Duelist Set is an Armor Set in Elden Ring. Duelist Set is a three piece set worn by the gladiatorial duelists and grave wardens. Sets of Armor in Elden Ring are typically composed of four armor pieces which are Helms, Chest Armor, Gauntlets, and Leg Armor.
Where to find Duelist Set in Elden Ring
- The Duelist Set pieces can be dropped as loot from the Duelist enemies located in Leyndell, Royal Capital.
- There is an apparent Colosseum on a hill in the southwest area of the city that has two Duelists, one patrolling the path and one at the top. Both of these enemies have a chance to drop all three pieces.
- Start from the West Capital Ramparts and head out the door on the right (southeast door). Continue along the path, towards and past the enemies ahead. You should pass under the large tree branch, and up the stairs. Once reaching the grassy area head to your right to find the first duelist. Follow the path up to the large doors, the second duelist is standing in front of them.
- Can't be farmed after beating Maliketh, The Black Blade as the Duelists vanish afterwards.
Duelist Set Armor Pieces in Elden Ring
Duelist Set Elden Ring Notes and Tips
- The Gravekeeper Cloak (Altered) removes the cloak, leaving only the snake bracelets, giving the set the appearance of the Rotten Duelists found in the overworld.
- There is a variant Scarlet Rot themed version Rotten Duelist Set, with slightly lower damage negation but slightly higher resistances.
- The hood on the Gravekeeper Cloak will only be worn over either the Duelist Helm or the Rotten Duelist Helm.
- Each piece of this set provides the effect similar to Shabriri's Woe, drawing the aggro of nearby enemies.
- The Gravekeeper Cloak only has the effect while altered.
- Poise updated to patch 1.07. See Patch Notes for details.
Elden Ring Duelist Set Gallery
All Duelist Set Pieces for Elden Ring
You can check out all the Duelist Set's Armor Pieces here. Click on a piece's name individually to learn more about it.
With the amount of poise you get from this set, I speculate that the bracers and helm are made of Verdigris since the rest is just cloth
- Anonymous
They also, very rarely, drop from the Gravekeeper bosses in dungeons and caves. VERY rarely
- Anonymous
Why did they make it where you can only farm them in leyndell? on my first run kinda annoying finding so much I can't get because I got past farum azula
- Anonymous
helmet and greaves dropped from 1 enemy back to back and no cloak
- Anonymous
Fun fact: the gladiators also served a duel purpose as the kingdom's male strippers
- Anonymous
5 helms, 2 sets of greaves, 2 axes and 1 hammer. Where's my cloak at :(
- Anonymous
I've gotten three helms, three cloaks and two greataxes... pray for me to get the hammer and greaves boys...
- Anonymous
absolutely ridiculous drop rates for a rare, pretty tough enemy that you can only kill 2 of per run. I've farmed for an hour an they've only dropped 1 item the entire time. Why does Fromsoft think this "gameplay" is fun?
- Anonymous
So ive been farming for an hour for gloves that doesnt excists?!
- Anonymous
getting the snake gauntlets ready for shadow of the erdtree (messmer snake theme)
- Anonymous
Altered cloak still keeps the ugly looking snakes on the arms. Disappointed.
- Anonymous
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“If I had a nickel for every armor set in lleyndell you get locked out of after killing maliketh, I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird it happened twice.”
- Anonymous
Just summoned a gladiator that wiped 4 invaders in a row and then no-hit killed Malenia with a cestus without getting hit these mfs are built different. Should rename it the King's set
- Anonymous
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- Yo Marika does your destined death dog bite? - No but it can hurt you in other ways. "Can't be farmed after beating Maliketh, The Black Blade"
- Anonymous
ive farmed these for an hour now with 237 discovery and i have gotten 4 Cloaks and i just cannot seem to get the helm and greaves... i just wanna kill Maliketh already but i wanna get the full set before moving on
- Anonymous
idk what drop rate is but i got the whole set in about 20 minutes with 110 discovery and using 1 silver fowl foot on last run to those two. got helmet and cloak off first kill on enemy. now i will never get any more good drop rates, used all of my luck
- Anonymous
yo, it's me again, I have been trying to get the leggings for I think 6 months now and It still haven't drop, and I'm running a ARC build. so at this point I quit.
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If you look carefully you can see the greave texture through the leg wraps. There is no leg modelled inside the leg wraps, the armor essentially amputates your characters lower legs. This apllies to both Duelist sets. It's hard to notice, but you are aware of it you can't unsee it.
I'm sorry.
- Anonymous
Ah, so that's why I couldn't get the gauntlets to drop despite farming for hours. Because there aren't any. Even though it looks like there are.
- Anonymous
Why are we still grinding hours for this why not just make it drop the bosses in the catacombs instead of giving useless spirit ashes. Fromsoftware developers got dropped on the head as a baby.
- Anonymous
3 helmets 2 hammers 1 greaves and what felt like 40+ runs and I finally got the cloak, the crazy part is I did this at 99 Arc along with using the Silver Tear Mask. Why are you like this From Soft
- Anonymous
Any recommendations for gauntlets that give this set 51+ poise (with or without BG talisman) that looks good?
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Everyone saw how the ROYAL KNIGHT SET is in all caps, but no one’s mentioned how dualist set is the only one that isn’t capitalized at all
- Anonymous
these guy's pants/skirt are the last armor piece i need.... and i have been farming them for about 2 weeks now and still haven't dropped.
If anyone would be kind enough to drop me the duelist helm, cloak & battle hammer I would appreciate it! I collected every other item in the game and I did forget to farm this before the cutoff for leyndell. These are the only items I need to have 100% of the items, so if you have these you can add my discord graced#2512. I've got duplicates of a number of rare drops I can drop for you in return, ty :-)
- Anonymous
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If you ever wanted a baloon head. For my gladiator cosplay, I only want the helmet without the garbage looking snakes on it...
- Anonymous
Maybe your hitbox gets bigger so you are an easier target for foes...
- Anonymous
I like how they put this enemy all over the game as dungeon bosses, and then, instead of having us fight it in one last place to get its armor set and weapons, FromSoft elected to make us farm them with a low drop rate at a spot that is a 35-second sprint from the nearest site of grace (and without access to Torrent) in the only area in the game that becomes inaccessible (and it requires you to defeat two shardbearers if you want access to it in further playthroughs).
- Anonymous
I dont get it. This set looks NOTHING like that enemies wear. With chestpiece, okay, it can be changed, even though it should have been other way around, but why snakes suddenly appeared on the helmet? And we cant even change that. Ffs from
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Great. Now you can live out your Sword & Sorcery fetishes and dress your female characters in a Gladiator attire.
- Anonymous
I've been farming their bracelets for 30 minutes before I realized they are part of the chestpiece
- Anonymous
This is a great set if you want to show off those fingers mark.
- Anonymous
Does the hood always fit over the helmets you equip, or does it change to fit beneath certain helmets, like how the crimson hood changes to fit over armor?
the directions to the duelists is slightly inaccurate, it should say south east door not south west
- Anonymous
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I tested a few different arm pieces that won’t interrupt the coils, seems some (maybe all?) of the Manchettes work. Lusats, Azurs, and Battlemage. Azur’s keeps the green theme going.
- Anonymous
After testing this and Shabriri's Woe, I have genuinely no idea if either this armor doesn't work to increase aggro range, shabriri's doesn't work to increase aggro range, or that every enemy I tested somehow has a pre-scripted aggro 'line' I crossed. Tested in leyndell capital rampart. Killed first bubble blower, slowly walked down the stairs to the second. In full black knife, spotted a quarter down the steps. With shabriri's, same. With a single piece of gladiator, same. With full gladiator, same. With gladiator+shabriri's, same. Tested on a demi-human with the spiked club, sitting on the path to Lux Ruins. Slowly walked into sight range, all same tests, all same ranges, again. Tested on a random foot soldier in a camp in Altus, all same tests, all same ranges, again. Yes, my gladiator hood is altered to reveal the snakes. Yes, I only tested at daytime. No, I don't have Crepus's Vial equipped. No, I'm not using Assassin's Gambit in the fight up to the test. Or maybe it "draws aggro" in a different way? Doesn't seem to increase enemy aggression, bosses still seem to care more about who last hit them (tested with Mausoleum Soldier Ashes and Lhutel Ashes), enemies still seem to only attack one at a time.
I'm starting to think this might be just lore, and that Shabriri's Woe is like the DS1 Pendant as a starting gift...
- Anonymous
Blocking access to content due to the game state changing is bad game design.
- Anonymous
Does having each piece of the set increase the aggro range or will just one piece give the effect?
- Anonymous
If you want a hood to go with the cloak that looks very similar, but less big + shows your face, try the Fire Monk Hood.
- Anonymous
14 runs at 198 disc, have gotten me 1 greaves, 2 helmets, and a greataxe
- Anonymous
This armor instantly crashes my game everytime i try to equip it T.T
Does it actually stack with Shabriri's Woe or is there no point in having both?
- Anonymous
Looks sickwith Zamor bracelets and prophet undies, for a total of 3 chains hanging from your body
- Anonymous
Can anyone drop this set for me on PC? Steam? Do I have to be up to Leyndell, Royal Capital, for someone to drop it?
- Anonymous
Actually after burning the tree you can still farm the set.
Go to Sainted Hero's Grave there's a shadow Duelist which you need to lure into light to make him get damage. This also unlocks the path to the boss room. Didn't check if he respawns but if you can farm it as i got the helmet on accident from him. If he doesn't respawn nevermind me.
- Anonymous
If you are wondering what Gauntlets to use with it the Bandit Manchettes are a nice pick they dont hide the serpent arm adornments and make you look a little more scrappy as a duelist, you can get the bandit gear (save for the mask which is from a Nomad Merchant) from Gatekeeper Gostoc or just start as a bandit and have a friend pick them up in Limgrave to give to your main character if you can't buy them from Gostoc.
- Anonymous
Similar to what others have posted, took a little over 30 attempts killing both the duellists to complete the full armour set, this was without using the silver feet.
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The steps to get this set "early game", without glitching, is a huge pain in the ass. Honestly just ask someone to trade you for it for something you may have on another character, or in exchange for helping someone transferring items to another character.
- Anonymous
Anyone one on ps5 wanna drop me the cloak I’ll cashapp or Venmo
Correct southeast to Southwest and added directions to get there
- Anonymous
I feel like this set + Devourer’s Scepter would be good Elden Bling since, y’know, snakes
- Anonymous
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Just spent over two hours trying to get the bracers and it turns out the bracers are part of the top...
- Anonymous
Farmed this set yesterday, took about 30 tries killing the two duellists in Leyndell with the silver pickled fowl foot to get the full set. The helm was the last one to drop but I got two sets of cloaks, two greaves and two axes first. Would highly recommend the item discovery
- Anonymous
I would definitely suggest going to grab the silver pickled four toed fowl foot recipe (located on one of the bodies in the smoldering church which is on the way to Caelid from Limgrave) and having a decent store just to increase the chances of getting the item (not sure about the Rowa Berries but you can farm four toed fowl foot pretty easily on the beach near the fourth church of marika in the weeping peninsula and you can pretty easily get silver crickets in the groveside cave north of the church of elleh in limgrave this might not be optimal but it's something you can find early).
I'm pretty unlucky but I grinded for about 3 hours without it on my Int/dex character (only 14 arcane with godrick's) and got basically nothing but once I started using the foots and ran in from the west rampart grace (if you run behind the gargoyle it won't aggro) I was able to kill them fast enough to get two full runs in before the fowl foot ran out and successfully got the set within about an hour and half of grinding. IMPORTANT NOTE, keep in mind that you need to run back and rest normally at the grace. teleporting removes the buff from the fowl foot and the fastest I was able to do it with a +6 moonveil let me get 4 kills in while under the boosted item discovery.
Use the fowl foot when you're not too far behind the duelist on the path (within sneaking distance) and after the run back to rest and get back to the path you should have just enough time to kill both duelists while still under the effect. After this just warp back to the west rampart because the effect will probably run out anyway. If you can kill them faster you might be able to get more runs in but the run back is pretty long so I'm not sure. Likewise if you kill them slow enough that it doesn't last for the two kills after resting and running back you're better off just warping back and using another foot and just stockpiling more of those beforehand.
I know most of this is common sense but just putting this here to save people some time if they don't really think about optomizing grinds for items.
- Anonymous
I am using the Erdtree sanctuary bonfire,go outside,jump on the second big vase and onto the branch,then drop to the one under(where you can jump attack a guardian too) and from there hop down and walk to the colosseum.
The fall hits a bit hard but beside that is the quickest way I’ve found to farm them.
- Anonymous
Oh for the love of god I've been farming this thing for 3 hours thinking I'm not getting any gloves and it turns out it doesn't have gloves kill me right now
- Anonymous
Can you not farm this set after getting to the lategame? The duelists in the area are gone
- Anonymous
Can you not farm this set after getting to the lategame? The duelists in the area are gone
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Can you still farm these guys after your capital goes ashen?
- Anonymous
Edit this to include that the chest has an inbuilt Shabriri's Woe (taunt effect) hidden passive
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Does anyone have a spare of this set? I can’t get it cause they don’t spawn anymore.
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Anyone have any luck getting any of the set to drop after the patch. Been grinding for the greaves but not seeing any of the other items drop as well
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Says the colosseum is at the southeast part of the city when it's at the southwest part?
- Anonymous
So what exactly does the special effect do? Take more damage? less i-frames on dodges? Bigger aggro range?
- Anonymous
does anyone know if The monster aggro effect stacks with shabriri's woe for co-op or in general?
- Anonymous
Anyone suggestions on what would be good gloves that go with this set? Preferably something that doesn't make the snake chains on the arms disappear?
Does the hood on the top only work with this specific helmet? I would love the hood to be up when helmetless or with other helmets but generally sets only have their hoods work in their set only.
- Anonymous
Kinda dumb that if you progress the game too far (aka changing the capital) these guys disappear and you never have access to their armor again until a new game cycle. Cool set, wanted it really bad but I found out about it after I beat that giant dude in the mountaintops.
- Anonymous
If you are planning to farm this set, do it before killing Fire Giant boss and resting on site of grace on that big vessel next to boss arena. Those enemies will vanish from capital completely
- Anonymous
Southwest actually, but I can confirm that I've gotten pieces of the armor from the Duelists there as well as copies of the Battle Hammer weapon. Not sure if there are any particularly close-by graces to it, but I'm using the Fortified Manor, First Floor grace and just heading outside, going right and up the root until you can drop off the right and fight them and while it's not super quick, it works.
Duelist helm with the hero armor looks sick