Ivory Sickle

ivory sickle dagger weapon elden ring wiki guide 200px
attack power elden ring wiki guide 18Attack
Phy 60
Mag 60
Fire 0
Ligt 0
Holy 0
Crit 100
guarded damage negation elden ring wiki guide 18Guard
Phy 26
Mag 42
Fire 15
Ligt 15
Holy 15
Boost 15
attribute scaling elden ring wiki guide 18Scaling
Str E
Dex D
Int D
attributes required elden ring wiki guide 18Requires
Str 6
Dex 11
Int 13
Dagger Slash/Pierce
Quickstep FP 3
Wgt. 2.0 passive effects elden ring wiki guide 18Passive -

Ivory Sickle is a Dagger in Elden Ring. The Ivory Sickle scales primarily with IntelligenceStrength and Dexterity and is a good Weapon for short ranged melee combat and dealing Slash and Pierce Damage


Sickle fashioned from ivory. 
Weapon carried by aged Albunaurics.

These weapons are evidence of their dedication to the Haligtree, despite never having entered its presence. 


Where to Find Ivory Sickle in Elden Ring

The Ivory Sickle weapon can be found at the following location:


Elden Ring Ivory Sickle Notes & Tips

  • Weapon SkillQuickstep
  • This weapon cannot be infused with Ashes of War
  • Can't be buffed by Magic or Consumables.
  • Ivory Sickle can be upgraded by using Smithing Stones
  • The one-hand R2 is the same as the two-hand R2. It shares this quirk with the Celebrant's Sickle.
  • Sell Value:  er runes 13 100.
  • NOTE: As of Patch 1.08, the speed and distance of some attacks has been increased and the recovery time has been reduced.
  • NOTE: As of Patch 1.09, the scaling values of this weapon were changed. Please refer to the Upgrades Table of this weapon below.
  • Other notes and player tips go here


Moveset & Videos in Elden Ring for Ivory Sickle


Ivory Sickle PVP Poise Damage Values in Elden Ring

Patch 1.10 adjusted PVP Poise Damage of all Weapons including some Spells and Incantations. Please take note that these adjustments are exclusive to PVP.

One-Handed Attacks

  • 1H R1 (1/2/3/4/5/6 Attacks): 40.5/63/63/63/63/126
  • 1H R2 (1/2 Attacks): 144/144
  • 1H Charged R2 (1/2 Attacks): 540/540
  • 1H R1 Jumping: 60.75
  • 1H R2 Jumping: 360

Two-Handed Attacks

  • 2H R1 (1/2/3/4/5/6 Attacks): 52.65/81.9/81.9/81.9/81.9/163.8
  • 2H R2 (1/2 Attacks): 158.4/158.4
  • 2H Charged R2 (1/2 Attacks): 594/594
  • 2H R1 Jumping: 78.975
  • 2H R2 Jumping: 396


Ivory Sickle Upgrades in Elden Ring

Please see the Upgrades page to understand the weapon bolstering process.

Requires regular reinforcement with Smithing Stone [1]Smithing Stone [2]Smithing Stone [3]Smithing Stone [4]Smithing Stone [5]Smithing Stone [6]Smithing Stone [7]Smithing Stone [8], and Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Ivory Sickle Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Standard 60 60 - - - 28 E D D - - - 26 42 15 15 15 15 10
Standard +1 63 63 - - - 29 E C D - - - 26 42 15 15 15 15.15 10
Standard +2 66 66 - - - 30 E C D - - - 26 42 15 15 15 15.3 10
Standard +3 70 70 - - - 31 E C D - - - 26 42 15 15 15 15.45 10
Standard +4 73 73 - - - 32 E C D - - - 26 42 15 15 15 15.6 10
Standard +5 77 77 - - - 33 D C D - - - 26 42 15 15 15 15.75 10
Standard +6 80 80 - - - 34 D C D - - - 26 42 15 15 15 15.9 10
Standard +7 84 84 - - - 35 D C D - - - 26 42 15 15 15 16.05 10
Standard +8 87 87 - - - 36 D C D - - - 26 42 15 15 15 16.2 10
Standard +9 91 91 - - - 38 D C D - - - 26 42 15 15 15 16.35 10
Standard +10 94 94 - - - 39 D C D - - - 26 42 15 15 15 16.5 10
Standard +11 98 98 - - - 40 D C D - - - 26 42 15 15 15 16.65 10
Standard +12 101 101 - - - 41 D C D - - - 26 42 15 15 15 16.8 10
Standard +13 105 105 - - - 42 D C D - - - 26 42 15 15 15 16.95 10
Standard +14 108 108 - - - 43 D C C - - - 26 42 15 15 15 17.1 10
Standard +15 112 112 - - - 44 D C C - - - 26 42 15 15 15 17.25 10
Standard +16 115 115 - - - 45 D C C - - - 26 42 15 15 15 17.4 10
Standard +17 119 119 - - - 47 D C C - - - 26 42 15 15 15 17.4 10
Standard +18 122 122 - - - 48 D C C - - - 26 42 15 15 15 17.55 10
Standard +19 126 126 - - - 49 D C C - - - 26 42 15 15 15 17.55 10
Standard +20 129 129 - - - 50 D C C - - - 26 42 15 15 15 17.7 10
Standard +21 133 133 - - - 51 D C C - - - 26 42 15 15 15 17.7 10
Standard +22 136 136 - - - 52 D C C - - - 26 42 15 15 15 17.7 10
Standard +23 140 140 - - - 53 D C C - - - 26 42 15 15 15 17.85 10
Standard +24 143 143 - - - 54 D C C - - - 26 42 15 15 15 17.85 10
Standard +25 147 147 - - - 56 D C C - - - 26 42 15 15 15 18 10



Elden Ring Daggers
Black Knife  ♦  Blade of Calling  ♦  Bloodstained Dagger  ♦  Celebrant's Sickle  ♦  Cinquedea  ♦  Crystal Knife  ♦  Dagger  ♦  Erdsteel Dagger  ♦  Fire Knight's Shortsword  ♦  Glintstone Kris  ♦  Great Knife  ♦  Main-gauche  ♦  Misericorde  ♦  Parrying Dagger  ♦  Reduvia  ♦  Scorpion's Stinger  ♦  Wakizashi

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    • Anonymous

      ...so it's an objectively worse Glintstone Kris? Because the only real niche i can see this having is the dex/int scaling, but the Kris a) is somber, b)also can't have a skill swapped but has a way better skill, and c)has higher base damage. Ig quickstep isn't bad and the Kris is an endgame weapon but there's no reason to use this over a magic dagger and then upgrade to the Kris.

      • Anonymous

        And then God saw the Murky, and spoke: What a scummy weapon you are, now your strength be undone, and your black become white!

        And Murky despaired, and shriveled, and was no more

        • Anonymous

          No unique skill, no innate status buildup, can't be infused or buffed, upgraded with regular smithing stones... What is the ****ing point?

          • Anonymous

            People, I was wondering if this dagger has any reasons to be used.

            I see that it seems like you can't buff it, while needing regular Smithing Stones to upgrade, which makes things more expensive and time-eating to upgrade.

            It doesn't have quite a unique usage.

            And it's only 110 crit rate...

            Is there really any good reasons to use it?

            • Anonymous

              I propose a new rule for fromsoftware and Miyazaki to follow going forward
              "If a mediocre weapon like this requires regular smithing stones yet cannot change its AOW or affinity let the player at least buff it, split damage types be damned"

              • Anonymous

                Miyazaki: Make some cool looking daggers!

                Also Miyazaki: Now give them permanent Quickstep and make them uninfusable lol

                • Anonymous

                  If you are among those who wonder why this "weapon" is not that great of a weapon, consider that it is in fact, a sickle. A symbolic one at that, at least to the Albinaurics. If you don't know what a sickle is used for, it is kind of fun to read about them.

                  • I feel would be perfectly fine or maybe even good if you could infuse it. I would have loved an intelligence equivalent of the erdsteel dagger. But quickstep is boring, and the standard dagger is a better int dagger when magic infused...

                    • Anonymous

                      Even though it is mostly useless at least it does behave like a sickle and it's moves ignore opponents shield.

                      • Anonymous

                        Its only real use is to powerstance with a weapon that scales decently with it. Maybe perhaps with Celebrant’s Sickle or Glintstone Kris?

                        • Anonymous

                          I just will never understand what FromSoft was thinking when they made this... The design is way too nice for what it is, it could've been some short/handheld reaper or literally anything else for like, a unique R2, but there is just nothing appealing about this when it shares the same move set as other, more viable daggers in terms of range and scaling.

                          • Anonymous

                            I'm curious. Why are there sickles in the daggers category? These weapons are not daggers. It would make more sense to put them in the curved sword category especially with the shotels present or even their own sickle category.

                            • Anonymous

                              i feel like getting stabbed by a hook like this would hurt a lot more than getting stabbed by the misericorde

                              • Anonymous

                                this gets my vote for worst weapon in the game. literally zero redeeming qualities other than looking pretty

                                • Anonymous

                                  This would've been a good weapon if it at least worked like Geri's stiletto from DeS, stealing some mana upon hit. Now the only thing this has is style points. I used it with Death's Poker for fashion.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    I feel like this weapon and the crystal knife were supposed to be special because they were infusable daggers with innate magic and int scaling, like the clay man’s harpoon… but they somehow shipped bugged and have been overlooked ever since.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      Someone gotta fix this weapon, when used off-hand ivory sickle's quickstep weapon art doesn't activate but instead it uses main weapon's weapon art. It seems like this weapon has bug

                                      • Anonymous

                                        Can't be infused, enchanted or boosted. Ok. But then why isn't it unique? It takes regular stones. Lol someone goofed

                                        • Anonymous

                                          On the stone coffin right next to Albus, did NOT render item there for me until i went to other side of the coffin from Albus. Graphic bug for me only?

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