Sir Ansbach |
![]() |
Location | Outside Belurat, Tower Settlement |
Role | Pureblood Knight Captain (former), NPC Quest Related |
Voiced by | Ben Miles |
Sir Ansbach is an NPC in Elden Ring. Sir Ansbach is a former servant of Mohg, Lord of Blood, but is now part of the group that follows Miquella through the Realm of Shadow. Sir Ansbach is an NPC exclusive to Shadow of the Erdtree and does not appear in the base game.
You must be the Tarnished. I am Sir Ansbach. Formerly in service to Lord Mohg. But now, like you, guided by Miquella.
Sir Ansbach Location in Elden Ring
Sir Ansbach can be found at a small camp, just outside Belurat, Tower Settlement. He can be found alongside Moore. [See Shadow of the Erdtree Map]
- This NPC moves to Shadow Keep - Storehouse, First Floor [See Shadow of the Erdtree Map].
- This NPC leaves his location at Storehouse, First Floor after giving him the Secret Rite Scroll.
- Sir Ansbach can be summoned to assist in the NPC battle at the Cleansing Chamber Anteroom of Enir-Ilim.
- Sir Ansbach can be summoned to assist in fighting the final boss in Enir-Ilim.
Sir Ansbach Quest Objectives in Elden Ring
- Speak with Sir Ansbach at the Main Gate Cross - Site of Grace
- Break Miquella's charm
- Speak to Sir Ansbach at the Main Gate Cross - Site of Grace
- Travel to the Shadow Keep and speak to him at the Storehouse, First Floor
- Hand over the Secret Rite Scroll to Sir Ansbach
- Continue Needle Knight Leda's questline
- Respond to the summons in the Storehouse
- Join the NPC battle in Enir-Ilim
- Defeat the final boss in Enir-Ilim
Elden Ring Sir Ansbach Notes & Trivia
- Lockout conditions for Sir Ansbach's Quest:
- If you do not give him the Secret Rite Scroll, he will not move from his location and exclude him from the fight in Enir-Ilim.
- If you give him the scroll before talking to Redmane Freyja about her decision, he will leave before giving the Letter for Freyja, potentially locking out Freyja's questline.
- Sir Ansbach will ask you to visit Miquella's Crosses, however, it is optional to find all of Miquella's Crosses as it will not affect his questline.
- Additional dialogue from Sir Ansbach becomes unavailable once Miquella breaks his great rune, which is a story event that is triggered by approaching Shadow Keep or crossing the bridge east of Bonny Village. To not miss any dialogue, make sure to visit him after finding the Belurat Tower Settlement Cross, then either the Scaduview Cross, or Cerulean Coast Cross. Finding two of these crosses allows Sir Ansbach to reach a conclusion about Miquella’s intentions.
- NOTE: Patch 1.13 increased the stats and status of Sir Ansbach when summoned in some areas.
Elden Ring Sir Ansbach Questline Guide
Sir Ansbach in Gravesite Plain
Sir Ansbach is located at the Main Gate Cross Site of Grace [See Shadow of the Erdtree Map]. Speak to him and exhaust his dialogue. He will mention Miquella's Crosses and asks you to find them, as well as introduce you to Moore.
Once you have discovered the Belurat Tower Settlement Cross, you can return to Sir Ansbach to unlock more dialogue. Additional dialogue can be unlocked after interacting with the Cerulean Coast Cross and Scaduview Cross, then talking to Sir Ansbach about them. Finding two of these crosses allows Sir Ansbach to reach a conclusion about Miquella’s intentions. NOTE: this additional dialogue becomes unavailable once Miquella breaks his great rune (see below).
Receiving the message "Somewhere a great rune has been broken. And so too, a powerful charm." will advance several NPC questlines, such as Sir Ansbach's. To break the great rune:
- Approach the Shadow Keep front entrance, through Messmer's Army Encampment. [See Shadow of the Erdtree Map Link]
- Head past the Bonny Village to the eastern part of Scadu Altus, from the east bridge leading to the village, continue heading north. [See Shadow of the Erdtree Map Link]
Once the great rune is broken head back to Sir Ansbach to unlock new dialogue with him. Once you have exhausted all of his dialogue, he will move to the Shadow Keep.
Sir Ansbach in Shadow Keep
When you reach Shadow Keep, make your way to the Specimen Storehouse. You will find Sir Ansbach in the Storehouse, First Floor [See Shadow of the Erdtree Map], and Redmane Freyja in the Storehouse, Seventh Floor. Speak to Sir Ansbach and exhaust his dialogue.
It is important to follow the steps below, in order, to progress both Sir Ansbach and Redmane Freyja's questlines, otherwise Freyja's questline may get locked out:
- Speak with Redmane Freyja to learn about Freyja's decision. This must be done before giving Sir Ansbach the Secret Rite Scroll.
- Speak with Sir Ansbach and tell him about Freyja's decision. Continue to exhaust his dialogue.
- Give Sir Ansbach the Secret Rite Scroll and rest at a Site of Grace, speak with him to accept the Letter for Freyja.
- Sir Ansbach will also drop Freyja's letter as part of his loot during Needle Knight Leda's questline, if he is sided against, and the Secret Rite Scroll was given but the dialogue to receive the letter was not initiated.
- Exhaust both Freyja's and Sir Ansbach's dialogues.
The Secret Rite Scroll can be found on a table behind some tall bookshelves [See Shadow of the Erdtree Map Link].
- If you do not give Sir Ansbach the Secret Rite Scroll, he will not leave his position, will not give you the Letter for Freyja, and will not progress his questline, therefore, you will not be able to summon him in the NPC battle in Enir-Ilim as well as for the final boss.
During Hornsent's questline, you will be able to skip the fight against Needle Knight Leda and Hornsent, or assist Leda and kill Hornsent. This will lead to Leda going after Ansbach, when this happens, you will need to head back to the Storehouse, First Floor where you will find 2 summon signs. A red one to help Leda, and a gold one to help Sir Ansbach.
Choosing to help Leda (the red summon) will result in Sir Ansbach's death. This will reward you with the following items:
Choosing to help Sir Ansbach (the gold summon) will keep him alive. His questline can be continued, and will reward you with the following items:
It is possible to skip the fight entirely while still having him available as a summon in Inir-Ilim, however, this will lock you out of either of the above rewards.
Sir Ansbach in Enir-Ilim
If Sir Ansbach is alive and given the Secret Rite Scroll, he will be available as a summon for the NPC allies battle in Enir-Ilim. It is optional to summon Sir Ansbach in the fight, however you will miss additional dialogue if you don't summon him. After the battle, you can speak to him at the top of the elevator to learn more about Mohg, Miquella, and Thiollier.
- NOTE: If Sir Ansbach is not summoned for the NPC allies battle, he will not be summonable for the final boss. However, he will still drop his items after the final boss is defeated.
It is optional to summon Sir Ansbach for the final boss. After the final boss is defeated, he will drop the following items near the entrance:
Dialogue in Elden Ring: Sir Ansbach
- You must be the Tarnished. I am Ansbach. Formerly in service to Lord Mohg. But now, like you, another soul guided by Kindly Miquella. I am hardly the steady hand I once was. My fighting days are far behind me. Which is why I have chosen to dedicate myself to investigation. To discern Tender Miquella's ultimate purpose. I'd rather not volunteer a service to a new master unless I can be of use.
- May I request a service of you? Six crosses, identical to this one, have been discovered in these lands. They are akin to Tender Miquella's footprints. Or gravestones, which mark what he's left behind. If you discover any more crosses, be certain to tell me. I presume you, too, are keen to know. Just what Kind Miquella is doing here
- Righteous Tarnished. What brings you here?
- (Ask about the person in verdigris armor) Oh, you must mean Sir Moore. Sir Moores is a kind and stalwart ally. He provisions our little outfit. Sir Moore traffics with the forager brood. His brethren who collect supplies from all corners of the land. No doubt they find inspiration in his many virtues. These are not your foes, Tarnished. Should you spot any forager brood, be sure to mind your manners.
- (Speak of the cross at the tower) Well, I am much obliged. As suspected, Kindly Miquella has visited the lands which hold the tower. And appears intent on wholly dispossessing himself of his flesh. He must be seeking entrance to the tower of shadow.
- (Speak of the cross where the eye was abandoned) Well, I am much obliged. I can hardly believe it, he's divested himself of his very eye… Tender Miquella's eye is no mere morsel of flesh. It is a vessel of soaring grace. Proof of his Empyrean lineage. I wonder, does Miquella the Kind intend to sever his very birthright? His fate as a child of the Erdtree?
- (Speak of the cross at the coast) Well, I am much obliged. To think there was a cross left in such a faraway place… And that deep-purple water lilies would be blooming there. This can only mean Kindly Miquella has divested himself even of that… His adoring other self, his blossom of slumber.
- Righteous Tarnished. I have reasoned through my findings. Concerning Kind Miquella's intentions – why he is here. The full picture is yet to coalesce, but we do know he is bound for the tower of shadow. And that is where he intends to rise to true godhood… The tower of shadow houses a divine gateway. A well-kept secret, it was, but… The gateway was once the birthplace of a god. A god we know all too well.
After the Great Rune breaks
- (If you have not met yet) You must be the Tarnished. I am Ansbach. Formerly in service to Lord Mohg. But now, like you, another soul guided by Kindly Miquella. I ‘m hardly the steady hand I once was. My fighting days are far behind me.
- Yes, I am well aware.
- Kindly Miquella has discarded his Great Rune. The fog that vexed my aging faculties has been lifted. And follies better left forgotten haunt me once again. Once, in an attempt to free Lord Mohg from his enchantment, I challenged Tender Miquella, only to have my own heart rather artfully stolen. I knew not how weak I was. I believed that with sufficient mastery, even an Empyrean would be within reach of my blade. I could not have been more mistaken… Miquella the a monster. Pure and radiant, he wields love to shrive clean the hearts of men. There is nothing more terrifying.
- Righteous Tarnished. Miquella the Kind makes my blood run cold. I am loath to admit it, but even at this very instant I wish to run very far away indeed.
Visit in Shadow Keep§
- Righteous Tarnished. It's been some time. After unburdening my soul to you, I had hoped to make a fresh start. But there was one thought I could not dislodge from my mind. So here I am, quite unable to move on.
- After Lord Mohg's slaying at his dynastic palace, it appears his body has been absconded with. And taken straight to Kind Miquella. Surely you recall that I once served Lord Mohg as a Pureblood Knight. After failing him in every regard, and losing sight of my vows, I'd do anything to make amends, in whatever meagre way I can.
- What could they possibly have in mind for Lord Mohg's remains? The implications are rather… unnerving.
- (Tell him about Freyja's decision) Freyja, by the gods… She must be feeling the need to reaffirm her allegiance before she heads to war… A true Redmane she is, hardly troubled by the rot. But no-one is without their shortcomings… She has a hard road ahead…
- Hmm, it does make one think… Perhaps our concerns are but two sides of the same coin?
- (Hand over Secret Rite Scroll) Well, what's this… … Yes, yes, I should have known. Even the truth was itself mere folly. As if using Lord Mohg to gain entrance to the land of shadow were not enough, he plans to use his corpse as the vessel of his king consort. He has forsaken Lord Mohg's soul. He desires only his empty shell. It beggars belief, but… I'm afraid Tender Miquella fails to grasp the humiliation implied by this act. One thing is certain. My dear lord deserved better.
- Righteous Tarnished. You have my gratitude. You have given me the answers I needed. But I can hardly fathom it. Such folly, unto the end. I am a warrior, but I've aged. I cannot afford to act hastily. Curse it all. I know my limits. I could spend the rest of my life honing my craft, and still that creature would be out of my blade's reach.
- The absolute folly of it all.
- Righteous Tarnished. Could you please give this to Freyja? Thanks to you, she, too, will have the answers she requires. Freyja possesses a youth I no longer have. This knowledge will surely stoke the flames of valor within her. Yes, I can see her barreling into the fray right now...(Gives Letter for Freyja)
- Perhaps I shouldn't meddle in her affairs… But this is the only way I can help…
- (Pass on Freyja's message) Ha ha ha… I should have expected as much from Freyja! Some things simply never occur to her. Paralyzing fear. True despair.
- That's Freyja, through and through.
When Attacked
- (On hit) Ungh… What on earth is the matter?
- There's no denying it, now. A culling appears to be on the cards. One that won't overlook even an aging soldier as myself…
- (On player kill) Righteous Tarnished. You should have taken stock of your limitations.
- (On death) I only wanted to play my part… Curse these aging bones...
Speak after attacking
- Have you come to your senses? Now, there's no need for any hand-wringing. The way the world is, I'd say it's a wonder people don't lash out more often.
Fighting Leda in Shadow Keep
- So, you would cull an old man such as I? You are thorough indeed, Lady Leda. I would expect nothing less. As you surmise, I do have my doubts. And will not simply lay down and die with them.
- Assist Ansbach
- Have you lost your wits? By my troth, you have no such debt to this old man. Though I gladly welcome your decision. Now I might even live to see the morrow…
- (On victory) Lady Leda, I ask you keep Kindly Miquella in your care.
- Assist Leda
- So, you've taken Lady Leda's side. I'm glad she stands with an ally. She tends to overestimate… The burden she might carry alone.
- (On victory) Well, this is an unexpected victory. It seems I have my uses yet…
- (On defeat) I've utterly failed you both… Miquella the Kind, Lord Mohg…
Be summoned to challenge Needle Knight Leda and her allies
- I am Ansbach of the Pureblood Knights. I stand with blade loft, blood afire. For the dignity of my lord and master, Mohg.
- Righteous Tarnished. It appears that our interests have aligned. A balm upon my soul it is, that we do not meet today as enemies. Now, my blade. Watch closely.
- (If Freyja was summoned) Well, good Freyja. It will be my honour to test my blade against a Redmane.
- Ha-hah! How readily the sensation returns! The runaway spirit of war!
- Lady Leda. Your suspicions were dead-on. In the end, I could not bury the memories. Of Lord Mohg, and our pact of blood.
- (Upon defeat) Lord Mohg, your honour… Was my only…
After defeating Leda
- Righteous Tarnished. That was an astounding battle, to be sure. Now I suppose this leaves only one. But in truth, I cannot calm my quivering. Challenging a god is no small matter.
- (About Thiollier) I am afraid I underestimated the lad. Appearing frail in both body and mind, I presumed he’d be like to stumble upon the field of battle… What a fool I was. He serves another master, but Sir Thiollier performed magnificently. Perhaps he too quivers with anticipation. As do we.
- (Ask about Mohg’s death) Oh, something you want to get off your chest? Well, you needn’t worry. It was you, wasn’t it? Who defeated Lord Mohg. … Fear not, I bear no grudge against you. His Eminence was felled in an honourable duel, and such are the risks of seeking Lordship. Besides, what right have I to complain? I blame the enchantment more than anything. Righteous Tarnished. We will have our victory. I swear upon my blood.
When Summoned to Fight The Final Boss
- (Entering the arena) General Radahn. A pleasure to see you, after all this time. But those remains do not belong to you. Lord Mohg will have his dignity.
- (On defeat) Righteous Tarnished. Become our new lord. A lord not for gods, but for men.
- ??
Small Talk
- ??
- ??
- ??
- ??
Sir Ansbach Lore
Lore Items Related to Sir Ansbach
Ansbach's Attire
Attire of Sir Ansbach. The embroidered crest of the Pureblood Knights has now all but faded away. Slightly enhances Blood Oath and dynastic skills. Ansbach understood that keeping his oath to his old master was not an act of logic, nor would it bear any justice, but it was for these very reasons he was unable to let go.
Furious Blade of Ansbach
Incantation of Ansbach, Pureblood Knight.
Produces a bloodflame blade from the side of the hand, then lunges at enemies to cleave through them.
Charge to increase the number of slashes.
Markedly different from the finessed swordplay of the dynast, this is an aggressive last resort of an incantation that gave rise to Ansbach's fearsome reputation.
Wise Man's Mask
The iron mask of Sir Ansbach, giving the appearance of a quiet, wise, old bearded man. But an old fear lurks beneath, together with the cold, unflinching discipline that once honed his blade, now employed to enhance Blood Oath and dynastic skills.
Obsidian Lamina
Signature weapon of the Pureblood Knight Ansbach. A viciously keen and slender scythe made for combat.
The obsidian edge relies not upon trickery to fulfil its violent purpose—only well-honed skill is required to rip and rend through foes, sowing blossoms of red upon the battlefield.
Dialogue Related to Sir Ansbach
Needle Knight Leda
"Ah, there you are. I'm afraid Sir Ansbach will have to be next. He insists that he's nothing but a worn-down, over-the-hill soldier. But in his day, he was the feared commander of the Pureblood Knights, who cleaved open Miquella the Kind with his blood blade."
Redmane Freyja
There is no need for concern. I will be true to my word. Though I do feel a hint of regret. Lady Leda and honourable Ansbach are of a special breed. How glorious it would have been, had we met in battle as sworn enemies.
Thank you. Now I’ve finally cast off my misgivings. Give my regards to honourable Ansbach. Tell him if we should meet in battle, to face your bow would be fine enough, but to face your blade would be an honour.
Thank you, Sir Ansbach. The mere sight of your blade sets my heart aflutter. All the more I yearn to crush it in my grasp!
Elden Ring Sir Ansbach Gallery
- Anonymous
In the base game, Mohg's remembrance explicitly says that no matter what Mohg did, Miquella was unresponsive. In the DLC, Ansbach says he "challenged" Miquella, managed to cut him open with his sword, but ultimately failed. So, was Ansbach lying and using the word "challenged" to describe attempting to murder a sleeping child, or is it a retcon where him and Miquella had some kind of epic anime battle?
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
This guy is absolutely terrible in the fight against Leda. I've never really paid attention but I'm guessing he's not very good when he's summoned later either.
- Anonymous
Guys I gave Ansbach the scroll and got the letter as well:
Here's how I did it.
I got the scroll
Talked with Freja
Went to Ansbach
Exhausted the dialogue
Gave the scroll
Teleported to Freja
Talked to her
Teleported to site and then went to Ansbach
Reloaded the game from menu
And he gave the letter without diappearing
- Anonymous
I have never seen this dude take aggro. Whats the point in summoning him??? Bro does no damage. Total trap.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
"be a lord not for the gods, but for men" gave me the strenght to continue to fight the DLC Radahn
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I wonder if FromSoft named Sir Ansbach after the German town "Ansbach" in middle franconia
- Anonymous
The wiki is not clear on whether Leda will go after Ansbach if you help Hornsent. It's already convoluted AF, at least make this clear.
- Anonymous
On my first playthrough, blind, I did the secret rite scroll and gave freya his message. I did NOT help him against Leda, but I also didnt tell her to go after him either. I was still able to summon him for the gang fight, against radahn, and pick up his quest rewards afterwards. The guide is wrong and will not let people correct them.
- Anonymous
These quests are making my head spin. Basically if you side with Hornsent again Leda, then that prevents Leda from going after Ansbach, which then locks you out of most of his quest?
- Anonymous
Welp screwed up two questlines in one mistake. Got the secret rite scroll, died and respawned at the grace near Ansbach and gave it to him on the way back up. Oops. Guess I had to go to the top of the gigantic tower and speak to Freya before giving the guy near the start the scroll he wants. Oopsy I guess.
- Anonymous
I love how the Chad everyone loves is a bleed and dex build. Elden ring hypocrisy at its finest. Not hating on my boy ansbach tho
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Not too long ago, I had a discussion with a Miquella apologist. He was certain that Ansbach was manipulating the player the whole time. Obviously, this fellow had had his heart stolen.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
The one thing I don't like about this DLC is that fact that its so easy to lock yourself out of ALL of the NPCS questlines accidently. First playthrough missed out on almost everyone's stuff
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Somehow Radahn’s health was almost gone and Ansbach was still with me. I was hoping he would live and possibly have dialogue after the fight. Sadly Radahn as usual took us out and I doubt I’ll get that close again. Has anyone had him or Thoillier survive the battle?
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Appears in the Leda fight, drops badass lines, butchers Ledas gank squad, Forgives you for slaying mohg, helps you kill a god, drops another badass line, dies, refuses to elaborate, what a chad
all i did was give him the scroll and when i beat radahn his stuff was right there, i never even interreacted with him further than that-
- Anonymous
I completed the base game up to Radagon/Elden Beast in 50 hours on a fresh character for the dlc. I’ve literally spent 50 hours on the dlc without any clue of where to go, only done Balurat otherwise I am just running around like a headless chicken, as for npc’s I’m lost with their quest lines.
- Anonymous
Just wanted to say that on my 1st playthrough, I missed Ansbach's invasion fight with Leda AND also missed the invasion fight with Hornsent. I did everything else with their questlines (except summoning Hornsent for Messmer, bc for some reason, I never seem to notice any of the summon signs... it's like they blend into the ground or I swear that they just didn't appear lol) but they were still all present for the final NPC fight & Ansbach was there for the final boss. I didn't get Ansbach's bow, but I got his armor, scythe & incantation.
- Anonymous
So, I fought Leda with Hornsent, and then Leda disappeared. I then gave Ansbach the Secret Rite scroll (which you find 5 rooms BEFORE Freja) before talking to Freja, hopelessly ignorant to the fact that it would completely screw up Freya's questline. So I don't get Ansbach's Bow? And I just need to kill Freja for whatever she drops because I can't progress her questline now?? This has to be the absolute worst quest fail conditions I've seen in a From game to date. If I'm wrong and I can still get some of these items or salvage these quests, please correct me.
- Anonymous
Weird thing happened after he gave me the letter for Freyja and I gave her the letter, he disappeared I don't know what happened.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
"Be a lord for mankind" Hell nah biiiitch, no lords no humans nothing! Burn everything!
- Anonymous
Listen man, whoever is the tailor for the Mohgwyn dynasty needs some respect. It takes some real skill and talent to create back to back unparalleled drip like that.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
you can talk to him about both crosses be4fore the rune breaks if that's not clear
- Anonymous
sometimes you just have to put an end to an old man's suffering...
- Anonymous
I got Thiollier and Ansbach's items after severing them and summoning cooperator
Nobody asked but if anyone will ask in the future, I just summoned Ansbach and Thiollier for Consort Radahn, used the Finger Severer on both, then summoned another player and still got their items after the fight.
Didn't give Thiollier black syrup; killed Putrescent Knight, killed Invader Thiollier, summoned for Leda
Didn't give Freyja letter, didn't assist/fight Ansbach, gave the Secret Rite Scroll, summoned for Leda
- Anonymous
Aside from the fact that he alone had 99% of all npc's shared aura does he still drop the items if you don't summon him for radahn
- Anonymous
The virgin Gideon
-Tries to stop you from becoming Elden Lord
-Only has his own equipment named after him
-Was too scared to try and become Elden Lord after glimpsing Marika’s will
-Says he’s all-knowing, which is a complete lie
-Talks down to you every chance he gets
-Relies on the spells of bosses that you defeated for him
-Is a joke among the community for how easy he is to defeat
The Chad Ansbach
-Acknowledges you as worthy for the title and wishes for you to become Elden Lord
-Has an incantation named after him
-Faced Miquella alone after finding out he brainwashed Mohg
-Former captain of the Pureblood Knights, is well worthy of that title
-Always respects you even if you side with Leda
-Uses his own scythe, bow and incantations to fight
-Is respected among the entire community
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
so i have not found anything on this issue but i ignored ansbach entirely, now he has dissapeared from my game completely, i cant even find a dead body on where he is suppoosed to be, is this a glitch?
- Anonymous
where does he move to after killing the final boss without doing his questline?
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Old? Check.
Scholar? Check.
Cool drip? Check.
This guy is who Gideon wished to be.
- Anonymous
"Now, my blade. Watch closely."
One of the hardest lines in the entire DLC.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
he deserves 6 movies, a 10 season series, and a spin-off game
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Geralt? You look a little different.
Jokes aside this man is the goat
- Anonymous
Bro is for real one of the only people i trusted through and through. No regrets, after all he can be considered Mohg's defender against those accusations. Would stab Leda for him again any time.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Hm. I have given Ansbach the secret rite scroll and received the letter to Freyja, but I was planning on not giving it to her to exclude her from the gank fight since I'd rather forego her shield than kill her in the Archives. I've also ignored Leda since I never even saw any summon signs to help or hinder her during my first playthrough and Ansbach's quest was still completed, so I'm pretty sure that's optional. However, now Ansbach is still in the storehouse waiting for me to have spoken to Freyja, and I don't know if I'll still be able to summon him for the fight against Leda and her crew. Like, is the requirement that he leaves the storehouse, or does he just need to be given the scroll?
- Anonymous
I'm glad this guy remains as an ally unlike Sir Gideon who backstabs us at the end.
- Anonymous
Sharpest dressed gentleman in the Lands Between. Godly drip.
- Anonymous
Rather unlikely, but does he happen to have dialogue for surviving the last fight?
- Anonymous
The truest GOAT of the dlc and of the whole game in general.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Wise. Polite. Impeccably dressed. Fearsome warrior. Learned scholar. Worships a god of blood. Respectful of friends and foes alike. Not afraid to admit to his weaknesses and fears, but does not let them stop him. Honorable. Insanely loyal.
Let us all be more like Sir Ansbach.
- Anonymous
If i didn't give him the scroll, killed Leda in Enir-ilim, i can still get the bow?
- Anonymous
When you want a cool spell as a reward but the game questline mechanic s*cks
- Anonymous
If you tell him about one cross, but not the other, can you yet tell him after the spell breaks?
- Anonymous
Worry not Sir Ansbach, for I, Bleed Build Tarnished, shall cheese Miquella the Kind and his Promised Consort with my power stance bleed twinblade.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
My 3rd favorite npc from ever made, right behind isshin and the sculptor
- Anonymous
You know? I gotta agree this quests are designed like ****. Just locked myself out of Freyja's ending for talking to Ansbach first apparently.
- Anonymous
So uh... does progressing Hornsent's questline lock you out of Ansbach's, or not? There's conflicting info here. Hornsent's article says that taking part in his fight with Leda will lock you out of Ansbach's fight (and it's rewards, such as his bow).
- Anonymous
A little trivia: Ansbach is the name of a city in northern Bavaria, Germany.
- Anonymous
He hurt kindly miquella so i killed him UwU praise me Miquella!
- Anonymous
i didnt do his fight against leda but his summon is still available (i did his questline tho)
- Anonymous
It seems that he can disappear and thereby soft lock you out of both his and Freya's quest if you. 1) Find him and Freya in the Shadowkeep and speak to both then 2) find the Secret Rite Scroll and give that to Ansbach and then 3) ONLY give him the scroll and don't talk about Freya. When I did this and logged off for the night when I reloaded in the morning he was just gone. No Leda fight signs and no body or gear or anything
- Anonymous
"Now, My blade, watch closely"
"Well you did manage to cut open an empyrean at full power so dont mind if I do-"
- Anonymous
Killed Radahn just as he died and said "become a lord not for gods but for man" ...I did it brother....I did it for you. RIP to a true Bro
- Anonymous
1) Wear Ansbach's set
2) Wield Antspur Rapier and Ant's Skull Plate
3) Sir ANTsbach!
- Anonymous
By how he talks about Mohg, he must’ve been a very respectful person before he was charmed. And his last words “Make a world for not gods, but men” or something along those lines signifies he really against gods, despite being part of a Dynasty that worships a literal god. My theory is Mohg didn’t start dabbling in Formless Mother stuff and the bloody fingers until AFTER being charmed, maybe as a way to gather more blood to give to Miquella, to send her to the Land of Shadow. Look at Anchsbach, then look at Varre. One (who has been in the Shadow Realm for god knows how long, likely since before among was charmed) speaks of him as respectful, dignified lord. The other (Varre, who is already a creep) treats him like the crazy blood cultist that we see him as in game. Mohg was probably a very chill guy before being charmed, even besides the obsession with Miquella, and Anschbach proves it
- Anonymous
Righteous Tarnished. Become our new lord. A lord not for gods, but for men
The quote go so freaking hard
- Anonymous
apparently i messed up big time. after the great rune broke, i never talked to him and when i encountered him in shadow keep he was immediately hostile and i had no choice but to kill him. only got his bow and i think now freyja is just stuck on the 7th floor :(
- Anonymous
I gave ansbach the secret rite scroll before assisting leda against hornsent. Now he's gone and there's no summon sign. Did I lock myself out of the remaining quest?
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Killed the evil blood cultists first sight can I get more of his items anywhere?
- Anonymous
I've tried 3 times 3 different ways and each time he just never shows up at the first floor
- Anonymous
A true chad and a best bro until the end. I love the way he calls us Righteous Tarnished. He doesn't see it as a bad omen and doesn't judge for it at all.
You wouldn't think such respect would come from a character who was once aligned with a crazy blood cult.
- Anonymous
He's such a fascinating character to me, in a sea of them. He stands head and shoulders above all, with Igon a close second.
Completely recontextualizes Mohg in a more sympathetic air when the base game all but made it clear Mohg was a creepy kidnapper, and not someone bewitched by who was was effectively Griffith.
It just reminds me of how so much of the lore is only seen at face value in Elden Ring. We rarely, if at all, get to see the other side of things, so having an NPC just flat out tell you their side and what they are about, and why they even serve someone as whom we thought "vile" really was that much needed air of depth I thought the lore always needed.
His lines are godlike, his voice actor kills it, the fit is nice, his gameplay is solid. Always a treat to see that old dog.
- Anonymous
What he says about Miquella confuses me “Pure and radiant, he wields love to shrive clean the hearts of men. There is nothing more terrifying.” That doesn’t sound that terrifying or monstrous to me, unless my comprehension just sucks. Or maybe he means the way Miquella commands love is terrifying I.e. enchanting people against their will and making them love him
- Anonymous
dlc has some of the best npc's fromsoft ever done and the culmination of all their questlines is chefs kiss
- Anonymous
His wise old man deal makes a lot of sense if you remember Mohg's title was Luminary, and that the Formless Mother is also known as the Mother of Truth. The blood cult was also a cult of enlightenment.
- Anonymous
He compliments the honour of you, Leda and her allies no matter the side any of you choose. What a truly chivalrous knight, in contrast to Leda's rampant paranoia
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Does Ansbach move after giving Frejya the letter? He's completely gone and the summon signs for the invasion/assist won't show up
- Anonymous
"Righteous tarnished, game journalists keep skipping my questline and proceed to cry about why is general radahn destroying them... again. Let the idle burn, by the consequence of their lazy lack of awareness."
- Anonymous
possibly the best souls bro in eldenring, at no point does he betray or belittle you. What a chad
i completed is questline allthrough then summoned him on leda fight with thiorell and sepokued myself because i wanted wo fight them solo, but he did not spawn afterwards and i cannot summon him on fight with final boss
- Anonymous
the VA did a damn good job, I thought he may have been the same guy who voiced Osiris at first
- Anonymous
Significantly buffed in the 1.13 patch. Ansbach was able to help me get to phase 2 of the final boss. (Then summon your spirit for final phase). Point being, it's worth it now to summon Ansbach.
- Anonymous
Not true that he is unavailable for the fight vs. Leda and allies if you miss the summon signs for him vs. Leda
- Anonymous
I killed the final boss with him, his corpse was there but no items. I reloaded the zone and still nothing. Thollier was there and he dropped his sets even though I didn't summon him
milord *tips fedora*