Giant Golden Arc |
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Spell Type | Spiral Tower Incantations |
FP Cost 24 | Slots Used 1 |
Releases a giant golden arc with a swing of the arm
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Giant Golden Arc is an Incantation in Elden Ring. It was added with the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. Giant Golden Arc fires a giant golden arc that tracks towards enemies.
Sorcery of the inquisitors of the tower, wielded as an incantation of the spiral.
A swing of the arm releases a giant golden arc.
Charging enhances potency.
The arc resembles the barb, a known symbol of coercive questioning.
Where to find Giant Golden Arc
Where to find Giant Golden Arc:
- Ruins of Unte: East of the "Castle Watering Hole" Site of Grace is a deactivated Furnace Golem blocking entrance to an area. [Elden Ring Map]
- To access the blocked area, you need to throw a Hefty Furnace Pot inside the golem's furnace so that it awakens and frees the entrance.
- To do so, find your way atop the left building and throw the pot from there. Do note that the activated golem will attack you.
- Alternatively, you can access the blocked area by using Torrent to jump in from the back corner of the building near the break in the wall. You will have to do a series of tricky jumps up the column, and then to the right and over the wall.
Elden Ring Giant Golden Arc Guide
- Spiral Tower Incantation
- Stamina Cost: 20 (26 charged)
- Deals (Incant Scaling x 2.15) Holy Damage uncharged and (Incant Scaling x 2.65) charged.
- Deals 8 Stance damage (12 charged).
- Fires a wide Giant Golden Arc which tracks enemies and can hit multiple at a time.
- Unlike Golden Arcs, the projectile passes through enemies and continues its path, damaging all enemies it touches.
- Although being very wide, it can still be used in narrow spaces, only disappearing if the middle part collides with environment.
- Medium range.
- Can be charged to increase potency.
- Can be cast in quick succession.
- Can be cast while riding. Torrent walks slowly.
- Spiraltree Seal boosts damage by 20%
- Godfrey Icon boosts charged damage by 15%
Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree Golden Arcs Video
- Anonymous
The major advantage of this spell is its quick cast speed. Its startup frames is 14f-6f, wih 9f at 48 virtual dex, and its uncharged cast frame is 8f. Hence, at 48 dex, this spell can come out as fast as 17f casting, on par with the attack speed of most light weapon R1s and the cast speed is among the quickest cast speed tier of all spells.
Compared with Catch Flame, which is a prestigious quick-casting incantation; Catch Flame has a casting frame of 17f when cast during running (running cast Catch Flame omits its startup frame, which is the only frame window that can be boosted by dex). So at 48 dex, casting Giant Golden Arc is almost as fast as casting Catch Flame.
Fully charged Giant Golden Arc takes 24f to cast. Hence, at 48 dex, it will take 33f to throw out a fully charged Giant Golden Arc; still much quicker than most spells. For instance, an uncharged Star Shower takes 37f to cast at 70 dex.
- Anonymous
Need buff to damage/range/fp, the damage is too low, only 2.10x/2.65x, for comparison glintstone cometshard has 2.59x/3.24x, can hit much further, and cost only 20fp with azur crown. Nightcomet has 2.30x/2.76x, but the special boost from staff of loss is 30%,! And Comet has 2.92x/3.65x. Moreover spiraltree seal is not good, if that seal has 390sorcery scaling, then this spell can be saved a bit by dual wielding bonus. The only good thing of this spell is the quick casting, which is why it got compared with comets in the first place. Right now, this spell is not good unless u stack a ridiculous amount of damage buff, then the advantage of quick casting will shine.
- Anonymous
Good spell but FP cost is a bit too high. 18-20 FP would be a much more reasonable amount.
- Anonymous
based on what the arc marika was crucified on looks like, this is like firing off pieces of the true cross at your enemies and my faith builds will never be without it for that
- Anonymous
Eccentric set + pearl white skin + red hair + this = I'm lovin' it build
- Anonymous
Very good against Commander Gaius, it almost never misses him and the quick cast time make it easy to spam. Awesome damage as well, ~2000 per uncharged cast at 60 Faith with Godslayer Seal at main hand, Spiraltree Seal at offhand, Holy-Shrouding Cracked Tear, Sacred Scorpion Charm and Golden Vow at Scadu level 11.
- Anonymous
Absolutely insane in pvp
Someone can roll backwards into an arc that missed them and still get hit because they are so damn slow
They cant be jumped over as far as I know either, mix this up with storm stomp or something and you're a menace
- Anonymous
You can get to this chest without activating the golem. There is ledge behind the castle you can use torrent to jump onto. Its tricky but it does work eventually.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Wish this costed a bit less, maybe 12-16 fp, so I could use it like a holy “glintstone arc” in pve. Its a good incant but never sat right with me that it costs more than multilayered rings of light even if its only 1 fp lol
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
People either roll through it or run away from it so you can set up your next spells for either of those reactions or just use it to buy yourself some time. One of the best spells in the game.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Really solid spell for a spellsword combat style. Good at zoning and it can force rolls that you can use to combo into other spells or weapon attacks. Comes out pretty quick and does solid damage/hitstun, so casting while someone is in your face is generally not a bad option. Sort of a swiss army knife in PvP if you use it right.
- Anonymous
Now that i'm thinking about it, it's weird nobody actually bothered to mention how this thing exactly like Night Comet for sorcerers, literally deletes any dumb sctipted ai invasion who dares to get in your way lol
And as a neat little bonis due the slow traveling time of these projectiles, it tricks the enemy ai who likes to dodge your spells, as for example Malenia, to get bashed in the face by these funny arcs lol
For being an offensive spell with the worst damage type in the entire game, this thing happens to be surprisingly versatile and hits like a truck with the right build.
- Anonymous
You get a rune arc! You get a rune arc! And you get a rune arc!!
Best zoning tool in pvp and amazing ad clear for big groups. This one never leaves my memory slot.
- Anonymous
To the people saying this is useless in pvp, wait until you find the guy spamming this with triple rings of light in the arena. You'll quickly find out that it has virtually no recovery, and comes out damn-near instantly in such a way that guarantees a hit if you roll in to approach them on the first cast. Seems like the only good way to fight it is to spam projectiles of your own, and hope you win out the trades.
- Anonymous
huge projectile, will disappear if there's even a small wood post near it
slow and useless in pvp. roll forward and poke to counter
- Anonymous
Absolutely shreds in PvP duels. The cast time is pretty quick, even on the charged version so you can throw one or two of these out with just a bit of distance. Because it's so wide and slow moving, it puts the opponent in a panic. They often roll into you, dodging it and basically giving you a free R1 with whatever weapon you decide to use. I use Flame Skewer (flame art) on the great katana because it's good range and I'm trying to make the most of the DLC stuff, but you could use this with whatever faith-based PvP build.
- Anonymous
Who else saw the chest for this thing and fully thought you found a mimic in elden ring?
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
In paper this is the second strongest holy incantation after the new ring of light distructo disc.
- Anonymous
Your dollar store Wave of Gold, but in a good way: Weaker but still strong hitstun (Greatsword level), surprisingly decent poise damage (12, slightly lower than Stone of Gurranq's 14.4), and very spammable, even the charged version.
The slow moving nature of the projectile also lets you set up your damage Glintblade style.
- Anonymous
This thing absolutely wrecks death rite birds when paired with the flock's canvas talisman and faith cracked tear
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
the animation of this looks a bit weird, maybe way too slow, idk
- Anonymous
I'm not sure exactly why replies here say this is a good spell. It's complete dog ****. You need a whole FP bar at 30 Mind to take down a basic non-boss enemy. Sure it's good against trash mobs, but so is literally everything else. A single sword hit costs nothing. The only way this is considered "good" is in relation to all other DLC incantations, which are even worse somehow.
Bad inc, huge FP cost, low damage, shite faith scaling.
- Anonymous
Up there with pest threads as best DLC incantation. The horizontal hitbox is so juicy if you learn to aim it. You only need about the middle 30% to not hit walls and the ends of it can travel through walls if you practice. Damage slaps and reasonable cost.
Sad all the beautiful boss incantations are garbage on release but at least we got a couple good ones
- Anonymous
Is this a Miquella incantation? As far as I know this wiki currently doesn't specify which spells are Miquella incantations, but they do exist, as the Dryleaf Seal is supposed to boost them.
- Anonymous
You can get there without using the Furnace Pot by going to the other side of the castle where the wall is broken. Try to jump against the pillar on the left as high as possible and then to the right over the castles wall.
- Anonymous
This thing is busted I have 80 faith and usually just ran double scythe and used golden vow and flame grant me strength but ever since I got this and the new lighting strike I have been actually using incantations and have been melting bosses since you can throw like 10 in a row each does about 1k damage on average and it's fast and easy to use if you can get some space
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
You can access this without using a pot on the Furnace Golem. On the south-east corner of the fort, you'll see the wall is broken. Just to the left of the broken wall, Use your mount to jump the 3 different elevations of skinny ledge, and then double jump over to the broken wall. Took me about 8 or 9 tries, or about 2 minutes to do it. Hope this helps!~~
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Legitimately very good incantation. Vastly superior to its younger brother.
Comes out quick, has very good stagger, can be charged, and hits a lot of enemies at a time. Pretty cheap, spammable, good way to buy yourself some space in a pinch.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
The Elden Ring equivalent to static shock off of a car door.
Annoying and uncalled for.
- Anonymous
Actually a good spell. Has good damage when you are built for faith, very good homing surprisingly, and the huge hitbox makes it very likely to hit.
The downside is that it moves super slowly and has a pretty low range, so you need to cast it kinda close. Also the animation for casting it is really dumb, looks like a sloppy mod spell.
world cutting slash