Fire Serpent |
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Spell Type | Messmer Fire Incantations |
FP Cost 11 | Slots Used 1 |
Launches a flame with a serpentine coil
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Fire Serpent is an Incantation in Elden Ring. It was added with the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. Fire Serpent creates a serpentine flame that bends and curls, pursuing the target.
Incantation of the Fire Knights under Messmer the Impaler's personal command.
Launches a flame with a serpentine coil.
Charging enhances potency.
When the flame they received from Messmer would not find purchase within them, the Fire Knights relied on fire incantations to honor their bond.
Where to find Fire Serpent in Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree
Where to find Fire Serpent:
- Shadow Keep: From the "Storehouse, Backsection" Site of Grace, climb up the very long ladder, pass the enemies, and move forward past the book reading shades until you reach the balcony. You will find the item there. [Map Link] [Video Location]
Elden Ring Fire Serpent Guide
- Messmer Fire Incantation
- Stamina Cost: 22 (29 charged)
- Deals (Incant Scaling x 1.68) Fire Damage uncharged and (Incant Scaling x 2.10) charged.
- Deals 6 Stance damage (8 charged).
- Summons a projectile which lingers shortly before firing towards enemies.
- If used without locking-on, the projectile fires towards the closest enemy onscreen.
- If no enemies are onscreen, the projectile fires to the left towards the ground.
- When used at point-blank range, it bursts immediately similar to Catch Flame.
- Short range.
- Compared to Flame Sling, this incantation has much shorter range, -28% damage, -1 Stance damage and less stagger for the same FP cost.
- While Flame Sling has no Spell Class buffs, it still outperforms Fire Serpent with all its Class buffs by a 5% difference.
- Can be charged to increase potency.
- Can be cast while riding. Torrent walks slowly.
- Fire Knight's Seal boosts damage by 15%
- Messmer's Helm boosts damage by 3%
- Fire Knight Armor boosts damage by 4%
- Godfrey Icon boosts charged damage by 15%
Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree Fire Serpent Video
- Anonymous
I wish fromsoft would allow this to be chain casted up to 2 times and increased the projectile lifetime by about 10-20%. It currently simply lacks a bit if range imo.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I think it's good. For me, dudes spamming these die mostly to carian retaliation and a good bonk in the ass. Unless you fighting a gank, this is quite good.
- Anonymous
A straight upgrade to flame sling imo. Great homing, decent range, good damage that can be charged, fast cast, extremely low fp cost, the startup messes up with the AI, it can be used point blank by the way it's deployed... what more could you want?
- Anonymous
Let’s add a incant with hyper aggressive homing and a low fp cost that can be buffed 7 thousands ways. Another banger Miyazaki.
- Anonymous
i cant believe this is worse then literally the first incantation you get in the whole game
- Anonymous
I like it when I use it and dislike it when others including NPCs use it. Simple as
- Anonymous
Shitter spam tool, just as eyeroll-worthy as Swarm of Flies spam
- Anonymous
This is way too good for its requirements, they need to double the Faith necessary to cast.
- Anonymous
Man this spell is goated. Got me an ez win after so many tries against scadutree avatar and it's also good against invaders. Fast, cheap and rlly good homing.
- Anonymous
As an invader, there’s a surprising amount of times where spamming this will just get you the win (haven’t done it myself fully)
- Anonymous
For some reason, i can't parry this with Thop's Barrier. Makes no sense.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
absolute A tier spell, can be cast quickly and used as a good setup tool for burst damage or to force a roll in pvp, incredible tracking for both pvp and pve purposes with the ability to track even without locking on, allowing you to make more advanced maneuvers while still dealing damage or to create spacing, a little less efficient than flame sling in terms of FP to damage ratio but that's fine because it makes up in utility to an amazing degree, and finally it melts that stupid tree thing because it's almost impossible to miss the stupid flower head.
- Anonymous
to be honest I vastly underestimated it, i saw its 700 damage and thought "ehhh okay" but i misinterpreted the intention, its really cheap, easy and spammable to cast, tracks easily, and its base damage for what it is is fine, ive gotten it to deal 1700 damage per flame with the right set up, its akin to the golden discus, really cheap efficient cost for decent damage, i like little spells like this
- Anonymous
Glad the finally added more quick cheap incantations that go well with melee. got bored of using catch flame
- Anonymous
Godfrey icon Boost's it's damage as well please add this too y'all wiki and update the Godfrey icon list
- Anonymous
It's really fun when paired with slower moving spells or running attacks in PvP. Just a quick source of homing fire damage, it feels like a glintstone sorcery in a good way
- Anonymous
You know that you're gonna bring back at home an effortless easy victory when your opponent in arena doesn't bow back to you and immediately starts spamming this spell like the maidenless as they are.
These souls newcomers all seems to share the same mentality they're fighting against a bot in pvp for some weird reasons, i swear.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Cheap fire damage, quick cast, and tracks target. Very very good against the Scoobytree. NG3 was a cakewalk.
- Anonymous
Comments say the tracking is good but for me, it absolutely NEEDS lock-on, otherwise it will fling itself backwards, even when 3 enemies are staring me down. It just refuses to aim itself. However, having to lock-on is a small price to pay for the sheer utility it brings.
- Anonymous
I'm starting to think this thing can headshot and do it consistently even. Needs more testing.
- Anonymous
Single best thing about this spell is that it's auto-tracking feature; means that you can not only more easily manage avoiding enemy move-sets that really need you to unlock the camera while being able to throw out the spell without having to worry about aiming, and can also hit hidden or lurking enemies if you're exploring and trying to avoid ambushes. It's nice, damage and range is mid, but it's welcome addition to have an offensive incant with such a handy utility feature.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Really good against Malenia. It baits out her dodge so that you can attack her with something else and then the delayed fireball hits her too.
- Anonymous
Unlike other incants. This one punishes you if you spam it, and punishes you if you can combo it.
- Anonymous
This with the proper flame boosting equipment will absolutely chunk the sunflower
Probably the best incantation for zoning in PvP, the combination of this with other forms of attack patterns open so many doors for creativity. In my case, (and to this date) this incantation pairs well with Messmer's Orb and Flame Strike Ash of War.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
It seems to auto-track even without being locked on, good to cast when/if you lose sight of an opponent
- Anonymous
if youre doing a strength pvp build, invest an extra one faith to pick up this spell if youre getting flame grant me strength
the extra range and pressure are really good esp when youre only investing one stat point for it, and you dont need a lot of fp for it either as long as you arent spamming it
- Anonymous
Those stripped of the Grace of Gold shall all meet death in the embrace of Messmer’s flame...
- Anonymous
The most goated spell of all time for punishing l2 spammers and panic rollers.
- Anonymous
Quick, good damage, low cost, the only problem is a terrible lack of range. Seems like a very good spell to buff up and use against a boss, but the short range kinda spoils it as a general purpose mainstay in my opinion. As far as incantations go, I think lightning spear will remain my go-to for random progression.
- Anonymous
Best incantation of the DLC, cheap FP cost, quick to use, decent damage.
- Anonymous
don't underestimate simplicity, with the right approach, you got a quick cast, low cost, fire and forget homing spell that can do around 2k per hit with the proper stuff.
- Anonymous
just got invaded by an exploiter using animation swap glitch with this to cast frenzied burst
- Anonymous
just got invaded by an exploiter using animation swap glitch with this to cast frenzied burst
- Anonymous
Finally, something I can annoy swift shard gamers back with to give them a taste of their own medicine.
- Anonymous
I was able to do 1704 damage to the troll outside Godrick's arena with this thing... And I'm not even using any short-lasting buffs, just the "casual minmaxing" stuff like fire scorpion charm, the flame tear and the equipment that boosts the spell (though I didn't even use the incantation talisman now that I think about it).
So, yeah, for one of the fastest-casting spells in the game, with some low effort investment (no flame grant me strength, no golden vow etc that need recasting mid-battle) it does BONKERS damage.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
This spell isn't bad by any means but it's definitely not for me. There are better low cost, fast ranged options for faith in the game. Lightning Spear might not have tracking but it does far better damage and lightning is generally better than fire. I know they're not really comparable but they're both competing for the role of low cost "bread-and-butter" ranged damage in my spell list. If I want a cheap and easy way to do damage to trash mobs, I'll just use a sword instead.
- Anonymous
For everyone struggling to get to the Storehouse, Back Section grace, you need to approach from the flooded church, you can only enter the East section of the Shadow Keep from the path to its east (you are on the right track if you have discovered Bonny Jail > the Metyr Cathedral).
Once you've made some progress in the flooded church, there will be a room with a Fire Knight and a bunch of exploding zombies. There is a lift in this chamber (which won't be obvious until you look around a bit) that takes you to a new hallway, in which you can find an even larger lift that will take you to a new section of the Storehouse. These guides are confusing you are not stupid.
- Anonymous
2 years later and we finally get the faith equivalent of glintstone pebble. Love it!
- Anonymous
really good in pvp for applying pressure just time it with your attack to preform roll catches
- Anonymous
This is such a good spell its fast, it tracks, chargeable and its good for dealing with fodder and keeping up boss aggression. Unfortunately its always the mundane things that are the strongest.
- Anonymous
It took them 15 years, but they finally made a ranged miracle that doesn't take a million years to cast. I was genuinely surprised to pick this up and see that it's actually good. Now watch them nerf it
- Anonymous
I find the craftable Fire Coil to be better that this incantation as its less likely to hit the wall/roofs, deals decent damage and is faster to use while also not taking your attunement slot
Costs 2 less FP too in case anybody cares about fp efficiency to such unhealthy level
- Anonymous
It's a decent low cost filler spell with pretty good tracking, have been using it along side dragon communion to deal with the small things and has been working well. Don't expect to build around this.
- Anonymous
Even with a fully upgraded Fire Knight's Seal + Messmer's Helm on 80 FTH with the whole talisman shebang (Godfrey / Flock's Canvas / Fire Scorpion) this does a whopping... 835 damage, compared to a lightning bolt that comes at 1450 vs a Bloodfiend at Prospect Town.
Range is similar, and the tracking (when it works) doesn't really justify the damage as it only becomes useful vs certain enemies and situations.
I tried to like this spell but it's just very lackluster in PVE compared to other options, I imagine it fares much better in PvP if that's your thing.
- Anonymous
If a field boss gets on your nerves, this is *very* spammable on horseback. Keep it around as a last resort.
- Anonymous
Despite being relatively unimpressive in a DLC filled with giant anime AoE incantations, this spell is actually a gem and arguably one of the best in the DLC.
Comes extremely fast, takes a short bit to travel meaning it's very good for setups and does good damage on top of costing practically nothing.
In pvp it's extremely oppressive since people have to either respect it and roll away giving you precious time or eat the hitstun and get comboed by itself or another fast spell.
I guess it's still early to judge but by the looks of it this thing seems to be going to be a staple of fth builds, at least for pvp
- Anonymous
Feel like i'm losing my mind. When I found this item, it told me it was a sorcery, not an incantation.
It has everything you can ask for in a spell: 1) good damage; 2) good tracking; 3) good range; 4) fast casting; 5) low fp cost; 6) charging. These used to be exclusively Int domain but this spell makes Fai casters very strong at range as well.
- Anonymous
I'm writing this for anyone confused by the *storehouse* comment. start at moorth ruins, drop down and take the path to bonny village and follow the road until you get to the grace they are talking about in shadow keep, there are several *storehouse* graces and most of those wont get you there
- Anonymous
Seems like everyone doesn't know which f*cking grace to go to xD It's from Storehouse, Back Section. Right up ahead is a ladder to climb. After you climb it, go right, up the stairs and straight on. There will be like an Archway at the end which leads to the balcony with the spell. Hope I saved someone some time cuz I didn't know where the f*ck to go
- Anonymous
I got flashbacks from when my mother gave me the wrong directions home.
Who wrote this
- Anonymous
Grace is Storehouse, Back Section. I accessed it by hopping around the sunken church until finding an elevator which brought me to it. From the grace, head forward a tiny bit and you'll see the ladder. Climb up it, turn right, and sprint forward past the enemies, continuing until you reach a balcony at the very end. Incantation will be right next to it. Not sure how much this helps but seems a bit better than the current location description.
- Anonymous
This incantation is actually hilariously easy to find. From the Storehouse Loft grace, drop down and then literally walk forward until you reach the balcony it’s on. Whoever wrote the instructions here must have been trying to be as annoying vague as possible.
- Anonymous
guys its the storehouse back site grace and you should see a ladder leading up and you should see the pickup there
- Anonymous
You specifically need to reach the specimen storehouse from the sunken part of the Shadow Keep. You do not reach this through the main gate its a whole different path all the way around. Grace/Waypoint = WP WP: Highroad cross -> east -> WP: moorth ruins -> South of this WP should be a house ruin where you can drop down -> Follow the path until you reach -> WP: Bonny Village -> east across the bridges -> WP: Bridge Leading to the Village -> North -> WP: Church District Highroad -> NorthWest -> WP: Church District Entrance -> Basically explore this whole dungeon part lot of new stuff. If you lower the water level with a mechanism you can find the seal that buffs these specific incantations. For the spell itself you might not need to lower the water level as the lift should already be available to get into the specimen storehouse.
- Anonymous
From Storehouse, Back Section Grace Point. Walk 15 feet straight, ladder is on your right. Fire Serpent is at the end of the floor.
Finally found it, no thanks to the unhelpful "directions" here.
You need to go to the "Storehouse, Backsection" site of grace. Climb up the long af ladder and basically just run all the way to the end, past the book reading ghosts that won't bother you.
- Anonymous
They are referring to the back section grace of the storehouse
- Anonymous
Accessible from the "Storehouse, back section" bonfire. Which can be accessed by following the normal route from Church District, except when dropping down from the small chandelier-rafter thing take the 3rd exit on the left (After the fire dude). You should find an elevator which takes you up - directly beside the bonfire.
- Anonymous
It's the storehouse, back section site of grace and you can't reach it from shadow keep itself, you have take a detour from moorth ruins and follow the path until you reach the other side of shadow keep
- Anonymous
PSA: you get to the ladder from the "storehouse, back section" bonfire that IS NOT possible to get to through the main path
- Anonymous
"From the Storehouse site of grace" Which of the ****ing five? how hard is it to tell me the exact name when there are multiple in the same area, also "find the ladder" not even a direction?
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Seems like a decent spell so far, casts very fast and does decent damage
Certified Dragonfly Slayer