Igon's Drake Hunt |
Skill of Igon, drake warrior. Ready the bow before unleashing a twisted shot with a great bellow that considerably enhances its power.
Igon's Drake Hunt is a Skill in Elden Ring. It was added with the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. Igon's Drake Hunt unleashes a twisted shot accompanied by a bellow that increases its power. Igon's Drake Hunt uses the Standard Affinity and is usable with greatbows
How to get Igon's Drake Hunt in Elden Ring
- Can be found pre-equipped on Igon's Greatbow.
Elden Ring Igon's Drake Hunt Guide, Notes & Tips
- FP Cost: 0 (stance), 13 per shot
- Arrows shot with this skill will deal roughly 75% more damage
- This Skill is not Chargeable
- Holding the Skill button will prepare the user into a stance, preparing the bow. When inputting light or heavy attacks, the user quickly shoots the respective arrow from their slots, consuming FP (and stamina while in combat).
- Roar Medallion has no effect when using this skill
- Other notes and tips go here
Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree Igon's Drake Hunt Videos
Roar medallion doesnt work with that... because it doesn't have to do it. Thats how this weapon has been designed and composed into the game! The same reason why u dont have a spell: "DESTROYER OF THE UNIVERSES". Because its not good for the balance and the spirit of the game.
Is it really that diificult to understand?
- Anonymous
Why the roar medallion does not work ? why Formsoftware, whyyy
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
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Takes about the same amount of time of through and through, while dealing ~20% more damage and costing 45% more FP. For a one-hand setup (lower weight), this deals more damage on Igon's greatbow while using igon's harpoon than a golem's greatbow using through and through with regular (or even golem's) great arrows. When considering two-handed setup, igon's harpoon bonus with its greatbow DOES NOT STACK when using two of igon's greatbows, which is sad. So golem's greatbow with radahn's greatbow in the offhand while using radahn's spears to shoot starts to deal more damage than this. If the igon's harpoon's bonus when using the bow stacked, then this would have been better.