Explosive Greatbolt is a Greatbolt in Elden Ring. Explosive Greatbolt is a bolt that has great explosive power. Ammunition can be used in ranged weapons such as Bows and Crossbows, so players can deal ranged damage to Enemies and Bosses.
Greatbolt tipped with a clump of Explosive Stone shards.
Detonates a large explosion on impact, dealing fire damage.
Where to Find Elden Ring Explosive Greatbolt
Explosive Greatbolt can be found at the following location:
- Can be purchased for an unlimited supply from the Nomadic Merchant in Mt. Gelmir for 800 Runes. [Map Link]
- His bell bearing also allows unlimited purchase from the Twin Maiden Husks at Roundtable Hold.
- Looted from a corpse in the middle of a battlefield in Mt. Gelmir. [Map Link]
Elden Ring Explosive Greatbolt Notes & Tips
- Deals considerable fire damage in a large AoE explosion. Be careful in close quarters.
- Only 20 can be carried at a time.
- Sell Value: 10.
- Anonymous
Can be found near Guest Hall Site of Grace. On a dead body in the balcony alcove.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I bought 400 of these thinking they were Great Arrows... Oops...
Wonder why there isn't a comparable version for Greatbows. The damage for bows in general is just pitiful. At least give us some strong ammunition to use. Radahn's Spear is not good enough.
- Anonymous
Handy to have on you as a blue , even if you don't use it, in case somebody you allianced with is running out of them...
- Anonymous
Despite dealing mainly fire damage, its not affected by the Fire Scorpion talisman (bug maybe?)
- Anonymous
Every large bird felled in Moghwyn grounds is 13 of these. Perfect way to restock before knocking more AFKers from ledges and rooftops.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
People apparently have issues walking 5 feet to get to any merchant, you'll travel the same distance getting to the dead ladies???
- Anonymous
what's the point of boss who randomly just decide to stunlock and instakill you
- Anonymous
I killed the merchant for his Bell Bearing. Getting to him any time I wanted to top up on Ballista Bolts and Explosive Greatbolts was a deal breaker. I felt bad about it but my Jar Cannon told me to do it.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
it is 800 runes, not 160. Also, it deals 150 fire and 50 physical
- Anonymous
Can be picked up north of Fort Gael in caelid. South of “Fort Gael North” grace.