Erdtree Bow

erdtree bow weapon elden ring wiki guide 200px
attack power elden ring wiki guide 18Attack
Phy 40
Mag 0
Fire 0
Ligt 0
Holy 50
Crit 100
Rng 50
guarded damage negation elden ring wiki guide 18Guard
Phy -
Mag -
Fire -
Ligt -
Holy -
Boost -

attribute scaling elden ring wiki guide 18Scaling
Str E
Dex E
Fai D
attributes required elden ring wiki guide 18Requires
Str 8
Dex 12
Fai 14
Bow Pierce
Mighty Shot FP 6
Wgt. 4.0 passive effects elden ring wiki guide 18Passive -

Erdtree Bow is a Bow in Elden Ring. The Erdtree Bow scales primarily with Strength Dexterity and Faith and is a good Weapon for inflicting far-ranged holy damage. All Bows require Arrows to fire.


Longbow featuring Erdtree styling. In times of old, when faith and battle went hand in hand, this weapon was created in tandem with the Golden Arrow.

Scales all arrow damage with faith, revealing its true worth when used with holy-infused arrows.


Where to Find Erdtree Bow in Elden Ring

The Erdtree Bow weapon can be found at the following location:


Elden Ring Erdtree Bow Notes & Tips

  • Weapon Skill: Mighty Shot
  • This weapon cannot be infused with Ashes of War
  • Can't be buffed by Magic or Consumables
  • Erdtree Bow can be upgraded by using Somber Smithing Stones.
  • As its description would suggest, this weapon performs well with Golden Arrows and Haligbone Arrows. The real difference between the two aside from acquisition is that Golden Arrows will prevent the undead from reviving.
  • Sell Value:  er runes 13 100
  • NOTE: As of Patch 1.09, the scaling values of this weapon were changed. Please refer to the Upgrades Table of this weapon below.
  • Other notes and player tips go here


Moveset & Videos in Elden Ring for Erdtree Bow


Erdtree Bow Upgrades in Elden Ring

Please see the Upgrades page to understand the weapon bolstering process.

Requires regular reinforcement with Somber Smithing Stones.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Erdtree Bow Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Standard 40 - - - 50 30 E E - D - - - - - - - - -
Standard +1 45 - - - 57 33 E E - D - - - - - - - - -
Standard +2 51 - - - 64 36 E E - D - - - - - - - - -
Standard +3 57 - - - 71 39 E E - D - - - - - - - - -
Standard +4 63 - - - 79 42 E E - D - - - - - - - - -
Standard +5 69 - - - 86 45 E E - D - - - - - - - - -
Standard +6 74 - - - 93 48 E E - D - - - - - - - - -
Standard +7 80 - - - 100 51 E E - D - - - - - - - - -
Standard +8 86 - - - 108 54 E E - D - - - - - - - - -
Standard +9 92 - - - 115 57 E D - D - - - - - - - - -
Standard +10 98 - - - 122 60 E D - D - - - - - - - - -


Elden Ring Bows
Albinauric Bow  ♦  Ansbach's Longbow  ♦  Black Bow  ♦  Bone Bow  ♦  Horn Bow  ♦  Longbow  ♦  Pulley Bow  ♦  Serpent Bow

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    • Anonymous

      I always sold this bow each times I get them, since I always favorited other sniping tools...

      But now I got curious about a thing for this bow...

      On that thumbnail, is that upside down? Or it's in a correct upside up position??????

      • Anonymous

        Using golden arrows, as usual, with arrow's sting, arrow's soaring sting, sacred scorpion, and alexander shard. Finally, find a fire knight and blast its fricking face off

        • Anonymous

          Instead of using frenzied burst for the 50th run try this on a faith build with arrow talisman, holy skorpion, ritual sword.
          Very good ranged option compared with holy arrows.
          I run this on my faith(80)/dex(40) build with halo scythe and erdtree-seal and had no problems in the endgame even with the holy resistant enemys (beside Malektih and elden beast )

          • Anonymous

            Remembering that as this bow scales with faith, this causes it to grant bonus damage with arrows from the holy and fire element

            • Anonymous

              Have the Golden Epitaph in your main hand, use it's 'Last Rites' skill, and it boosts the following: Armaments are buffed 10% for all damage types (5% in PVP). Armaments gain 25 flat Holy Damage.
              +25 Holy damage on this, plus sacred scorpion charm, plus golden arrows, plus Howl of Shabriri/FGMS (Golden Vow doesn't stack with this), plus Shard of Alexander, Ritual Sword Talisman and Arrow Sting Talisman and goddamn you'll be doing a ton of damage.

              • Anonymous

                Good damage on a low level build. Not quite as powerful as Discus of Light or Carian Slicer, but enough to be fun.

                • Anonymous

                  Don't worry so much about split damage on this bow. You get it pretty far into the game when split matters less. To quickly put split damage in context, and show a use case at the same time; let's say you want to shoot hands in the snowfield or mountaintops of the giants using fire arrows with this bow, because it is levelled (let's say +8 somber) and you use it a lot. Fire at long range makes sense against handsou, but you worry about split damage, and hands are scary. ........................................ So you cast fgms & vow, you are wearing sting, holy scorpion, and to make it count you trigger an exultation talisman (self poison/cure or seppuku/heal - both easy on faith build) then open with mighty shot. You fgms instead of howl because again, scared =] ........................................
                  At this part of the world and amount of damage, you'll lose 85 extra dmg via flat reduction by nocking a fire arrow,
                  a bit over 25% of the fire damage, but most fire dmg will get through. You'll do about 735 damage instead of 783 if you'd gone with your golden arrows. Hands don't have elemental negation, so it won't complicate further............................... TLDR: 3 way split damage, and you'll lose just 50 damage to get the fire effect on that hand. Probably worth it. .................
                  NOW, for faith archers generally, if you went howl+golden arrows instead of fgms you'd be doing ~960 damage, quite a bit more if you physick and tear, but howl can be a bit scary against fast enemies................... Two obv posts one could make are about holy negation on certain bosses and golem, but this post is long enough.

                  • Anonymous

                    Very weird niche: understand fire arrows scale with faith, so only on this bow. Rune bears are vulnerable to fire, and have no resistance to holy, so 3 way split damage not so much an issue. Same for beastman bosses. You have FGMS, it boosts fire and physical. Buff up, add an aura mount up and get that bear to break that rock.

                    • Anonymous

                      The fact that this + holy arrows can effectively use both a scorpion charm and a cracked tear alongside other buffs while hitting at 50 range makes this a bit better than most rankings account for.

                      • Anonymous

                        Hits about 280 holy damage with 50 Faith. The best among the elemental Bows, but it only hits around as much Attack Rating as the Full Moon Crossbow. If you're fighting something Undead, this will perform well with Holy Arrows, but Haligbone Arrows do not get a damage bonus versus Undead. You can use Mighty Shot and Shard of Alexander to outperform the FMC significantly, but at the cost of FP.

                        • Anonymous

                          From Erdtree Sanctuary site of grace, you can head west and take a left where there will be a latter going up, take the latter up and go left out the door way to find the chest containing the bow

                          • Anonymous

                            If it's the same as the Erdtree Greatbow (at least according to the Erdtree Greatbow page), combining this bow with it's respective Golden Arrow will increase overall damage by 20%. You wanna tell me how that changes with Ashes of War like Mighty Shot or stacks with other boosts like Ritual Sword Talisman, you go right ahead, I ain't datamining ****.

                            • Anonymous

                              Datamining seems to reveal this bow does 50% more damage to undeads when a golden arrow is equipped. I haven't tested if this is actually the case ingame.

                              • Anonymous

                                You can find it easier by the ladder in the room with the site of grace. Right before the west exit to the room take a left into the little out cove and there is a ladder so you dont have to jump the roots

                                • Anonymous

                                  So I use this to finish people off in duels. Synergizes well with Elden stars. Free aiming seems to be pretty easy since people walk sideways to avoid it as if it’s a spell. No one would believe I can be free aimed at close range but it’s really easy. Just lead your shot... glowing holy arrows make a good red dot sight, you’ll see what I mean when you try free aiming. 50fth 22 dex and I’m getting 2-300 damage which is pretty good for starting and ending a duel... I don’t use any arrow boost talismans just spear talisman. If my weakened opponent runs away from the arrows I simply cast elden stars then rebuff my own regen. When they run from elden stars it’s open season. There’s no rolling or running shots so this actually takes skill to use... create space by simply walking toward your opponent with a weapon in hand and the bow in off hand. Even tournament players will recoil if you jog toward them. Ash is literally useless to me, please comment here if you’ve found a reliable pvp use for it.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    I was still able to find this in the ashen capital, same location. Not sure what's causing the chest to disappear for some people but grab it early just in case

                                    • Anonymous

                                      from soft again heavily favoring int builds, Erdtree bow can't be infused with ashes while horn bow (int bow) can, very nice fromsoft, I didn't want to use enchanted shot anyways, it's fine :^ )

                                      • Anonymous

                                        Does this enhance Haligbone Arrows, which are craftable? Continually buying Golden Arrows seems like a pain...

                                        • Anonymous

                                          Really good for cheesing the lategame death rite birds from range (they f*ckin' deserve it) the holy damage wrecks them.

                                          • Anonymous

                                            Besides the people saying that you miss this when the capital apparently blows up, is this decent for faith builds? It stays at D scaling sadly, while you have the golem greatbow scaling at C in str.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              I don't know why, as I have checked my inventory and I don't have the bow ( I have the great bow), but this chest just doesn't exist for me on that second floor near the root where I can get the prayer book. Just not there at all.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                Okay, I don't remember what dropped the regular bow, but this thing is a legit really good bow for a faith build, especially if you go to buy the Golden Arrows and use them with it. Pretty crazy damage for just a bow.

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  The one from killing the chariot in the fringefolk hero grave area is NOT the same as this bow.

                                                  This is a regular bow, the one from the Fringefolk chariot is a GREATbow.

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    You can not get this bow from killing the chariot. You get a GREATBOW of the same name for the chariot kill.

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      destroy the evil charriot in fingerfolk area under starting area (2 stone keys required to unlock the mist)

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