Smithing Stone [4]

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Reinforce armaments up to +12

Smithing Stone [4] is an Upgrade Material in Elden RingSmithing Stone [4] is a rare stone used to boost the stats and to increase the weapon to a higher level. Upgrade Materials can be acquired through exploration, looting it from specified areas of a Location, dropped by a specific Enemy or Boss, given by an NPC, or sold by a Merchant.


Stone used to smith a variety of armaments. A large and particularly hard specimen.

Strengthens armaments up to +12.

Smithing stone is found throughout the Lands Between, and mining galleries built to excavate it can be found everywhere.


Smithing Stone [4] Location in Elden Ring

See Smithing Stone [5] for upgrades past +12.

Shadow of the Erdtree


Base Game

Where to find Smithing Stone [4]:

  • There's one Smithing Stone [4] northeast of Artist's Shack, held by a corpse sitting on a chair facing the precipice.  [Map Link]
  • Found on one of the corpses at the base of the waterfall in Siofra River by the water's edge. [Map Link]
  • Found on the ground level of Siofra River, in a room with a Giant Poison Flower. [Map Link]
  • Found on a corpse dangling from the side of the ruins in South Siofra River. [Map Link]
  • Found on a corpse dangling from the top of a tall archway in Ainsel River. [Map Link]
  • Found at the altar of the chapel inside Caria Manor. [Map Link]
  • There are at 13 Smithing Stones (4) within the cave that goes through Ruin-Strewn Precipice. [Map Link]
  • Found in a chest inside an enemy outpost below The Four Belfries. [Map Link]
  • Raya Lucaria Academy: Looted from a corpse found by dropping down to a lower ledge to the right of the door as soon as entering the first Graveyard. [Map Link]
  • Found on a corpse on the balcony behind an illusory wall. From the Schoolhouse Classroom site of Raya Lucaria Academy, go to the hallway, turn left. The illusory wall is in front of the corpse inside the room. [Map Link]
  • Lakeside Crystal Cave: Looted from a corpse from the lower levels of the cave before the Fog Gate [Map Link]
  • Found on a corpse sitting against a ruined wall in northern Uhl Palace Ruins. [Map Link]
  • Found on a corpse in the caves of Ainsel River Main. [Map Link]
  • Leyndell Royal Capital: After defeating the first enhanced Oracle Envoy, drop down to the platform below, and enter the room in the back. Beware of the assassin hidden inside. [Map Link]
  • Found on a corpse at the Forsaken Ruins. [Map Link]
  • Found inside a small chapel in Leyndell Royal Capital. [Map Link]
  • Leyndell Royal Capital: Found on a patio, in what seems to be a cemetery district. A skeleton will drop down on you once you approach this item. [Map Link]
  • 8x found inside the Gael Tunnel. [Map Link]
    1. From the Site of Grace, head into the next chamber and down one level on the wooden walkways. Head east to find the stone by the left wall of the tunnel entrance here.
    2. Continuing on from the previous stone, head into the eastern tunnel to find a water-logged cavern with several Land Octopi. Check the corner directly to the right as you enter for the second stone.
    3. Still in the same water-logged cavern, hug the wall on the right to find the third stone.
    4. Back in the first chamber, check under the wooden platform for another stone on the eastern wall.
    5. The fifth stone is found further along the same wall as the previous one.
    6. Turn towards the west and head through the tunnel to find a ladder leading downwards. The sixth stone is found at this bottom level, to the left just before the next tunnel.
    7. In the final cavern just before the boss door, check the wall directly opposite the boss door to find the seventh stone.
    8. In the same final cavern, unlock the smaller door in the west and check the back wall to the left of that room for the final stone.
  • Found on a corpse lying on a fallen column in the lava-filled caverns of the Volcano Manor. [Map Link]
  • Caelid: 3x found on a body sat on a chair on the southern bank of the Swamp of Aeonia. [Map Link]
  • Can be found in Deeproot Depths where the first Giant Ants can be seen flying around on a dead body. [Map Link]
  • 2x Over a couple of gravestones (On a different one each) containing many items at the northwest of Deeproot Depths. [Map Link]
  • The Shaded Castle: A total of 2 can be found in the castle:
    1. Found on a body hanging off a ledge inside a wooden structure in the central outer courtyard. [Map Link]
    2. Found on a body inside a wooden structure that looks like a stable, pressed against the eastern section of the inner courtyard. [Map Link]
  • Redmane Castle: A total of 2 can be found inside the castle:
    1. On a pile of corpses to the side of the main road, near the main gate. [Map Link] Video Location
    2. On a corpse in the open space above the building in the center of the castle. [Map Link]

Where to purchase


 Where to farm Smithing Stone [4]:

  • Ruin-Strewn Precipice: From the Ruin-strewn Precipice site of grace into the cave leading down.
    The working miners can be backstabbed without sneaking and ignore combat.
    First working Miner seen, then the patrolling one with flamethrower (should have his back turned but can be alerted in contrast to the others), then the remaining two working Miners next to him, fast travel back to site of grace afterwards.
    This does not trigger the vulgar militia close by.


Smithing Stone [4] Elden Ring Guide

  • Used in smithing to strengthen armaments. Specifically up to +12.
  • At a smithing table and Blacksmith, you can spend Runes and Smithing Stones to strengthen your armaments.


Elden Ring Smithing Stone [4] Notes & Tips

  • You can hold up to 999 Smithing Stone [4].
  • You can store up to 999 Smithing Stone [4].
  • Sell Value: item value icon elden ring wiki guide 18px 400



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    • Anonymous

      The map says there were "at least" 9 to be found in the cave. This page says there's 11. Some say 11, some say 12. I got tired of this inconsistency so I made a brand new character and went to check for myself and even recorded it just to double-check that I wasn't getting any numbers inflated by enemy drops.
      Starting from the Ravine-Veiled Village site of grace, after heading up all the ladders and entering the cave, there is one to be found on remains on your immediate right, and one actively being mined. There are two to be found in the room where two militiamen have set up an ambush. After taking the elevator up, there is one between the miners, and one to the left of the stairs. This is all you'll find in the cave leading up to the Ruin-Strewn Precipice site of grace. Between this grace and the Overlook site of grace, you'll find one right past the ladder that takes you up onto the large arch. Three in the alcove with the bats and the siren. One just behind the ladder that takes you up to the two sirens and the elevator and one right after you get up from said ladder, and the last one can be found at the opposite end of where you find the Giant Land Octopus, right around the corner on the left as you get on the structure.
      That makes it a TOTAL of 12 Smithing Stones (4) that you can loot here, not counting enemy drops. None of this "at least" nonsense.

      • Anonymous

        "There are at 11+ Smithing Stones (4) within the cave that goes through Ruin-Strewn Precipice."?
        I don't think that's quite right.

        • Anonymous

          Hey, I can confirm that there are at least 11 and possibly 12 in the ruin-strewn precipice cave (I forgot how many dropped from miners, but I ended the cave with 13 stones and I know at least one but no more than 2 dropped from miners)

          • Anonymous

            When I was still familiarizing myself with Caelid, I actually started off, farming the little area just south-west from the Smoldering Wall Site of Grace (but stay close to the wall itself), before actually reaching Fort Gael. There's a Redmane Knight, two soldiers, and a dude with a pole-torch type of thing. I was still really low-level and kept dying for a while... but beating up these guys with the Golden Halberd+5, while riding Torrent, netted me a decent amount of runes, some Smithing Stone [4]'s, and the Redmane Knight's gear (armor, shield, weapons, boots, and gloves). Not bad for starters.

            • Anonymous

              If farming for smithing stone (4) at the ruin-strewn precipice it's not the overlook site you start at. You start at the Ruin-Strewn Precipice site

              • Anonymous

                The Artist Shack that is being referred to on this page is the one on the east side Lunaria Lake, Not the one in Limgrave that the link takes you to.

                • Anonymous

                  Drops from at least some of the miners in Ruin-Strewn Precipice with decent frequency. Warp to the grace of the same name, turn around and head into the cave (do not use the elevator), first miner on your left will drop it and others in that same hallway will as well. Don't attack the two sleeping miners on the alter it will cause a bunch of militia to show up.

                  • Anonymous

                    occasionally dropped by the surcoat wearing soldiers in altus plateau outside the capital, along with grade 5s

                    • Anonymous

                      Dropped by the Imp (drops from the ceiling) near the Site of Grace at the Minor Erdtree Catacombs entrance - super easy farm. I've picked up 5 from it.

                      • Anonymous

                        I've been farming these regularly from the two giants west of Deep Siofra Well in the north-east (the path that leads to the giant pot).
                        They also give 1900+ runes a piece, which is a nice bonus.

                        • Anonymous

                          One west of "the ravine" site of grace in liurnia west, near Bellum church.
                          It's on a corpse sitting in a chair

                          • Anonymous

                            Farmable from giant Golems just west of the isolated merchant in in north western Caelid. right outside of the Deep Siofra Well exit.

                          Load more
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