Golden Order Incantations are a group of Incantations in Elden Ring that share a crest, characteristics, or a specific type of buff criteria. Golden Order Incantations revolve around divine power and contemplative ideology of Golden Order Fundamentalism to provide defensive capabilities and deal holy damage.

There are a total of 9 Golden Order Incantations available for players. These spells can be useful in fighting undead enemies or warding off Death Blight.



Golden Order Incantations info

Obtaining Golden Order Incantations

Golden Order Incantation Requirements

  • As is the case with all Incantations, you must have a catalyst equipped in order to be able to cast Golden Order Incantations.
  • Golden Order Incantations require Faith and Intelligence to use.

Boosting Golden Order Incantations

All Golden Order Incantations



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    • Anonymous

      The golden rule is to show others kindness, not unlike how you would threat yourself. It implies a connection and an ability to relate to others. The inquisitors of mount gelmir long abonded their kindness before they even turned traitor. Mohg and his band of lunatics bleed themselves regularly and don't threat others differently. Ygdrassyl was known as one of the kindest trees merely because of the suffering it endures, the leaves and roots are eaten by the four stags and Nidhogg at the bottom. Since Miquella prayed to radagon to cure his sister, and then abandoned the rule along with his kindness. Rot is an integral part of life and makes way for the spring for the next year.

      • For those of you confused about the INT:

        “The battle art you've learned is of the glinstone family.
        They were conceived at the great Academy of Raya Lucaria, to the north of this castle. In the past, they obeyed laws which contravened the Golden Order, or so I'm told.
        Fascinating, isn't it? That the Golden Order was pliable enough to absorb practices that contradicted itself in the past. With the Order broken, twisted, and in need of repair, such adaptability is more important now than ever.” - Sorcerer Rogier

        Praise the Order!

        • Anonymous

          Golden Order incants should deal extra damage to Those That Live In Death and should prevent them from reviving.

          • Anonymous

            Radagon literally had a group of preceptors with golden stitching across their masks to show they'd taken a "vow of confidence"... screaming to give us Elden Ring's version of "Vow of Silence" from DS3 (prevents casting for all those effected). Could've fit so well within this school of magic and been a huge threat in PvP that actually justified a high Int/Fai requirement.

            • Anonymous

              To comment something actually useful, one benefit to int/fai builds besides access to these spells and the strongest seal at higher levels (the golden order seal), is the Sword of Night and Flame, which is really strong rn with the boost it receives from Rellana’s Cameo.

              • Anonymous

                Ah yes, blind and unwavering devotion is certainly indicative of intelligence and not faith. Miyazaki at least try with the lore consistency.

                • Anonymous

                  Ah yes, the fundamentalist evangelical devotion to a parasitic outer god is "intelligent"
                  There is neither a lore nor gameplay reason these dog dookie spells need an int req

                  • Anonymous

                    1.10 changes to hyper armor made GO spells worthless when so many ranged attacks can reaction trade it without investment into fth/int. The addition of the dlc made the spells altogether obsolete since better spells that are cheaper don’t require intelligence. 13int is still worth it for discus… but that’s debatable. I have not seen a single GO build since the dlc.

                    • Anonymous

                      I wished we got a causality parry, Radagon style. Basically a spell version of Shield of Night. Also I feel like not only did we not get a single int/fth incantation in the dlc, the weapons and spells in the dlc actively worked to undermine the already limited spell selection with multilayered ring of light and and leda's sword. At the very least we got an int/fth scaling weapon that could be thematically used for golden order builds (gazing finger).

                      • Anonymous

                        It's worth to have at least 13 INT for Discuss of Light and Order's Blade when doing a holy paladin RP build. Erdtree Incantations have you covered for heals and buffs. Discuss of Light is the only ranged attack you will ever need for those enemies that are a pain to fight melee like ancient dragons or Fire Giant 2nd phase.

                        • Anonymous

                          If you build into it, these do pretty good damage. Golden discus is probably at top of the incantations list for efficient damage / fp ratio.

                          • Anonymous

                            With the addition of all the new holy spells in the dlc these seem to lack purpose now, even for a holy themed playthrough regular faith builds now perfectly accommodate holy spells. Incants like triple rings are still good but not really worth the int investment, I'll still take discus for the low requirements and fp cost though.

                            • Anonymous

                              allegedly the dryleaf seal actually boosts all the "ring" incantations here, which is pretty sweet since its a 25% and not a 10% like the golden order seal.

                              • Anonymous

                                Thank GOD Multilayered Ring of Light is a different sect of Miquella incantations, doesn't require int, and is actually really good. Funny how the best "ring of light" incantation that a golden order player could use isn't from the fundamentalist school.

                                • Anonymous

                                  Alright, I get it. Golden Order builds are somewhat awkward because they already have a myriad of spells in their arsenal and become a "jack of all trades, master of none" sort of thing. Naturally, I think From wanted to balance it by giving fewer options on other departments, like armaments for instance.

                                  But surely, would a golden order zealot be willingly using the prince of death's staff and casting death sorceries? Or fire/magma incantations on that matter?

                                  On paper, an int/fai build is still plausible, but thematically/lore-wise it doesn't make sense and all over the place.

                                  • Idea for how to fit Vow of Silence in this game:
                                    - Golden Order Incant
                                    - Relate it to the Mask of Confidence
                                    - Radagon ordered the Carian Preceptors to don those masks to make a statement that all their matters were kept PRIVATE
                                    - Call it Vow of Confidence

                                    • Anonymous

                                      the lore behind this incantation group is that it exists to show that fromsoft is too scared to make spells scale with both int and fth after realizing they'd be re-treading on ds2 territory and their hivemind fanbase still hisses at the mere mention of that game for some reason

                                      • Anonymous

                                        The lore behind golden order weapons might be that they are not fundamentalist and thus don't count intelligence. But the deepest lore is that they completely ****ed up by not designing near enough any weapon for players who use these incantations, bar a couple that wouldn't make sense for a golden order fundamentalist to use.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          Not a surprise that these require a closer look. Weapons: magic and int scaling curves are generous, giving you far more scaling at 50 than most curve. - they are front loaded. That means you don’t need a weapon that scales with int and Faith.
                                          Holy damage: bugs - not diving in to that. Endgame, that is overblown. Only radabeast and Maliketh have worrying resistance. The same build with double gelmir staff will have very big magma (rycard) scaling. Works well. SonaF, clayman and Erdsteel all enable ashes that can also help. Or if you wanna stay on holy, roll up the sleeves and blow those bubbles

                                          • Anonymous

                                            This is an awkward school of magic that has big requirements for spell casting and very few melee options as a result

                                            • Anonymous

                                              This is the most cool looking casting magic in all these souls games, but so garbage at the same time. All the endgame bosses are resistant to holy damage. They should be better if it was increasing stats instead of attacks.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                PSA - People say there is only Sword of N&F. Don't sleep on Clayman's Harpoon or Erdsteel dagger. Both can get some scaling with int and faith, opening up build options. Both can be good in right build (like 90% of weapons...).

                                                This is all for when you don't just want to chuck discs of course...

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  Some of the most thematically thoughtful spells in the game locked behind the most neglected stat combination for weapons in this game. Not to mention the miserable holy scaling bug in pvp. Radagons rings (the only spell in this school that does any poise damage) is very slow to cast & has no hyperarmor (Briars of sin has hyperarmor) to even use these in a timely manner Requires radagon icon or holding azur staff because the animation is so slow.
                                                  But I love golden order! I just want it to actually measure up to even the gimmick schools like bubbles. It doesn't, unless you stack like 5 buffs & wear scorpion charm you will be lucky to see it do any real damage. A shame.

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    The INT/FTH requirement on the spells is fine. Golden Order seal is a good seal at the same stat investment comapred to erdtree (70 pts for 80 faith w Erdtree is almost the same as 45/45 with GO seal, which is also a 70 pts investment).

                                                    The big issue is the fact all the GO-related weapons and affinies only scale wiht FTH...

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      The amount of people *****ing over the INT requirements of Golden Order spells makes you wonder if they even beat Rennala or if they're aware that stats reallocation exist in the first place.

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        It's suck that most offensive holy spells are from this school which require both FAI and INT, and it's almost impossible to make a holy caster build for PVP that works well even with RL 150 because you need to put a lot of attributes in both stats.

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          Since launch of the game the buff from Golden Order Seals/Mask doesn´t work in PVP, you simply get none. The Holy dmg spells in general are bugged since you don´t even get more dmg from Canvas or Godfrey icon talisman... Pls From get your **** togehter...

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            The best school for pvp. Does your favorite YTuber swap talismans and weapons? Triple rings catches their passive menuing. Chain cast into discus when they retreat or hover between the Triple rings: the speed and range gets them before they can roll. Use Great sword or mace to break down poise boys as they charge through the rings. Triple rings into Erdtree heal, BoG or Lords Aid is practically a spell combo since it damages anyone who punishes or tries to stop you. And wrath of gold/radagons rings into Erdtree heal etc is in fact a true combo that dominates 2v2 and 3v3 arena. Just watch for jumps: you have to properly read whether your opponent is retreating or gonna attack. You don’t want to cast Triple rings when they attack unless you’re following up with wrath of gold for a trade. Triple rings into Golden Order Greatsword L2 is also great.

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              Discus of Light
                                                              Super Duper cheap cast. Only 3 fp?! For my onion ring?! Make me want to squeal with joy. Does about the same damage as triple rings.

                                                              Immutable Shield
                                                              No more status. Dragon communion users beware. Really underrated.

                                                              Law of Causality
                                                              Pair with a shield or some type of good defense for beefy boom boom.

                                                              Law of Regression
                                                              The anti buff. Mess with your friends. Shatter the spirit of enemies. Can get rid of status buildup too I think.

                                                              Litany of Proper Death
                                                              This spell sucks.
                                                              If you can’t read that is.
                                                              Does huge damage to undead including deathbirds. Good reach and width too. Prevent skeletons from respawning. Like a bully. You bully.

                                                              Order Healing
                                                              Cheaper than Law of Regression and keeps your buffs. Honestly though it only really helps when basilisks are present. And even then there are those boluses to prevent death blight. Maybe not worth equipping.

                                                              Order’s Blade
                                                              Good against undead.
                                                              That’s it.
                                                              Looks cool I guess.

                                                              Radagon’s Rings of Light
                                                              Huge range. Worthy spell. Really good. Chargeable too. Strong. 8/10. Leaves you immobile.

                                                              Triple Rings of Light
                                                              Wide spread huge disks. Gives Slave Knight Gael flashbacks. Big cost. Rapid cast. Good for crowds, but single ring of light does same damage for significantly less fp. You can cast into either one from one, so it is neat in that regard too.

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                Worth noting that it says that all Golden Order incants req both faith and int but Law of Regression does not require faith at all.

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  I love these but they do 0 poise damage. Absolutely none. Radagons rings is the only exception. Other spells will stun your opponent or make them flinch in some manner to interrupt their attacks. Not so with this magic type. It makes trading go very poorly. That combined with the abysmal choices of weapon offered to int/faith dual scaling makes the golden order feel incomplete.

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    On the incant only character the DISCUS OF LIGHT is actually really good. Its really low cost, and with the boost does decent dmg. Mostly useful for dealing with the mobs, allowing for great conservation of fp towards the boss encounter.

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      Used to think these were about purging the undead and worshiping the Tree. I now understand this school is the control over cosmic order and power over life/death forces. The occult. Power to banish the dead is also the power to raise the dead, as evidenced by the rankor spells, litany and the omen bairn. This is also why the general purpose spells don’t perma kill undead. The golden order as a ruling faction opposes undeath and sides with the Tree but these spells predate that decision. Gideon freely dabbles in necromancy, secret rituals and uses lent arcane power from outer gods while Radahn used gravity magic to halt the stars for the Order. And Radagon, the leader, has some bizarre connections to the giants flame, the crucible curse, the briars/thorn sorceries and he spent a lot of time trying to control people.

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        These should all have the ability to kill skeletons permanently, I know only two of them were designed specifically to hunt those who live in death, but it does not make sense that incantations of the golden order, which the undead defy, could not permanently slay them.

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          All you need to know about int/fth is that most people in the duel yard now have me blocked. My build has the answer to every situation and the hard counter to every build. 50 fth, 37 intelligence and I don’t even cheese with slicer/rock sling/catch flame; just playing aggressive with mace, punishing passives with triple rings/buffs and punishing predictable players with wrath of gold/prayerful strike. It makes perfect sense for a learned cleric to use academy sorceries: magic flint blade/phalanx allow me to cast regression/elden stars safely. Lords aid/bestial constitution and regression heal status. Mace beats down heavy poise builds and wins trades on lighter builds. I only wish I could stack moon of Noktella or that they added another memory slot talisman so I could have more buff/support spells. I’m blocked by so many duelists simply because i have the hard counter to pretty much every build up my sleeve, I ruthlessly punish any retreat or passive play with buffs/elden stars and I’m experienced enough to simply not get hit by L2s anymore. 50 vigor, no armor is incredibly tanky if you don’t ever get hit by L2s and refuse to impale yourself on crouch pokes. oh and I do not even use light roll either. Super honest/clean build, don’t cheese/grief/chug/send hate mail, etc etc... but still blocked by more than just a few. You should try it :) idk DnD/fantasy terminology but int/fth is the true cleric/ priest while pure faith seems something more wild like a shaman/Druid or previous games pyromancers. It’s a lot of fun :)

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            What if I input the minimum int and the rest into Faith so that I could utilize other golden incantations like gods wrath or whatever it’s called

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              I believe that the Immutable Shield and the Order's Blade are hinting that INT & FAI builds shouldn't be focusing on just incantations or sorceries only, and you should combine it with a scepter and/or another weapon, as the seal can have different uses depending on which hand is used to hold it (as opposed to the usual of holding the spell catalyst in the left hand). With the base stats to cast all of the Golden Order incantations (31 FAI & 37 INT) you'd get a pretty nice selection of spells, both incantations and sorceries. Even better if you up your INT to 42 to be able to cast all of the Death Sorceries as well. As for the limited choices of weapons (ONLY SoN&F has both INT and FAI scaling), I believe that this school of incantations is meant to be paired with a buffable INT-based weapons and buff it with OB instead of using an innate INT & FAI scaling weapon.

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                I don't understand this group of incantations. You need both INT and FAI yet there's hardly any weapon that scales with both. There's no equivalent of Quality infusion as well. I guess because you'd have both sorceries and incantations in your arsenal, From "nerfed" the builds for this by making the only good weapon for it is the Sword of Night and Flame? I don't understand. Death sorceries requires both INT and FAI as well but lore-wise they're on the opposite side of the spectrum.

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  Holy Damage is underwhelming due to a lot of boss resistances, so in the case that they don't nerf boss resistances against holy (which they probably won't due to "lore" reasons.) I thought of a spell to buff holy damage -

                                                                                  Indictment of Improper Death

                                                                                  One of the incantations of the Golden Order Fundamentalists
                                                                                  Used by hunters of Those Who Live in Death.

                                                                                  Boosts holy-affinity attacks. (35% PvE 25% PvP, 60 Seconds)

                                                                                  A latent incantation developed in response to the spread of Those Who Live in Death, it is said that this incantation is at once a condemnation of the Death Prince and a mourning prayer of desire that the Golden scion be given a proper death. 13 Intelligence & 23 Faith.

                                                                                  Stat justification - I wanted to use the minimum Int required of a Golden Order Incantation because I wanted pure faith builds to have access to the holy buff as it hurts them the most as the damage affinity they primarily rely on besides flame art. (int/faith builds have holy/flame art/ice/magic). A lore justification for the higher faith requirement is kind of my head canon that now since the Golden Order has become broken since the death of Godwyn, spread of his influence as the Prince of Death, and the shattering, the Golden Order hunters have become more increasingly zealous and radicalized, relying less upon the scholarly aspect of their faith and more on blind obedience in response. I looked at some other spells such as Terra Magica, Flame Grant Me Strength as examples of how the spell should function, and then tweaked a little bit.

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    Someone should add "Radiant Gold Mask boosts Golden Order Incantations by 10% when worn." to the "Boosting Golden Order Incantations" section of this page. Maybe *you* can do it, guy who approves my comment. I'm not going to make an account...

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      I'm hoping in the future there are more int/faith incantations and sorceries. The current ones are a little underwhelming.

                                                                                      Outside of TRoL and RRoL, the Golden Order Incantations are either moderately weak, or completely useless. Discus of Light has a small hit-box and already moves pretty slow, Litany is extremely weak even against skeletons (and the fact it doesn't work on ZOMBIES is ridiculous). Order Healing is only usable in very specific circumstances which may never happen, Order's Blade is somewhat useful, but still inferior to other holy-buffs like Sacred Blade and Sacred Order (despite being stackable with the latter, it can't be used in conjunction with weapons that have said AoW... like Epitaph or Tree Spear). Law of Regression is solid, specifically in PvP situations. Law of Causality is very weak. It takes 5 hits to trigger and the explosion is easy to roll through anyways, so it's practically useless in PvP, sadly. Overall, I think most of these incantations still need a buff.

                                                                                      Death Sorceries outside of Rancor are terrible. We all know this :(

                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                        I don't know why you need Int along with Faith... because according to Lore, Radagon learned both Sorcery and Incantation?

                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                          Why are these sooooooo bad. They're objectively inferior to fire, beast, and lightning incants in both damage and cast speed. Basically this is an entire build that is ONLY useful in pvp for spamming triple discs of light and nothing else. This is such a meme.

                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                            These spells feel like they were meant to be used in ng+, but in ng+ boss health goes so high they become useless. Not to mention all of the endgame bosses have holy resist

                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                              Its a shame there is only 3 damage-based incants, with one of them being an upgrade to another, despite being in Elphael. Early game Discus is decent if you skip to Altus and grab it along with Goldmask and Golden Order seal.

                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                Love these incantations, but on a 125 build with 60 vigor I barely get 40 int & faith. The damage is too light imo with this split. Not to mention I have zero endurance, no mind to keep casting, and no dex to fast cast. These spells are just too stat hungry.

                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                  The concepts and stat requirements of this family are so non-intuitive and ridiculous. Golden Order Greatsword, a weapon, produces the symbol of this family of Incantations and also was the sword of the founder of this sect, Radagon - Has no int requirment. Law of Regression and Causality are both incantations that, logically speaking, require one to believe in the Golden Order as a tangible, powerful entity- no Faith requirement and 37 intelligence . Immutable shield, in its own description, states that it is related to Law of Regression, yet it has a faith requirement. I get for balancing and story reasons they wouldn't want you to have to get 37 in faith and int just to use Law of Regression, but just lower both requirements a bit so that its possible to be used. None of these incantations should be solely faith or int. AND, ironically enough, the founder of this sect, Radagon, is the literal personification of non-scholastic blind faith. He is completely obedient to the Golden Order, even in spite of its failings and his other half, Marika, rebelling. I love the idea of a scholarly, theologian like sect that requires both int and faith, but the implementation of these feels a bit off in my estimation.

                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                    golden order build with the golden order seal just makes any incantation so much more powerful at level 100-120, compared to a build that's just purely faith. so weird

                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                      playing through the game feels weird with this build, damaging incantations are few and far between so for the majority of the game you're going to be using standard incantations with the golden order seal. Discus of light is so small and misses often and you have to rush to haglitree to get a good spell. Radagon's ring of light is hella situational and requires heavy stat investment so you cant use it until late game so you're stuck with discus of light until mountaintops of the giant. give us more spells plz

                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                        These are amazing,toss on the goldmask get a little cracked tear and you output insane damage and get to use some pretty solid utility. I use the night and flame when radagons greatsword doesn't cut it because of holy resistance.

                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                          man would love to use but they just arnt useful since they required heavy stat investment and dont have any weapons that scale with both stats so you might as well just go full faith or int

                                                                                                          • As of 1.04, the halo rings actually feel really nice to use. I'm playing with the halo incantations + dual halo scythe and I can't tell you how annoyed people become when I can apply pressure from afar and play around with the boomerang effect when they get close. It's a pretty viable build now, but it's not OP and you still will be outplayed by other builds.

                                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                                              With 1.04 patch some of these spells get buff.I'm curious if they're useful now I want to do int + faith build with holy theme but these spells were so bad

                                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                                And undead hunters are not really Golden Order researchers they are more of a special hunters who learned only top of the iceberg of the principles of the Golden Order but they are needed to correct world to it.

                                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                                  Ok so if anyone confused these spells are basically science. Sorcerers study laws in the stars and use them to affect world around them.
                                                                                                                  Golden Order fundamentalism studies laws of the Golden Order. Elden Ring created the laws upon which world operate and researching them is what Golden Order fundamentalists do.
                                                                                                                  For example. To use Erdtree heal you don’t need to know how heal happens. You just believe in that. To cast law of regression you have to research what that law implies means. How it affects world around you.
                                                                                                                  Basically Golden Order fundamentalism is Physics.

                                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                                    Do you guys have any ideia how pathetic these incantations really are? Most of endgame bosses are strong agaisnt holy and these have really slow casting, just weak despite looking cool

                                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                                      So are these ever gonna get a buff? I see no reason to use these over any other incantation besides killing those that live in death

                                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                                        Can these incantations get a buff please? I'd love to incorporate them into my holy paladin build however not a single one of these spells does any real damage. The only time one of these spells was useful was for lore reasons at Lyndell with the law of regression spell in front of that statue.

                                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                                          So disappointed these incantations require high lvl int. You can't build your character focusing on holy damage because all sacred ashes of war and Golden Order weapons only scale with faith. IMO, fire incantations should be the hybrid for faith/int, just like the Sword of Night and Flame has a fire attack.

                                                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                                                            So disappointed these incantations require high lvl int. You can't build your character focusing on holy damage because all sacred ashes of war and Golden Order weapons only scale with faith. IMO, fire incantations should be the hybrid for faith/int, just like the Sword of Night and Flame has a fire attack.

                                                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                                                              Sucks there's only 3 weapons that scale with int faith. Wish they had an actual golden order weapon that compliments the stat build.

                                                                                                                            Load more
                                                                                                                            ⇈ ⇈