Perfumer's Bolt

perfumers bolt elden ring wiki guide 200px
attack power elden ring wiki guide 18Attack Power
Phy 15
Mag 0
Fire 65
Ligt 0
Holy 0
Crit 100
passive effects elden ring wiki guide 18Passive

Bolt Pierce

Perfumer's Bolt is a type of Bolt in in Elden Ring. Perfumer's Bolt is an enhanced explosive Bolt that deals additional Fire Damage upon impact. Ammunition can be used in ranged weapons such as Bows and Crossbows, so players can deal ranged damage to Enemies and Bosses.


Bolt created with perfumer techniques. Used by nobles' guards and the like.

The point of impact explodes with sparks, dealing fire damage.


Where to Find Elden Ring Perfumer's Bolt

Perfumer's Bolt can be found at the following location:


Elden Ring Perfumer's Bolt Notes & Tips

  • These bolts do 5 less fire damage than Exploding Bolts, but are buffed by the Perfumer's Talisman. With a +10 pulley crossbow, testing against pages, an exploding bolt volley dealt ~403 damage while these dealt ~350. With the perfumer talisman equipped, the perfumer bolt volley increased to about ~417 damage instead.
  • However it's important to note that you can purchase Exploding Bolts, but cannot purchase these. It is a choice between ease of availability versus farming for slightly greater damage. 
  • You can hold up to 99 Perfumer's Bolt.
  • You can store up to 600 Perfumer's Bolt.
  • Sell Value: runes currency elden ring wiki guide 1810.


Elden Ring Arrows
Arrow  ♦  Ballista Bolt  ♦  Black-Key Bolt  ♦  Bloodbone Arrow  ♦  Bloodbone Arrow (Fletched)  ♦  Bloodbone Bolt  ♦  Bolt  ♦  Bone Arrow  ♦  Bone Arrow (Fletched)  ♦  Bone Ballista Bolt  ♦  Bone Bolt  ♦  Bone Great Arrow  ♦  Bone Great Arrow (Fletched)  ♦  Burred Bolt  ♦  Coldbone Arrow  ♦  Coldbone Arrow (Fletched)  ♦  Coldbone Bolt  ♦  Dwelling Arrow  ♦  Explosive Bolt  ♦  Explosive Greatbolt  ♦  Fire Arrow  ♦  Firebone Arrow  ♦  Firebone Arrow (Fletched)  ♦  Firebone Bolt  ♦  Flaming Bolt  ♦  Golden Arrow  ♦  Golden Bolt  ♦  Golden Great Arrow  ♦  Golem's Great Arrow  ♦  Golem's Magic Arrow  ♦  Great Arrow  ♦  Haligbone Arrow  ♦  Haligbone Arrow (Fletched)  ♦  Haligbone Bolt  ♦  Lightning Greabolt  ♦  Lightning Greatbolt  ♦  Lightningbone Arrow  ♦  Lightningbone Arrow (Fletched)  ♦  Lightningbone Bolt  ♦  Lordsworn's Bolt  ♦  Magicbone Arrow  ♦  Magicbone Arrow (Fletched)  ♦  Magicbone Bolt  ♦  Meteor Bolt  ♦  Poisonbone Arrow  ♦  Poisonbone Arrow (Fletched)  ♦  Poisonbone Bolt  ♦  Radahn's Spear  ♦  Rainbow Stone Arrow  ♦  Rainbow Stone Arrow (Fletched)  ♦  Rotbone Arrow  ♦  Rotbone Arrow (Fletched)  ♦  Rotbone Bolt  ♦  Serpent Arrow  ♦  Shattershard Arrow  ♦  Shattershard Arrow (Fletched)  ♦  Sleepbone Arrow  ♦  Sleepbone Arrow (Fletched)  ♦  Sleepbone Bolt  ♦  Spiritflame Arrow  ♦  Storm Arrow  ♦  Stormwing Bone Arrow


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    • Anonymous

      "To craft Perfumer's Bolt you need the following materials:
      This item cannot be crafted by the player."

      Thanks for the hype XD

      • Anonymous

        Look pretty and thematically fit with my build, yeah why not I'll farm them. Add pages to the list of things I genocided, right next to albinaurics, basilisks, cleanrot knights and jellyfishes.

        • Anonymous

          yeah no, i rather just stick with explosive bolts that u can buy from the merchant rather than just farming these

          • Anonymous

            Get this in patch 1.00 you could actually buy them from a merchant infinitely. What a joke they are now a farm to get them as an update LOL! that would be nothing more then a downgrade.

            • Anonymous

              Uh what's a good bolt farming location? I'm wanting to bring the ds3 cheese to elden ring lol. Just curious cuz apparently the boss bonfire in Caria Manor doesn't do much but get me either a page hood or a bow. They made the drop chance on these things way to low. Any farming location I should use instead?

              • Anonymous

                Ah the power of back up saving. Now this tedious random chance to get the bolts from enemies farm is easy. And i don't feel bad for doing so, becease if the game wants me to farm these with luck involved i will Kindly tell it to go "screw it self"

                • Anonymous

                  "Wanna play as a page? Then farm them for their arrows is your way to play"

                  Me though: who asked for this as an option in the game?

                  Also me: why is this not simple a Cook book craft? I mean comon! We are allowed to craft perfumer stuff but not these types of arrows?!

                  This dull way to get them, feels as dull as trying to play dark souls 3 and farming the silver knights for their covenant items. I have better things to do then to sit here and farming an enemy over and over again just to max out the arrows.

                  But oh well... some people probably prefer this dullness.

                  • Anonymous

                    something tells me they basically flipped a coin when they decided which bolts are purchasable and which need to be farmed. These bolts are inferior to the explosive ones, and come in limited number. Same goes for black-key or whatever they are called bolts, they inflict rot and are very limitated, while you can buy bleed (by far the most broken status ingame) bolts from mogh's palace infinitely. It makes no sense.

                    • Anonymous

                      I honestly find it unacceptable that some of these arrows and bolts are only obtainable by farming or worse, limited supply. Trina's arrows, these, black bolts, I don't want to have to play through another 10 hours just to be able to get 30 more black goddamn bolts for my build. Just make them either craft able or purchasable, but expensive to balance it out.

                      • Anonymous

                        ah yeah let me just farm the pages in front of loretta's arena for HOURS every time I ran out of perfurmer's bolt for my High Page cosplay build.

                        • Yet another bolt that can't be crafted or bought. Lordsworn's Bolts and Black Key Bolts? Sure you can make the argument that they can't be crafted, but perfume arts is a thing in this game.

                          • Anonymous

                            These bolts do 5 less fire damage than exploding bolts, but are buffed by the Perfumer's talisman. With a +10 pulley crossbow, testing against pages, an exploding bolt volley dealt ~403 damage while these dealt ~350. With the perfumer talisman equipped, the perfumer bolt volley increased to about ~417 damage instead.

                            However it's important to note that you can buy exploding bolts but can't buy these, so its up to you if you want to do a bit of grinding for a slight situational damage increase.

                            • Anonymous

                              5 bolt Dropped from Pages (girl on hood armed with crossbow and rapier) on Caria manor
                              Also this bolt also got damage increase from Perfumer's talisman

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