Letter for Freyja |
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Type | Key Item |
![]() A piece of paper, folded over so that the contents cannot be read |
Letter for Freyja is a Key Item in Elden Ring. It is a Key Item found in the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. Key Items in Elden Ring include a wide variety of items found in specific locations or are given by a related NPC which are used to unlock areas, advance quests, and to further progress the game's narrative.
A letter written by Sir Ansbach to Freyja the Redmane. Presumably written in answer to her query, but the page is neatly folded to keep prying eyes from reading it.
Where to find Letter for Freyja in Elden Ring
Find Sir Ansbach in the room north of the Storehouse, First Floor Site of Grace in Shadow Keep and give him the Secret Rite Scroll. Exhaust his dialog, rest at the Site of Grace, and speak to him again to receive the Letter for Freyja.
If Needle Knight Leda has told you of her decision to betray Sir Ansbach, he will vanish after you give him the Secret Rite Scroll and rest at the Site of Grace. You can get the letter whether you choose to side with Leda or with Ansbach; if you choose the former, the letter will appear in Ansbach's room after you rest one more time.
Elden Ring Letter for Freyja Tutorial Guide
Give the letter to Redmane Freyja by the Storehouse, Seventh Floor Site of Grace in Shadow Keep. She will give you the Golden Lion Shield and move on, appearing later in the Leda and Allies Boss fight.
Letter for Freyja Notes and Tips in Elden Ring
- You can hold up to 1 Letter for Freyja.
- Notes and player tips go here
- Anonymous
Why do we have to rest at a grace before getting this? I'm tired of these obtuse quest steps.
- Anonymous
Wonder what the letter said to make her betray us? If you give her the letter she will fight, if not she doesn't... What did it say???
- Anonymous
I force quit via task manager after giving him the letter, and when I re enter he gave me the letter for freya. I was right next to him when I did it.
- Anonymous
The most important fetch quest that ties the story of the DLC, but FS somehow manage to mess it up by connecting 2 NPC quests and you have to exit the game on one of the steps to get this, and fully finish the questline with all the dialogues. Tsk
- Anonymous
It seems like giving Anbasch the Scroll before ever talking to Freyja (something pretty easy to do, given they're both on lower floors) locks you out of getting the letter, even after assisting Ansbach or Leda in their duel.
I don't understand why FromSoft do the things they do like they do
- Anonymous
Even after the new update, you will be locked out of this item if you don't talk to Anbasch about Freya's decision before giving Anbasch the Sercet Rite Scroll.
- Anonymous
If you advanced Leda's questline first, after you gave Ansbach the Secret Rite Scroll, then reload; He will disappear with two summon signs instead of giving you the Letter for Freyja.
What I did was to assist Leda (Red Sign), and the Letter appeared at his spot after the invasion is over.
- Anonymous
To get the letter:
- Find secret rite scroll
- Find and talk to Freyja
- Find Ansbach, exhast initial dialogue
- mention Freyja to him, exhaust dialogue
- give secret rite scroll, exhaust dialogue
- reload area and talk to him again
I was at a point where Freyja was just saying she should have talked to Ansbach and Ansbach was just saying that perhaps they were two sides of the same coin. I had not picked up the Sacred Rite Scroll yet. I talked to both of them several times, reloading the area, even leaving the Lands of Shadow completely and coming back with no change to either dialogue. So I went and picked up the Scroll... no change to Freyja and no change to Ansbach other than the option to give the Scroll to him. I gave it to him. He did NOT give me the Letter for Freyja. However, I reloaded again after giving him the Scroll and he was still there and he finally gave me the Letter for Freyja. So, you do have to give him the Sacred Rite Scroll in order for him to give you the Letter for Freyja. I don't know if it's mandatory but I would recommend having both of their dialogues repeating as I stated above before picking up the Sacred Rite Scroll.
- Anonymous
Seems like the latest patch let's Asbanch drop the letter after he disappears if you gave him the scroll before talking to Freya, a bit too late but a good change nonetheless.
- Anonymous
Seems like the latest patch let's Asbanch drop the letter after he disappears if you gave him the scroll before talking to Freya, a bit too late but a good change nonetheless.
- Anonymous
I don't understand why Fromsoft keeps making quests like this when they clearly aren't able to do so. Either make the npcs not go away untill you reach a certain point where they have to be because of the story or don't have npcs of multiple quest lines also require one another.
Like seriously, I met Ansbach first and I had the scroll so just gave it to him then later met freyja and was confused so checked to be sure only to realize I had been locked out because they require this stupid order.
It's just so annoying in elden ring too when npcs just keep moving all over the place without any reason just because you dared to explore the world first.
- Anonymous
I REALLY wanted to be able to play the whole DLC without having to go to the wiki. And then I got spoiled on a bunch of stuff trying to figure out what's going on with this questline.
- Anonymous
Ok so, on Xbox, this is what I did.
Talk to Ansbach about Freyja.
Exhaust all dialogue.
Quit the game.
Load back in.
Give Ansbach the scroll. Exhaust dialogue again.
Quit the game again.
Close the game.
Launch and manually load.
Talk to Ansbach, get the letter. Exhaust dialogue.
Fast travel to Freyja. Then you can give her the letter.
- Anonymous
Managed to do everything up to giving Ansbach the message from Freyja after giving her to letter, but thanks to Fromsoft he dissappeared when I teleported and reloaded the area.........
Redmae Freyja's page says "To avoid getting locked out, you must give the Letter for Freyja to Freyja before giving the Secret Rite Scroll to Ansbach."
Letter for Freyja's page says "Given by Sir Ansbach after handing over the Secret Rite Scroll."
Considering how easy it is to get locked out of this questline, please list the proper order for events...
- Anonymous
Does he give you the letter if you help him -against- leda? Or will that cause Freyja to move?
- Anonymous
You could have at least had Ansbach LEAVE THE LETTER at his location in the storeroom when he disappears, Fromsoft. What the hell?
- Anonymous
Fromsoft has done it yet again when it comes to making stupid niche orders to perform quests in lmao
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
There was a point where I gave them the Secret Rite Scroll, but they didn't give me the Letter to Freyja. I reloaded the area, personally i thought it was quicker to quit the game from the menu and log back in while i was right there next to him, and after exhausting the dialogue from there i received the letter. Hopefully this helps some people that ran in to the same thing
- Anonymous
Can confirm, if you already gave Ansbach the Secret Rite Scroll and he's disappeared, you will have to progress Leda's questline to the point where she asks you to help her kill him. Go to where he was in the storehouse and invade him and kill him, and the letter will be where he was previously standing.
- Anonymous
If you want to be in the good grace of Frejya and Ansbach I can confirm you can do the following:
1) Get the scroll
2) Exhaust Frejya dialogue
3) Tell Ansbach of Frejya - exhaust dialogue
4) Give Ansbach the scroll - exhaust dialogue
5) Reload the area
6) Get letter from Ansbach - exhaust dialogue
7) Give letter to Frejya - exhaust dialogue
8) Pass Frejya message to Ansbach - exhaust dialogue
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
got the letter, crashed right after, no ansbach or letter after reload. gg
- Anonymous
actually got the letter but my pc crashed and ended up reloading with no ansbach and no letter lmao
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
If Ansbach disappeared this is what you have to do: Talk to Leda and she will tell you she will kill Ansbach. Go back to where Ansbach was and there will be a summon sign. Invade and kill him and he will drop the letter.
- Anonymous
To anyone who hasn't gotten this, you need to have met Freyja and exhaust her dialogue, then give Ansbach his scroll and after exhausting all of his dialogue and resting he'll give you the letter
- Anonymous
If you have the rite scroll on you, exhaust his dialog for Freya, then do the dialog for the rite scroll. When he keep repeating himself, reload the area with the bonfire then go speak with him again, he should give you the letter for Freya.
I gave Secret Rite Scroll to Ansbach before discovering and now Ansbach is nowhere to be found. RIP
don't worry about resting at a grace, just quit out and go back in. Then, he'll give you the letter