Dryleaf Seal

dryleaf seal unique elden ring shadow of the erdtree dlc wiki guide 200px
attack power elden ring wiki guide 18Attack
Phy 25
Mag 0
Fire 0
Ligt 0
Holy 0
Crit 100
Inc 172
guarded damage negation elden ring wiki guide 18Guard
Phy 25
Mag 15
Fire 15
Ligt 15
Holy 15
Boost 15
attribute scaling elden ring wiki guide 18Scaling
Str E
Fai C
attributes required elden ring wiki guide 18Requires
Str 8
Fai 27
Sacred Seal Strike
No Skill FP -
Wgt. 1.5 passive effects elden ring wiki guide 18Passive: Boosts Ring Incants

Dryleaf Seal is a Sacred Seal in Elden Ring. It is found in the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. The Dryleaf Seal scales primarily with Strength and Faith and is a good Weapon for Faith casters wanting to use rings of light incantations and benefit from its powerful scaling. 


Sacred seal of the spiritual seekers known as the Dryleaf Sect.
Enhances incantations which conjure golden rings of light.

Those who saw the decline of the Erdtree in the fallen leaves long ago braced themselves for the weakening of Order, and embraced a strict faith. And then, they made to serve a new god.


Where to Find Dryleaf Seal in Elden Ring

The Dryleaf Seal weapon can be found at the following location:

  • Found on a ledge under a cave guarded by gravebirds in the area under Bonny Village. You can only reach this section by going through the secret passage in Shadow Keep and using the coffin there to transport to Ruins of Unte via Castle Watering Hole. From Ruins of Unte, make your way to the Recluses' River Upstream site of grace, then ride south along the cliffs. Cross the chasm and continue onwards, making your way to a small graveyard guarded by grave-birds. Near the ledge there is a game-message which indicates the point to drop down to find this item. [Elden Ring Map]


Elden Ring Dryleaf Seal Notes & Tips


Videos in Elden Ring for Dryleaf Seal

  • Videos for the Dryleaf Seal Coming Soon


Dryleaf Seal Upgrades in Elden Ring

Please see the Upgrades page to understand the weapon bolstering process.

Requires regular reinforcement with Smithing Stone [1]Smithing Stone [2]Smithing Stone [3]Smithing Stone [4]Smithing Stone [5]Smithing Stone [6]Smithing Stone [7]Smithing Stone [8], and Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Dryleaf Seal Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Standard 25 - - - - 20 E - - C - - 25 15 15 15 15 15 10
Standard +1 25 - - - - 20 E - - C - - 25 15 15 15 15 15 10
Standard +2 26 - - - - 21 E - - B - - 25 15 15 15 15 15 10
Standard +3 27 - - - - 22 E - - B - - 25 15 15 15 15 15 10
Standard +4 28 - - - - 23 E - - B - - 25 15 15 15 15 15 10
Standard +5 28 - - - - 24 E - - B - - 25 15 15 15 15 15 10
Standard +6 29 - - - - 24 E - - B - - 25 15 15 15 15 15 10
Standard +7 30 - - - - 25 E - - B - - 25 15 15 15 15 15 10
Standard +8 31 - - - - 26 E - - B - - 25 15 15 15 15 15 10
Standard +9 31 - - - - 27 D - - B - - 25 15 15 15 15 15 10
Standard +10 32 - - - - 28 D - - A - - 25 15 15 15 15 15 10
Standard +11 33 - - - - 28 D - - A - - 25 15 15 15 15 15 10
Standard +12 34 - - - - 29 D - - A - - 25 15 15 15 15 15 10
Standard +13 34 - - - - 30 D - - A - - 25 15 15 15 15 15 10
Standard +14 35 - - - - 31 D - - A - - 25 15 15 15 15 15 10
Standard +15 36 - - - - 32 D - - S - - 25 15 15 15 15 15 10
Standard +16 37 - - - - 32 D - - S - - 25 15 15 15 15 15 10
Standard +17 37 - - - - 33 D - - S - - 25 15 15 15 15 15 10
Standard +18 38 - - - - 34 D - - S - - 25 15 15 15 15 15 10
Standard +19 39 - - - - 35 D - - S - - 25 15 15 15 15 15 10
Standard +20 40 - - - - 36 D - - S - - 25 15 15 15 15 15 10
Standard +21 40 - - - - 36 D - - S - - 25 15 15 15 15 15 10
Standard +22 41 - - - - 37 D - - S - - 25 15 15 15 15 15 10
Standard +23 42 - - - - 38 D - - S - - 25 15 15 15 15 15 10
Standard +24 43 - - - - 39 D - - S - - 25 15 15 15 15 15 10
Standard +25 43 - - - - 40 D - - S - - 25 15 15 15 15 15 10



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    • Anonymous

      This is about the best we'll get in terms of a seal to accompany a dex build. Having the seal be front loaded is great for low level faith investment. At 36 faith i have about 234 incant scaling, which is not fantastic by any means for overall offensive incants unless you use up a talisman slot or two and maybe a physick slot to boost an elemental damage type of your choosing. I run a lightning focused dex build and then with this seal I'm able to use heal spells with good returns (unlike Frenzy Seal, etc) and some lightning incants as well to make use of the lightning tear. Overall a very solid seal for low level faith investment. If you at all intend to go past 50 faith, it gets beat right away at 51, but for pretty much everything under 50, this is your go to. Underrated.

      • Anonymous

        The scaling is so poor that it's not really worth using two of these in NG+. Better to have one in your offhand and cast with a high scaling seal like the golden order one.

        • Anonymous

          At 70 faith, Erdtree Seal has 313 incant scaling, while Dryleaf has 289.

          At 71 faith, Erdtree Seal has 317 scaling, while Dryleaf has 290.

          At 72 faith, Erdtree Seal has 321 scaling, Dryleaf 292.

          It's like this seal hits a snag and stops scaling up as well, and barely beats out Erdtree only when casting its specific specialty, which isn't much. Fire Knight seal doesn't have this problem, it keeps scaling up fine. It seems as if this seal wants to budget around a mildly lower faith level, possibly one that's going a little heavier on endurance and mind than just pure faith. Perhaps a seal for the Flame Art/Sacred user, as faith infusions stop scaling as well as early as 50 faith.

          I don't think that necessarily makes it a bad seal, and Multilayered Rings of Light is among the stronger pure holy spells if someone wants to build around it. Instead of hitting 80 faith with it, you settle for 60, and bam, 20 more levels to dump into mind, to hit the str/dex requirements and endurance demands of a Fire Knight Greatsword or Blasphemous Blade.

          • Anonymous

            The other seals are rounded and smooth, but this one looks all spiky and pointy. It must really hurt to hold this in a clenched hand during a brawl..

            • Anonymous

              This thing is busted for low level faith users. As one poster noted, 40 FAI is the high point before the GS takes hold but until then it outperforms everything BUFFS INCLUDED so just use this

              • Anonymous

                This soft-caps at 40 faith with 244 incant scaling. No other seal scales this way, so it probably has its own curve like the Demi-Human Queen's Staff.

                • Anonymous

                  Not a bad seal use on my int faith Golden order & Gravaty build. Use in off hand a d cast with golden order, and for gravity Metiorite staff in off hand a d cast with prince of death works absolutely fantastic. Plus I use the new buffed Rellanas cameo with my sword of night and flame for some amazing comet and fire damage this build destroyed all bosses on my NG 7 run

                  • Anonymous

                    Best pure faith seal between 27 and 50 faith. Perfect for weapon buffs or heals that scale only with faith. Also it allows you to use some of the best buffs in the game. Even if you are pure melee build this is super usefull.

                    • Anonymous

                      Should be buffed to around 320 scaling at 80 fth. No reason fire knight seal is like 330 while this barely gets 300.

                      • Anonymous

                        I just love how it looks and I'm gonna make a "golden" faith build (despite holy dmg being bad against many bosses) because of it. Who else? Lol

                        • Anonymous

                          Loving this seal for my disciple of gold build. I only have enough int to use discus with goldmask/holy scorpion/dryleaf/erdtree seal and depending what im up against i do upwards to 1700x2 dmg with it. Going to test out with double seals once i start a ng+ as it should surpass erdtree seal then.

                          • Anonymous

                            I'm at 80 faith. Erdtree seal +10 does 954 dmg. Dryleaf seal +25 does 943 dmg while using Multilayered rings of light. So Erdtree seal is still stronger.

                            • Anonymous

                              FromSoftware be like: Damn these Int/Fth Incantations are cool, lets add a new Incantation of this type that only requires Fth and a Seal that boost Int/Fth Incantations but only scales off Faith.

                              • Anonymous

                                The part about the Circlet of Light is now wrong with the recent patch since it only boosts Light of Miquella now.

                                • Anonymous

                                  I think that this could instead, be a seal that boosts servants of rot incantations or even crucible incantations, like bro we already got the golden order seal that boost those same incantations (minus multilayared rings of light). I get it that you don't need to spend points to int to make Golden order incantations good but you still need to meet the spell requirements. wasted potential imo

                                  • Anonymous

                                    So is this now better for rings than the golden order seal? Because to use all the rings you'd need to spec into int anyway, a stat that the GO uses for damage despite having a 5% less ring boost than dryleaf

                                    • Anonymous

                                      Despite not giving Light of Miquella a desperately-needed boost, still pretty good. Barely trails behind Godslayers' in incant scaling while boosting a spell that honestly doesn't need it.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        The seal now says "Boosts golden ring of light incantations" Is this Fromsoft's way of telling us that we wont be able to buff Light of Miquella with this seal?? PLEASE FROMSOFT LET US HAVE THE BUFF PLEASE

                                        • Anonymous

                                          Description now reads:

                                          Sacred seal of the spiritual seekers known as the Dryleaf Sect. Enhances incantations which conjure golden rings of light.

                                          Those who saw the decline of the Erdtree in the fallen leaves long ago braced themselves for the weakening of Order, and embraced a strict faith. And then, they made to serve a new god.

                                          • Anonymous

                                            It’s bugged, so it doesn’t give the 15% bonus in pvp (like the golden order seal); if fixed, it could optimize golden order builds.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              As a Golden Order Seal enjoyer, I’m really liking what I’m seeing here about the but hole seal in relation to the golden order incants. Tbh haven’t even got this seal on my int faith hybrid and the kit already slaps so I bet this will just be that much cooler.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                If you are still needing to get a 2nd Dryleaf seal, the golden order will stack with the Dryleaf for some of these as well

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  It does not buff Light of Miquella and NEVER WILL.
                                                  without any buff , Light of Miquella already hit more than half of player health.
                                                  if you add +15% from helm , +15% x 2 from seal , it will oneshot any player in game at very far range.
                                                  dont forget another +20% from sword of light , +7.5% from vows , +15% from physics.

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    This seal is very good at around 40-50 faith, especially with healing incantations.
                                                    I’m using it fully upgraded at 42 faith (just enough to use Erdtree Heal) and each cast restores 1434 HP. Tested against other fully upgraded seals, Godslayer came in second at 1343 HP, and Erdtree seal in third at 1243 HP.
                                                    Given that it also boosts Discus of Light and Multilayered Ring of Light (both very good incantations), this seal is perfect for any pseudo-faith build that uses just enough faith, rather than just putting in 80 and calling it a day.
                                                    Personally I’m living the dream with this at 42 faith and a max possible HP build. My condolences to those who wanted a dex/fth seal though.

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      This seal is bugged at every point. The scalings don't work, it doesn't boost Light of Miquella (same for the circlet that directly states it does). Also, DLC item that is only useful at low level, very good joke...

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        -Boosts Radagon's rings of light
                                                        -Doesn't boost Light of Miquella

                                                        Yeah ok FromSoft, if it it to blatently lie in the descriptions you can stop making games...

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          Strength Scaling of D?

                                                          +25 Dryleaf Seal
                                                          27 Faith, 10 Strength, 212 Incant Scaling
                                                          27 Faith, 99 Strength, 212 Incant Scaling

                                                          80 Faith, 10 Strength, 304 Incant Scaling
                                                          80 Faith, 99 Strength, 304 Incant Scaling

                                                          This literally doesn't even scale with Strength. FromSoft please fix your spaghetti code. Extremely disappointing.

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            nice, a seal optimized for low Faith levels and it's locked behind Shadow Keep! make those twinks work for it (unless they've got access to multiple accounts)

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              Why are the group of kung fu guys who are all about being self-disciplined and self-sufficient tied to the one god who is DEFINED by relying on/manipulating others?

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                two of these, with miquellas crown, sword of light buff, and a holy buff in your flask, actually does really decent damage at mid level. Spells are usually pretty underwhelming at lower levels until your scaling really kicks in, but you can use discus and multilayered rings of light to have two good options that do really respectable damage on a holy-themed build. Unfortunately, of course, half the items you need for this are all super end-game, which defeats the point. So holy builds are still screwed over by Fromsoft.

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  So...why exactly does it boosts Radagon's Rings of Light?Discus and triple rings, okay, they were created by Miquella. But Radagon's Rings of Light were created by Radagon, it's literally named after him.

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    I can confirm that this beats the godslayers seal at low faith. At 30 fth the incant scaling is at 220 vs 191 for the godslayer. Weapon buffs are stronger as well confirming it's from faith

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      Use this with Golden Order Seal. Golden Order Seal is still the best seal for faith/int caster (even at low int). If you like holy based incant which you should use if you equip this seal, you have to invest in a few point of Int for Discus of Light and Triple Ring of Light anyway so at those threshold the Golden Order Seal is just outclassing everything else. And you get double boost from Golden Order Seal and Dry Leaf Seal and remember to cast spell using the one with higher Incant Boost (which should be the Golden Order).

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        just a friendly reminder, holy damage is bugged in pvp where most boosts like this seal boosting miquella incants don't work and it does normal damage instead, so if you were hoping to use it to boost the spells for pvp just use erdtree and cry knowing you can't do more damage than the scaling itself

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          At 60 Str, 79 Fth, and 58 Arc a +9 Dragon Communion seal does more damage when casting Multilayered Rings of Light than a +25 Dryleaf Seal. Sad.

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            Seems to be the highest scaling pure faith seal up until 51 faith, at which point it gets outclassed by Godslayer's Seal

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              This seems to also boost boosts Discus of Light, Triple Rings of Light, Multilayered Ring of Light and Radagon's Rings of light.

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                This seems to also boost boosts Discus of Light, Triple Rings of Light, Multilayered Ring of Light and Radagon's Rings of light.

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  This seems to also boost boosts Discus of Light, Triple Rings of Light, Multilayered Ring of Light and Radagon's Rings of light.

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    How much % does this thing add? You can pair it together with Circlet of Light to maximize Miquella's incants, sadly there are only 2 of Miquella's incant.

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      All seals in the DLC need instant scaling buff, it's just too low even with S scaling in Faith. Since we enter DLC after completing 2/3 of the main game, I don't see why we can't get some bigger damage output from the seals.

                                                                                      • This is ideal for using with Flame Art infused Fire Knight Greatsword at 22 strength/50 faith and RL125/150. Of course, Erdtree Seal or even Clawmark will be better for higher levels of stats investments.

                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                          I’m playing a str/faith build, at level 155 right now - 42 str and 50 faith. At +24, this is giving me 254 incant scaling, which is still markedly worse than the clawmark seal at +24, which gives me 277 incant scaling. It’s possible that the frenzied flame seal would be better than either but I genuinely don’t know how to do the math and haven’t upgraded it yet. Regardless, it doesn’t seem worth it, even for a strength/faith build. Kinda disappointing

                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                            Also boosts: 'Discus of Light', 'Triple Rings of Light' and 'Rings of Radagon'.
                                                                                            Stacks with Circlet of Light and Golden Order Seal.

                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                              80 faith and max erdtree+dryleaf seal and was doing 4.6k damage on intitial hit to ghostflame dragons head

                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                This also seems to increase the damage of golden order incantations as well as the Miquella exclusive ones. Damage is 15% (versus the golden order seal's 10%).

                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                  This seems to be the new best sacred seal at 50FTH or lower, then it falls off hard. Here are some incant scaling numbers vs. Godslayer's and Erdtree:

                                                                                                  27FTH: Dryleaf 212 / Godslayer's 181
                                                                                                  35FTH: Dryleaf 232 / Godslayer's 207
                                                                                                  40FTH: Dryleaf 244 / Godslayer's 224
                                                                                                  50FTH: Dryleaf 259 / Godslayer's 257
                                                                                                  60FTH: Dryleaf 274 / Godslayer's 291
                                                                                                  70FTH: Dryleaf 289 / Erdtree 313
                                                                                                  80FTH: Dryleaf 304 / Erdtree 353

                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                    Ngl when I saw "dryleaf" in the name I got super hyped thinking this was going to be the dex/fth equivalent of the clawmark seal that a lot of people wanted. Instead I opened up the menu and realized this is just a regular ass seal that buffs like 4 spells FROMSOFT WHY

                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                      Upgraded with smithing stones, not somber smithing stones, +25 its at S Faith and D Strength. My faith is sitting at 91 and 324 at +25 so someone else can do the math for what it is at 80 faith.

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