Iris of Occultation |
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Place on the eye of another to deny them light in all its forms.
FP Cost | - |
Iris of Occultation is a Consumable Item in Elden Ring. It is a brand new Consumable Item in the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. Most Consumables grant various effects such as restorative properties for recovering HP, removing certain negative status effects or applying temporary buffs and debuffs, while others can be thrown at enemies to deal damage.
An iris that is as dark as night.
Place on the eye of another to deny them light in all its forms.
Can also be used to receive the blessing of an equipped Great
Rune, at the cost of all runes currently held.
In the realm of shadow, this artifice was employed by the priests of
the Erdtree to intensify the fears of their flock to magnificent
Where to find Iris of Occultation in Elden Ring
- Shadow Keep: This item drops from a second Lesser Ulcerated Tree Spirit enemy that can be found around this section of the sunken chapel. [See Shadow of the Erdtree Map]
- Fort of Reprimand: This item drops from a Lesser Omenkiller. Drop in the hole in the main arena. The enemy will ambush you there. [Elden Ring Map] [Video Location]
Iris of Occultation use in Elden Ring
Use the item on yourself loses all runes you have.
This item is used for two NPC questlines. The alterative item for these quests is the Iris of Grace.
- Shadow Keep: First obtain the Prayer Room Key from the Church of the Crusade. If you give it to Fire Knight Queelign (NPC), you will get his weapon - Queelign's Greatsword [Map Link] [Video Location]
- Cathedral of Manus Metyr: After completing the whole finger questline for Count Ymir, Jolan will be dejected nearby. Give her this item to get her weapon - Sword of Night [Map Link]
Remaining Irises can be used as substitute Rune Arcs to activate Great Runes, but are consumed upon use.
Elden Ring Iris of Occultation Notes & Tips
- You can hold up to 99 Iris of Occultation.
- You can store up to 600 Iris of Occultation.
- Sell Value:
- Anonymous
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The Prayer Room Key is obtained from Queelign's second invasion, regardless of whether the player fought them at the Church of the Crusade or within Belurat, Tower Settlement.
- Anonymous
I accidentally used it thinking it was some nee reusable item… no emo katana for me…. I am sad
- Anonymous
Why is everyone in the comments just complete loser clones of each other? On here we have somebody saying go play assassins creed and on the iris of grace comments we have somebody saying go play uncharted. You're all just clones of each other. I bet you all follow "dark souls etiquette"
- Anonymous
The item effect description is wrong, it is using the description for the iris of Grace
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I dont get why it would be a worse version of a great rune consumable when there is only two. Im glad I checked here before using because I thought it would be reusable, but apparently not. Fromsoft's bad quest design amirite?
- Anonymous
"Place on the eye of another to deny them light in all its forms.
Can also be used to receive the blessing of an equipped Great
Rune, at the cost of all runes currently held."
I'm not sure why anyone is complaining about ambiguity, that's about as straight-forward as a Fromsoft game description gets. Like, what did you think would happen when you ate it?
- Anonymous
I LEGIT thought this item was going to blind an enemy...
And then it just fkn consumed all my runes mid battle.
Wish they could be a little less ambiguous with the description.
- Anonymous
It doesn't necessarily drop from the Lesser Ulcerated Tree Spirit at the sunken chapel. Mid fight i just ran away and teleported to the Church district entrance site of grace and got it and I could still fight the tree spirit after. Might be a bug though
- Anonymous
just poked this goofy ass haircut dude to death with the Antspur Rapier, dude couldnt even fight back. FeelsGoodMan
- Anonymous
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I was trying to just look at the description and I accidentally ate mine :(
- Anonymous
Did anyone else get this just by going back to the "church district entrance" grace at the start of the zone? It sounded like the snake died from fall damage or something. This dlc is buggy as hell.
- Anonymous
If you use it on yourself, you lose all the runes you have. I found it the hard way.
Imagine if this was the gloam eyed queen eye, oh the lore would be amazing
- Anonymous
Used this not realising it was for a questline to apply a great rune... man... should I just read through the wiki before trying to even attempt a playthrough? because that way I'll know ahead of time before I screw up a questline.
- Anonymous
So weird that these are only for two NPCs. I wonder if they were meant to go to the followers of Miquella you befriend, and it would impact who you fight near the end. I'm sure the fact that you can get two of each is so you can get both weapons/summons, but it just seems like a kind of half-baked idea to me. Like these should have been more important.
- Anonymous
I got one of these of the duel wielding guy that jumps you underneath The Fort of Reprimand
- Anonymous
Thank god this tree spirit is bugged and dies on it's own majority of the time.
- Anonymous
lost 900k runes by using it without looking at what it said
- Anonymous
An omenkiller in Fort of Reprimand dropped this item for me. Possible farming place?
- Anonymous
I killed the tree spirit in ng+ but it didn't drop, no katana for me ig???
- Anonymous
Got this without even fighting the tree spirit. Must be bugged.
-Drained the water
-Dropped directly down to site of grace below, rested
-Killed the 1st tree spirit directly outside of that site of Grace and never went to spawn the tree spirit holding the Iris.
-Fast traveled elsewhere for weapon upgrades
-Decided to travel back to Church District Entrance site of grace.
-Upon returning, I could hear an enemy die in the distance and then I received the Iris of Occultation without having to do anything.
- Anonymous
based on the item description i tried using it on the death blight statues in the scorpion river catacomb, hoping to blind them. ended up just using it on myself. whoops, guess i'll cross off another quest line i had no idea was there.
- Anonymous
i consumed it and now i think i have some permanent buffs. my mind, endurance and dexterity is increase. although i consumed it by accident so idk if these buffs are from this item, but idk what else it can be. I've had these buffs for a couple days so i think its permanent
- Anonymous
I wanted the katana but already turned in my 2 for other quests... Welp... here goes round 2!
- Anonymous
teleported to the church district entrance and as soon as i loaded in this item appeared in my inventory? some kind of bug that killed the tree spirit without me fighting it?
- Anonymous
ahh i see the issue people are having... there are 2 different ulcerated tree spirits... one gives the iris, the other gives the thorns sorcery. one spawns near the temple where the big rotten tree is, and the other spawns near the church district grace, down below.
no wonder people are getting confused.
- Anonymous
killed the tree spirit after draining the keep, got the thorns spell but no iris of occultation.
- Anonymous
in case you are thinking of getting Queelign's "great" sword - don't. its not actually a greatsword, its a thrusting sword so unless you're looking for a poker, you should just get the summon. go farm a fire knight and get his greatsword instead, its better in every way.
- Anonymous
Went to the Church District. Drained the water. Warped away to do other stuff. Warped back to Church District Entrance and immediately received the Iris of Occulation. The Lesser Ulcerated Spirit that drops this never spawned. Maybe it just died when I spawned in? I didn't notice if I received any runes. (Day of release patch).
- Anonymous
I just killed the Tree spirit and did not get the Iris, I got some Thorns sorcery instead... uh, what?
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I got the eye AFTER Queelign got grace... I didn't get the sword : (
- Anonymous
I also made the mistake of using one thinking it was a reusable way to activate your GR at the cost of all your runes, would be an awesome item if it was tbh, definitely a skissue on my end.
Also, can't get that second tree spirit to spawn under any circumstance, I'd hate to leave it behind to a glitch when i go into ng+.
- Anonymous
I still didn't understand what this thing does, I found one and used one of these eyes and I lost all of my runes, I didn't notice if I got any buffs.
accidentally used this, forced to skip the night sword and get a useless summon
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After I used it on Fire Knight Queelign, I got another one from the exact same guy, is this normal?
- Anonymous
Would someone on PC be willing to drop me one. I would like to get the sword of night but accidentally used it :/
Steam friend code is: 78679079
- Anonymous
RockPaperShotgun says there is 3 of this item, i used one accidently because its badly designed and doesnt tell you, so now i can find the other 2 and complete quests?
they dont let us save the game so silly mistakes like this due to lack of communications are stupid, now you are locked out of a quest reward because of something like this, feels crappy.
Ok at least there is 1 more but still, awful design, lost all my runes and gained nothing of value, if you want to make it useable at least give the player something, this is pure trolling.
- Anonymous
If you give her the iris of occultation you get her sword but if you give her the iris of grace you get her spirit ash.
- Anonymous
Used this with no great rune equipped and it just gave me about 200 hp at 56 vig
- Anonymous
This page is wrong, I followed it and Jolan Gave me the Sword of Night, Not her Spirit ash.
- Anonymous
If the Tree thingy doesnt drop this for you the first time, try teleporting to the nearby grace. It might give it to you then, but if not, it will respawn and oyu can go kill it and youll get it that 2nd time. At least thats what worked for me!
- Anonymous
I got this and some runes when teleporting from temple town ruins to church district entrance
- Anonymous
I just had a bug with this, the tree spirit di NOT immediately drop the iris, I had to warp to the church district entrance and as soon as I loaded in I just got the item drop on screen. Have pics if needed.
- Anonymous
They get rid of all your runes for the effects of a Rune Arc. They're also limited and required for quests. Don't use them.
- Anonymous
There is a cheese for the ulcerated tree spirit that drops this.
I killed the 1st ulcerated tee spirit in the circular area near the church district entrance site of grace, then ran into a second one with the iris of occultation and teleported back to the site of grace to replenish my flasks.
All of a sudden I get the notification that I have received the Iris of Occultation. I went back to the 2nd ulcerated tree spirit to kill it but it's gone. It seems triggering its appearance and then fast travel to church district site of grace auto-kills it without having to fight it.
- Anonymous
Used it by mistake. At least there's another one to be found, but still...
- Anonymous
Accidentally used this, damn. At least there's is another one, but still..
- Anonymous
Is this not a guaranteed drop? I swear I killed the Omenkiller in the Fort of Reprimand twice and he only dropped it the second time.
- Anonymous
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Pretty sure if you give Jolan this item he drops the katana his weapon and the other iris gives you the spirit ash.
- Anonymous
somehow the ulcerated spirit died and dropped it without fighting when I teleported to the church district entrance, is it because draining the church auto kills it?
- Anonymous
To the people complaining that it doesnt tell you its a 1 time use: if it says "Consumable" under the name it will be consumed upon use, similarly if it says "Reusable" you can reuse it.Kinda need little secret
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Honestly, the fact that the description doesn't tell you that it's a one-time use item is really stupid. WHY PUT IT NEXT TO THE REUSABLE MEDAL IF IT'S NOT REUSABLE? I used it once to see what it would do and now apparently I'm locked out of an NPC sidequest? Hello? Why would you do this?
- Anonymous
Quuelign page says giving this Iris gives you his weapon, and the comments seem to reference it too... This page currently says "If you give it to Fire Knight Queelign (NPC), you will get his spirit ash - Fire Knigh Queelign [Map Link]".
Backed up my save just to test, giving him this Iris gives you the weapon, not the spirit ash. Page is currently incorrect.
- Anonymous
always use this on npcs endings instead of the good iris, otherwise you get an useless spirit ash instead of the reward if you choose to be kind, also never waste this as a consumable, use it just as a quest item
- Anonymous
This page is wrong. Giving it to Queelign gives his sword, not his Spirit Ash. Giving him the Iris of Grace gives the Spirit Ash (per that page).
- Anonymous
There are actually two Lesser Ulcerated Spirit in the section on the map, each dropping an Iris. The second one spawns when you drop down the hole where you encounter the first two exploding undead you encounter from the Church District entrance. I can't confirm if they both drop different Irises but I got one of each from them.
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i dont understand. why is this item viable? why cant i just activate my great rune the normal way?
- Anonymous
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You get one from one of the two ulcerated tree spirits in the church district area of the shadow keep
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
The third one is at the bottom of the Fort of Reprimand. You need to go througha sewer and kill an Omen Killer.
- Anonymous
Killed the ulcerated bs and it dropped an iris of grace, and I found a 2nd one in the same place. Wtf
- Anonymous
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The description gives absolutely no hint that the item is used up when you use it. It just looks like the cost is losing all of your runes.
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- Anonymous
you find one of these in the underground segment of "fort of reprimand", after dropping down from the central court yard
- Anonymous
this dropped for me the moment I entered the church, I guess the guy that had it died somehow?
These are not reusable.
They are in your inventory next to a reusable item, so ot seems like it may be. But if you use it to activate your great rune, you lose the item.
- Anonymous
One drops from the Omen Killer in the body disposal area of the Fort of Reprimand.
- Anonymous
I think I found one of these at the "Fort of Reprimand".
I am however not 100% sure. Sorry for any eventual missinformation.
Minor warning! If you are doing co-op & die, just as the tree spirit in the Shadow Keep dies, the Iris dropped will have vanished when you respawn.
And the tree spirit does NOT respawn. So you'll be locked out of 1 of the 2 chances that run to get an Iris, and the greatsword from Queelign. Keep that in mind.
Same goes in single player/offline if you hit it with a DoT effect that kills it just as you're fading out.