Smithing Stone [7]

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Reinforce armaments up to +21

Smithing Stone [7] is an Upgrade Material in Elden RingSmithing Stone [7] is one of the uncommon and rarest form of smithing stones that are used to forge greater levels of equipment. Upgrade Materials can be acquired through exploration, looting it from specified areas of a Location, dropped by a specific Enemy or Boss, given by an NPC, or sold by a Merchant.


Stone used to smith a variety of armaments. Found in a polar region, it is semi-vitrified.

Strengthens armaments up to +21.

Thought to have been used to hone the weapons of the champions of the War against the Giants at the birth of the Erdtree.


Smithing Stone [7] Location in Elden Ring

See Smithing Stone [8] for upgrades past +21.
Where to find Smithing Stone [7]:

Shadow of the Erdtree


Base Game
  • Sold by the Twin Maiden Husks in the Roundtable Hold for runes currency elden ring wiki guide 18 2400 Runes after obtaining the Smithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing [4] dropped by the Godskin Duo in Crumbling Farum Azula.
  • Caelid:
    • Using the Spirit Spring located to the north of the Church of Plague will allow players to leap onto a rock formation with several corpses lying around and propped up on chairs. Two of them hold Smithing Stones [7].
  • Sellia Crystal Tunnel
  • Mountaintops of the Giants:
  • Castle Sol:
    • 3x can be found on a corpse inside a building full of rats. This building is accessed by climbing the ladder behind the church in the southeast and following the path along the outer walls. The building has an opening on the roof that you can jump to. [Map Link]
  • Guardians' Garrison:
    • 1x can be looted on the upper ramparts of the fort, past a Flame Guardian at the end of an upper walkway. [Map Link]
  • Grand Cloister:
    • 1x can be found on one of the corpses near the bottom of the waterfall. A non-boss Putrid Tree Spirit will ambush from underneath when you approach the items. Avoiding the wide-reaching attack before attempting to grab an item is recommended. [Map Link]
  • Moonlight Altar:
  • Crumbling Farum Azula - A total of 5 can be found in the region:
    1. Found on a sarcophagus closest to the balcony in the next room after the Crumbling Beast Grave Depths site of grace. [Map Link]
    2. Found on a corpse behind a fallen pillar in the northern section past a narrow path laden with dragon statues. [Map Link
    3. Found on a corpse on an upper cliff east of the fountain plaza. This is in an upper area accessed after ascending the Dragon Temple Lift northwest of the temple. From the lift, head east and down the stairs past a tree. Climb up the ledges to reach the top of the cliff and collect the stone. [Map Link]
    4. Found on a corpse in the second large segment of the upper crumbled section west of the Dragon Temple. To get up here, you need to ascend the Dragon Temple Lift northwest of the temple and then head south from the fountain plaza until you reach the Phantom Tree surrounded by pillars. From here, head west and use the top of another group of pillars to make your way to the start of the upper crumbled section. [Map Link]
    5. Found on a corpse near a Phantom Tree amongst several sets of pillar structures up on a hill in the plaza southeast from the Dragon Temple Rooftop site of grace. Beware the Warhawks guarding the area. [Map Link] Video Location
    6. Video Location
    7. Video Location
  • Video Location
  • Subterranean Shunning-Grounds:
    • 1x can be found on a corpse in the Aqueducts section. The corpse is in a room with Wraith Callers, found by dropping into a hole in the aqueduct tunnels.
    • 4x can be found on two corpses (2 each), both guarded by two Giant Crayfish. [Map Link]
    • 4x more can be found after making significant progress through the tunnels. From the shortcut doors opposite the Underground Roadside site of grace, continue until you can drop into a hole on top of a pipe (if you have kicked down the shortcut ladder atop this pipe, you can skip the imp-infested room behind the shortcut doors; otherwise, you'll need to fight through the imps to reach it). Once inside the pipe, face southwest and go straight (up and past a Crimson Teardrop Scarab) until you reach an intersection with a Golden Rune [8]. From there, take a left and the stones will be on a corpse around the next curve.
    • Video Location
    • Video Location
  • Mohgwyn Palace:
    • 1x can be found on a corpse in the dry section north of the blood marsh. [Map Link]
    • 1x can be found on a corpse by a cluster of graves along the steps leading to the mausoleum. [Map Link]
    • Video Location
  • Miquella's Haligtree:
  • Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree:
    • 1x can be found on a corpse inside a wine cellar/storage room below the eastern walkway. [Map Link]
    • 1x is found on a corpse in a room with many braziers and two Cleanrot Knights, at the end of the eastern walkway on the bottom level. [Map Link]
  • Deeproot Depths
    • Upgrade material. Found on the roof near the spiritspring in Deeproot Depths (jump down on the left lower roof after getting to the top via the spiritspring jump) [Map Link]
  • Shunning Grounds, Video Location
  • Video Location, Volcano Manor

Dropped By


Shadow of the Erdtree


Base Game

Smithing Stone [7] Elden Ring Guide

  • Used to strengthen most armaments from +18 to +21. Upgrades require 2, 4, and then 6 stones, for a total of 12 needed for a +21 armament.
  • At a smithing table, you can spend Runes and Smithing Stones to strengthen your armaments; though like other advanced upgrades, you'll need the aid of a trained blacksmith.

Elden Ring Smithing Stone [7] Notes & Tips

  • You can hold up to 999 Smithing Stone [7].
  • You can store up to 999 Smithing Stone [7].
  • Sell Value: item value icon elden ring wiki guide 18px 700


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    • Anonymous

      There's another one not listed here in the pipes with the imps (spawn at grace, go left, drop the ladder to the right, go up the pipes to the right, then left and then you'll see a corpse in a wooden ledge to your right)

      • Anonymous

        I do think these are tad more rare than they should be. I've done virtually all of the content before the Godskin Duo (both Astels, almost all the caves, catacombs, graves, etc, Ranni's quest, Mohg, Malenia, Dragonbarrow, Volcano Manor/Rycard) and I still can only have about 1.5 weapons upgraded. Pretty annoying since I wanted to try out a different weapon on the Duo only to finally look it up and realize that they were gating me being able to upgrade haha. It's fine, got them first try and whatnot, but still a bit annoying to play another 10-20 hours of content since upgrading my first weapon and STILL not be able to upgrade another one. I have 5+ Ancient Smithing Stones ready to +25 things but couldn't +18 my ballista or +19 my Great Stars. IMO, this ball bearing should be in the Consecrated Snowfields where Astel is (the marked cave) like the others, not a few minutes before the end of the game.

        • Anonymous

          The one in deeproot depths is found by jumping on a spiritspring onto a building, just below the arteria leaf on some roofs

          • Anonymous

            Y’know, after playing all this time, I never really realized how they badly they screw over normal smithing stones with how scarce the +7 ones are.

            • Anonymous

              Me when I upgrade 2 DLC weapons & the shitty basegame begs and pleads for me come back to engage with it's criminal tedious bullshit or fight the godskin duo
              ( do neither just farm black knights )

              • Anonymous

                The red robe guy (fire knight?) nearest the 7th Floor Storehouse site of grace in Shadow Keep drops (7) and (8) stones. Good spot to farm them if you have not unlocked purchasing them.

                • Anonymous

                  Drops almost every time from the fire knight at the bottom of the lift by storehouse, first floor site of grace

                  • Anonymous

                    I'd say farm the tunnel (with Silver Scarab equipped), because these miners also drop +8 stones from time to time.

                    • Anonymous

                      All Messmer Knight variants have a chance to drop these and 5 and 6 stones as well, sometimes even x2 of each other either a 5 or 6. Killing Messmer Knights could be a good way to farm 7s from if you do the DLC before you get the Ball Bearing from the Godskins.

                      • Anonymous

                        2x of these drop routinely from Fire Knights in the Specimen Storehouse. If your build can farm these from them, it's ready for the DLC endgame bosses btw.

                        • Anonymous

                          You can find 4 of them on one of the bodies guarded by the dragon south of the Cerulean Coast grace in the DLC.

                          • Anonymous

                            For the 3 at Castle Sol, an easier way to get these 7's is to drop down one more level to the entrance to the rat room, which is on the North side of the building. This way you can lure the rats outside and kill them.

                            • Anonymous

                              I absolutely hate trying to lure the golem to the statue near Freezing Lake in Mountaintops. It's very clear From just got lazy and rushed and didn't test anything there because he deaggros and starts backpedaling constantly and sometimes it takes me 5 minutes or longer just to get that moron to hit the statue.

                              • Anonymous

                                can someone please elaborate on the ones in castle sol? the direction here are awful as usual, and I’m not running around the entire place praying to not die while searching

                                • Anonymous

                                  There is also one in Volcano Manor.
                                  From the Temple of Eiglay, take the two cage lifts down. The Stone is on a corps behind a magma pit, from wich a non boss Magma Wyrm spawns, when getting close to it.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    Of all things that'd drop a smithing stone ball bearing for this it's the Godskin duo? What sense does that make they're not even near the ground.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      “3x Found inside a statue with a glowing crack at the bottom of the western side of the frozen lake.”

                                      Awful directions. It’s the east end of the frozen river, not the bottom west of the lake. But rather than fix it, some sad nerd keeps deleting my comments.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        The 3x stones in Mountaintops near the lake has terrible directions. It's the EASTERN end of the frozen RIVER, not the WESTERN end of the frozen LAKE.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          Currently trying to farm Smithing Stone [7] in Yelough Anix Tunnel. I'm at 11 Arcane (base for hero) but wearing the Silver Tear Mask (+8 Arcane) and Silver Scarab talisman (+75 Discovery) so my discovery is 194. The Item Drop Calculator claims that this increases the drop rate from 3% to 5.94%. There are 8 miners in the cave. If I'm remembering my probabilities class correctly, the odds of killing all of them and NOT getting a SS[7] are 94.06^8 percent, which is to say, 61.27%, so the odds of getting AT LEAST ONE during a loop through the cave are 38.73%. I think! A Silver Pickled Fowl Foot increases your discovery another 50, to 244 in this case, which I believe increases your odds per run to 43.99%. One fowl foot only lasts you about as long as one run through the cave (at least how I'm doing it) so this doesn't sound very worth it unless you have a fat stack of fowl feet.

                                          • Anonymous

                                            The Ainsel smithstone locations are a little wrong. The first one, the video location shows a Somber, not a regular smithing stone 7. The other one is actually considered in the Lake of Rot.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              These are duplicate locations of the same place:

                                              3x West Consecrated Snowfield: There's a breakable statue with x3 Smithing Stone (7) and Smithing Stone (8). There is a a bear uphill to the east that can be used to break it [Map Link]

                                              3x Found inside a statue with a glowing crack north of the portal in Consecrated Snowfield that takes you to Mohgwyn Palace. Lure nearby sleeping runebear to destroy the statue and collect the item. [Map Link]

                                              • Anonymous

                                                The statue with 3 inside it at consecrated snowfield is listed twice :( thought I could get six from one area

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  Found 2 more in Mountaintops of the giants. One is dropped by a scarab hanging in a tree at Zamor Ruins. Starting at the grace, follow the cliff to the left until you find the tree. Second one is in the Guardian's Garrison, enter and find the ladder to the left. Smithing stone is at the end of the walkway guarded by a flame guardian.

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    Note: with their availability, you can have a +20 normal weapon before the Draconic Tree Sentinel, a must-know for RL1.

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      Think Yelough Anix Tunnel has been fixed. I just spend a little under 30 minutes just farming the miners (and running away from the tall blue guys) and got 9 7s, 2 8s, and 2 6s. I don't think I got that lucky :)

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        The 4 from Subterranean Shunning Grounds where are the crayfish didn't stock in the inventory. Don't know what happened. Went back to the blacksmith and just found that I have only the single ss (7) I found earlier.

                                                        Bug? Anyone else with the same problem?

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          Farm at the Prayer Room SoG in Haligtree. There is an area between there and the lower room with the knights. Maybe 20 soldiers you can farm a run. Drops fairly often. You'll get 7's and 8's and the occasional 6. Its a small area so you dont have to slog thru a dungeon. This started as a Rune farm for me since they are 2500 a pop but I go here mainly for the 7's

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            I got some to drop from Imps in the Giants Mountaintops catacombs, low drop rate but there's a bunch of imps in that place.

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              Mountaintops of the Giants:
                                                              In Consecrated Snowfield, 1x Smithing Stone [7] found on a corpse beside a cart towards the entrance of Yelough Anix Tunnel.

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                Tried farming these in Yelough Anix Tunnel but I've only turned up [6]. Surely they haven't changed it in the latest patch...right?

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  Again. A giant clustered page of every area to find the non respawnable stones. And not one single location to actually farm them from mobs.

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    Again. A giant clustered page of every area to find the non respawnable stones. And not one single location to actually farm them from mobs.

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      Again. A giant clustered page of every area to find the non respawnable stones. And not one single location to actually farm them from mobs.

                                                                      • Just edited a page for the first time... hopefully this helps a bit. Most notably: fixed some broken links, provided missing ones, and tried to give a better walkthrough to the 4x in the sewers.

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          There's also one in "Deeproot's Dephts" near the cave with a grey bear there's a wind geyser (dont know english name) to climb uppon a ruined temple where you find an Arteria plant, if you fall down the northern side on the giant steps here's it is.

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            So there is no tunnel dungeon associated with Smithing Stone 7s? Even SS8s have a dungeon in the Consecrated Snowfield.

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              Some of these are so vague. To get to the x4 in the shunning ground tunnels from the tunnel with the hole on top, jump down and turn around head through the doorway then continue straight and keep going until you get to another doorway with a blue scarab, enter and they are sitting in the dead end.

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                One next to 2 Omens near the subterranean grounds grace. You have to open the gate from the other side first

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  soliders in the haligee tree also have a chance of dropping smithing stones 5-7. starting at the prayer room grace and work your way down to the 2 cleanrot knights and repeat. plus easy rune farming.

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    The creepy hands in the Eastern Mountain Giants area all seem to drop them the first time you kill them. They didnt the 2nd time i I tried. Not sure if its a 1 time thing or if the RNG just drops low after the 1st kill. Sitting at 60 arcane for those wondering about my discovery points

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      what guards in Haligtree drop Smith Stones 7? I got 2 to drop Level 1 Stones around the Prayer Room in the Brace.

                                                                                      Is there another section where soldiers drop these? Can someone please specify exaction location for these to drop and which soldiers since there's a lot of similar Halig soldiers.

                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                        So far the most effective farm for me (with 14 arcane and golden scarab equipped) has been in the Hligtree starting at the Prayer Room grace and clearing every single Haligree soldier around down to the first room of the 2 Cleanrot Knights. There's also a walkway the opposite way of that room with some more soldiers. They are easy to crit with the Black Knife chest and most of them die fairly easily.

                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                          the upgrade path for items that require somber stones is so much linear and easier. it gets so damn old chasing down stacks of smithing stones every playthrough.

                                                                                          • Ya the 7 n 8's are the real wall for upgrading. The game vomits sber stones at 7 n 8 and even 9. It also vomits regular ancient dragon smithing stones but it makes sure to hide sber ancient stones and these until the very last 2 areas of the game lol

                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                              Found an easy farm at "Foot of the Forge" grace in the mountain-top, right before Fire Giant. There is a small cave directly north with 3 small hands, they each have a chance to drop a stone. I did this 10 times and got 5 Somber [7]. If you want some runes too, steer Torent slightly to the bird on the west side of the route and a giant hand will crush the bird for 1k free souls. I did this with 21 arcane and no other drop boosters.

                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                These smithing stones in particular feel like they're the cause of most somber vs regular weapon issues, because there's just not many of them before Mountaintops, meanwhile if you know where to like Somber 6, 7, and 8 are far easier to get before then.

                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                  The drop rate from the imps is very poor, farmed them with silver scarab and feet for an hour for 1 stone, the first 3 imps in the cave.

                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                    The marker for the 3x one is off. Its on the cliff east of the 1st church of marika, its where the tear marker is

                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                      There is two of the same location listed in on the page. One lists it as the upper plateau, whilst the other uses the actual name. Which is the Moonlight altar. Not sure why the three gazebos there are listed twice. (Yes I know there's two of the three gazebos that have Smithing Stone 7s, but both of the listed locations say to check both of those gazebos.)

                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                        These are farmable from the haligtree soldiers akin to the leyndell soldiers at mt.gelmir, just gotta get there, they drop really well.

                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                          These drop from the gaurds near the elphael inner wall site of grace. Got one from the gaurd staring over the edge behind the upper balista's

                                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                                            There's one to the east of First Church of Marika; its on a corpse sitting on a chair on a nearby cliff. Easy jump

                                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                                              Got like 2-4 farming Yelough Tunnel then paid more attention and farmed 50k runes before the next at 200 discovery. Got more 6s and oddly enough 8s so know what you're getting into or have 30-50+ arcane.

                                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                                can confirm that the miners in Yelough Anix Tunnel will drop this
                                                                                                                8's will drop most of the time but there will be some 7s
                                                                                                                (I'm at 200+ item discovery if it matters)

                                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                                  Actually the one in the haligtree bride area with the mages is a smithing stone (8). Thanks for the big waste of time

                                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                                    Imps at giant mountaintop catacombs drop smithing stone 6 not 7, and it's really rare at that. Tested for two hours with +200 item discovery and got no 7s

                                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                                      3 Smithing Stone (7) and 1 Smithing Stone (8) can be earned by break the statue on Consecrated Land to the north of the Gateway to Mohgwyn Palace. I break the statue by luring the huge bear from nearby.

                                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                                        There are 3 in a breakable statue in the Mountaintops of the Giants, almost due south of the Freezing Lake grace. The statue is right at the end of the frozen river, where you can't progress further (and the lake is just ahead on the map). There's a sleeping giant on the river right by it. Easy to lead him over to break open the statue for you.

                                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                                          Think giant hands in snow mountain area near the flame giant where there is battle between trolls and crows drop them somewhat reliably...

                                                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                                                            I'm not so sure but I think the Falling Star Beast drop Smithing Stone 7 instead of Somber Smithing Stone 7.

                                                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                                                              why is the "you can buy smithing stones" in the middle of the list of item locations. It should either be at the top or the bottom lol

                                                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                I've found farmable gathering nodes of literally every other level of smithing stone, even level 8 in yelough anix tunnel! Anyone find these anywhere respawning like that?

                                                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                  Found one near the shack of the lofty in Mountaintops of the Giants on the big pile of corpses, it may have been a drop from a demi-human? I saw it after invading Hoslow there, but didn't notice it before.

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