Ghostflame Dragon is a Field Boss in Elden Ring. Ghostflame Dragon is a massive dragon with withered wings and exposed bones. This boss is found throughout the Lands of Shadow. This is an optional boss as players don't need to defeat it to advance in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree.

Other bosses with the same basic attacks are Flying Dragon AgheelFlying Dragon Greyll, Glintstone Dragon SmaragGlintstone Dragon Adula, Decaying Ekzykes, Borealis the Freezing Fog, and Jagged Peak DrakeLesser Dragon and Glintstone Dragon are normal enemies with the same basic attacks.

See Ghostflame Dragon Lore


Ghostflame Dragon Combat information


Negations (or Absorptions)


The negation numbers are the % of your damage that gets blocked. For example, if a negation is 60, 40% of that damage by that type will go through and 60% will be negated. Bigger number = less damage. A negation of 100 means no damage goes through, and a negation of -100 mean the enemy takes 2x damage from that source. 0 means damage goes pretty much as is.


Elden Ring Ghostflame Dragon Location


Elden Ring Ghostflame Dragon Boss Guide

Ghostflame Dragon Boss Video Guide



Ghostflame Dragon Fight Strategy

The Best Tips for Ghostflame Dragon:


Melee Users

The Ghostflame Dragon is a formidable boss in Elden Ring, it's similar to the Flying Dragon Agheel and other dragons but with unique wings that make it less prone to flight. Despite its limited aerial capability, it can still fly occasionally, so remain alert. As a melee character, your strategy should focus on agility and timing.

When the fight begins, the Ghostflame Dragon will likely start with a Ghostflame Breath attack, which does frostbite damage. Watch for the dragon to wave its head downward as a sign that it’s about to unleash this attack. Due to its slow movements, this attack is relatively easy to predict and avoid. Use your Greatshield to block physical attacks, but rely on your agility to dodge its more powerful attacks. If you're not using a shield, you can roll in either direction (left or right).

The dragon’s legs are its weakest points, so prioritize attacking them whenever you see an opening. Stay close to its legs to minimize the risk of being hit by its more powerful attacks. Be observant of its movements and when the dragon raises its legs, back up and move out of the way to avoid being stomped. The dragon will also perform a ground smash after taking flight, so be prepared to dodge this attack as well. When you see the dragon's head, you can also try to do a jump attack if you can to apply an increased stance damage to it. If you knock it down, make sure to run to its head so you can deal a critical hit.

At mid-range, the Ghostflame Dragon will use a Double Chomp attack, thrusting its jaws towards you. This move is also predictable due to the dragon’s slow overall movement. Stay agile and keep your Greatshield ready to block when necessary. At about 50% health, this boss will do a massive Ghostflame AoE attack. You will know this move when you see it stand up and its chest is burning with Ghostflame. To dodge this, keep running in the opposite direction until the animation ends. The AoE size does cover a lot of space so running is your only option to dodge here.

The Ghostflame Dragon utilizes Ghostflame strikes that can inflict frostbite, so ensure you have remedies for this status effect. Its slow movements make it a mid-difficulty boss, as its attacks are generally easy to read and anticipate. The ultimate key to defeating this dragon is to observe its movements carefully and dodge when needed. Exploit its weak points by attacking its legs, and use your Greatshield strategically to block its physical attacks while remaining agile to avoid the more dangerous moves. Another thing to note is that this boss is weak to Holy and Strike Damage; make sure to check the recommended weapon, spells, and skills to help you out in this fight.


Magic and Ranged Users

Strategy Writeup for Magic Users. This is a work in progress. Feel free to add helpful information here.


Ghostflame Dragon Attacks & Counters

Attack Description Counter
This dragon shares most of its attacks with Flying Dragon Agheel, though it lacks most of its flying breath attacks.
Raging Smash The dragon aggressively smashes its wings up to three times as it travels forward, with the last hit being delayed. Roll underneath or keep your distance on Torrent.
Wing Sweep The dragon uses its wings to sweep the area in front, using the entirety of its wing to massively increase its range. It may perform this attack twice. The dragon uses its entire wing to attack, making it reach farther. Either dismount and dodge to get underneath or run away on horseback.
Ghostflame Breath From a distance, the dragon will breathe out two short-ranged streams of ghostflame in succession. Keep your distance. You can try and bait out the attack im other to get underneath and attack the legs.
Ghostflame Expulsion Usually occurs at 50% health. The dragon's chest begins glowing as it releases a stream of ghostflame underneath it, which travels outward as it touches the ground. Start running away when you see the dragon stand up and its chest is fired up with ghostflame. Keep running in the opposite direction until the animation ends.
Stomp Whenever the dragon stomps, it may sometimes release a burst of ghostflame. Get on Torrent and run. The attack is very hard to dodge as the flames have a longer range than the actual stomp.
Retreat The dragon leaps a short distance away, usually following-up with another attack.  Use this opportunity to heal up.

Ghostflame Dragon Notes & Other Trivia

  • Other Notes and Trivia Go Here


Shadow of the Erdtree Bosses Ranked






Ghostflame Dragon

Gravesite Plain

ghostflame dragon gravesite plain elden ring wiki 600px
Drops runes currency elden ring wiki guide 18100,000
Dragon Heart
Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone
HP 31,518

Elden Ring Ghostflame Dragon Boss (Gravesite Plain)

  • This is an optional boss
  • Closest Site of Grace: Greatbridge, North
  • Multiplayer is allowed for this boss
  • You can summon Spirit Ashes for this boss
  • This dragon summons skeletons at the beginning of phase 2

Elden Ring Ghostflame Dragon Location

The Ghostflame Dragon can be found by heading west from the Greatbridge, North Site of Grace. You can immediately spot the big dragon while heading north from the Greatbridge sleeping in the swamp area and players can sneak up on this boss by crouching to get near it. [Map Link]

Ghostflame Dragon Combat information


The resistance numbers are the buildup amount to trigger it. For example, if a resistance is 100 you must deal 100 points of the given buildup to trigger it. Note that these go down over time, and increase each time the effect procs. The values after the "/"s indicate the increased resistances after each successive proc.

  NG NG+ NG+2 NG+3 NG+4 NG+5 NG+6 NG+7
HP 31,518 33,975 37,373 39,072 40,770 44,168 45,867 47,566
Defense 122 125 128 131 137 144 150 162
runes currency elden ring wiki guide 18Runes 100,000 100,000 110,000 112,500 120,000 122,500 125,000 127,500


poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxPoison Immune
scarlet rot status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxScarlet Rot 649  / 939  / 1396 751  / 1041  / 1498 762  / 1052  / 1509 773  / 1063  / 1520 785  / 1075  / 1532 796  / 1086  / 1543 807  / 1097  / 1554 818  / 1108  / 1565
hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxHemorrhage Immune
frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxFrostbite Immune
sleep status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxSleep Immune
madness status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxMadness Immune


Ghostflame Dragon

Cerulean Coast

ghostflame dragon cerulean elden ring wiki 600px
Drops runes currency elden ring wiki guide 18120,000
Dragon Heart
Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone
HP 39,355

Elden Ring Ghostflame Dragon Boss (Cerulean Coast)

  • This is an optional boss
  • Closest Site of Grace: Cerulean Coast
  • Multiplayer is allowed for this boss
  • You can summon Spirit Ashes for this boss

Elden Ring Ghostflame Dragon Location

The Ghostflame Dragon can be located South of the Cerulean Coast Site of Grace. The Cerulean Coast is located East from the Southern Nameless Mausoleum. [Map Link]

Ghostflame Dragon Combat information


The resistance numbers are the buildup amount to trigger it. For example, if a resistance is 100 you must deal 100 points of the given buildup to trigger it. Note that these go down over time, and increase each time the effect procs. The values after the "/"s indicate the increased resistances after each successive proc.

  NG NG+ NG+2 NG+3 NG+4 NG+5 NG+6 NG+7
HP 39,355 42,379 46,617 48,736 50,855 55,093 57,212 59,331
Defense 123 125 128 132 138 144 150 163
runes currency elden ring wiki guide 18Runes 120,000 120,000 132,000 135,000 144,000 147,000 150,000 153,000


poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxPoison Immune
scarlet rot status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxScarlet Rot 667  / 957  / 1414 758  / 1048  / 1505 770  / 1060  / 1517 781  / 1071  / 1528 792  / 1082  / 1539 804  / 1094  / 1551 815  / 1105  / 1562 826  / 1116  / 1573
hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxHemorrhage Immune
frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxFrostbite Immune
sleep status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxSleep Immune
madness status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxMadness Immune

Additional Fight Strategy

When phase 2 begins, hop on Torrent and ride a good distance away from the dragon and the skeletons it summons. The dragon will generally close distance faster, allowing you to focus on it (and pick off one or two closer skeletons) without being bothered. Generally, focusing on the dragon and letting its wide sweeping attacks deal with the skeletons is also a good idea—the skeletons will all die once the dragon is defeated.


Attack Description Counter
Call of the Dead At around 50% health, it will roar and summon several skeletons to aid it in battle. Deal with the skeletons
quickly, preferably with holy damage, so that they die instantly


Ghostflame Dragon

Moorth Highway

ghostflame dragon moorth elden ring wiki 600px
Drops runes currency elden ring wiki guide 18120,000
Dragon Heart
Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone
HP 41,929

Elden Ring Ghostflame Dragon Boss (Moorth Highway)

  • This is an optional boss
  • Closest Site of Grace: Moorth Highway, South
  • Multiplayer is allowed for this boss
  • You can summon Spirit Ashes for this boss

Elden Ring Ghostflame Dragon Location

The Ghostflame Dragon can be found by heading North from Fort of Reprimand. You'll find it currently fighting with Messmer Soldiers, Foot Soldiers, Perfumers, and Black Knights near the Moorth Highway, South Site of Grace.
[Map Link]

Ghostflame Dragon Combat information


The resistance numbers are the buildup amount to trigger it. For example, if a resistance is 100 you must deal 100 points of the given buildup to trigger it. Note that these go down over time, and increase each time the effect procs. The values after the "/"s indicate the increased resistances after each successive proc.

  NG NG+ NG+2 NG+3 NG+4 NG+5 NG+6 NG+7
HP 41,929 45,159 49,675 51,933 54,190 58,706 60,964 63,222
Defense 123 125 129 132 138 144 151 163
runes currency elden ring wiki guide 18Runes 120,000 120,000 132,000 135,000 144,000 147,000 150,000 153,000


poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxPoison Immune
scarlet rot status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxScarlet Rot 682  / 972  / 1429 764  / 1054  / 1511 776  / 1066  / 1523 787  / 1077  / 1534 799  / 1089  / 1546 810  / 1100  / 1557 821  / 1111  / 1568 833  / 1123  / 1580
hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxHemorrhage Immune
frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxFrostbite Immune
sleep status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxSleep Immune
madness status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxMadness Immune

Additional Fight Strategy

Start the fight by using long-range attacks to take potshots at the dragon while it attacks the enemy encampment. Depending on your range, it may be necessary to kill the Black Knight archers as well. The remaining footsoldiers should keep the dragon's attention, allowing you to whittle away at its health before focusing it down once you have a clear one-on-one fight.


Ghostflame Dragon Lore

Lore Items Related to Ghostflame Dragon


Dragon Heart

Dragon heart seized by a dragon tracker.
Riddled with Gravel Stone, this grotesque organ continues to beat vivaciously.

An offering used in the Dragon Communion.
Consume a dragon's heart at the altar to make its power yours.

While a terrible and savage-looking thing, the heart has a peculiar beauty to it.

Ghostflame Breath

One of the incantations of Dragon Communion.

Transforms caster into a dragon to spew ghostflame breath from above.
Charging extends duration. This incantation can be used while jumping.

The land of spiritgraves is home to all manner of dead, and even the corpses of fallen dragons found their way there. Several of them were endowed with such vivacity that even in death, they could not fully die.

Rock Heart

Heart consumed in the ancient, original form of Dragon
Use while disrobed to turn one's human flesh into an ancient

The change cannot be undone except by death.
Using this heart while already transformed temporarily boosts Dragon Communion incantations.

The last thing the partaker saw with human eyes was a sunset, its colors faded and tarnished—a remote thing from eternity.


Ghostflame Dragon Image Gallery

 ghostflame dragon

Elden Ring Bosses
Abductor Virgins  ♦  Adan, Thief of Fire  ♦  Alabaster Lord  ♦  Alecto Black Knife Ringleader  ♦  Alecto, Black Knife Ringleader  ♦  Ancestor Spirit  ♦  Ancient Dragon Lansseax  ♦  Ancient Dragon Senessax  ♦  Ancient Dragon-Man  ♦  Ancient Hero of Zamor  ♦  Astel Naturalborn of the Void  ♦  Astel, Stars of Darkness  ♦  Battlemage Hugues  ♦  Bayle The Dread  ♦  Beast Clergyman  ♦  Beastman of Farum Azula  ♦  Bell Bearing Hunter  ♦  Black Blade Kindred  ♦  Black Knife Assassin  ♦  Black Knight Edredd  ♦  Black Knight Garrew  ♦  Blackgaol Knight  ♦  Bloodhound Knight  ♦  Bloodhound Knight Darriwil  ♦  Borealis the Freezing Fog  ♦  Cemetery Shade  ♦  Chief Bloodfiend  ♦  Cleanrot Knight  ♦  Commander Gaius  ♦  Commander Niall  ♦  Commander O'Neil  ♦  Count Ymir Mother of Fingers  ♦  Crucible Knight  ♦  Crucible Knight and Misbegotten Warrior  ♦  Crucible Knight Ordovis  ♦  Crucible Knight Siluria  ♦  Crystalians  ♦  Curseblade Labirith  ♦  Dancer of Ranah  ♦  Death Knight  ♦  Death Rite Bird  ♦  Deathbird  ♦  Decaying Ekzykes  ♦  Demi-Human Chief  ♦  Demi-Human Queen Gilika  ♦  Demi-Human Queen Maggie  ♦  Demi-Human Queen Margot  ♦  Demi-Human Queen Marigga  ♦  Demi-Human Swordmaster Onze  ♦  Divine Beast Dancing Lion  ♦  Draconic Tree Sentinel  ♦  Dragonkin Soldier  ♦  Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella  ♦  Dragonlord Placidusax  ♦  Dryleaf Dane (Boss)  ♦  Elden Beast  ♦  Elemer of the Briar  ♦  Erdtree Avatar  ♦  Esgar, Priest of Blood  ♦  Fallingstar Beast  ♦  Fell Twins  ♦  Fia's champions  ♦  Fire Giant  ♦  Flying Dragon Agheel  ♦  Flying Dragon Greyll  ♦  Frenzied Duelist  ♦  Glintstone Dragon Adula  ♦  Glintstone Dragon Smarag  ♦  God-Devouring Serpent  ♦  Godefroy the Grafted  ♦  Godfrey the Grafted  ♦  Godfrey, First Elden Lord  ♦  Godfrey, First Elden Lord (Golden Shade)  ♦  Godrick the Grafted  ♦  Godskin Apostle  ♦  Godskin Apostle & Godskin Noble  ♦  Godskin Apostle (Caelid)  ♦  Godskin Apostle and Godskin Noble  ♦  Godskin Duo  ♦  Godskin Noble  ♦  Golden Hippopotamus  ♦  Grafted Scion  ♦  Great Wyrm Theodorix  ♦  Guardian Golem  ♦  Hoarah Loux, Warrior  ♦  Jagged Peak Drake  ♦  Jori Elder Inquisitor  ♦  Kindfred of Rot  ♦  Kindred of Rot  ♦  Lamenter  ♦  Leonine Misbegoten  ♦  Leonine Misbegotten  ♦  Lichdragon Fortissax  ♦  Loretta, Knight of the Haligtree  ♦  Mad Pumpkin Head  ♦  Magma Wyrm  ♦  Magma Wyrm Makar  ♦  Malenia Blade of Miquella  ♦  Maliketh, the Black Blade  ♦  Margit, The Fell Omen  ♦  Messmer the Impaler  ♦  Metyr Mother of Fingers  ♦  Midra Lord of Frenzied Flame  ♦  Mimic Tear  ♦  Miranda the Blighted Bloom  ♦  Misbegotten Crusader  ♦  Misbegotten Warrior  ♦  Mohg, Lord of Blood  ♦  Mohg, the Omen  ♦  Morgott the Omen King  ♦  Necromancer Garris  ♦  Night's Cavalry  ♦  Nox Swordstress & Nox Priest  ♦  Omenkiller  ♦  Omenkiller and Miranda, the Blighted Bloom  ♦  Onyx Lord  ♦  Perfumer Tricia  ♦  Promised Consort Radahn  ♦  Putrescent Knight  ♦  Putrid Crystalians  ♦  Putrid Grave Warden Duelist  ♦  Putrid Tree Spirit  ♦  Radagon of the Golden Order  ♦  Rakshasa  ♦  Ralva the Great Red Bear  ♦  Red Bear  ♦  Red Wolf of Radagon  ♦  Red Wolf of the Champion  ♦  Regal Ancestor Spirit  ♦  Rellana Twin Moon Knight  ♦  Romina Saint of the Bud  ♦  Roundtable Knight Vyke  ♦  Royal Knight Loretta  ♦  Royal Revenant  ♦  Rugalea the Great Red Bear  ♦  Runebear  ♦  Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy  ♦  Scadutree Avatar  ♦  Scaly Misbegotten  ♦  Sir Gideon Ofnir, the All-Knowing (Boss)  ♦  Soldier of Godrick  ♦  Spirit-Caller Snail  ♦  Starscourge Radahn  ♦  Stonedigger Troll  ♦  Tibia Mariner  ♦  Tree Sentinel  ♦  Ulcerated Tree Spirit  ♦  Valiant Gargoyle  ♦  Wormface


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    • Anonymous

      Honestly I really like these guys. They have enough unique moves to make them interesting and not feel like a total repeat, and their visual design is amazing. I also love any chance to exploit Holy weakness. But yeah the one at Scadu Altus where you have to fight the dragon along with a squad of dipsh*t soldiers with archery support is completely asinine. From definitely should have tweaked the aggro so that everyone is on the same side fighting the dragon until it dies, it's such an easy fix and it would make the fight so epic and interesting. But yeah Ghostflame dragons are a 7/10, would fight

      • Anonymous

        The funniest thing is that the Ghostflame Dragon at Cerulean Coast summons undead soldiers and those soldiers will chase you until the ends of the earth or until you rest at a grace. They chased me all the way to the Stone Coffin entrance and I rode their on horseback in a straight line.

        • Anonymous

          you can summon Jolan for this fight on the Cerulean Coast if you Start Count Ymirs quest line and talk to him again after activating the first finger ruins whistle. The Summon spot is in the bare patch infront of the ghostflame dragon if you are approaching from the cerulean coast site of grace.

          • Anonymous

            It feels like the black steel great hammer was made to crack these things in half, just a couple bonks and these things are gone

            • Anonymous

              gold order funadamentlist death strength build never felt so great. Even on ng+ these dudes melt like butter!

              • Anonymous

                i discovered that there's a rare mounting attack you can do against the ghostflame dragon (this may affect other dragons) where you do a jump attack on its head. it's very similar to the type of attack you do on the flaming head chariot enemies in base game, but this attack immediately topples the dragon instead. this is the first time i've seen this attack despite having 9+ save files, is this unique to the ghostflame dragons?
                golden epitaph goes hard vs. them btw, it's a low-requirement weapon that can give you (and teammates) a strong buff vs. undead - and the sword is pretty good against it too.

                • Anonymous

                  love the one in scadu altus because there will always be one or two knights that shoot arrows at you or chase you around the entire fight like there isnt a evil zombie dragon eating all their friends

                  • Anonymous

                    I’m on my first play through currently at Lvl. 148. I have Str: 30, Dex: 23, Int: 43, Fth: 41, Arc: 45. 3 stat boost talismans and the one that boosts incantations.

                    I used a clayman’s harpoon +19 w/ AoW spectral lance and dragon communion seal +10 to cast rot breath…I summoned the skeletons with great shields at +10 (I think). Also used golden vow and flame, grant me strength to buff…

                    Just beat the one at the cerulean coast using that setup and had a blast doing it. Decently challenging. Can’t wait to see about the dragon with the soldiers and the bridge or whatever…

                    • Anonymous

                      I am playing seamless co-op (400% hp) and this one was pretty hard until we both started hitting the head with big holy buffed weapons. The Crits on stagger do insane dmg for some reason. Its not really mentioned in the wiki so I thought I would post it here. Jumping heavy spam on the head works wonders.

                      • Anonymous

                        I thought the one that was fighting the soldiers was cool at first until I realized 1) I wasn't getting runes from killing them 2) they weren't damaging the dragon much and just attacked me if I tried fighting the dragon. So the strat seems to be to just wait until the dragon kills a bunch of them before I can start fighting it. zzzzz

                        • Anonymous

                          “This random guy is helping us kill this huge dragon that we’re doing little damage to? Better stop attacking the dragon and focus on the random tarnished that was helping us” I get that not being able to die made everyone insane but they’re clearly smart enough to attack the dragon

                          • Anonymous

                            When you can't make Midir shittier, put tons of NPCs that will focus only you with the Dragon. Good job, shittiest fight in the DLC.

                            • Anonymous

                              lool these things were designed to be fought on foot, the forward distance they cover in their melee swipes are an incredible anti-torrent weapon.

                              • Anonymous

                                Sacred Blade Beam Ash of War destroys this beast even at level 3 Scadutree. If you want simple boo boo damage use Holy Pots Most Deathbird and this can be off by it.

                                • Anonymous

                                  If you're doing NG+ then the skill of the Greatsword of Radahn (Lord)+10 absolutely decimates this dragon when you're underneath him.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    From can make a perfectly fair dragon boss, and still find a way to ruin it with a huge crowd of mobs.
                                    The worst part is that it's obviously programmed so they do very little damage to the dragon and vice versa. You pretty much have to kill all of them yourself.

                                    At least you get a flask refill when the dragon keeps pulling in even more mobs from the surrounding area.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      There's no reason the one at Cerulean Coast shouldn't deal sleep instead of frostbite. Have it breath sleep fire at the start, and then follow up with a sleep inflicting roar similar to Ekzykes and Borealis for the 2nd phase instead of just summoning skeletons. Then give both of those to the player as Dragon incants.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        I think Latenna is a great summon to fight dragons because of the expansive area she covers, but she didn't do anything when I summoned her to fight the one in Moorth highway, just stood still, even when Messmer's knights approached her. I guess her AI broke for good because this was constant even after attempting to summon her 3 times.
                                        From Soft, as always, delivering absolute sh*t quality control

                                        • Anonymous

                                          About the big AoE attack where its chest glows: This hits low to the ground and is actually jumpable. It spawns a ring of flame at the very edge of the AoE which can't be jumped and does damage over time, but if you stay close, you won't have to deal with that and can exploit the opening. I haven't tested it, but I think certain spells or incantations that levitate you up in the air may also work for avoiding it (this works on the stomp attacks of the giant flaming enemies elsewhere in the DLC).

                                          • Anonymous

                                            Imo the best way to easy get this one done is to break its poise (eg. Banished Knight's Halberd + Ash of War: Ice Spear) and then throw holy pots at it. This also works really well for deathrite Birds ;)

                                            • Anonymous

                                              Absolutely 0 fun to fight these nor any sense of accomplishment when it's defeated. rot breath and riding torrent in circles seems to be the safest strategy . it's difficult boss but not fun difficult. Just annoying.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                There's a huge undead dragon pounding everything in sight and spewing ghostflame but the clowns fighting him prefer to focus you

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  How to turbo-stomp Ghostflame Dragons and any other undead enemy in the game:

                                                  Get the Ash of War "Sacred Order" and duplicate it. Get the weapon "Golden Epitaph". Both of these can be found in the Altus Plateau. Now infuse 2 weapons of your choice with holy damage and "Sacred Order", extra points for weapons that deal strike damage.

                                                  1. Cast the skill of "Golden Epitaph"
                                                  2. Cast the "Sacred Order" of your left hand infused weapon by two-handing it. (This can be a dagger to avoid weight issues)
                                                  3. Swap right-hand weapon to your other infused weapon and cast the second "Sacred Order".

                                                  You just stacked three 100% damage increases against undead enemies for 60 seconds. Yes, both "Sacred Order" will enhance both of your weapons damage despite being a weapon specific buff.

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    If you don't feel like fighting the one in the lake next to the "Greatbridge North" grace I'd recommmend Latenna as well. Summon her on the highest cliff next to the Belurat Gaol Exit and buff her with Last Rites or Shared Order. If you'd like to contribute too then get the Erdtree Bow/Greatbow with Golden Arrows, arrow talismans and holy damage buffs. Or you can just let Latenna handle it and AFK a bit. Note, the dragon can still hit you/Latenna with his breath. Best to back up a little from the cliff face. Second note, Latenna might also get knocked back when this happens in which case she'll have a hard time hitting anything.

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      Important to know: Sacred Order in offhand and mainhand affects both weapons multiplicatively, and stacks multiplicatively with Shared Order. Sacred Order is a weapon buff, but due to questionable coding, each instance affects BOTH of your weapons and you can have 2 instances active at once. Shared Order is an aura buff that stacks with Sacred Orders. This can produce tremendously silly numbers. This can probably be buffed by Light (from Sword of Light) which is a body buff, though I haven't tried.

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        Easy guide to melt any Ghostflame Dragon.

                                                        Get the Golden Epitaph sword from Auriza Hero's Grave, and the Smithscript Shield from Taylew's Ruined Forge.

                                                        Use the Last Rites skill on the sword to add a holy damage buff to yourself and double your damage against undead enemies.

                                                        Lock on to the head and then use the Discus Hurl skill on the shield to throw your now holy-infused shield at the Dragon. The insane tracking will almost guarantee constant headshots.

                                                        Ghostflame Dragons thave -10% holy resistance, taske +65% damage from headshots, and are classed as undead.

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          "yo dude let's put around a ****ton those dragons that are literally the same as any other dragon from the base game. oh make you fight it while an army of soldiers or skeletons attacks you at the same time. oh and also give it 60 magic resistance because **** those mage guys in particular" (game of the year btw)

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            While I am a member of the four people who actually enjoy this fight, I think that there was a big missed opportunity for a crusable dragon instead. Make a big gold colored, horn decked and further feathered drake and name it the golden dragon. Its fire would be the gold/black flame that omens wield, and it would be able to fire watchful spirits like those of the omen and horned bairns. Its roar could do the sword of milos shriek debuff, and its bite attack could have the same flask stealing effect as the dancing lion (golden dragon or not, that effect should have been used more). Heck you could give it a phase two where it grows a pair of golden crusable wings and have it become a sort of ancient dragon. I wanted this to be a thing coming into the dlc as we don't have a holy dragon breath attack, and this would have fit like a glove.

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              Moorth highway dragon gank make me want to kms. Spend all your flasks getting rid of the enemies just to die to the dragon or wait 30 minutes for them to all die. Waste of my time

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                Golden Epitaph buff + any holy based aow - sacred blade / either elden beast remembrance weapons -> dragon go byebye

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  You don't get any runes for killing the extra enemies during the ghostflame dragon fight by Moorth Highway.

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    The Moorth Highway dragon fight is such a poorly thought out design. Oh cool, a big battle against an undead dragon and a company of soldiers. I'll join in to take the dragon down while they distract it...oh wait the soldiers instantly aggro to me instead of the dragon when I get in their site. And they have sniper greatbow archers that can hit me for half my HP. Great work on that one.

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      I know what kind of dragon we will put on DLC. The same one that players fought on base game. But guys hear me out. It breathe cold flame instead of red flame. It is crazy right?

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        if you’re an int mage, meteorite of astel turns them into jelly. use rock sling to stagger and meteorite of astel to punish!

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          Last Rites skill on the Golden Epitaph doubles damage against Ghostflame Dragons, as well as other undead enemies. It doubles all types of damage, spells as well as melee.

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            While yes these are very similar to bosses we already have plenty of in the base game, they have a couple of unique moves, and they look really cool, and bring up some interesting lore implications, being dragons that wield the power of a god of death. I like them

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              You are not able to summon your spirit ash after you defeat Dragon Man and or his invasion. I think the reason he invades you back at the beginning of the Dragon pit is. You really have no reason to go back this way. If you defeat him as an invasion. It locks you out of any ash summon for dragons for the rest of the playthrough. Prior to not killing him I had the option to summon, so I know it's linked to Dragon man one way or the other...

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                They really thought the one with the crowd of soldiers that randomly get dragon amnesia when they see the tarnished was some dope **** huh

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  Theres several dogs that patrol the area and they absolutely will suicide directly into you during the ad phase

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    You can position Latenna on the cliff to be your sniper and pewpewpew from a distance. Dex/arcane build, put sacred order on godskin peeler and kill this in one try.

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      You can position Latenna on the cliff to be your sniper and pewpewpew from a distance. Dex/arcane build, put sacred order on godskin peeler and kill this in one try.

                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                        Best boss in the game. I simply love running around on Torrent and swatting its legs, especially when a bunch of black knights are aggroing you and not the colossal dragon burning them alive.

                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                          Pest thread spears on horse makes these ezpz. Run around on your horse and shoot projectiles when the dragon is still, rinse repeat. Enjoy ur smithing stones.

                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                            Honestly my favorite of the basic dragons, I don’t get the hate for these guys and the others honestly (except the rot one he kinda sucks but i still don’t hate it)

                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                              The dragon in Moorth Highway was the worst dragon fight in any souls game ever as melee build. It’s not the dragon but the fact that there are 20+ soldiers fighting it and then they start attacking me? Extremely unfun, after two attempts I just kept hitting it with a greatbow while it killed the soldiers and then I finally fought it. By the time it killed all the soldiers it was at 1/3 HP. Seriously unfun fight

                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                The flame Dragon honestly wasn't that hard, the only issue is being in the path of the flame attack when he stomps his foot down or sprays at the ground if you are on foot while fighting him. You have a second to run away or dodge through the flame but sometimes it fails. The only Dragon I struggle with is Bayle, he's far worse than any other Dragon in this game. He have a lot more attacks than they do. I got to him on NG+ 15 and seen so many people i summon into my world get annihilated instantly.

                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                  so sick in tired of these cheap reskinned dragon fights, they're boring and take WAY too much time. Do better fromsoft because so far this DLC ain't it

                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                    Shoutout to the one at cerulean coast for being the first boss ive one shotted in a souls game. Alexander shard, holy boosting stuff, last rites, sacred order offhand and sneak attacking sacred blade hitting its feet and the projectile its head. I was shocked to say the least

                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                      When you think dragon fight couldn't get any worse, they add in 20 soldiers in a zone with already abysmal fps drop.

                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                        Gotta say, I hate these. Something about their moveset just throws me off, plus they deal more damage than some of the Remembrance bosses for some reason.

                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                          Found out something nifty about these things and all undead mobs. Golden Epitaph's Last Rite AoW stacks with Sacred Blade AoW for something like 200%+ damage to undead since one is a aura buff and the other is a weapon buff. Powerstanced Miquellan Knight's Sword with Golden Epitaph, buffed with both, and used the Sacred Blade projectile on the head of one of these dragons and hit for 10k+. It died in 3 hits.

                                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                                            Knights actually helped me as a caster lmfao. They were tanking and holding aggro while I was riding around throwing blackflame at the dragon. One idiot switched aggro from the dragon and kept trying to shoot me so I had to put him down, another one died to the dragon and one knight survived. I and the survived guy just kinda let each other be after dragon kicked the bucket lol. At some point I attempted to drop them a warming stone to heal them up a bit, but these dipshits began attacking me and I wasn't able to do that.

                                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                                              Just walk under their head, lock on, and spam sacred blade with the biggest weapon you can wield, when both the projectile and the weapon hit it will demolish them even if you have single digit faith.

                                                                                                              • "Dang it, this dragon with cold flame powers is destroying our army! We gotta regroup and try to- Wait a minute... THERE'S A GUY OVER THERE! FORGET THE DRAGON! KILL THAT GUY!!!"

                                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                                  Say cheese.... first can be shoot from lege near lake without probs. Second near moort can be cheesed from cave but first let the knights have their fun.

                                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                                    Gravesite Plain Ghostflame Dragon can be easily cheesed by placing Latenna the Albinauric Summon next to the Stake of Marika at the southern edge of the lake.

                                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                                      The cool factor of fighting a dragon is outweighed by cluttered / uneven fight arenas, summoning ganks, constant running to get into position, identical movesets, and fighting like 30 of them throughout the game. I understand why they get hunted to extinction in every universe, they're f***ing annoying.

                                                                                                                      Wiki says legs are their weak spots, pretty sure their head is the only weak spot. Attacking legs will trigger a downward breath attack that will smoke you, like every other Fromsoft dragon.

                                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                                        For the one fighting with the soldiers, I wish they wouldn't aggro you if you're within some odd distance of the boss, it would've been cool fighting along side them like some enemy of my enemy is my friend kinda thing.

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