Golden Order Greatsword is a Greatsword in Elden Ring. The Golden Order Greatsword scales primarily with Dexterity and Faith, with minor scaling in Strength. It is a versatile Weapon that can deal considerable amount of Holy damage both in melee and at medium range.
Greatsword made of light, modeled after the Elden Ring itself.
Forged by King Consort Radagon to proudly symbolize the tenets of the Golden Order.
One of the legendary armaments.
Telltale signs betray that this was once the greatsword bequeathed to him by his first wife, Rennala.
Where to Find Golden Order Greatsword in Elden Ring
The Golden Order Greatsword weapon can be found at the following location:
- Dropped by Misbegotten Crusader in the Cave of the Forlorn. [Elden Ring Map here]
Elden Ring Golden Order Greatsword Notes & Tips
- Weapon Skill: Establish Order
- This weapon cannot be infused with Ashes of War
- Cannot be enchanted with Magic nor buffed by Consumables
- Golden Order Greatsword can be upgraded by using Somber Smithing Stones
- Deals +20% damage to
Undead type enemies and prevents Skeletons from reviving
- Sell Value:
- One of the 9 Legendary Armaments.
- NOTE: As of Patch 1.09, the scaling values of this weapon were changed. Please refer to the Upgrades Table of this weapon below. Additionally, speed, range, recovery time and guard counter speed of Greatswords weapons has increased.
Moveset & Videos in Elden Ring for Golden Order Greatsword
Golden Order Greatsword PVP Poise Damage Values in Elden Ring
Patch 1.10 adjusted PVP Poise Damage of all Weapons including some Spells and Incantations. Please take note that these adjustments are exclusive to PVP.
One-Handed Attacks
- 1H R1 (1/2/3/4 Attacks): 203.5/101.75/101.75/110
- 1H R2 (1/2 Attacks): 330/330
- 1H Charged R2 (1/2 Attacks): 990/990
- 1H R1 Jumping: 305.25
- 1H R2 Jumping: 660
Two-Handed Attacks
- 2H R1 (1/2/3/4 Attacks): 264/132/132/143
- 2H R2 (1/2 Attacks): 363/363
- 2H Charged R2 (1/2 Attacks): 1089/1089
- 2H R1 Jumping: 396
- 2H R2 Jumping: 726
Golden Order Greatsword Upgrades in Elden Ring
Please see the Upgrades page to understand the weapon bolstering process.
Requires regular reinforcement with Somber Smithing Stones.
Attack Power | Stat Scaling | Passive Effects | Damage Reduction (%) | ||||||||||||||||
Golden Order Greatsword | Phy | Mag | Fir | Lit | Hol | Sta | Str | Dex | Int | Fai | Arc | Any | Phy | Mag | Fir | Lit | Hol | Bst | Rst |
Standard | 86 | - | - | - | 103 | 62 | E | D | - | C | - | - | 55 | 30 | 30 | 30 | 60 | 42 | 20 |
Standard +1 | 98 | - | - | - | 117 | 68 | E | D | - | C | - | - | 55 | 30 | 30 | 30 | 60 | 42.42 | 20 |
Standard +2 | 110 | - | - | - | 132 | 74 | E | D | - | C | - | - | 55 | 30 | 30 | 30 | 60 | 42.84 | 20 |
Standard +3 | 123 | - | - | - | 147 | 80 | E | D | - | C | - | - | 55 | 30 | 30 | 30 | 60 | 43.26 | 20 |
Standard +4 | 135 | - | - | - | 162 | 86 | E | D | - | C | - | - | 55 | 30 | 30 | 30 | 60 | 43.68 | 20 |
Standard +5 | 148 | - | - | - | 177 | 93 | E | D | - | C | - | - | 55 | 30 | 30 | 30 | 60 | 44.1 | 20 |
Standard +6 | 160 | - | - | - | 192 | 99 | E | D | - | B | - | - | 55 | 30 | 30 | 30 | 60 | 44.52 | 20 |
Standard +7 | 173 | - | - | - | 207 | 105 | E | D | - | B | - | - | 55 | 30 | 30 | 30 | 60 | 44.94 | 20 |
Standard +8 | 185 | - | - | - | 222 | 111 | E | D | - | B | - | - | 55 | 30 | 30 | 30 | 60 | 45.36 | 20 |
Standard +9 | 198 | - | - | - | 237 | 117 | E | D | - | B | - | - | 55 | 30 | 30 | 30 | 60 | 45.78 | 20 |
Standard +10 | 210 | - | - | - | 252 | 124 | E | D | - | B | - | - | 55 | 30 | 30 | 30 | 60 | 46.2 | 20 |
- Anonymous
Golden order seal scales with both faith and int
Golden order greatsword has no int component
Why be so inconsistent?
- Anonymous
I think if it's ash of war was faster, did more damage, cost less FP, and buffed the weapon afterwords it would be an S tier weapon. Right now the weapon itself doesn't do as much damage as some of the other unbuffable greatswords. Plus I'm having trouble having an opening for this AoW during a boss fight when up close. And if you want to do the projectile attack from far away you have to use up 20 FP for a small explosion before even getting to using the projectile attack which costs another 20 FP. And then there's the holy resist bosses and enemies.
- Anonymous
Damn, So many Blasphemous Billy users down these comments.
Nothing but a bunch of L2 spammers who firmly believe that this thing is trash because it can't carry their ass with the aow spam lmao
- Anonymous
Should weigh nothing but also do either minimal or no stance damage, also pure faith scaling and holy damage.
- Anonymous
it would have been so cool to have a greatsword with 0 weight. it would make this thing actually useful
See, the Golden Order is so great that even a misbegotten is embracing it.
- Anonymous
Sure, the damage is weak in pve. In pvp this gives you hyper armor WoG as an ash of war and an aimable beam of light follow-up, it's absolutely great for invasions because of that functionality.
- Anonymous
Started using this on a whim and now it's easily top 5 weapons in this game for me. Looks awesome, amazing and beautiful unique skill, and it's a greatsword. And if you're so concerned about holy resist just slap on the sacred scorpion and holy cracked tear and this thing still RIPS
- Anonymous
The Dark Moon Greatsword is also made of light and weighs the same
- Anonymous
As someone who loves this weapon I can confidently say it completely sucks
- Anonymous
This should've had an E in both Strength and Dex with 90 physical damage. It then should have int and faith scaling at B and 240 magic (same as Dark Moon) and holy damage on it. The aow is ok but should've had the first input as the two fast slashes with light waves that Elden Beast and Establish Order do at 10FP with two additional follow ups to unleash a third and fourth wave like Elden Beast. The weight should be lower, too. I get that it was modelled after Rennala Moon Greatsword but it states it is made of light so it should be weighing nothing or at least less than all other members of its weapon type.
If it’s made of light then it may as well do pure holy damage.
- Anonymous
To everyone complaining about the weight...that was a lie along with the fact that it was forged by Radagon. It's just a Moonlight Sword that he modified so obviously it's not made of light
- Anonymous
Weights 10 Miyazakilo, even made out of light.
The reason?
Well... From games always gave us freedom to think by ourselves about the meanings of lores in their games...
So I wanna hear from you guys some intelligent, criative and smart speculations!
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
All it needs is 0 weight. It’s a sword made of freakin’ light! Cipher Pata, Golden Order Seal, Erdtree Seal, come on man, there’s no reason for this to weigh 10 pounds
- Anonymous
Holylight Great Sword.
With Warth of the Golds equipped.
And a follow up of Order Blade too.
And B scaling on Faith.
And generic Great Sword moves.
And good against undeads.
And good at DLC.
Do you want anything more?
- Anonymous
Ngl, this could've been something good for Int/Fth. So far the only two weapons really designed for the build focus on Magic and Fire damage, and having a holy damage option (reflecting the Golden Order incantations and all that) would work really well. I bet there's someone here who wants to kill me for saying this, but let's be honest with ourselves here. Half of the somber greatsword weapon pool are faith weapons, and they can really stand to share.
- Anonymous
This is my favorite greatsword, it's not that special or powerful, but it gets the job done and looks pretty.
- Anonymous
Tbh a fine weapon, just wish it was able to stand out more from the other six somber faith greatswords. Like a 10% bonus to golden order spells while equipped like the radiant gold mask has.
- Anonymous
"Greatsword made of light, modeled after the Elden Ring itself."
>Has a weight of 10
>They weren't even trying
- Anonymous
The skill should've been a stance: if r1 you have the distance beam (the follow up of the ash) and the r2 should've been the explosion. It would've been cool also because of rellana's cameo, making it a good rival for the moonlight greatsword
- Anonymous
It would have been so cool if this only scaled with faith and intelligence, and weighed nothing. I’m thinking a B scaling in faith (that could be upgraded to S at +10), and an E scaling in intelligence (that could be upgraded to D at +10). It obviously won’t happen, but it is still interesting to think about what could have been, instead of what is :(
- Anonymous
Give it a B scaling in faith (at the very least), and make the AOW slightly faster, while also reducing the fp cost.
- Anonymous
Hear me out:
Give this thing a B or A scaling in faith (up from C), and change the E scaling in strength to an E scaling in intelligence (to fit the Golden Order theme). Lastly, make it have no weight. Tada!! :)
- Anonymous
Wish the initial holy blast came out quicker so I could roll catch with it in pvp
- Anonymous
It's fine that this thing is a dex/faith weapon but kinda weird that a greatsword gets a strength scaling that's this low. This thing gets the strength scaling of the average dagger. I think at least a D would have made a bit more sense
- Anonymous
FromSoft players when the Faith/Dex weapon requires Dex and Faith:
- Anonymous
That thing is an absolute Death Knight killer, if you have enough faith. The AoW knocks them out of their attacks and deals a chunk of damage, on top of having one of the coolest animations in this game.
- Anonymous
Radagon forged the sword and it is said that the sword was given to him by Rennala. Did he make it for her and she gave it back to him at the end of their relationship? Why does a misbegotten drops it? Why does Radagon uses a broken hammer in his boss fight?
- Anonymous
Older brother of Inseparable Sword + drops from one of my favorite enemies to fight in this game. Don't care what y'all say I love this thing's lore, just a little guy in a cave picking up a sword that literally belonged to God
- Anonymous
This sword is still very decent, and one of the best Holy weapons in the game.
If you have 50 Faith, Str and Dex to wield this sword, you have one of the best weapons against Skeletons, Death Birds, those zombies that crawls, and even in DLC.
Put it with Holy Scorpion talisman, drink flask that gets 20% more Holy Damage + 10 more Faith, Shard of Alexander = great area effect skill that can still follow up with a swing + holy beam
All in all, this one combines pretty good with Relic Sword (forgot the real name, but the sword you get from Elden Beast) too, as Relic still gets Holy damage up, with a way more devastating skill too.
If this weapon could get an A or S on Faith, it sure would be better, but a B is still something that no jokes could happen.
- Anonymous
Considering the fact that this is a holy version of the dark moon greatsword, I am disappointed in the fact that it’s not as powerful as it could be. The AOW should be a bit quicker, should NOT cost 40fp, and should deal more damage. It also would have been cool if the weapon had an int scaling to match the Golden Order theme.
- Anonymous
People whining about the requirements when Spear of the Impaler has more atrocious requirements but is one of the more popular weapons of the DLC. This comments section is giving me an aneurysm.
- Anonymous
Moonlight Greatsword for people who don't fantasize about fornicating with dolls
- Anonymous
This and the darkmoon greatsword are kind of a yin and yang situation
- Anonymous
Look at all these weirdos talking **** about this weapon because their lazy ass can't conceive the idea to grind for the level 200.
- Anonymous
Yet another really cool weapon with almost no incentive to use due to a horrible skill and insane stat requirements. From really does a stellar job when it comes to making incredibly awesome yet entirely disappointing and borderline useless weapons.
"Repeated inputs send out waves of light"
*only has 1 input and only sends out a single wave of light*. Dumbass weapon
- Anonymous
they could've made this like the moonlight greatsword but still unique by the buff making it shoot out holy beams with a thrusting R2 instead, would've been very cool.
- Anonymous
Stat requirements are there for balance. You can use this on a caster build and it’s fantastic. Also has similar specs as treespear which is great for golden order fundamentalist builds.
16 str and 22 dex is worth it and 60 faith is all you need for this, throw whatever you want into int and there’s your build. Inseparable Sword is also good for this build and doesn’t need as much dex.
- Anonymous
Fantastic hyper armor on the Weapon Art (good for baiting in PvP), looks AMAZING, FAITH scaling is good... but the DEX requirements and FP cost of the Weapon Art are beyond retarded (20 + 20 = 40 FP for the full WA!!!), it requiring INT instead of DEX would make more sense and would enable Moonlight + Golden pairings. The WA should be half a second faster and cost 16 FP each MAX, ideally 20 FP first activation and 10-8 FP second activation.
THEN it could compete with the Moonlight, but as of right now it's still the inferior twin.
I still love it and I'm still going to use it because fashion >>>>>>>>>>>>>> stats and faith apes together strong
- Anonymous
I really like this weapon, but having such a high dex requirement for it to scale like a unupgraded weapon is so Miyazaki.
- Anonymous
Really hoping for the balance patch that was mentioned 1 day before the DLC release to do something to this weapon.
In my dreams I imagine it being buffed like this:
- The explosion part of the AoW now applies a sacred blade weapon buff right before the explosion
-The wave part is now unblocable and deals 50 stance damage.
The sacred blade type buff will both give it the extra base damage buff it desperately needs and double on the anti undead passive it has by default, and the stance damage buff to the wave part will rewards player who actually manage to complete the AoW against a boss by either breaking their stance or leaving them very close to being stance broken.
- Anonymous
Why do people complain so much about stat requirements, I'll never get it. I always try to get my vigor and main stat to 40 and all the other atleast to 25, this way I don't have to worry about stat requirements with 99% of weapons that I'd possibly want to use in my build. Sure, this way of allocating stats is suboptimal and I could have like 25% more damage investing all of these points into one stat, but it sure as hell is better than complaining online about weapon stat requirements.
- Anonymous
Reforging your wedding gift is pretty rude not gonna lie. Guess he really didn't want to repec to int
- Anonymous
This weapon is all over the place. That dex requirement while having absolutely shitty scaling, being Holy damage and the Weapon Art being useless as ****. What a waste of a design. Elden Ring is plagued by so many SLOW moves for the player, while enemies jump all over the joint and combo you. It makes these moves either PVP-only, or impractical to all but anyone who has mastered a fight.
- Anonymous
Holy crap, the author of the linked showcase video forgot to add ''GOLDEN ORDER GREATSWORD'' to the list!!
- Anonymous
Only flaw is the stupidly high dex requirement. Otherwise a decent and fun weapon.
- Anonymous
It’s so beautiful, but that hack Miyazaki had to ruin it, can’t wait when someone more competent takes the helm storywise, compared to muh copypasted gnosticism
- Anonymous
"made of light" weighs 10 miyazakis, surely because it was another sword before!
meant to symbolize the golden order and forged by Radagon, no int scaling... surely because it looks like the Elden Ring!
21 dex req, surely because from doesn't want anyone to ****ing use this thing...
looks godlike (quite literally), SURELY TO PISS ME OFF
This sword is actually quite great at bullying Omens down in the Leyndell underground sections. If you can get the first explosion off at close range it'll stagger them, then the followup attack knocks them down. If you cast the ability again within melee range of the downed Omen and have both sword slashes hit the Omen you'll poise break them, which'll allow you to do a crit finish on them. Considering how annoying Omens typically are to fight in melee, being able to deal with them in just two AoW casts is nice.
- Anonymous
My favorite weapon. With the holy tear and scorpion charm this thing hits like a truck in pve and pvp
- Anonymous
Great design but missed opportunity to make the weapon art the faith version of the moolight greatsword. Buff the weapon and send gold proyectiles with the heavy attack.
- Anonymous
Other than the fact that you can get it before the Elden Beast fight, I can't think of a reason to use this instead of the Sacred Relic Sword.
- Anonymous
I do enjoy using this weapons skill BUT its pretty slow in my opinion
*made of light, basically weightless substance
*still weighs 10 Miyazakis, one more than the claymore
- Anonymous
Pros: looks very cool, comes in handy when a hoard of skeletons is in front of you
Cons: quite literally everything else
- Anonymous
just use a sacred infused banished knight gs with sacred blade on it, it's better than this ****
- Anonymous
Gotta love skills that consume half of you FP bar, half of your stamina bar and require your enemy to do absolutely nothing for 5 seconds to be effective
- Anonymous
-Sword gifted by Rennala, probably one of the most powerful sorcerers bar Lusat/Azur.
-Dark Moon Greatsword tells us that this is Carian tradition and scales with int really well.
-Recipient of sword is Radagon, secretly the god Marika (or the other way around depending who you ask) and leader of a religion defined by scholarship.
-Radagon reforges a magic sword of the Carians and imbues it with the power of Order, a concept unique to his religion.
-Scales with faith only.
Favorite Faith weapon. It has insane hyperarmor on the AoW, a knockdown projectile, and great lore. It also looks incredible
- Anonymous
This weapon, like the Golden Order Seal and Golden Order Incantations, should scale with both int/faith. The same is true of death: death sorceries/ghostflame sorceries/the Prince of Death catalyst all scale off int/faith... Yet the death/ghostflame weapons, eg Helphen's Steeple, do not.
This doesn't seem like a bad *balance* decision, it seems so utterly inconsistent that I have to conclude it's a massive oversight and mistake by From. I hoped it would get fixed, but we're so far into the release now it doesn't seem like it'll ever happen...
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Well... at least it´s useful to make Doomslayer cosplay ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
How I hope weapon art would change/have different effects based on what Great Rune you currently use.
Godrick: weapon gets greenish aura and buffs your poise and all attributes with +5 for 1,5 mins.
Radahn: Weapon deals additional fire damage for a period of time and has reddish tinge. You gain small resistances to poison and rot.
Rykard: Every enemy killed will boost your attack power to a certain amount. Weapon art is colored orange/red and deals fire damage at the expense of holy damage.
Morgott: Weapon deals only holy damage for a period of time, but holy damage is majorly buffed. Weapon art triggers small self healing buff. Strong attack triggers golden slams on the ground.
Mohg: Weapon is tinged blood red and deals bleed build up. Holy beams are colored red and also deal bleed buildup.
Malenia: Every connected swing heals you a bit. Swings become little bit faster. Weapon art has one additional slash. Weapon art deals scarlet rot build-up, but wearer suffers from it too.
- Anonymous
lots of people saying it should scale with int because its golden order and yeah, theyre right. but ALSO it should scale with int because it used to be a dark moon greatsword (or because it was from rennala, maybe a full moon greatsword) lore wise it used to be a pure int weapon lmaooo
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
the nerdy over-fixation on weird details in these comments lol. it's a big glowing golden holy sword and it shoots a big beam, you're not allowed to complain. hit a big group of enemies or someone in pvp with the beam, you'll cream your pants and stop worrying about whatever arbitrary little number or scaling letter has you tearing your hair out
Golden Order Weapon: Check
Doesn’t scale with both Int and Faith.
- Anonymous
Say what you want about this weapon, but dual wielding it along side Darkmoon Greatsword looks absolutely awesome and solves the INT Faith build dilemma somewhat.
- Anonymous
If Dark Souls 2 made this weapon it would scale with your number of Great Runes and each new one would visibly appear on the blade
- Anonymous
Strictly pvp speaking, weapons like this and half of ER's catalogue are just disappointing man. Dark Souls 3 had such better varied weapons, along with cool covenants. Granted there were some stupid ones like Farron Greatsword spamming and Pontiff Curved Sword, but PvP just doesn't feel the same / nearly as enjoyable for me :(
- Anonymous
Not complaining about this weapon's bad scaling but why a GREATSWORD primarily scales with Dex tho?
- Anonymous
Radagon didn't forge an epic greatsword, he just put order's blade on a troll knight sword
- Anonymous
Haters gonna hate. Top 3 coolest looking weapon in the game facts
- Anonymous
It's literally called: Golden Order Greatsword. But it's scaling has nothing to do with golden order. Stick to a sacred clayman spear because that is apparently more golden order than this meme of a weapon. Seriously I only ever see max level phantoms using this, & it's usually offhand powerstanced with a sacred relic sword or inseparable sword, because that's how many dex faith weapons we have. My tears evaporate as I blast them with the only real int faith scaling weapon in the game, before getting oneshotted by an uncharged gransax volt because I had to invest 60 points in faith & 40 in int just to deal decent damage. Gankers order represent!
- Anonymous
Isnt it weird that in the biggest FromSoftware game there's literally 1 weapon for faith+int build (that i dont like at all) and not a single infusion, while in much smaller DS3 there was a separate casting tool, type of magic, two infusions and a number of unique weapons?
Looking at damage this thing could be good for Int+Fth just because It's one of very few weapons that have more elemental damage than physical, but stat requirements are brutal.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
>"Greatsword made of light, modeled after the Elden Ring itself"
>mediocre faith scaling (should scale with S according to lore)
>somehow ended up in an ice cave wielded by a meth-addicted lion in the middle of nowhere
- Anonymous
This sword feels way too unique to be a simple throwaway dungeon weapon. Part of me believes that this was once supposed to be Radagon's weapon for the final boss battle, but it would transition poorly into the Elden Beast fight where Radagon's body would be made into the Sacred Relic Sword. Also fighting two greatswords in a row wouldn't be very interesting
Radagon was a skilled smith, so him wielding the weapon he forged himself out of pure light in semblance of the Elden Ring definitely feels more in line with his character for a final boss battle than a stone hammer.
- Anonymous
I swear it's just a general rule at fromsoft that anything which looks cool has to be useless, and anything which looks awful has to have some of the best stat boosts/performance
- Anonymous
idc what anyone says, holy pee sword is peak and vaporizes skeletons
- Anonymous
Ah yes, the prime example of elden ring's nonsensical scalings... You have the weapon of the leader of the int/fth faction, a weapon which used to be an intelligence weapon that was transformed into a golden order weapon, and what scaling do you give it? Int/fth? Even pure faith? No, dex/fth. Heck, it feels like it has high requirements just to make it harder to use on a golden order build. Just anti-fun design.
- Anonymous
Ah yes, the prime example of elden ring's nonsensical scalings... You have the weapon of the leader of the int/fth faction, a weapon which used to be an intelligence weapon that was transformed into a golden order weapon, and what scaling do you give it? Int/fth? Even pure faith? No, dex/fth. Heck, it feels like it has high requirements just to make it harder to use on a golden order build. Just anti-fun design.
- Anonymous
how does this weapon even do physical damage or weigh anything. Quite literally made of light. Thought it'd be like the coded sword and cipher pata. Feel like it'd be a lot cooler as a pure faith weapon with at least like a A scaling with most if not all damage in holy. It just makes sense to me.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
This weapon should have kept the same passive buff as moonlight greatsword, having a wider attack at the cost of how much the passive buff lasts. If MGS lasts 60 seconds, the ability in the golden order greatsword should last like 20 seconds.
- Anonymous
How the Gargoyle's Blackblade gonna do more holy damage than this when it has a D scaling as opposed to a B scaling!?
- Anonymous
How the Gargoyle's Blackblade gonna do more holy damage than this when it has a D scaling as opposed to a B scaling!?
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
GSGS really is the poster child for both faith and holy damage. Aow that looks cool but takes 4 days to cast, no hyperarmour, no range, bad hitbox, no damage and costs an absurb amount. A sword that looks cool but is weak but the strongest thing about it is its weapon type and it makes you regret ever using it as you consistently do less damage to endgame bosses than you did to bosses before caelid.
- Anonymous
GSGS really is the poster child for both faith and holy damage. aow that looks cool but takes 4 days to cast, costs an absurb amount and does no damage, just like incantations usually do. Weapon that looks really cool and made of light but weighs alot for no reason and is really weak with the strongest part about it being weapon type and making you regret ever using it in the late game as you consistently do less damage to bosses than what you did at lvl 60.
- Anonymous
Fun fact, basterds sword is 9 pounds. This is 10. Light weighs more than steel.