Redmane Greatshield

redmane greatshield elden ring wiki guide 200px
attack power elden ring wiki guide 18Attack
Phy 108
Mag 0
Fire 0
Ligt 0
Holy 0
Crit 100
guarded damage negation elden ring wiki guide 18Guard
Phy 100
Mag 54
Fire 70
Ligt 53
Holy 52
Boost 65
attribute scaling elden ring wiki guide 18Scaling
Str D
attributes required elden ring wiki guide 18Requires
Str 30
Greatshield Strike
No Skill FP --
Wgt. 14 passive effects elden ring wiki guide 18Passive --

Redmane Greatshield is a Greatshield in Elden Ring. The Redmane Greatshield is a Shield that scales primarily with Strength. Greatshields weigh a decent amount and provide the best protection in the game. Greatshields provide a greater value of blocking and protecting oneself from enemy and boss attacks, but greatly increases the weight and reduces the player's mobility. This type of shield works best at reducing damage or guarding instead of parrying.


Greatshield shaped like a fang, featuring the crest of red-maned lion.
Carried by the Redmane Knights who fought alongside Radahn.


Where to Find the Redmane Greatshield in Elden Ring

The Redmane Greatshield can be found at the following location:

  • Dropped by Redmane Knights in Caelid. Video Location
    • Can drop from the horseback Redmane Knight found northwest of the Impassable Greatbridge Site of Grace. Follow the nearby cliff edge past the sword monument, drop down the small ledge, then continue west a short distance. This is probably the best camp as it is a short ride from the nearest grace.
    • Can drop from the Redmane Knight sitting outside to the west of Redmane Castle, next to the large wooden tower.
    • Can drop from the Redmane Knight archer defending the front of Fort Gael as well as the Redmane Knight in the northeastern corner of the upper area of Fort Gael.
    • Can drop from the Redmane Knight in the upper northeastern part of Redmane Castle, across a small wooden bridge.


Elden Ring Redmane Greatshield Notes & Tips

  • Shield Skill: No Skill
  • This shield can be infused with Ashes of War
  • Can be buffed by defensive Magic or Consumables
  • The Redmane Greatshield can be upgraded by using Smithing Stones.
  • Sell Value: item value icon elden ring wiki guide 18px200
  • Base drop rate is 4% (at 100 Discovery)
  • NOTE: As of Patch 1.09, the scaling values of this weapon were changed. Please refer to the Upgrades Table of this weapon below.
  • Other notes and player tips go here

The Redmane Greatshield can be infused with Ashes of War. Click below for a list of all possible Ashes of War that can be applied to the greatshield.

See usable Ashes of War (click to reveal)



Redmane Greatshield PvP Poise Damage Values in Elden Ring

Patch 1.10 adjusted PVP Poise Damage of all Weapons including some Spells and Incantations. Please take note that these adjustments are exclusive to PVP.

One-Handed Attacks

  • 1H R1 (1/2/3/4/5/6 Attacks): 222/111/120/--/--/--
  • 1H R2 (1/2 Attacks): 360/360
  • 1H Charged R2 (1/2 Attacks): 1080/1080
  • 1H Running R2: 240
  • 1H R1 Jumping: 222
  • 1h R2 Jumping: 720

Two-Handed Attacks

  • 2H R1 (1/2/3/4/5/6 Attacks): 288/144/156/--/--/--
  • 2H R2 (1/2 Attacks): 396/396
  • 2H Charged R2 (1/2 Attacks): 1188/1188
  • 2H R1 Jumping: 288
  • 2h R2 Jumping: 792


Redmane Greatshield Upgrades in Elden Ring

Please see the Upgrades page to understand the weapon bolstering process.


max upgrades elden ring wiki guide 30
standard upgrades elden ring wiki guide 30
heavy upgrades elden ring wiki guide 30
keen upgrades elden ring wiki guide 30
quality upgrades elden ring wiki guide 30
fire upgrades elden ring wiki guide 30
flame weapon upgrade elden ring wiki guide 30px
lightning upgrades elden ring wiki guide 30
sacred upgrades elden ring wiki guide 30
magic upgrades elden ring wiki guide 30
cold upgrades elden ring wiki guide 30
poison upgrades elden ring wiki guide 30
blood upgrades elden ring wiki guide 30
occult upgrades elden ring wiki guide 30


Redmane Greatshield Max Upgrades

Overview table for all upgrades at max level. Click on the tabs to see individual upgrade paths.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Redmane Greatshield Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Std+25 264 - - - - 156 B - - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 72.8 29
Hvy+25 244 - - - - 156 B - - - - - 100 54 70 53 53 71.5 29
Keen+25 244 - - - - 156 E B - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 71.5 29
Qua+25 213 - - - - 156 C C - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 71.5 29
Fire+25 176 - 176 - - 156 D E - - - - 95 51.3 87.5 60.95 49.4 65 27.55
Flame+25 208 - 208 - - 156 D - - D - - 95 51.3 87.5 60.95 49.4 65 27.55
Lit+25 180 - - 180 - 156 E D - - - - 95 51.3 80.5 66.25 49.4 65 27.55
Sac+25 208 - - - 208 156 D - - D - - 95 62.1 66.5 50.35 65 65 27.55
Mag+25 208 208 - - - 156 E - D - - - 95 67.5 66.5 50.35 59.8 65 27.55
Col+25 187 149 - - - 156 C - D - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(153) 95 62.1 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55
Poi+25 223 - - - - 156 C - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(138) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 29
Blood+25 223 - - - - 156 C - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(120) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55
Occ+25 234 - - - - 156 C - - - C - 100 54 70 53 52 71.5 29

Redmane Greatshield standard Upgrades

Requires regular reinforcement with Smithing Stone [1]Smithing Stone [2]Smithing Stone [3]Smithing Stone [4]Smithing Stone [5]Smithing Stone [6]Smithing Stone [7]Smithing Stone [8], and Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone.

This upgrade can be enchanted with Magic or boosted with Consumables.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Redmane Greatshield Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Standard 108 - - - - 78 D - - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 65 29
Standard +1 114 - - - - 81 D - - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 65.65 29
Standard +2 120 - - - - 84 D - - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 65.65 29
Standard +3 126 - - - - 87 D - - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 66.3 29
Standard +4 133 - - - - 90 D - - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 66.3 29
Standard +5 139 - - - - 93 C - - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 66.95 29
Standard +6 145 - - - - 96 C - - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 66.95 29
Standard +7 151 - - - - 99 C - - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 67.6 29
Standard +8 158 - - - - 102 C - - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 67.6 29
Standard +9 164 - - - - 106 C - - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 67.6 29
Standard +10 170 - - - - 109 C - - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 68.25 29
Standard +11 176 - - - - 112 C - - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 68.25 29
Standard +12 183 - - - - 115 C - - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 68.9 29
Standard +13 189 - - - - 118 C - - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 68.9 29
Standard +14 195 - - - - 121 C - - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 69.55 29
Standard +15 201 - - - - 124 C - - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 69.55 29
Standard +16 208 - - - - 127 C - - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 70.2 29
Standard +17 214 - - - - 131 C - - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 70.2 29
Standard +18 220 - - - - 134 C - - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 70.85 29
Standard +19 227 - - - - 137 C - - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 70.85 29
Standard +20 233 - - - - 140 C - - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 71.5 29
Standard +21 239 - - - - 143 C - - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 71.5 29
Standard +22 245 - - - - 146 C - - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 72.15 29
Standard +23 252 - - - - 149 C - - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 72.15 29
Standard +24 258 - - - - 152 C - - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 72.15 29
Standard +25 264 - - - - 156 B - - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 72.8 29


Redmane Greatshield Heavy Upgrades

Requires regular reinforcement with Smithing Stone [1]Smithing Stone [2]Smithing Stone [3]Smithing Stone [4]Smithing Stone [5]Smithing Stone [6]Smithing Stone [7]Smithing Stone [8], and Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone, as well as Heavy Affinity Ashes of War.

This upgrade can be enchanted with Magic or boosted with Consumables.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Redmane Greatshield Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Heavy 98 - - - - 78 C - - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 65 29
Heavy +1 104 - - - - 81 C - - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 65.65 29
Heavy +2 110 - - - - 84 C - - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 65.65 29
Heavy +3 116 - - - - 87 C - - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 66.3 29
Heavy +4 122 - - - - 90 C - - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 66.3 29
Heavy +5 127 - - - - 93 C - - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 66.95 29
Heavy +6 133 - - - - 96 C - - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 66.95 29
Heavy +7 139 - - - - 99 B - - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 67.6 29
Heavy +8 145 - - - - 102 B - - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 67.6 29
Heavy +9 151 - - - - 106 B - - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 67.6 29
Heavy +10 157 - - - - 109 B - - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 68.25 29
Heavy +11 162 - - - - 112 B - - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 68.25 29
Heavy +12 168 - - - - 115 B - - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 68.25 29
Heavy +13 174 - - - - 118 B - - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 68.9 29
Heavy +14 180 - - - - 121 B - - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 68.9 29
Heavy +15 186 - - - - 124 B - - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 68.9 29
Heavy +16 191 - - - - 127 B - - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 69.55 29
Heavy +17 197 - - - - 131 B - - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 69.55 29
Heavy +18 203 - - - - 134 B - - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 69.55 29
Heavy +19 209 - - - - 137 B - - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 70.2 29
Heavy +20 215 - - - - 140 B - - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 70.2 29
Heavy +21 221 - - - - 143 B - - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 70.2 29
Heavy +22 226 - - - - 146 B - - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 70.85 29
Heavy +23 232 - - - - 149 B - - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 70.85 29
Heavy +24 238 - - - - 152 B - - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 70.85 29
Heavy +25 244 - - - - 156 B - - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 71.5 29

Redmane Greatshield Keen Upgrades

Requires regular reinforcement with Smithing Stone [1]Smithing Stone [2]Smithing Stone [3]Smithing Stone [4]Smithing Stone [5]Smithing Stone [6]Smithing Stone [7]Smithing Stone [8], and Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone, as well as Keen Affinity Ashes of War.

This upgrade can be enchanted with Magic or boosted with Consumables.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Redmane Greatshield Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Keen 98 - - - - 78 E C - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 65 29
Keen +1 104 - - - - 81 E C - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 65.65 29
Keen +2 110 - - - - 84 E C - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 65.65 29
Keen +3 116 - - - - 87 E C - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 66.3 29
Keen +4 122 - - - - 90 E C - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 66.3 29
Keen +5 127 - - - - 93 E C - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 66.95 29
Keen +6 133 - - - - 96 E C - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 66.95 29
Keen +7 139 - - - - 99 E C - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 67.6 29
Keen +8 145 - - - - 102 E C - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 67.6 29
Keen +9 151 - - - - 106 E C - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 67.6 29
Keen +10 157 - - - - 109 E C - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 68.25 29
Keen +11 162 - - - - 112 E C - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 68.25 29
Keen +12 168 - - - - 115 E C - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 68.25 29
Keen +13 174 - - - - 118 E C - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 68.9 29
Keen +14 180 - - - - 121 E B - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 68.9 29
Keen +15 186 - - - - 124 E B - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 68.9 29
Keen +16 191 - - - - 127 E B - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 69.55 29
Keen +17 197 - - - - 131 E B - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 69.55 29
Keen +18 203 - - - - 134 E B - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 69.55 29
Keen +19 209 - - - - 137 E B - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 70.2 29
Keen +20 215 - - - - 140 E B - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 70.2 29
Keen +21 221 - - - - 143 E B - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 70.2 29
Keen +22 226 - - - - 146 E B - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 70.85 29
Keen +23 232 - - - - 149 E B - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 70.85 29
Keen +24 238 - - - - 152 E B - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 70.85 29
Keen +25 244 - - - - 156 E B - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 71.5 29

Redmane Greatshield Quality Upgrades

Requires regular reinforcement with Smithing Stone [1]Smithing Stone [2]Smithing Stone [3]Smithing Stone [4]Smithing Stone [5]Smithing Stone [6]Smithing Stone [7]Smithing Stone [8], and Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone, as well as Quality Affinity Ashes of War.

This upgrade can be enchanted with Magic or boosted with Consumables.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Redmane Greatshield Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Quality 93 - - - - 78 D D - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 65 29
Quality +1 98 - - - - 81 D D - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 65.65 29
Quality +2 103 - - - - 84 D D - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 65.65 29
Quality +3 107 - - - - 87 D D - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 66.3 29
Quality +4 112 - - - - 90 D D - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 66.3 29
Quality +5 117 - - - - 93 D D - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 66.95 29
Quality +6 122 - - - - 96 C C - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 66.95 29
Quality +7 127 - - - - 99 C C - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 67.6 29
Quality +8 131 - - - - 102 C C - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 67.6 29
Quality +9 136 - - - - 106 C C - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 67.6 29
Quality +10 141 - - - - 109 C C - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 68.25 29
Quality +11 146 - - - - 112 C C - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 68.25 29
Quality +12 151 - - - - 115 C C - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 68.25 29
Quality +13 155 - - - - 118 C C - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 68.9 29
Quality +14 160 - - - - 121 C C - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 68.9 29
Quality +15 165 - - - - 124 C C - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 68.9 29
Quality +16 170 - - - - 127 C C - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 69.55 29
Quality +17 174 - - - - 131 C C - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 69.55 29
Quality +18 179 - - - - 134 C C - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 69.55 29
Quality +19 184 - - - - 137 C C - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 70.2 29
Quality +20 189 - - - - 140 C C - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 70.2 29
Quality +21 194 - - - - 143 C C - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 70.2 29
Quality +22 198 - - - - 146 C C - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 70.85 29
Quality +23 203 - - - - 149 C C - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 70.85 29
Quality +24 208 - - - - 152 C C - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 70.85 29
Quality +25 213 - - - - 156 C C - - - - 100 54 70 53 52 71.5 29

Redmane Greatshield Fire Upgrades

Requires regular reinforcement with Smithing Stone [1]Smithing Stone [2]Smithing Stone [3]Smithing Stone [4]Smithing Stone [5]Smithing Stone [6]Smithing Stone [7]Smithing Stone [8], and Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone, as well as Fire Affinity Ashes of War.

This upgrade cannot be enchanted with Magic or boosted with Consumables.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Redmane Greatshield Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Fire 83 - 83 - - 78 D E - - - - 95 51.3 80.5 55.65 49.4 65 27.55
Fire +1 86 - 86 - - 81 D E - - - - 95 51.3 80.5 55.65 49.4 65 27.55
Fire +2 90 - 90 - - 84 D E - - - - 95 51.3 81.2 56.18 49.4 65 27.55
Fire +3 94 - 94 - - 87 D E - - - - 95 51.3 81.2 56.18 49.4 65 27.55
Fire +4 98 - 98 - - 90 D E - - - - 95 51.3 81.9 56.71 49.4 65 27.55
Fire +5 101 - 101 - - 93 D E - - - - 95 51.3 81.9 56.71 49.4 65 27.55
Fire +6 105 - 105 - - 96 D E - - - - 95 51.3 82.6 57.24 49.4 65 27.55
Fire +7 109 - 109 - - 99 D E - - - - 95 51.3 82.6 57.24 49.4 65 27.55
Fire +8 113 - 113 - - 102 D E - - - - 95 51.3 83.3 57.77 49.4 65 27.55
Fire +9 116 - 116 - - 106 D E - - - - 95 51.3 83.3 57.77 49.4 65 27.55
Fire +10 120 - 120 - - 109 D E - - - - 95 51.3 84 58.3 49.4 65 27.55
Fire +11 124 - 124 - - 112 D E - - - - 95 51.3 84 58.3 49.4 65 27.55
Fire +12 128 - 128 - - 115 D E - - - - 95 51.3 84.7 58.83 49.4 65 27.55
Fire +13 131 - 131 - - 118 D E - - - - 95 51.3 84.7 58.83 49.4 65 27.55
Fire +14 135 - 135 - - 121 D E - - - - 95 51.3 84.7 58.83 49.4 65 27.55
Fire +15 139 - 139 - - 124 D E - - - - 95 51.3 85.4 59.36 49.4 65 27.55
Fire +16 143 - 143 - - 127 D E - - - - 95 51.3 85.4 59.36 49.4 65 27.55
Fire +17 146 - 146 - - 131 D E - - - - 95 51.3 85.4 59.36 49.4 65 27.55
Fire +18 150 - 150 - - 134 D E - - - - 95 51.3 86.1 59.89 49.4 65 27.55
Fire +19 154 - 154 - - 137 D E - - - - 95 51.3 86.1 59.89 49.4 65 27.55
Fire +20 158 - 158 - - 140 D E - - - - 95 51.3 86.1 59.89 49.4 65 27.55
Fire +21 161 - 161 - - 143 D E - - - - 95 51.3 86.8 60.42 49.4 65 27.55
Fire +22 165 - 165 - - 146 D E - - - - 95 51.3 86.8 60.42 49.4 65 27.55
Fire +23 169 - 169 - - 149 D E - - - - 95 51.3 86.8 60.42 49.4 65 27.55
Fire +24 173 - 173 - - 152 D E - - - - 95 51.3 86.8 60.42 49.4 65 27.55
Fire +25 176 - 176 - - 156 D E - - - - 95 51.3 87.5 60.95 49.4 65 27.55

Redmane Greatshield Flame Upgrades

Requires regular reinforcement with Smithing Stone [1]Smithing Stone [2]Smithing Stone [3]Smithing Stone [4]Smithing Stone [5]Smithing Stone [6]Smithing Stone [7]Smithing Stone [8], and Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone, as well as Flame Affinity Ashes of War.

This upgrade cannot be enchanted with Magic or boosted with Consumables.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Redmane Greatshield Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Flame 88 - 88 - - 78 E - - E - - 95 51.3 80.5 55.65 49.4 65 27.55
Flame +1 93 - 93 - - 81 E - - E - - 95 51.3 80.5 55.65 49.4 65 27.55
Flame +2 97 - 97 - - 84 E - - D - - 95 51.3 81.2 56.18 49.4 65 27.55
Flame+3 102 - 102 - - 87 E - - D - - 95 51.3 81.2 56.18 49.4 65 27.55
Flame +4 107 - 107 - - 90 E - - D - - 95 51.3 81.9 56.71 49.4 65 27.55
Flame +5 112 - 112 - - 93 E - - D - - 95 51.3 81.9 56.71 49.4 65 27.55
Flame +6 117 - 117 - - 96 E - - D - - 95 51.3 82.6 57.24 49.4 65 27.55
Flame +7 121 - 121 - - 99 E - - D - - 95 51.3 82.6 57.24 49.4 65 27.55
Flame +8 126 - 126 - - 102 E - - D - - 95 51.3 83.3 57.77 49.4 65 27.55
Flame +9 131 - 131 - - 106 D - - D - - 95 51.3 83.3 57.77 49.4 65 27.55
Flame +10 136 - 136 - - 109 D - - D - - 95 51.3 84 58.3 49.4 65 27.55
Flame +11 141 - 141 - - 112 D - - D - - 95 51.3 84 58.3 49.4 65 27.55
Flame +12 145 - 145 - - 115 D - - D - - 95 51.3 84.7 58.83 49.4 65 27.55
Flame +13 150 - 150 - - 118 D - - D - - 95 51.3 84.7 58.83 49.4 65 27.55
Flame +14 155 - 155 - - 121 D - - D - - 95 51.3 84.7 58.83 49.4 65 27.55
Flame +15 160 - 160 - - 124 D - - D - - 95 51.3 85.4 59.36 49.4 65 27.55
Flame +16 164 - 164 - - 127 D - - D - - 95 51.3 85.4 59.36 49.4 65 27.55
Flame +17 169 - 169 - - 131 D - - D - - 95 51.3 85.4 59.36 49.4 65 27.55
Flame +18 174 - 174 - - 134 D - - D - - 95 51.3 86.1 59.89 49.4 65 27.55
Flame +19 179 - 179 - - 137 D - - D - - 95 51.3 86.1 59.89 49.4 65 27.55
Flame +20 184 - 184 - - 140 D - - D - - 95 51.3 86.1 59.89 49.4 65 27.55
Flame +21 188 - 188 - - 143 D - - D - - 95 51.3 86.8 60.42 49.4 65 27.55
Flame +22 193 - 193 - - 146 D - - D - - 95 51.3 86.8 60.42 49.4 65 27.55
Flame +23 198 - 198 - - 149 D - - D - - 95 51.3 86.8 60.42 49.4 65 27.55
Flame +24 203 - 203 - - 152 D - - D - - 95 51.3 86.8 60.42 49.4 65 27.55
Flame +25 208 - 208 - - 156 D - - D - - 95 51.3 87.5 60.95 49.4 65 27.55

Redmane Greatshield Lightning Upgrades

Requires regular reinforcement with Smithing Stone [1]Smithing Stone [2]Smithing Stone [3]Smithing Stone [4]Smithing Stone [5]Smithing Stone [6]Smithing Stone [7]Smithing Stone [8], and Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone, as well as Lightning Affinity Ashes of War.

This upgrade cannot be enchanted with Magic or boosted with Consumables.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Redmane Greatshield Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Lightning 83 - - 83 - 78 E D - - - - 95 51.3 73.5 60.95 49.4 65 27.55
Lightning +1 87 - - 87 - 81 E D - - - - 95 51.3 73.5 60.95 49.4 65 27.55
Lightning +2 91 - - 91 - 84 E D - - - - 95 51.3 74.2 61.48 49.4 65 27.55
Lightning +3 94 - - 94 - 87 E D - - - - 95 51.3 74.2 61.48 49.4 65 27.55
Lightning +4 98 - - 98 - 90 E D - - - - 95 51.3 74.9 62.01 49.4 65 27.55
Lightning +5 102 - - 102 - 93 E D - - - - 95 51.3 74.9 62.01 49.4 65 27.55
Lightning +6 106 - - 106 - 96 E D - - - - 95 51.3 75.6 62.54 49.4 65 27.55
Lightning +7 110 - - 110 - 99 E D - - - - 95 51.3 75.6 62.54 49.4 65 27.55
Lightning +8 114 - - 114 - 102 E D - - - - 95 51.3 76.3 63.07 49.4 65 27.55
Lightning +9 118 - - 118 - 106 E D - - - - 95 51.3 76.3 63.07 49.4 65 27.55
Lightning +10 122 - - 122 - 109 E D - - - - 95 51.3 77 63.6 49.4 65 27.55
Lightning +11 126 - - 126 - 112 E D - - - - 95 51.3 77 63.6 49.4 65 27.55
Lightning +12 130 - - 130 - 115 E D - - - - 95 51.3 77.7 64.13 49.4 65 27.55
Lightning +13 134 - - 134 - 118 E D - - - - 95 51.3 77.7 64.13 49.4 65 27.55
Lightning +14 137 - - 137 - 121 E D - - - - 95 51.3 77.7 64.13 49.4 65 27.55
Lightning +15 141 - - 141 - 124 E D - - - - 95 51.3 78.4 64.66 49.4 65 27.55
Lightning +16 145 - - 145 - 127 E D - - - - 95 51.3 78.4 64.66 49.4 65 27.55
Lightning +17 149 - - 149 - 131 E D - - - - 95 51.3 78.4 64.66 49.4 65 27.55
Lightning +18 153 - - 153 - 134 E D - - - - 95 51.3 79.1 65.19 49.4 65 27.55
Lightning +19 157 - - 157 - 137 E D - - - - 95 51.3 79.1 65.19 49.4 65 27.55
Lightning +20 161 - - 161 - 140 E D - - - - 95 51.3 79.1 65.19 49.4 65 27.55
Lightning +21 165 - - 165 - 143 E D - - - - 95 51.3 79.8 65.72 49.4 65 27.55
Lightning +22 169 - - 169 - 146 E D - - - - 95 51.3 79.8 65.72 49.4 65 27.55
Lightning +23 173 - - 173 - 149 E D - - - - 95 51.3 79.8 65.72 49.4 65 27.55
Lightning +24 177 - - 177 - 152 E D - - - - 95 51.3 79.8 65.72 49.4 65 27.55
Lightning +25 180 - - 180 - 156 E D - - - - 95 51.3 80.5 66.25 49.4 65 27.55

Redmane Greatshield Sacred Upgrades

Requires regular reinforcement with Smithing Stone [1]Smithing Stone [2]Smithing Stone [3]Smithing Stone [4]Smithing Stone [5]Smithing Stone [6]Smithing Stone [7]Smithing Stone [8], and Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone, as well as Sacred Affinity Ashes of War.

This upgrade cannot be enchanted with Magic or boosted with Consumables.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Redmane Greatshield Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Sacred 78 - - - 78 78 E - - E - - 95 56.7 66.5 50.35 59.8 65 27.55
Sacred +1 83 - - - 83 81 E - - E - - 95 56.7 66.5 50.35 59.8 65 27.55
Sacred +2 88 - - - 88 84 E - - D - - 95 57.24 66.5 50.35 60.32 65 27.55
Sacred +3 93 - - - 93 87 E - - D - - 95 57.24 66.5 50.35 60.32 65 27.55
Sacred +4 98 - - - 98 90 E - - D - - 95 57.78 66.5 50.35 60.84 65 27.55
Sacred +5 104 - - - 104 93 E - - D - - 95 57.78 66.5 50.35 60.84 65 27.55
Sacred +6 109 - - - 109 96 E - - D - - 95 58.32 66.5 50.35 61.36 65 27.55
Sacred +7 114 - - - 114 99 D - - D - - 95 58.32 66.5 50.35 61.36 65 27.55
Sacred +8 119 - - - 119 102 D - - D - - 95 58.86 66.5 50.35 61.88 65 27.55
Sacred +9 124 - - - 124 106 D - - D - - 95 58.86 66.5 50.35 61.88 65 27.55
Sacred +10 130 - - - 130 109 D - - D - - 95 59.4 66.5 50.35 62.4 65 27.55
Sacred +11 135 - - - 135 112 D - - D - - 95 59.4 66.5 50.35 62.4 65 27.55
Sacred +12 140 - - - 140 115 D - - D - - 95 59.94 66.5 50.35 62.92 65 27.55
Sacred +13 145 - - - 145 118 D - - D - - 95 59.94 66.5 50.35 62.92 65 27.55
Sacred +14 150 - - - 150 121 D - - D - - 95 59.94 66.5 50.35 62.92 65 27.55
Sacred +15 156 - - - 156 124 D - - D - - 95 60.48 66.5 50.35 63.44 65 27.55
Sacred +16 161 - - - 161 127 D - - D - - 95 60.48 66.5 50.35 63.44 65 27.55
Sacred +17 166 - - - 166 131 D - - D - - 95 60.48 66.5 50.35 63.44 65 27.55
Sacred +18 171 - - - 171 134 D - - D - - 95 61.02 66.5 50.35 63.96 65 27.55
Sacred +19 176 - - - 176 137 D - - D - - 95 61.02 66.5 50.35 63.96 65 27.55
Sacred +20 182 - - - 182 140 D - - D - - 95 61.02 66.5 50.35 63.96 65 27.55
Sacred +21 187 - - - 187 143 D - - D - - 95 61.56 66.5 50.35 64.48 65 27.55
Sacred +22 192 - - - 192 146 D - - D - - 95 61.56 66.5 50.35 64.48 65 27.55
Sacred +23 197 - - - 197 149 D - - D - - 95 61.56 66.5 50.35 64.48 65 27.55
Sacred +24 202 - - - 202 152 D - - D - - 95 61.56 66.5 50.35 64.48 65 27.55
Sacred +25 208 - - - 208 156 D - - D - - 95 62.1 66.5 50.35 65 65 27.55

Redmane Greatshield Magic Upgrades

Requires regular reinforcement with Smithing Stone [1]Smithing Stone [2]Smithing Stone [3]Smithing Stone [4]Smithing Stone [5]Smithing Stone [6]Smithing Stone [7]Smithing Stone [8], and Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone, as well as Magic Affinity Ashes of War.

This upgrade cannot be enchanted with Magic or boosted with Consumables.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Redmane Greatshield Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Magic 78 78 - - - 78 E - E - - - 95 62.1 66.5 50.35 54.6 65 27.55
Magic +1 83 83 - - - 81 E - E - - - 95 62.1 66.5 50.35 54.6 65 27.55
Magic +2 88 88 - - - 84 E - E - - - 95 62.64 66.5 50.35 55.12 65 27.55
Magic +3 93 93 - - - 87 E - E - - - 95 62.64 66.5 50.35 55.12 65 27.55
Magic +4 98 98 - - - 90 E - D - - - 95 63.18 66.5 50.35 55.64 65 27.55
Magic +5 104 104 - - - 93 E - D - - - 95 63.18 66.5 50.35 55.64 65 27.55
Magic +6 109 109 - - - 96 E - D - - - 95 63.72 66.5 50.35 56.16 65 27.55
Magic +7 114 114 - - - 99 E - D - - - 95 63.72 66.5 50.35 56.16 65 27.55
Magic +8 119 119 - - - 102 E - D - - - 95 64.26 66.5 50.35 56.68 65 27.55
Magic +9 124 124 - - - 106 E - D - - - 95 64.26 66.5 50.35 56.68 65 27.55
Magic +10 130 130 - - - 109 E - D - - - 95 64.8 66.5 50.35 57.2 65 27.55
Magic +11 135 135 - - - 112 E - D - - - 95 64.8 66.5 50.35 57.2 65 27.55
Magic +12 140 140 - - - 115 E - D - - - 95 65.34 66.5 50.35 57.72 65 27.55
Magic +13 145 145 - - - 118 E - D - - - 95 65.34 66.5 50.35 57.72 65 27.55
Magic +14 150 150 - - - 121 E - D - - - 95 65.34 66.5 50.35 57.72 65 27.55
Magic +15 156 156 - - - 124 E - D - - - 95 65.88 66.5 50.35 58.24 65 27.55
Magic +16 161 161 - - - 127 E - D - - - 95 65.88 66.5 50.35 58.24 65 27.55
Magic +17 166 166 - - - 131 E - D - - - 95 65.88 66.5 50.35 58.24 65 27.55
Magic +18 171 171 - - - 134 E - D - - - 95 66.42 66.5 50.35 58.76 65 27.55
Magic +19 176 176 - - - 137 E - D - - - 95 66.42 66.5 50.35 58.76 65 27.55
Magic +20 182 182 - - - 140 E - D - - - 95 66.42 66.5 50.35 58.76 65 27.55
Magic +21 187 187 - - - 143 E - D - - - 95 66.96 66.5 50.35 59.28 65 27.55
Magic +22 192 192 - - - 146 E - D - - - 95 66.96 66.5 50.35 59.28 65 27.55
Magic +23 197 197 - - - 149 E - D - - - 95 66.96 66.5 50.35 59.28 65 27.55
Magic +24 202 202 - - - 152 E - D - - - 95 66.96 66.5 50.35 59.28 65 27.55
Magic +25 208 208 - - - 156 E - D - - - 95 67.5 66.5 50.35 59.8 65 27.55

Redmane Greatshield Cold Upgrades

Requires regular reinforcement with Smithing Stone [1]Smithing Stone [2]Smithing Stone [3]Smithing Stone [4]Smithing Stone [5]Smithing Stone [6]Smithing Stone [7]Smithing Stone [8], and Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone, as well as Cold Affinity Ashes of War.

This upgrade cannot be enchanted with Magic or boosted with Consumables.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Redmane Greatshield Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Cold 88 70 - - - 78 D - E - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(96) 95 56.7 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55
Cold +1 92 73 - - - 81 D - E - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(98) 95 56.7 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55
Cold +2 96 76 - - - 84 D - E - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(100) 95 57.24 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55
Cold +3 100 80 - - - 87 D - E - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(102) 95 57.24 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55
Cold +4 104 83 - - - 90 D - E - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(105) 95 57.78 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55
Cold +5 108 86 - - - 93 D - E - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(107) 95 57.78 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55
Cold +6 112 89 - - - 96 D - E - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(109) 95 58.32 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55
Cold +7 116 92 - - - 99 C - E - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(111) 95 58.32 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55
Cold +8 120 95 - - - 102 C - E - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(114) 95 58.86 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55
Cold +9 123 98 - - - 106 C - E - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(116) 95 58.86 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55
Cold +10 127 102 - - - 109 C - D - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(118) 95 58.86 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55
Cold +11 131 105 - - - 112 C - D - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(121) 95 59.4 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55
Cold +12 135 108 - - - 115 C - D - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(123) 95 59.4 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55
Cold +13 139 111 - - - 118 C - D - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(125) 95 59.4 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55
Cold +14 143 114 - - - 121 C - D - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(127) 95 59.94 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55
Cold +15 147 117 - - - 124 C - D - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(130) 95 59.94 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55
Cold +16 151 121 - - - 127 C - D - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(132) 95 60.48 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55
Cold +17 155 124 - - - 131 C - D - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(134) 95 60.48 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55
Cold +18 159 127 - - - 134 C - D - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(137) 95 60.48 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55
Cold +19 163 130 - - - 137 C - D - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(139) 95 61.02 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55
Cold +20 167 133 - - - 140 C - D - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(141) 95 61.02 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55
Cold +21 171 136 - - - 143 C - D - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(143) 95 61.02 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55
Cold +22 175 139 - - - 146 C - D - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(146) 95 61.56 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55
Cold +23 179 143 - - - 149 C - D - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(148) 95 61.56 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55
Cold +24 183 146 - - - 152 C - D - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(150) 95 61.56 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55
Cold +25 187 149 - - - 156 C - D - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(153) 95 62.1 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55

Redmane Greatshield Poison Upgrades

Requires regular reinforcement with Smithing Stone [1]Smithing Stone [2]Smithing Stone [3]Smithing Stone [4]Smithing Stone [5]Smithing Stone [6]Smithing Stone [7]Smithing Stone [8], and Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone, as well as Poison Affinity Ashes of War.

Elden Ring display values for poison and blood include buildup added by scaling via the Arcane Stat. The values on this table reflect the default values only. Your own Arcane Scaling will alter the number while inside the game. If you don't meet the arcane requirements for an arcane-scaling passive then buildup will show as 60% of the base values.

This upgrade cannot be enchanted with Magic or boosted with Consumables.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Redmane Greatshield Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Poison 88 - - - - 78 D - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(96) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 29
Poison +1 93 - - - - 81 D - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(97) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 29
Poison +2 99 - - - - 84 D - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(99) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 29
Poison +3 104 - - - - 87 D - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(101) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 29
Poison +4 110 - - - - 90 D - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(102) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 29
Poison +5 115 - - - - 93 D - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(104) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 29
Poison +6 120 - - - - 96 D - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(106) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 29
Poison +7 126 - - - - 99 C - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(107) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 29
Poison +8 131 - - - - 102 C - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(109) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 29
Poison +9 137 - - - - 106 C - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(111) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 29
Poison +10 142 - - - - 109 C - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(112) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 29
Poison +11 147 - - - - 112 C - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(114) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 29
Poison +12 153 - - - - 115 C - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(116) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 29
Poison +13 158 - - - - 118 C - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(117) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 29
Poison +14 164 - - - - 121 C - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(119) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 29
Poison +15 169 - - - - 124 C - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(121) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 29
Poison +16 174 - - - - 127 C - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(122) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 29
Poison +17 180 - - - - 131 C - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(124) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 29
Poison +18 185 - - - - 134 C - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(126) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 29
Poison +19 191 - - - - 137 C - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(127) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 29
Poison +20 196 - - - - 140 C - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(129) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 29
Poison +21 201 - - - - 143 C - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(131) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 29
Poison +22 207 - - - - 146 C - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(132) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 29
Poison +23 212 - - - - 149 C - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(134) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 29
Poison +24 218 - - - - 152 C - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(136) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 29
Poison +25 223 - - - - 156 C - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(138) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 29

Redmane Greatshield Blood Upgrades

Requires regular reinforcement with Smithing Stone [1]Smithing Stone [2]Smithing Stone [3]Smithing Stone [4]Smithing Stone [5]Smithing Stone [6]Smithing Stone [7]Smithing Stone [8], and Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone, as well as Blood Affinity Ashes of War.

Elden Ring display values for poison and blood include buildup added by scaling via the Arcane Stat. The values on this table reflect the default values only. Your own Arcane Scaling will alter the number while inside the game. If you don't meet the arcane requirements for an arcane-scaling passive then buildup will show as 60% of the base values.

This upgrade cannot be enchanted with Magic or boosted with Consumables.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Redmane Greatshield Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Blood 88 - - - - 78 D - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(83) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55
Blood +1 93 - - - - 81 D - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(84) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55
Blood +2 99 - - - - 84 D - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(85) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55
Blood +3 104 - - - - 87 D - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(87) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55
Blood +4 110 - - - - 90 D - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(88) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55
Blood +5 115 - - - - 93 D - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(90) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55
Blood +6 120 - - - - 96 D - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(91) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55
Blood +7 126 - - - - 99 C - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(93) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55
Blood +8 131 - - - - 102 C - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(94) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55
Blood +9 137 - - - - 106 C - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(96) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55
Blood +10 142 - - - - 109 C - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(97) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55
Blood +11 147 - - - - 112 C - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(99) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55
Blood +12 153 - - - - 115 C - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(100) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55
Blood +13 158 - - - - 118 C - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(102) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55
Blood +14 164 - - - - 121 C - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(103) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55
Blood +15 169 - - - - 124 C - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(105) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55
Blood +16 174 - - - - 127 C - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(106) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55
Blood +17 180 - - - - 131 C - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(108) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55
Blood +18 185 - - - - 134 C - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(109) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55
Blood +19 191 - - - - 137 C - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(111) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55
Blood +20 196 - - - - 140 C - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(112) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55
Blood +21 201 - - - - 143 C - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(114) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55
Blood +22 207 - - - - 146 C - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(115) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55
Blood +23 212 - - - - 149 C - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(117) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55
Blood +24 218 - - - - 152 C - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(118) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55
Blood +25 223 - - - - 156 C - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(120) 95 51.3 66.5 50.35 49.4 65 27.55


Redmane Greatshield Occult Upgrades

Requires regular reinforcement with Smithing Stone [1]Smithing Stone [2]Smithing Stone [3]Smithing Stone [4]Smithing Stone [5]Smithing Stone [6]Smithing Stone [7]Smithing Stone [8], and Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone, as well as Occult Affinity Ashes of War.

This upgrade cannot be enchanted with Magic or boosted with Consumables.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Redmane Greatshield Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Occult 93 - - - - 78 D - - - D - 100 54 70 53 52 65 29
Occult +1 99 - - - - 81 D - - - D - 100 54 70 53 52 65.65 29
Occult +2 104 - - - - 84 D - - - D - 100 54 70 53 52 65.65 29
Occult +3 110 - - - - 87 D - - - D - 100 54 70 53 52 66.3 29
Occult +4 116 - - - - 90 D - - - D - 100 54 70 53 52 66.3 29
Occult +5 121 - - - - 93 D - - - D - 100 54 70 53 52 66.95 29
Occult +6 127 - - - - 96 D - - - D - 100 54 70 53 52 66.95 29
Occult +7 132 - - - - 99 D - - - D - 100 54 70 53 52 67.6 29
Occult +8 138 - - - - 102 D - - - D - 100 54 70 53 52 67.6 29
Occult +9 144 - - - - 106 D - - - C - 100 54 70 53 52 67.6 29
Occult +10 149 - - - - 109 D - - - C - 100 54 70 53 52 68.25 29
Occult +11 155 - - - - 112 D - - - C - 100 54 70 53 52 68.25 29
Occult +12 160 - - - - 115 D - - - C - 100 54 70 53 52 68.25 29
Occult +13 166 - - - - 118 D - - - C - 100 54 70 53 52 68.9 29
Occult +14 172 - - - - 121 C - - - C - 100 54 70 53 52 68.9 29
Occult +15 177 - - - - 124 C - - - C - 100 54 70 53 52 68.9 29
Occult +16 183 - - - - 127 C - - - C - 100 54 70 53 52 69.55 29
Occult +17 189 - - - - 131 C - - - C - 100 54 70 53 52 69.55 29
Occult +18 194 - - - - 134 C - - - C - 100 54 70 53 52 69.55 29
Occult +19 200 - - - - 137 C - - - C - 100 54 70 53 52 70.2 29
Occult +20 205 - - - - 140 C - - - C - 100 54 70 53 52 70.2 29
Occult +21 211 - - - - 143 C - - - C - 100 54 70 53 52 70.2 29
Occult +22 217 - - - - 146 C - - - C - 100 54 70 53 52 70.85 29
Occult +23 222 - - - - 149 C - - - C - 100 54 70 53 52 70.85 29
Occult +24 228 - - - - 152 C - - - C - 100 54 70 53 52 70.85 29
Occult +25 234 - - - - 156 C - - - C - 100 54 70 53 52 71.5 29





Tired of anon posting? Register!
    • Anonymous

      It ALMOST pairs the pieces with Black Steel Great Shield.

      If at least the curved side of this shield was on the other side, the little pointy part would clutch directly at the smaller side of Black Steel, and the curved side would perfectly close at the end of Black Steel.

      We were so close to make Double Door Great Shield... We were so close to it...

      • Anonymous

        What I like about this shield is that it doesn't look too goofy when you hold it up to block with it. Lots of the other greatshields look so rigid and a bit odd, while this one with its cut-out section looks fine

        • Anonymous

          When you want to farm partisans: one million greatshields
          When you want to farm greatshields: one million partisans

          • I have max discovery (324), 99 Arc, and using the silver scarab. It took me 4 attempts back and forth. The impassable bridge grace point is the best (closest) one to farm it. The horse knight who brings this is bound Northwest behind the sword's grave.

            • Anonymous

              I started a new playthrough and decided to get the eclipse greatshield because I was like "redmane shield is sexy but there is no way I am getting it without farming for hours." And then the moment I step into Caelid, the FIRST knight drops it. Miyazaki truly works in mysterious ways.

              • Anonymous

                Hello, i'm another commenter who tried the ft gael knight dozens of times with no luck, and then tried the cavalry knight west of impassable greatbridge. 4th or 5th try, i just got it.

                • Anonymous

                  A great way to farm this early is getting to Fort Gael, killing the knight, then allowing one of the soldiers to kill you next to Marika’s Stake. Rinse and repeat, picking up your runes each time.

                  • Anonymous

                    After hours in front of Fort Gael I got it first try at Impassable Greatbridge. Just a heads up in case others have this experience

                    • Anonymous

                      Here's why this shield rocks:

                      1. Of all the heavy 100% phy damage shields this one is on the lighter side while still retaining good guard boost and other resistances. While 30str is high as a req, there's some 10 other greatshields with an even higher str requirement providing inferior stats.
                      2. Looks cool af. It's actually slightly smaller than a lot of other great shields and goes great with night's cav set.
                      3. Comparable shields in the weight/GB/defense range are: Erdree, Ant Skull Plate, Crucible Hornshield, and Golden Beast. They're all good with similar weight/GB values just pick which one you want for fashion.

                      • Anonymous

                        Mrwigs here, just posting that I tried farming off the knight with the greatbow by fort gael for maybe an hour with no luck.

                        • I cant be the only one who wishes some of these shields were held like how the enemy holds them. I got so sad when I would farm for some of the cooler shields just to see then get a completely different grip when we get to use them. Like did tarnished really goto iji or hewg and have them smith the handles.

                          • Anonymous

                            I hate the RNG in this game. I get 2 accidentally just casually playing with zero discovery boosting items at 7 arc, and then when I actually try to farm it I get like +20 pieces of armor and +15 weapon drops before I actually get the shield drop I wanted.

                            • Fun fact: This is inspired by a real historical shield wielded by the 'Gatorade Knight' who fought a duel against Lord Powerade circa 13th century France

                              • Anonymous

                                Farming the Cavalry Knight immediately west of the Impassible Bridge site of grace you can stun-lock the enemy with any halberd class or great spear r1.

                                • Anonymous

                                  Not bad, but not the best.

                                  On the lower end, you have the Brass Shield which is only 3 less Guard Boost, but weighs 7 less, and is a medium shield capable of parrying. On the higher end, you have Golden Greatshield with a whole 5 more guard boost, but only 3 more weight.

                                  • The knight southwest of Smoldering Wall SoG isn't bad to farm, but I found the one on horseback west of Impassable Greatbridge SoG to be faster, since he's alone. Upon arriving at the grace, hop on Torrent and immediately turn around to skirt the edge of the cliff and south side of the tower, then just keep going west up past the sword monument, avoiding the battle nearby. Once you have a rhythm you'll always catch the knight from behind, by surprise. Along the way, you can kill a few innocent shorebirds on the cliff for their feet if you want to craft more silver pickled fowl feet. I got the shield after about 20 minutes, endgame with 99 arcane and silver scarab, 274 discovery.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      Not too far from the Smoldering Wall site of grace, you can go south-west and find an isolated camp with a Redmane Knight and 2 soldiers.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        Southwest of the Smoldering Wall Grace there's a Redmane Knight in a lightly guarded camp w/ the greatshield. Easiest farming spot I found so far

                                        • Anonymous

                                          Spent about 2 hours grinding the greatbow Knight at Fort Gael and didn't get it, got like 7 FULL SETS of Redmane Knight armour instead, so unless I'm super unlucky I can personally confirm it doesn't drop from them. Getting into Fort Gael to farm the Knight in there is tricky and annoying, so I'd say the best bet for getting this to drop is the knight across the Impassable Greatbridge grace at Radahn's castle. Ride Torrent across right up to the right side of the Tower, and there should be a Redmane Knight sitting there. In the endgame, you should have enough damage to kill him before he even gets up. Then kill whatever other enemies are on you, usually a single Radahn Soldier, and you should be able to fast travel back. Got it in about 15 runs

                                          • Anonymous

                                            The best place to farm this shield is at Smouldering Wall grace. Look southwest and you will see a knight on a ledge that has the shield, he also has a few lesser guys with him. Ride your horse there, kill him, then teleport back to the grace. Rinse and repeat.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              A better location to farm it would be there :
                                              there is a small camp, u can reset to the western grace close to it

                                              • Anonymous

                                                drops from the knight on top of Fort Gael, but not the knight in front of the fort(he drops the greatbow instead)

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