, enter the hall Ymir sitting and exit the game then re-enter.

                                                                                  And Ymir will briefly leave his throne after you ring the bell in the Finger Ruins of Rhia and exhaust Ymir's and Jolan's dialogue, and then taking a rest at site of grace. He is then near the gravestone of Yuri.

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    Man, I wish they made the maps he gives you bigger--it doesn't have to be clearer as they're going for a weathered look. It's hard enough to read the map, but I feel like I have to take a screenshot or look up what landmark I need to go to.

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      Wait will this mess up his quest if you ring the bell below his throne? Before you do the 2nd location of the bell?

                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                        it doesn't matter what order you ring the first two bells in oddly enough. He'll still give you the maps in that order.

                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                          Read this if you had problems with Ymir going back on his throne :
                                                                                          In my playthrough, I went to Finger Ruins of Rhia, interacted with the bell and then I talked to Ymir, exhausted his dialogues. He gifted me the 3rd map, I bought his new sorceries and went under his throne right after taking a rest at grace. I got invaded, defeated the invader but then couldn't interact with the bell. I went back up, I exhausted the other npc's dialogues, then I rested, he was back on his throne.
                                                                                          I thought I was f**cked. I continued my playthrough. I eventually reached the Finger Ruins of Dhao, interacted with the Bell there and then went back to Ymir, again he gave me the same dialogues as the first time I interacted with a bell and another 3rd map....bought microcosm from him and could go under his throne again right after taking a rest at grace. I was able to interact with the bell down there this time and fight the boss.
                                                                                          Hope this helps.

                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                            I got him to move off the throne, I went down the ladder, I killed the invader but I did not start the boss fight, I teleported back to the site of grace and now he is back sitting on the throne and I can not access the ladder... is this a glitch????

                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                              Killed Jolan, then killed Ymir, but he killed me as well
                                                                                              After respawn throne was activable again, Jolan invaded me again, but after her death Ymir did not appear, as well as fog wall did not disappear. Restart doesn't fix this, travelling to another site of grace too(

                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                Is there a way to make him leave again? I accidentally fell down the ladder and now he's sitting on the throne

                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                  Anyone else notice that this guy seems to be thematically linked to Sage Gowry? They’re opposites yet kinda the same

                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                    This NPC will NOT leave until you've exhausted all dialogue. You have to ask him about the nature of the world, Marika, Miquella, etc.

                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                      After he gave me the 3rd map, I reteleport to the cathedral grace and visited the graveyard where his child is buried in and he's talking to it.

                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                        I got killed by anna when i was invaded by her, how can i trigger ymir to leave his throne? I tried quitting the game and it doesn't work, do i need to quit the game at a specific time of the day? Or i ****ed up the quest?

                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                          I accidentally rolled and fell down the damn stairs. Respawned and Ymir is back on the throne. Will I get another chance to go back down there?!

                                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                                            Honestly pretty disappointed this is another one of those quests that ends in 'kill everyone involved'.

                                                                                                            The game doesn't even try and give us a reason for this one - we do everything the guy asks, he's friendly and helpful and then suddenly we're trying to murder eachother. To make matters worse the game tries to make you feel like an ******* for it when we don't get any context as to what anyone's motivation is here.

                                                                                                            Would've been better if we could've just left him to happily be the new 'mother' and could just hang out and learn spells/discuss lore with him. Feels like they awkwardly grafted together two different quest outcomes into one.

                                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                                              After the first ruin, After speaking to count ymir and obtaining thé second map, if you rest at the site of grace, ymir will leave its throne to go to the cemetary and you can open it to go downstairs

                                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                                I started this quest when i was at the grace before the final boss, so it isnt locked out when you burn the tree

                                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                                  So, after finishing this questline I gotta ask, why did he even make us blow those bells in the first place? And then fight that creature just to get upset when we kill it and attack us?

                                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                                    Favorite new npc god he's so weird. .... The first interaction where he asks you to be careful because of the boy roaming around, looking into the graveyard to see that note, and finding him cradling those fingers the next time.... What even

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