Legendary Equipment are some of the most powerful items that you can find in Elden Ring. The complete listo of  Legendary Equipment is made up of a total of 30 items, divided into the following categories:


Legendary Armaments are some of the most powerful Weapons that you can find in Elden Ring. To unlock the Legendary Armaments trophy and achievement, you need to find all 9 Legendary Weapons available:
(Note: If you've collected all the weapons but game still didn't grant you the achievement, try loading and unloading all the weapons into the chest.)


All nine legendary weapons available in Elden Ring


  1. Ruins Greatsword: Defeat the Misbegotten Warrior and Crucible Knight in Redmane Castle
  2. Eclipse Shotel: Found on an altar south-east in Castle Sol
  3. Grafted Blade Greatsword: Kill Leonine Misbegotten in Castle Morne
  4. Sword of Night and Flame: Chest in the Caria Manor
  5. Marais Executioner's Sword: Kill Elemer of the Briar in The Shaded Castle
  6. Dark Moon Greatsword: Follow Ranni's quest until the Moonlight Altar
  7. Devourer's Scepter: Kill Invader Bernahl in Farum Azula
  8. Golden Order Greatsword: Kill Misbegotten Crusader in the Cave of the Forlorn
  9. Bolt of Gransax: Loot on the giant lightning bolt spear in Leyndell. This weapon is potentially missable during a playthrough if the player progresses the story beyond Crumbling Farum Azula.


Legendary Spirit Ashes are some of the most powerful Ashes that you can find in Elden Ring. To unlock the Legendary Spirit Ashes trophy and achievement, you need to find all 6 Legendary Spirit Ashes available:


All six Legendary Ashes available in Elden Ring

Acquire all six legendary ashen remains:

  1. Lhutel the Headless: Dropped by the Cemetery Shade at the Tombsward Catacombs
  2. Black Knife Tiche: Dropped by Alecto, Black Knife Ringleader upon defeat at the Ringleader's Evergaol
  3. Redmane Knight Ogha: Dropped by Putrid Tree Spirit in the War Dead Catacombs
  4. Mimic Tear: Found in a chest locked behind an imp statue door in Night's Sacred Ground
  5. Ancient Dragon Knight Kristoff: Can be found in Sainted Hero’s Grave west of Leyndell, Royal Capital
  6. Cleanrot Knight Finlay: Found in a chest protected by a knight in Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree



Legendary Magic Spells are some of the most powerful Spells that you can find in Elden Ring. To unlocks the Legendary Magic Spells trophy and achievement, you need to find all 7 Legendary Magic Spells available:


All seven Legendary Spells available in Elden Ring

Acquire all seven legendary sorceries and incantations

  1. Flame of the Fell God: Dropped by Adan, Thief of Fire upon defeat
  2. Greyoll's Roar: Can be purchased at the Cathedral of Dragon Communion for three Dragon Heart after defeating Greyoll
  3. Elden Stars: Can be found near the Great Waterfall Crest Site of Grace
  4. Founding Rain of Stars: Inside a chest within Heretical Rise, in Mountaintops of the Giants
  5. Ranni's Dark Moon: Found in a chest at the top of the tower at Chelona's Rise
  6. Comet Azur:  Acquired from Primeval Sorcerer Azur sitting near the cliffs in the northeast of Hermit Village in Mt. Gelmir
  7. Stars of Ruin: Given by Master Lusat when interacted with inside the Sellia Hideaway in Caelid



Legendary Talismans are some of the most powerful Talismans that you can find in Elden Ring. To unlocks the Legendary Talismans trophy and achievement, you need to find all 8 Legendary Talismans available:


All Eight Legendary Talismans available in Elden Ring

Acquire all eight legendary talismans:

  1. Radagon Icon: Found inside a treasure chest on the second floor of the Debate Parlor Site of Grace
  2. Radagon’s Soreseal: Found on a corpse in Fort Faroth
  3. Godfrey Icon: Drops from Godefroy the Grafted in the Golden Lineage Evergaol
  4. Moon of Nokstella: Found in a chest underneath a massive throne in Nokstella, Eternal City
  5. Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman: Found in a chest near the Drainage Channel Site of Grace.
  6. Marika’s Soreseal: Found on an altar in a room requiring a Stonesword Key in Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree
  7. Old Lord’s Talisman: Found in a chest in Crumbling Farum Azula
  8. Erdtree’s Favor +2: Found on a dead tree in Leyndell, Ashen Capital (endgame/post-game)


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