Maliketh's Black Blade


malikeths black blade colossal swords elden ring wiki guide 200px
attack power elden ring wiki guide 18Attack
Phy 127
Mag 0
Fire 0
Ligt 0
Holy 82
Crit 100
guarded damage negation elden ring wiki guide 18Guard
Phy 68
Mag 36
Fire 36
Ligt 36
Holy 49
Boost 55
attribute scaling elden ring wiki guide 18Scaling
Str C
Dex E
Fai D
attributes required elden ring wiki guide 18Requires
Str 34
Dex 12
Fai 20
Colossal Sword Standard
Destined Death FP 40
Wgt. 22 passive effects elden ring wiki guide 18Passive -

Maliketh's Black Blade is a Colossal Sword in Elden Ring. The Maliketh's Black Blade scales primarily with StrengthDexterity and Faith. A good Weapon for inflicting holy-based damage. 


Maliketh's black blade which once harbored the power of the
Rune of Death. A sad shadow of its former glory.

After a fragment of Death was stolen on that fateful night,
Maliketh bound the blade within his own flesh, such that none
might ever rob Death again.


Where to Find Maliketh's Black Blade in Elden Ring

The Maliketh's Black Blade weapon can be found at the following location:


Elden Ring Maliketh's Black Blade Notes & Tips

  • Weapon Skill: Destined Death
  • This weapon cannot be infused with Ashes of War
  • Cannot be enchanted with Magic nor boosted by Consumables
  • Maliketh's Black Blade can be upgraded by using Somber Smithing Stones
  • Sell Value:  er runes 13 500.
  • Note: As of Patch 1.08, the Speed of Crouching and Rolling Attack has been slightly increased.
  • NOTE: As of Patch 1.09, the scaling values of this weapon were changed. Please refer to the Upgrades Table of this weapon below. Additionally, the speed of guard counters for this weapon has increased
  • Other notes and player tips go here


Moveset & Videos in Elden Ring for Maliketh's Black Blade


Maliketh's Black Blade PVP Poise Damage Values in Elden Ring

Patch 1.10 adjusted PVP Poise Damage of all Weapons including some Spells and Incantations. Please take note that these adjustments are exclusive to PVP.

One-Handed Attacks

  • 1H R1 (1/2/3 Attacks): 460.8/322.56/322.56
  • 1H R2 (1/2 Attacks): 489.6/489.6
  • 1H Charged R2 (1/2 Attacks): 1267.2/1267.2
  • 1H R1 Jumping: 460.8
  • 1H R2 Jumping: 844.8

Two-Handed Attacks

  • 2H R1 (1/2/3 Attacks): 599.04/419.328/419.328
  • 2H R2 (1/2 Attacks): 636.48/636.48
  • 2H Charged R2 (1/2 Attacks): 1393.92/1393.92
  • 2H R1 Jumping: 599.04
  • 2H R2 Jumping: 929.28


Maliketh's Black Blade Upgrades in Elden Ring

Please see the Upgrades page to understand the weapon bolstering process.

Requires regular reinforcement with Somber Smithing Stones.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Maliketh's Black Blade Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Standard 127 - - - 82 78 C E - D - - 68 36 36 36 49 55 27
Standard +1 145 - - - 93 85 C E - D - - 68 36 36 36 49 55.55 27
Standard +2 163 - - - 105 93 C E - D - - 68 36 36 36 49 56.1 27
Standard +3 182 - - - 117 101 C E - C - - 68 36 36 36 49 56.65 27
Standard +4 200 - - - 129 109 C E - C - - 68 36 36 36 49 57.2 27
Standard +5 219 - - - 141 117 C E - C - - 68 36 36 36 49 57.75 27
Standard +6 237 - - - 153 124 B E - C - - 68 36 36 36 49 58.3 27
Standard +7 255 - - - 165 132 B E - C - - 68 36 36 36 49 58.85 27
Standard +8 274 - - - 177 140 B E - C - - 68 36 36 36 49 59.4 27
Standard +9 292 - - - 189 148 B D - C - - 68 36 36 36 49 59.95 27
Standard +10 311 - - - 200 156 B D - B - - 68 36 36 36 49 60.5 27




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    • Anonymous

      Not sure if it's a oversight or because of the lore, but Flame Grant Me Strength does boost the damage from the regular attacks and it's Ash of war

      • Anonymous

        Every single playthrough I start is an eternal challenge to not end up with this sword in my hands. Oh, I had an idea to use Marika's hammer? Maliketh's black blade ends up in my hands. Maybe I wanted to use the Dark Moon Greatsword? Maliketh's black blade. Maybe I'll go quality? You guessed it.

        • Anonymous

          ooooooohhhh I'm gonna rock this mf so hard. As soon as i saw Maliketh take that stance and brandish the blade I began plotting

          • Anonymous

            Has anyone else noticed that if, when co-op’ing, one player uses Destined Death (DD) from the Black Blade while another player uses DD from Maliketh’s Blade simultaneously, it appears to stack?

            • Anonymous

              Makes little sense why this would deal holy damage. Makes it quite suboptimal to deal with the very gods/demigods that the sword is supposed to be strong against in lore, with it's special effect being it's only effective aspect against them.

              • Anonymous

                this and other weapons and incantations associated with the rune of death or black flame should do extra damage to demigods and gods.

                • So scaling-wise this one is a weird one. The Str scaling is good and you are better off with 54 str, but the weapon art does not only scale with weapon ar: in fact, weapon art scales with ar only if blade itself hits, the death waterfowl at the end seems to scale only off faith. (maybe I am wrong but it seems like it) A nice str/fth weapon, only the wa scaling is a bit counterintuitive. Slaps in pvp very hard.

                  • Anonymous

                    I went a strength/faith build my first play through and this thing carried me through the Elden beast fight, despite the holy damage. Truly one of the weapons of all time.

                    • Anonymous

                      Really wish this things aow had a stance options for r1/r2
                      R1 could be the actual ranged incantation with the follow up option
                      R2 could be the aoe you get from the normal aow

                      • Anonymous

                        against swift slash spammers: use destined death and miss, then use it immediately again, they will swift slash into it 100% of the time

                        • Anonymous

                          I feel like this was balanced by the fact that holy damage was just bad. now that holy is good in dlc this thing does insane damage

                          • Anonymous

                            The games says it does standard/pierce damage. Is the pierce damage literally just from the second hit in the skill?

                            • Anonymous

                              I've heard that the WA procs the Winged Sword talismans, but I can't seem to figure out if that's accurate or not, and it doesn't seem to activate the Swaddling Cloth, so can anyone confirm/deny?

                              • Anonymous

                                I barely used this thing for 2 years...then came the DLC.
                                This thing slaps, claps, smacks bosses. The Ash does Big ****us Damage, the AR with 50 Str 30 Faith is Nutty.

                                • This thing slaps so hard in the dlc with its overinflated hp bars. Hyperarmor on wa is so good I facetank bosses and minibosses with like 40 poise. Black knights? Fire knights? D e a t h knights? Horny swordsmen? Oh death, become my blade once more!

                                  • Anonymous

                                    Heavy charged attacks should've a fired destined attack when Maliketh himself likes to spam when he is midair(cost more stamina and the projectile shouldn't have a long range) and apply the burning effect and deal extra damage. The weapon art should've been the attack when he jumps, thursts his sword in the ground(and pulls it back) to make a destined death explosion(higher damage and stance damage and overall faster than the current version)but make it cost more stamina and FP. This weapon isn't as bad as most other holy weapons but I feal it should have a unique advantage over other destined sources because its stat hungry (obviously cuz its a collosal) and requires you to heavily build around it .

                                    • Anonymous

                                      A holy damage weapon for the endgame? No thanks cuz no matter how cool it looks if you use it for the skill alone try the knife or the incant and use a better weapon like BB or magma wyrm sword instead. This thing needs some buffs to be usable in min/max pve builds.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        can i put my strength in 10 when i use my Black Blade? is it based on Sword's damage or based in Sword damage and Strength damage too?

                                        • Anonymous

                                          Looks cool, crazy AR that makes holy damage split almost a non-burden, crazy ash of war with very unique debuff, goes with tons of fashion, and goes perfectly with beastial incantations. 9/10 since you get it so late without mods/ng+ though let alone during the holy resisting boss gauntlet.

                                          • Anonymous

                                            Notices how it looks so chipped, with the description abour "A sad shadow of its former self". I think Ranni stole the Rune of Death's fragment by carving the blade out?

                                            • Anonymous

                                              Goddess of scarlet Rot...I will find you, however far you may deliver you what is yours....destined death.

                                              All jokes aside, I love this weapon, not only does it have massive AR combined with percentile damage on an AOW with hyper armour, but it also looks great, the thought of using a broken, long sealed away manifestation of death itself makes it feel extremely epic!

                                              • Anonymous

                                                I think what would've been cool to make this colossal sword stand out is after performing the AoW, it'll buff the weapon and shoot out a wave of destined death like the Moonlight Greatsword. That and maybe replace the standard/boring horizontal swing and change that to a vertical/diagonal swing set like the Godslayer Greatsword. Otherwise, I still love it as is!

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  does rotten sword insignia/millicent prothesis work with the ash of war of this sword? if it does it should mealt bosses

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    An ethical str/faith weapon unlike the blasphemous blade (joking obviously). Good substitute for my flame art claymore for enemies weak to holy or resistant to fire

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      Fia's rune is made my rejoining the two halves of the original Cursemark of Death. Sure be nice if you could hand that rune plus Maliketh's Black Blade to Hewg and end up with you getting the Claw of Destined Death (or whatever) and Hewg being satisfied that he's made the godslayingest weapon possible.

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        I used it for fun and I can say for sure, if you have problems with NG+7 Placidusax or NG+7 Anything, this is one of the best choices.

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          "A sad shadow of its former glory".. if everything we encounter throughout the entire soulsbourne series was summed up in a single sentence.

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            This weapon is amazing! I reached Forbidden Lands with a +4 and I really suck at the game so that's something!

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              Maliketh's black blade which once harbored the power of the Rune of Death.... so meaning it's just a slab of rock when handed over to you?

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                Since Ranni stole a part of Death, this blade is incomplete, which leads to my theory the perfected version of the Black Blade is just a giant black slab. Please give us the spiritual successor of FUGS in the DLC

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  note the ash of war's damage is split holy and physical, meaning faith mains, steer clear as although it'll do damage, against late game bosses you'll struggle.
                                                                  strength mains, rejoice and remember that 99 str isn't the cap, by 2 handing you'll get more damage out of the ash of war. and by investing in str over faith, it's heavily weighted towards physical damage to still hit those late game bosses hard

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    The final combo should grant you some unique moveset with the R2s abd running attacks to make it more of a flexible weapon

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      Love this. Bummer it basically requires you to beat God's cracked-out werewolf spider monkey twin brother in a zombie/dragon infested castle floating inside of a tornado

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        One of the best weapons in the whole game. I see people complain about holy damage, but what does it matter when you’re sucking the life out of them with one of the game’s sickest looking weapons skills?

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          I don't get why This Weapon Does Holy Dmg when The Ash of War is a Black and Red Flame. Either have it do Fire Dmg or Make Holy Dmg more Viable cause Endgame bosses are upto 80% Resistant to Holy dmg which Hinder The Normal Attacks of This Sword. If Fromsoft Does something about its Holy Dmg this Sword would Easily Rival The Blasphamous Blade and Darkmoon Greatsword to be The Best Weapon in The Game.

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            Destroyed Plaucidasax with this weapon using just the Ash of War, and beat him before he had a chance to start phase 2.

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              Seems weird that the edge-lord death sword does holy damage. If dark damage was a thing in elden ring, that would seem more apt. Seems like it should have required Arcane rather than faith and got Arcane-scaling physical damage, like occult weapons (this game's version of dark infusion).

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                I don’t care if Blasphemous is “objectively better” for PVE, this one looks cooler and I’m gonna keep using it for my faith/strength build

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  Love this weapon ! But kinda wish it had a special moveset with spins or Death beams, at least on the heavies. So many boss weapons are just the normal moveset of their class with a unique skill. Makes them feel a bit less unique than they should...

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    I so wish this thing had special charged R2's that sent a wave of Destined Death like how the incantation does. Wtf From.

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      Okay what is so good about this? Why the hell would I use this over blasphemous blade as a faith build? Slow, sluggish, damage isn't that good.

                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                        Holy mother of Marika this weapon is so op. Incredibly satisfying to use, melts bosses like butter, and that ash of war is absolutely insane for large ho bars. Would definitely recommend with a faith or strength build, this is definitely worth it.

                                                                                        It also got buffed in the recent patch so this just keeps getting better and better. Don’t know about PvP since I don’t play it much, but it still pretty good to merge with incants to surprise enemies

                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                          Hits like a truck in PVP. 1200 damage with physick and golden vow. The ash of war is an added bonus to create some space for yourself or shred those who aren't aware of it.

                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                            Why doesn't this have a unique moveset? You should be able to do a special swing or two with this like how Malikeths use it. Same with Hand of Malenia and Morgotts curved sword.

                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                              Even split, base 511 damage is nuts. This thing hits hard. Holy may be bad for the boss run to the end of the game, but it's one of the best damage types for pvp, most armors don't resist it well and it doesn't get nerfed by puddles or rain like fire

                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                In pvp just run around if they start to spam it. Some dude ran out of fp and ran then returned to his own world. Like dude don't spam the weapon art then leave when it doesn't hit. Made me and my friend laugh.

                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                  Reminds me of lorian's greatsword, since everyone is so fixated on the split damage and fire (in this case holy) is greatly resisted in the point where you get these weapons.

                                                                                                  Completely overlooking the atrocius physical damage and the ash of war negating holy resistance with LITERAL DEATH. Seriously, do you even use this weapon in order to have any right to talk smack about it?

                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                    to bad the skill does not stack with black knife skill (it is listed as the same effect in ) exept tiche uses it (for some reason).

                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                      For me, Maliketh was the hardest boss in Elden ring, and it feels so satisfying to come back to him in ng+ and beat him with gown weapon

                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                        The Blade looks broken and misshapen. Judging by its appearance, it could have been much larger when the Rune of Death was still whole.
                                                                                                        But as it stands, the Black Blade is 'a sad shadow of its former glory' and yet its weapon art remains extremely powerful, only 'set[ting] free REMNANTS of Destined Death'.
                                                                                                        '...and there was not one demigod who did not fear him'

                                                                                                        Literally so cool

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