Cragblade |
Skill that manipulates gravity. Bury the armament in the ground, pulling rocks from the earth to reinforce it. Increases attack power and makes it easier to break enemy stance.
Cragblade is a Skill in Elden Ring. Cragblade is a regular skill that can be found in Ashes of War, can be used on melee armaments (Whips excepted). Updated to Patch 1.08. Cragblade has Heavy Affinity
How to get Cragblade in Elden Ring
- Obtained by killing a Teardrop Scarab in Caelid, located to the west of Impassable Greatbridge Site of Grace, near the sword monument. Elden Ring Map Link.
Elden Ring Cragblade Guide, Notes & Tips
- This is an Ash of War Skill, associated with the Ash of War: Cragblade.
- FP Cost: 16 on use.
- This Skill is not Chargeable
- Both of this Skill's attacks can be Parried
- Upon activation, the user slams their armament (weapon) to the ground, then briefly uses gravity magic to encase the striking end of the armament in stone, before pulling it out from the ground.
- This provides a temporary weapon buff.
- The user is able to turn and "aim" when slamming the weapon to the ground, and when pulling it out.
- Both motions (Slam and Pull) deal damage if an enemy is close enough to the user.
- They also consume stamina separately.
- The buff increases physical attack power by 15%, Stance damage by 10%, and stamina damage against a blocking enemy by 50%
- The Weapon Buff lasts for 60 seconds.
- Buff is only applied to the weapon when pulling it out of the ground. If the user is interrupted before that, the FP will be consumed, but the buff will not be applied.
- If used without FP:
- The weapon buff is not applied.
- Deals reduced damage.
- Consumes 30% more stamina on use.
Note: This Skill was changed with Patch 1.07 as follows:
- Effect duration has been extended from 30 to 60 seconds.
- Physical Attack Power buff has been increased from 10% to 15%.
- Stamina Attack Power against guarding enemies has been increased from 20% to 50%.
- Stance damage buff has been increased from 10% to 20%.
Note: This Skill was changed with Patch 1.08 as follows:
- Poise Damage has been reduced for Weapon Arts, dropping this buff back down to 10%.
Builds & Videos for Cragblade in Elden Ring
- Anonymous
I like to think that Havel smiles down on me whenever I use this ash...
- Anonymous
It should just add a stone texture on top not a bunch of pokey clumps
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
One of the best uses of this is when you do a parry run on a boss, royal knight resolve is cool and strong but the animation is too long and you cant get the reposte on most late game enemies and bosses, but this adds that 15% extra damage and when you crit it just chunks enemy health bars, especially when used with the executioner greataxe
If I’m power stancing Greataxes and primarily using jump attacks, should I use this or War Cry?
If I am power standing two Greataxes and primarily using jumping attacks: this or war cry?
If I’m powerstancing two big weapons and primarily using jumping attacks, should I choose this or War Cry? I’m starting to lean towards this.
- Anonymous
This also makes crystalians take full damage before being stance broken, so you can just R1 spam them in like 5 seconds. Why is this not mentioned in this page? Its a pretty important part of the this ash imo.
- Anonymous
Braggart's Roar: +10% damage, +10% defense, and +20% stamina regen. 2H heavy attacks become combo attacks.
Cragblade: +15% damage, +damage to block, +stance damage.
Before you consider using Cragblade, check out Braggart's Roar first. They're similar, in that each skill gives an override-able weapon buff that increases damage. Though, as one commenter points out, it's possible that the +stance damage portion of Cragblade is currently bugged. I cannot confirm this myself at the moment.
But consider what Braggart's Roar *really* gives you! Do you want more stamina damage to shields and good stance damage? Well, BOTH skills presented actually give you the same thing! The tradeoff is that you want to use 2H heavy attacks to get the stamina/stance damage that you want. That's what Braggart's Roar truly offers you - the chance to use your poise to tank hits while still swinging away. It even grants a bit of defense to help you poise through attacks and survive. So in my humble opinion, there are two separate use cases here:
Cragblade for players that prefer to use light attacks or basic heavy attacks. Dodge and weave strikes as normal!
Braggart's Roar for players willing to use 2H heavies. The enemy can't recover their stance damage if you keep hitting them, so don't let their own attacks keep you from attacking! Keep up the pressure and just keep swinging away.
Also, a bonus tip for people looking into stance-breaking. Use throwing knives to keep enemy stances from recovering, because even 1 point of poise damage resets the timer. Even the Fan Daggers deal a tiny smidgen of poise damage, and they're very likely to hit any enemy, including ones that often dodge projectiles.
- Anonymous
This Art is clearly bugged on the current version, or is having some kind of bizarre interaction with the Bell-Bearing Hunter.
I was fighting the second Bell-Bearing Hunter in Liurnia, and I decided to go for a charged heavy build for once. Greatsword, Cragblade, Axe Talisman and Spiked Crystal Tear.
Was doing 500 damage per hit at the start. I was dying over, and over, and over again because I was somehow just never getting staggers. In one fight, in about a 25 second attempt, I landed two fully charged heavies, two jump heavies and a roll poke and no stagger. In a very short window.
Eventually I gave up and switched to a different build, using Endure and defense (Greatshield Talisman and Crimsonspill for health regen so he couldn't two-shot me).
I land two charged heavies and a rolling poke...and I stagger him. 150 less damage per charged heavy and zero jump heavies, no weapon buff.
I landed three staggers in that one fight. I didn't get a single stagger over six attempts with Cragblade, including the one I mentioned where I managed to land two charged heavies, two jump heavies and a poke.
Something is clearly ****ed up here, because Cragblade is meant to raise your posture damage, and that is obviously not actually occurring as intended.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Does this stack with the Stonebarb Cracked Tear? I ask because if so, I can reach ~106 Poise Damage with a Curved Sword, which sounds completely ridiculous.
- Anonymous
Unlike bleed where faster weapons are better, this buff is better used on slower weapons with higher AR. Best bang for your buck for your 15% physical damage buff.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
This is very good on claws but makes it look like you are punching enemies with giant sh1t logs
- Anonymous
It'd be sensible but probably overpowered if this buff changed your damage type to Strike. Imagine, covering your Uchigatana with rocks and being able to efficiently clobber Skeletons and Imps (strong vs slash, weak vs strike). It'd be broken, but it'd make sense given the visuals of this skill.
- Anonymous
Good skill, completes my build of rock spells and rock weapons.
- Anonymous
What’s the difference between poise damage and stance damage? Are these two used interchangeably on this wiki?
- Anonymous
Use this on the caestus and poise-break the sht out of everyone with each r2
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
YouTuber Chrightt confirmed the poise damage buff was reduced back to 10%. They apparently didn't like how cracked your stance breaking potential could get with weapons like great and colossal hammers.
- Anonymous
1.08 nerfed the stance damage buff. I wonder if they just reset it to the pre-1.07 amount, or if they settled on something in between?
- Anonymous
1.07 notes at the bottom are wrong. it's a 15% physical AR increase.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Wow this bad boy is the definitive ooga booga AoW buff for colossal weapons. 20% boost to physical and stance damage. Helped me beat a few Dragonbarrow bosses at low level. And even if I basically had 0 int, I slapped a Cold affinity to my Zwei+8 which procced surprisingly well enough. Godskin Apostle was always on his knees, getting riposted and frozen. Damage was no problem, but well those black flames were a whole different story
- Anonymous
Wish this thing increased Stance Damage by 50-100%, Not like it'll effect PVP. At least it makes the thing viable on smaller weapons to stance break enemies.
- Anonymous
Is it buffed by Shard of Alexander or any other talisman in any capacity?
- Anonymous
Cragblade now is really, REALLY good. Throw this on an collosal and use barricade shield and go nuts with hyperarmor guardcounters
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Finally after patch, it definitely feels worth running. Braggarts roar is better, because of stamina and defense, but this one will definitely be more viable now. Unga bunga
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
If you like ashes that buff your weapon try this, my new favorite. Don't know how optimal it is, but the animation is very satisfying.
- Anonymous
If I slap this on a weapon with split damage, does it increase all damage or just the physical portion?
- Anonymous
Puting this skill on anything with a quick double-hit in its moveset makes it much more effective. I love this thing or Rogier’s Rapier.
- Anonymous
it does do extra guard damage. just a little bit, maybe around 1.25x. nothing compared to royal knights resolve, which was about 5x more stamina damage. what the hell.
- Anonymous
WARNING: do NOT use it on cross naginata! Viewer discretion advised
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Something of note, it would appear that you only get the buff if you pull the weapon out, but it takes your FP at the start of the attack
- Anonymous
I know stance breaking is really good for pve, but does this have pvp benefits besides non split damage buff, more stam damage to blockers maybe? Hard to test
With 80 strength, this buff takes a +25 Heavy Giant Crusher from 878 ar 1-handed / 947 2-handed to 966 ar 1h and 1042 2h.
Lightning Armament with 80str / 15 fth and +25 Clawmark Seal gets it to 962 ar 1h and 1031 2h, so it is slightly better but 1/3 the duration.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
The buff Duration is 27Seconds when you can move again.
Idk how to extend that.
Unsure how the extra damage is calculated but will do tests on this.