Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear is a Great Spear in Elden Ring. It is the symbol of the Mohgwyn Dynasty. The Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear scales primarily with Strength, Dexterity and Arcane. It deals split Fire and Physical damage.
Trident of Mohg, Lord of Blood. A sacred spear that will come to symbolize his dynasty.
As well as serving as a weapon, it is an instrument of communion with an outer god who bestows power upon accursed blood.
The mother of truth desires a wound.
Where to Find Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear in Elden Ring
The Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear weapon can be found at the following location:
- Can be obtained by trading Remembrance of the Blood Lord with Enia at Roundtable Hold.
Elden Ring Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear Notes & Tips
- Weapon Skill: Bloodboon Ritual.
- Bloodboon Ritual can hit targets from behind walls/objects and buffs the weapon with an effect similar Bloodflame Blade
- The Buff adds a flat 30 AR of fire damage to the weapon regardless of weapon or stat level
- The buff lasts for 20 seconds, which includes the cast time of the ability. Effective use time is closer to 17 seconds
- This weapon cannot be infused with Ashes of War
- Can't be buffed by Magic or Consumables
- Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear can be upgraded by using Somber Smithing Stones
- It is the longest weapon in its class.
- The Damage Scaling favors Arcane over Strength despite them both having a C rating at +10
- This is because both physical AND fire damage both scale with Arcane.
- At 34 Strength, 14 Dexterity and 60 Arcane, Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear has 707 AR and 90 Blood loss buildup.
- At 34 Strength, 19 Dexterity and 55 Arcane, Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear has 706 AR and 88 Blood loss buildup, along with the versatility of being able to equip Bloody Helice or Rivers of Blood as a secondary weapon at a minimal cost of a 1 less AR and 2 less Blood loss buildup compared to 14 Dexterity and 60 Arcane.
- Sell Value:
- NOTE: As of Patch 1.09, the scaling values of this weapon were changed. Please refer to the Upgrades Table of this weapon below.
- Other notes and player tips go here
Moveset & Videos in Elden Ring for Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear
- Raise the sacred spear and pierce the body of the Formless Mother. Stab up to three times, creating explosions of blood with each thrust. This skill will coat the armament with bloodflame for a while.
Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear PvP Poise Damage Values in Elden Ring
Patch 1.10 adjusted PVP Poise Damage of all Weapons including some Spells and Incantations. Please take note that these adjustments are exclusive to PVP.
One-Handed Attacks
- 1H R1 (1/2/3 Attacks): 193.325/96.662/104.5
- 1H R2 (1/2 Attacks): 313.5/313.5
- 1H Charged R2 (1/2 Attacks): 940.5/940.5
- 1H R1 Jumping: 193.325
- 1h R2 Jumping: 627
Two-Handed Attacks
- 2H R1 (1/2/3 Attacks): 250.8/125.4/135.85
- 2H R2 (1/2 Attacks): 344.85/344.85
- 2H Charged R2 (1/2 Attacks): 1034.55/1034.55
- 2H R1 Jumping: 193.325
- 2h R2 Jumping: 689.7
Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear Upgrades in Elden Ring
Please see the Upgrades page to understand the weapon bolstering process.
Requires regular reinforcement with Somber Smithing Stones.
Attack Power | Stat Scaling | Passive Effects | Damage Reduction (%) | ||||||||||||||||
Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear | Phy | Mag | Fir | Lit | Hol | Sta | Str | Dex | Int | Fai | Arc | Any | Phy | Mag | Fir | Lit | Hol | Bst | Rst |
Standard | 96 | - | 62 | - | - | 64 | D | E | - | - | D | ![]() |
57 | 36 | 49 | 36 | 36 | 46 | 22 |
Standard +1 | 109 | - | 70 | - | - | 70 | D | E | - | - | D | ![]() |
57 | 36 | 49 | 36 | 36 | 46.46 | 22 |
Standard +2 | 123 | - | 79 | - | - | 76 | D | E | - | - | D | ![]() |
57 | 36 | 49 | 36 | 36 | 46.92 | 22 |
Standard +3 | 137 | - | 88 | - | - | 83 | D | E | - | - | D | ![]() |
57 | 36 | 49 | 36 | 36 | 47.38 | 22 |
Standard +4 | 151 | - | 97 | - | - | 89 | D | E | - | - | D | ![]() |
57 | 36 | 49 | 36 | 36 | 47.84 | 22 |
Standard +5 | 165 | - | 106 | - | - | 96 | D | E | - | - | D | ![]() |
57 | 36 | 49 | 36 | 36 | 48.3 | 22 |
Standard +6 | 179 | - | 115 | - | - | 102 | D | E | - | - | D | ![]() |
57 | 36 | 49 | 36 | 36 | 48.76 | 22 |
Standard +7 | 193 | - | 124 | - | - | 108 | C | E | - | - | C | ![]() |
57 | 36 | 49 | 36 | 36 | 49.22 | 22 |
Standard +8 | 207 | - | 133 | - | - | 115 | C | E | - | - | C | ![]() |
57 | 36 | 49 | 36 | 36 | 49.68 | 22 |
Standard +9 | 221 | - | 142 | - | - | 121 | C | D | - | - | C | ![]() |
57 | 36 | 49 | 36 | 36 | 50.14 | 22 |
Standard +10 | 235 | - | 151 | - | - | 128 | C | D | - | - | C | ![]() |
57 | 36 | 49 | 36 | 36 | 50.6 | 22 |
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Moh-GWYN'S sacred spear?? Guys. This HAS to be a dak sools refence..
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
whats with lord of blood liking the fire so much he is resistant to fire his weapon deals fire damage he hurls fire that makes you bleed everywhere hell why not call him a lord of fire insted
- Anonymous
Might get some flack for this but I think it should’ve had a stance based aow. The r2 being bloodboon and r1 being that move Mohg does where he thrusts the spear at you and then spins it super quickly spraying bloodflame.
- Anonymous
The scaling...
It's CDC (Center of Disease Control)...
Was it supposed to control an area with this, or was it supposed to control all the tryhards who wants to approach you with Pata?
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
This weapon is so strong, worth respeccing into arcane for. You can use R1 while using a shield like all spears, and the skill is extremely strong in PVE and is great for killing multiple mobs.
- Anonymous
Just solo'd Malenia NG+7 with this, bloodboon only. 99 arcane, shard of Alexander, fire scorpion charm, white mask, lord of bloods exaltation, golden vow, flame grant me strength, bloodsucking cracked tear, flame-shrouding cracked tear, and seppeko to activate blood loss. Pure cheese destruction.
When I was testing this stack on the putrid avatar it was doing over 10k damage on the first Nihil. Weak to fire, but still.
- Anonymous
Imagine if it had a weird dance to buff your attacks, instead of stabbing the air to get Bleed on nearby enemies...
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I struggle to notice the nerf, honestly, even without proccing bleed the L2 is still an "everything dies" button.
And if it doesn't work, impaling the hell out of whatever survived works just fine with that huge range.
- Anonymous
Fun fact, the AOW (without any upgrade) is powerful enough to break the chains of trolls pulling carriages. Hence ...they run after you ! Didn't even know those chains are breakable, was just trying the weapon at waypoint ruins as usual.
- Anonymous
Ok if you use a strength/arcane/dex build, use ghizas wheel in your right hand for it's AOW and mohgs spear for the bleed and buffs. Use armour that has high poise so enemies can't stop you from using spinning wheel on them.
Ghizas wheel staggers bosses in seconds and then use mohgs spear when they're staggered, then spam bleed.
Just so you know if you use a mimic tear and the mimic switches to ghizas wheel use mohgs spear to get more damage and bleed in.
I tried this on malenia in NG+ and I got to second phase in around 15 seconds its ridiculous.
- Anonymous
does anyone know a good build for the base game i like this weapon
- Anonymous
Leda's armour, Lacerating crossed-tree, Two-Handed sword talisman, and maybe white mask and lord of bloods exultation, and thats a 70% damage increase on running attacks + blood flame.
This is the disgusting amounts of damage ive been looking for :)
- Anonymous
Reminder that it's impossible to access the DLC without getting access to this weapon. Therefore From wants players to bring this to the DLC. It's not OP in any way when it's one of the few intended unmissable weapons.
- Anonymous
Should add 50 fire flat bonus and the boost duration should be 30 seconds
- Anonymous
Can't do a funny little dance with it.
Literally unplayable.
- Anonymous
How should I play with this greatspear?
Is it better to go with weapon art or pokey pokey?
Asking for dlc
- Anonymous
I love you mohgwyn sacred spear, Aint nothing ever gonna make me hate you!
- Anonymous
I don't even care about the L2, I just like to poke from a distance!
- Anonymous
I don't hold grudge against you. Just use that weapon with shield poking to kill Radahn , damn it.
-Sir Chad Ansbach
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Just an FYI, you cannot see its true bleed number unless you meet the arcane requirement, it'll just say its minimum bleed of 33. This goes for any arcane scaling bleed weapon, like this one, Reduvia, Rivers of Blood etc. This is not true for weapons with bleed but do not scale with arcane, like bloody stars, uchigatana, scythe etc, these have flat bleed of 45 to 55 that does not go up with arcane (unless you change it's scaling to occult with a whetstone, then the former applies).
I've just seen occasional comments saying "it's only 33 bleed" or "why does mine say 33?" and thought I'd answer it here.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Can't be mad invading a gank squad of Mohgwyn cultists all wielding this weapon. All they want is a little nihil...
- Anonymous
I didn't use this weapon too much before the nerf, but still feels really good in the dlc. Don't like it as much for boss fights unless the target is large, but amazing weapon nonetheless.
It still slaps the dlc even at lvl 80-100. Good wa, hyperarmor, reach (no - it is REACH) and blood. Also, nihil
- Anonymous
Is this weapon still viable after the patch? Not just talking about the AoW, just overall
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
RIP to this weapon, they nerfed it so incredibly hard over multiple patches that it's barely even decent anymore.
- Anonymous
Shard of Alexander seems to reduce the Skill damage in Patch 1.12.
You deal more damage, from the same distance (distance plays a role), to a target without the shard.
Weird. Bug maybe?
- Anonymous
bleed buildup from aow got nerfed pretty hard, don’t know exact number, but notably it doesn’t proc bleed before killing enemies through fire damage like it would frequently before, but the damage is otherwise still good as of 1.12. still seems like a viable weapon
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Not many weapons give me more satisfaction than Nihiling the enemies that are hiding on the left/right, and above/below me. Especially when it's those Imps in the catacombs, especially if you've wasted Crimson Tears to them, and especially if you died to them. It's the player's way of saying "No, I won't be wasting Crimson Tears today." It's the "be weary of left" cheese.
- Anonymous
When i get this weapon, every time i use it, my family will hear the following sounds from my room
(activates bloodboon ritual)
- Anonymous
I did some research here are the Bleed Buildups according to my stats: 24 Str / 14 Dex / Arc. It seems that 74 is the sweet spot for Knee Healing!
45 Arc = 84 Buildup
50 Arc = 96 Buildup
55 Arc = 88 Buildup
56 Arc = 89 Buildup
59 Arc = 90 Buildup
64 Arc = 91 Buildup
74-83 Arc = 92 Buildup
84 Arc = 93 Buildup
- Anonymous
Farming tool, boss shredder, communion instrument you name chief
- Anonymous
Weapon art works really well on Maliketh because you can use it behind the pillar, can still hit you with some attacks but can't combo you as much.
- Anonymous
You can use this rune level 1 with both soreseals, Godricks rune, silver mask.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
maybe in some alternate timeline this weapon could shoot blood projectiles on basic attacks while buffed and have a cool custom moveset
but instead we get bloodboon ritual spam from people wearing white mask and veterans armor
- Anonymous
The weapon when Mohg uses it:
Drill attacks, horizontal swings, vertical slams, combo that involves a variety of slashes followed by a quick ground stab, etc...
The moveset for the player:
Poke, poke, poke.
Movesets in this game never fails to disappoint.
- Anonymous
Fittingly the spear's weapon art is absolutely devastating vs Malenia. Pair it with a bleed shield crash fingerprint shield if you want to be extra disgusting. I enjoy how the weapon art feels eldritch in how it ignores cover. It really feels like you're channeling some proper formless dark power. Rivers of blood wishes it was this terrifying.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Definitely fulfills the boss weapon power fantasy. It's also objectively overpowered despite having a very low skill ceiling and should be nerfed harder in PVP.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
The vertical range on this js stupid. The fact you can kill enemies and players that are well above the visual animations is broken.
- Anonymous
NIHIL!!! NIHIL!!! NNNNIIIIIIIIIHHHHHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
This weapon is so broken. I killed Malenia within 30 seconds on my first attempt ever.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
This **** bussin FR. Dgaf if every1 uses this. Ts some gourmet
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Does Purifying Crystal Tear protect you against the ashe of war of the Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear as well or is it only for Moghwin boss fight ?
- Anonymous
Never used this weapon. But it looks fire (pun intended). Is it viable if I only go 50 arc and dex/str at base? Don't want to spam skill but use moveset too
- Anonymous
"At 34 Strength, 14 Dexterity and 60 Arcane, Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear has 707 AR and 90 Blood loss buildup.
At 34 Strength, 19 Dexterity and 55 Arcane, Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear has 706 AR and 88 Blood loss buildup, along"
Is a useless note.
Having base STR and Dex from Vagabond + Godfrey's Rune and 80 Arcane saves you like 6 levels with more AR and more bleed buildup
- Anonymous
hey guys did you know there's actually a spear attached to bloodboon ritual???
This fork is what you use when you're tired of Malenia's shenanigans.
- Anonymous
In the next patch, From Software needs to update this and add a NIHIL sound every time you use this weapon skill.
- Anonymous
Attacks are poke poke poke while the skill is NIHIL NIHIL NIHIIIIIIIIIIIL
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
is there a lore reason every other person in limgrave dual wields this?
- Anonymous
This weapon helped me alot during the fight with that half-naked florida man
Don't stop at 55ARC.
56ARC = +1 (89) Buildup and +2AR, so 56ARC is worth a lot.
57ARC is no more worth.
- Anonymous
I can't be the only one whose thoughts were: "this is the barrier", right?
- Anonymous
What’s a good distribution for Dex Str and Arc for this weapon?
I want to make a character that uses this weapon but I also want them to wield a lot of high faith fire monk incantations. Does Arc matter that much? I don’t mind being suboptimal but I’d just like to know a GENERAL direction to pool my stats in while still being able to cast fire spells.
- Anonymous
I only now realized that this thing is asymmetrical. One of the side prongs is longer than the other.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
equally used by both gankers and gankees, truly a perfectly balanced weapon
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Screaming nihil while using the skill is a moral obligation
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Channeler's trident: Who are you?
Mohg's spear: I'm you but edgier
- Anonymous
Wish we wielded it more like Mogh did. Funny bonk swings are funny ok
- Anonymous
Damn, just used this weapon to fight malenia, and it's as easy as hell. Literally just Nihil three time and deleted the entire healthbar (got golden vow, flame grant me strength, and fire crack tear). Everyone who struggles with Malenia or some non fire resistance bosses should definitelt try this.
- Anonymous
At +10 it has C scaling in Arc, but performs like it has S. Gyatt
That's my favorite weapon in ER pvp.
Good damage. Nice hyper armor when two handing it. Gorgeous moveset.
R2 is weird. I hardly imagine it being used besides charging it while standing over lying opponent.
R1 is nice but it is worse than other attacks.
RR2 is weird. It can be only used if you opponent doesn't know anything about super advanced eSports mechanic called strafing.
RR1 is perfect. I love roll catching with it. The attack is very good for chasing down opponent using bhs.
JR2 has great damage and poise damage. It is best used when your opponent starts a slow animation.
JR1 it is a perfect jump attack. Reverse jumping + turning 180° immediately mid attack animation is truly amazing.
Backstep attack. It is so cool.
Rolling attack is gorgeous.
Crouch attack. It is perfect. Perfect! Opponent makes one panic roll -> opponent receives damage. Chain of 3+ roll catches? Easily!
You can "break" crouch attack animation by wiggling so it would be harder to predict.
The only shunter's flaw is that sometimes you need to unlock to roll catch your opponent if they roll sidewards.
- Anonymous
This weapon makes the haligtree a joke. I just walked around nihiling everything. Even malenia wasnt very difficult at all with this beast of a weapon. Highly reccomend
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Great for kill the invader. I use two of these and my freind use two of these and invader cry salty tears and he die from the bleed. Very fun weapon in the game for duel weild! :)
- Anonymous
Can someone tell me what is a good great spear to powerstance with this
- Anonymous
Other than how I hate the Spear movements (feels cludgy as hell, like most Colossal weapons) the thing I dislike about this weapon is how there is no indication of the range of the AoW. Seems to make no common sense, when farming near Palace Approach I'm constantly amazed at the Albinaurics it hits and the one it misses. I can only guess it's not really a circle or it's impacted in some weird way by terrain even though it misses ones that are sitting on flat ground.
- Anonymous
This spear is the best implementation of an "easy mode" in the history of games
- Anonymous
This is the fork that scrapes your teeth and makes that squeaky squeal sound
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
If no one else got me, I know that Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear do
- Anonymous
Best weapon to cheese Gaius