Small Shields are a type of Shield in Elden Ring. Small Shields usually weigh very little and give the least protection from attacks. They are often used by players who prefer parrying rather than blocking. Its lighter weight also makes it ideal for quick, agile characters with low equipment weight capacity. 

Small Shields can be modified by Ashes of War, allowing you to change their Skill, affinity, and their damage reductions when blocking.

Only Small Shields and Medium Shields can have Ashes of War related to parrying, Greatshields and Thrusting Shields are excluded.

NOTEPatch 1.14

  • Increased the damage negation of some shields when blocking physical attacks.
  • Increased the guard strength of some shields.



Elden Ring All Small Shields

standard base affinity elden ring wiki guide 60px
standard max affinity elden ring wiki guide 60px
heavy max affinity elden ring wiki guide 60px
keen max affinity elden ring wiki guide 60px
quality max affinity elden ring wiki guide 60px
fire max affinity elden ring wiki guide 60px
flame max affinity elden ring wiki guide 60px
lightning max affinity elden ring wiki guide 60px
holy max affinity elden ring wiki guide 60px
magic max affinity elden ring wiki guide 60px
cold max affinity elden ring wiki guide 60px
poison max affinity elden ring wiki guide 60px
blood max affinity elden ring wiki guide 60px
occult max affinity elden ring wiki guide 60px

Elden Ring Small Shields Base Values

Quick Search of All Small Shields

Phy Mag Fire Ligh Holy Guard Boost /
Str Dex Int Fai Arc Wgt Special Effect Skill
smithscript shield elden ring shadow of the erdtree dlc wiki guide 200px
Smithscript Shield

sote new

























Discus Hurl

shield of night unique elden ring shadow of the erdtree dlc wiki guide 200px
Shield of Night

sote new

























Revenge of the Night

rickety shield elden ring wiki guide 200px
Rickety Shield















- - - - 1  



riveted wooden shield elden ring wiki guide 200px
Riveted Wooden Shield















- - - - 2  



blue white wooden shield elden ring wiki guide 200px
Blue-White Wooden Shield















- - - - 2  

No Skill

scripture wooden shield elden ring wiki guide 200px
Scripture Wooden Shield















- - - - 1.5  



red thorn roundshield elden ring wiki guide 200px
Red Thorn Roundshield















- - - - 1.5  



pillory small shield 12004 elden ring wiki guide 200px
Pillory Shield


















- 3.5 Increases Vitality by 50 points

No Skill

buckler elden ring wiki guide 200px

















- - - 1.5  


Buckler Parry

iron roundshield elden ring wiki guide 200px
Iron Roundshield















- - - - 3   No Skill
gilded iron shield elden ring wiki guide 200px
Gilded Iron Shield















- - - - 3  



man serpents shield small 12002 elden ring wiki guide 200px
Man-Serpent's Shield















No skill

ice crest shield elden ring wiki guide 200px
Ice Crest Shield















- - - - 3 Increases Robustness by 40 points No Skill
rift shield elden ring wiki guide 200px
Rift Shield















- - - - 2 Increases Focus by 40 points 



perfumers shield small elden ring wiki guide 200px
Perfumer's Shield















 -  - 1.5 Increases Immunity by 40 points



shield of the guilty elden ring wiki guide 200px
Shield of the Guilty















- - - - 2

Increases Focus by 40 points

hemmorage (50) on attacks


Shield Bash

spiralhorn shield small 12019 elden ring wiki guide 200px
Spiralhorn Shield



















- 2

Increases Immunity, Robustness and Focus by 50 points each

hemmorage (45) on attacks



smoldering small shield 12015 elden ring wiki guide 200px
Smoldering Shield




















-  3

Increases Robustness by 30 points

fire upgrades elden ring wiki guide Fire Damage on attacks


Shield Bash

coil shield icon elden ring wiki guide 200px
Coil Shield


















Increases Immunity by 40 points

poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(72) on attacks


Viper Bite

Elden Ring Small Shields Max Standard Values

Quick Search of All Small Shields

Name Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Cri Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst Wgt Upgrade
Smithscript Shield 
sote new
176 - - - - 100 112 C D E E - - 84 38 38 38 38 62.04 15 2.5 Smithing Stones
Shield of Night 
sote new
165 107 - - - 100 108 - D - - - - 74 70 45 45 45 49.45 20 2 Smithing Stones
Blue-White Wooden Shield 176 - - - - 100 112 D - - - - - 85 45 35 22 42 64.68 21 2 Smithing Stones
Buckler 166 - - - - 100 108 E D - - - - 74 30 30 16 30 59.40 19 1.5 Smithing Stones
Gilded Iron Shield 181 - - - - 100 118 D - - - - - 88 40 38 17 51 67.32 22 3 Smithing Stones
Ice Crest Shield 181 - - - - 100 118 D - - - - - 87 57 41 18 35 54.12 22 3 Smithing Stones
Iron Roundshield 181 - - - - 100 118 D - - - - - 88 42 42 18 42 67.32 22 3 Smithing Stones
Man-Serpent's Shield 171 - - - - 100 108 D - - - - - 85 35 48 18 33 63.36 20 2 Smithing Stones
Perfumer's Shield 164 - - - - 100 102 D - - - - - 78 35 35 16 35 59.40 19 1.5 Smithing Stones
Pillory Shield 173 - - - - 100 108 D - - - - - 82 46 23 38 46 66 21 3.5 Smithing Stones
Red Thorn Roundshield 171 - - - - 100 108 D - - - - - 81 32 42 37 37 62.04 20 1.5 Smithing Stones
Rickety Shield 171 - - - - 100 108 D - - - - - 74 29 24 34 34 60.72 20 1 Smithing Stones
Rift Shield 171 - - - - 100 108 D - - - - - 85 33 37 18 37 62.05 20 2 Smithing Stones
Riveted Wooden Shield 176 - - - - 100 112 D - - - - - 86 43 31 24 45 64.68 21 2 Smithing Stones
Scripture Wooden Shield 171 - - - - 100 108 D - - - - - 82 40 22 37 45 62.04 20 1.5 Smithing Stones
Shield of the Guilty 183 - - - - 100 108 C - - - - hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(50) 81 36 36 31 37 55.44 20 2 Smithing Stones
Spiralhorn Shield 183 - - - - 100 102 D - - - - hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(45) 75 35 39 39 32 58.08 20 2 Smithing Stones

Elden Ring Small Shields Max Heavy Upgrades

Quick Search of All Small Shields

Name Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Cri Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst Wgt
Blue-White Wooden Shield 164 - - - - 100 112 C - - - - - 85 45 35 22 42 53.90 21 2
Buckler 155 - - - - 100 108 B - - - - - 74 30 30 16 30 49.50 19 1.5
Gilded Iron Shield 169 - - - - 100 118 C - - - - - 88 40 38 17 51 56.10 22 3
Ice Crest Shield 169 - - - - 100 118 C - - - - - 87 57 41 18 35 56.10 22 3
Iron Roundshield 169 - - - - 100 118 C - - - - - 88 42 42 18 42 56.10 22 3
Man-Serpent's Shield 159 - - - - 100 108 C - - - - - 85 35 48 18 33 52.80 20 2
Perfumer's Shield 152 - - - - 100 102 C - - - - - 78 35 35 16 35 49.50 19 1.5
Pillory Shield 162 - - - - 100 108 C - - - - - 82 46 23 38 46 55 21 3.5
Red Thorn Roundshield 159 - - - - 100 108 C - - - - - 81 32 42 37 37 51.70 20 1.5
Rickety Shield 159 - - - - 100 108 C - - - - - 74 29 24 34 34 50.60 20 1
Rift Shield 159 - - - - 100 108 C - - - - - 85 33 37 18 37 51.70 20 2
Riveted Wooden Shield 164 - - - - 100 112 C - - - - - 86 43 31 24 45 53.90 21 2
Scripture Wooden Shield 159 - - - - 100 108 C - - - - - 82 40 22 37 45 51.70 20 1.5
Shield of the Guilty 171 - - - - 100 108 B - - - - hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(50) 81 36 36 31 37 46.20 20 2
Spiralhorn Shield 171 - - - - 100 102 C - - - - hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(45) 75 35 39 39 32 48.40 20 2


Elden Ring Small Shields Max Keen Upgrades

Quick Search of All Small Shields

Name Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Cri Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst Wgt
Blue-White Wooden Shield 164 - - - - 100 112 E D - - - - 85 45 35 22 42 53.90 21 2
Buckler 155 - - - - 100 108 E B - - - - 74 30 30 16 30 49.50 19 1.5
Gilded Iron Shield 169 - - - - 100 118 E D - - - - 88 40 38 17 51 56.10 22 3
Ice Crest Shield 169 - - - - 100 118 E D - - - - 87 57 41 18 35 56.10 22 3
Iron Roundshield 169 - - - - 100 118 E D - - - - 88 42 42 18 42 56.10 22 3
Man-Serpent's Shield 159 - - - - 100 108 E D - - - - 85 35 48 18 33 52.80 20 2
Perfumer's Shield 152 - - - - 100 102 E D - - - - 78 35 35 16 35 49.50 19 1.5
Pillory Shield 162 - - - - 100 108 E D - - - - 82 46 23 38 46 55 21 3.5
Red Thorn Roundshield 159 - - - - 100 108 E D - - - - 81 32 42 37 37 51.70 20 1.5
Rickety Shield 159 - - - - 100 108 E D - - - - 61 29 24 34 34 40.7 20 1
Rift Shield 159 - - - - 100 108 E D - - - - 85 33 37 18 37 51.70 20 2
Riveted Wooden Shield 164 - - - - 100 112 E D - - - - 86 43 31 24 45 53.90 21 2
Scripture Wooden Shield 159 - - - - 100 108 E D - - - - 82 40 22 37 45 51.70 20 1.5
Shield of the Guilty 171 - - - - 100 108 E C - - - hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(50) 81 36 36 31 37 46.20 20 2
Spiralhorn Shield 171 - - - - 100 102 E D - - - hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(45) 75 35 39 39 32 48.40 20 2

Elden Ring Small Shields Max Quality Upgrades

Quick Search of All Small Shields

Name Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Cri Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst Wgt
Blue-White Wooden Shield 143 - - - - 100 112 D D - - - - 85 45 35 22 42 53.90 21 2
Buckler 135 - - - - 100 108 C C - - - - 74 30 30 16 30 49.50 19 1.5
Gilded Iron Shield 147 - - - - 100 118 D D - - - - 88 40 38 17 51 56.10 22 3
Ice Crest Shield 147 - - - - 100 118 D D - - - - 87 57 41 18 35 56.10 22 3
Iron Roundshield 147 - - - - 100 118 D D - - - - 88 42 42 18 42 56.10 22 3
Man-Serpent's Shield 139 - - - - 100 108 D D - - - - 85 35 48 18 33 52.80 20 2
Perfumer's Shield 133 - - - - 100 102 D D - - - - 78 35 35 16 35 49.50 19 1.5
Pillory Shield 141 - - - - 100 108 D D - - - - 82 46 23 38 46 55 21 3.5
Red Thorn Roundshield 139 - - - - 100 108 D D - - - - 81 32 42 37 37 51.70 20 1.5
Rickety Shield 139 - - - - 100 108 D D - - - - 74 29 24 34 34 50.60 20 1
Rift Shield 139 - - - - 100 108 D D - - - - 85 33 37 18 37 51.70 20 2
Riveted Wooden Shield 143 - - - - 100 112 D D - - - - 86 43 31 24 45 53.90 21 2
Scripture Wooden Shield 139 - - - - 100 108 D D - - - - 82 40 22 37 45 51.70 20 1.5
Shield of the Guilty 149 - - - - 100 108 C C - - - hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(50) 81 36 36 31 37 46.20 20 2
Spiralhorn Shield 149 - - - - 100 102 D D - - - hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(45) 75 35 39 39 32 48.40 20 2

Elden Ring Small Shields Max Fire Upgrades

Quick Search of All Small Shields

Name Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Cri Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst Wgt
Blue-White Wooden Shield 119 - 119 - - 100 112 D E - - - - 80.75 42.75 43.75 25.3 39.9 49 19.95 2
Buckler 112 - 112 - - 100 108 C E - - - - 70.30 28.5 37.5 18.4 28.5 45 18.05 1.5
Gilded Iron Shield 122 - 122 - - 100 118 D E - - - - 83.60 38 47.5 19.55 48.45 51 20.9 3
Ice Crest Shield 122 - 122 - - 100 118 D E - - - - 82.65 54.15 51.25 20.7 33.25 51 20.9 3
Iron Roundshield 122 - 122 - - 100 118 D E - - - - 83.60 39.9 52.5 20.7 39.9 51 20.9 3
Man-Serpent's Shield 115 - 115 - - 100 108 D E - - - - 85.75 33.25 60 20.7 31.35 48 19 2
Perfumer's Shield 110 - 110 - - 100 102 D E - - - - 74.10 33.25 43.75 18.4 33.25 45 18.05 1.5
Pillory Shield 117 - 117 - - 100 108 D E - - - - 77.90 43.7 28.75 43.7 43.7 50 19.95 3.5
Red Thorn Roundshield 115 - 115 - - 100 108 D E - - - - 76.95 30.4 52.5 42.55 35.15 47 19 1.5
Rickety Shield 115 - 115 - - 100 108 D E - - - - 70.30 27.55 30 39.1 32.3 46 19 1
Rift Shield 115 - 115 - - 100 108 D E - - - - 80.75 31.35 46.25 20.7 35.15 47 19 2
Riveted Wooden Shield 119 - 119 - - 100 112 D E - - - - 81.70 40.85 38.75 27.6 42.75 49 19.95 2
Scripture Wooden Shield 115 - 115 - - 100 108 D E - - - - 77.90 38 27.5 42.55 42.75 47 19 1.5
Shield of the Guilty 124 - 124 - - 100 108 D E - - - hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(50) 76.95 34.2 45 35.65 35.15 42 19 2
Spiralhorn Shield 124 - 124 - - 100 102 D E - - - hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(45) 71.25 33.25 48.75 44.85 30.4 44 19 2

Elden Ring Small Shields Max Flame Upgrades

Quick Search of All Small Shields

Name Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Cri Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst Wgt
Blue-White Wooden Shield 140 - 140 - - 100 112 E - - D - - 80.75 42.75 43.75 25.3 39.9 49 19.95 2
Buckler 132 - 132 - - 100 108 E E - C - - 70.30 28.5 37.5 18.4 28.5 45 18.05 1.5
Gilded Iron Shield 144 - 144 - - 100 118 E - - D - - 83.60 38 47.5 19.55 48.45 51 20.9 3
Ice Crest Shield 144 - 144 - - 100 118 E - - D - - 82.65 54.15 51.25 20.7 33.25 51 20.9 3
Iron Roundshield 144 - 144 - - 100 118 E - - D - - 83.60 39.9 52.5 20.7 39.9 51 20.9 3
Man-Serpent's Shield 136 - 136 - - 100 108 E - - D - - 85.75 33.25 60 20.7 31.35 48 19 2
Perfumer's Shield 130 - 130 - - 100 102 E - - D - - 74.10 33.25 43.75 18.4 33.25 45 18.05 1.5
Pillory Shield 138 - 138 - - 100 108 E - - D - - 77.90 43.7 28.75 43.7 43.7 50 19.95 3.5
Red Thorn Roundshield 136 - 136 - - 100 108 E - - D - - 76.95 30.4 52.5 42.55 35.15 47 19 1.5
Rickety Shield 136 - 136 - - 100 108 E - - D - - 70.30 27.55 30 39.1 32.3 46 19 1
Rift Shield 136 - 136 - - 100 108 E - - D - - 80.75 31.35 46.25 20.7 35.15 47 19 2
Riveted Wooden Shield 140 - 140 - - 100 112 E - - D - - 81.70 40.85 38.75 27.6 42.75 49 19.95 2
Scripture Wooden Shield 136 - 136 - - 100 108 E - - D - - 77.90 38 27.5 42.55 42.75 47 19 1.5
Shield of the Guilty 146 - 146 - - 100 108 D - - D - hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(50) 76.95 34.2 45 35.65 35.15 42 19 2
Spiralhorn Shield 146 - 146 - - 100 102 E - - D - hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(45) 71.25 33.25 48.75 44.85 30.4 44 19 2

Elden Ring Small Shields Max Lightning Upgrades

Quick Search of All Small Shields

Name Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Cri Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst Wgt
Blue-White Wooden Shield 121 - - 121 - 100 112 E D - - - - 80.75 42.75 40.25 27.5 39.9 49 19.95 2
Buckler 114 - - 114 - 100 108 E C - - - - 70.30 28.5 34.5 20 28.5 45 18.05 1.5
Gilded Iron Shield 125 - - 125 - 100 118 E D - - - - 83.60 38 43.7 21.25 48.45 51 20.9 3
Ice Crest Shield 125 - - 125 - 100 118 E D - - - - 82.65 54.15 47.15 22.5 33.25 51 20.9 3
Iron Roundshield 125 - - 125 - 100 118 E D - - - - 83.60 39.9 48.3 22.5 39.9 51 20.9 3
Man-Serpent's Shield 118 - - 118 - 100 108 E D - - - - 85.75 33.25 55.2 22.5 31.35 48 19 2
Perfumer's Shield 113 - - 113 - 100 102 E D - - - - 74.10 33.25 40.25 20 33.25 45 18.05 1.5
Pillory Shield 120 - - 120 - 100 108 E D - - - - 77.90 43.7 26.45 47.5 43.7 50 19.95 3.5
Red Thorn Roundshield 118 - - 118 - 100 108 E D - - - - 76.95 30.4 48.3 46.25 35.15 47 19 1.5
Rickety Shield 118 - - 118 - 100 108 E D - - - - 70.30 27.55 27.6 42.5 32.3 46 19 1
Rift Shield 118 - - 118 - 100 108 E D - - - - 80.75 31.35 42.55 22.5 35.15 47 19 2
Riveted Wooden Shield 121 - - 121 - 100 112 E D - - - - 81.70 40.85 35.65 30 42.75 49 19.95 2
Scripture Wooden Shield 118 - - 118 - 100 108 E D - - - - 77.90 38 25.3 46.25 42.75 47 19 1.5
Shield of the Guilty 127 - - 127 - 100 105 E D - - - hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(50) 76.96 34.2 41.4 38.75 35.15 42 19 2
Spiralhorn Shield 127 - - 127 - 100 102 E D - - - hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(45) 71.25 33.25 44.85 48.75 30.4 44 19 2

Elden Ring Small Shields Max Sacred Upgrades

Quick Search of All Small Shields

Name Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Cri Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst Wgt
Blue-White Wooden Shield 140 - - - 140 100 112 E - - D - - 80.75 51.75 33.25 20.9 52.5 49 19.95 2
Buckler 132 - - - 132 100 108 E D - D - - 70.30 34.5 28.5 15.2 37.5 45 18.05 1.5
Gilded Iron Shield 144 - - - 144 100 118 E - - D - - 83.60 46 36.1 16.15 63.75 51 20.9 3
Ice Crest Shield 144 - - - 144 100 118 E - - D - - 82.65 65.55 38.95 17.1 43.75 51 20.9 3
Iron Roundshield 144 - - - 144 100 118 E - - D - - 83.60 48.3 39.9 17.1 52.5 51 20.9 3
Man-Serpent's Shield 136 - - - 136 100 108 E - - D - - 80.75 40.25 45.6 17.1 41.25 48 19 2
Perfumer's Shield 130 - - - 130 100 102 E - - D - - 74.10 40.25 33.25 15.2 43.75 45 18.05 1.5
Pillory Shield 138 - - - 138 100 108 E - - D - - 77.90 52.9 21.85 36.1 57.5 50 19.95 3.5
Red Thorn Roundshield 136 - - - 136 100 108 E - - D - - 76.95 36.8 39.9 35.15 46.25 47 19 1.5
Rickety Shield 136 - - - 136 100 108 E - - D - - 70.30 33.35 22.8 32.3 42.5 46 19 1
Rift Shield 136 - - - 136 100 108 E - - D - - 80.75 37.95 35.15 17.1 46.25 47 19 2
Riveted Wooden Shield 140 - - - 140 100 112 E - - D - - 81.70 49.45 29.45 22.8 56.25 49 19.95 2
Scripture Wooden Shield 136 - - - 136 100 108 E - - D - - 77.90 46 20.9 35.15 56.25 47 19 1.5
Shield of the Guilty 146 - - - 146 100 108 D - - D - hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(50) 76.95 41.4 34.2 29.45 46.25 42 19 2
Spiralhorn Shield 146 - - - 146 100 102 E - - D - hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(45) 71.25 40.25 37.05 37.05 40 44 19 2

Elden Ring Small Shields Max Magic Upgrades

Quick Search of All Small Shields

Name Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Cri Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst Wgt
Blue-White Wooden Shield 140 140 - - - 100 112 E - D - - - 80.75 56.25 33.25 20.9 48.3 49 19.95 2
Buckler 132 132 - - - 100 108 E E C - - - 70.30 37.5 28.5 15.2 34.5 45 18.05 1.5
Gilded Iron Shield 144 144 - - - 100 118 E - D - - - 83.60 50 36.1 16.15 58.65 51 20.9 3
Ice Crest Shield 144 144 - - - 100 118 E - D - - - 82.65 71.25 38.95 17.1 40.25 51 20.9 3
Iron Roundshield 144 144 - - - 100 118 E - D - - - 83.60 52.5 39.9 17.1 48.3 51 20.9 3
Man-Serpent's Shield 136 136 - - - 100 108 E - D - - - 80.75 43.75 45.6 17.1 37.95 48 19 2
Perfumer's Shield 130 130 - - - 100 102 E - D - - - 74.10 43.75 33.25 15.2 40.25 45 18.05 1.5
Pillory Shield 138 138 - - - 100 108 E - D - - - 77.90 57.5 21.85 36.1 52.9 50 19.95 3.5
Red Thorn Roundshield 136 136 - - - 100 108 E - D - - - 76.95 40 39.9 35.15 42.55 47 19 1.5
Rickety Shield 136 136 - - - 100 108 E - D - - - 70.30 36.25 22.8 32.3 39.1 46 19 1
Rift Shield 136 136 - - - 100 108 E - D - - - 80.75 41.25 35.15 17.1 42.55 47 19 2
Riveted Wooden Shield 140 140 - - - 100 112 E - D - - - 81.70 53.75 29.45 22.8 51.75 49 19.95 2
Scripture Wooden Shield 136 136 - - - 100 108 E - D - - - 77.90 50 20.9 35.15 51.75 47 19 1.5
Shield of the Guilty 146 146 - - - 100 108 E - D - - hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(50) 76.95 45 34.2 29.45 42.55 42 19 2
Spiralhorn Shield 146 146 - - - 100 102 E - D - - hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(45) 71.25 43.75 37.05 37.05 36.8 44 19 2

Elden Ring Small Shields Max Cold Upgrades

Quick Search of All Small Shields

Name Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Cri Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst Wgt
Blue-White Wooden Shield 126 108 - - - 100 112 D - D - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(105) 80.75 51.75 33.25 20.9 39.9 49 19.95 2
Buckler 118 100 - - - 100 108 E D D - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(105) 70.30 34.5 28.5 15.2 28.5 45 18.05 1.5
Gilded Iron Shield 129 109 - - - 100 118 D - D - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(105) 83.60 46 36.1 16.15 48.45 51 20.9 3
Ice Crest Shield 129 109 - - - 100 118 D - D - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(105) 82.65 65.55 38.95 17.1 33.25 51 20.9 3
Iron Roundshield 129 109 - - - 100 118 D - D - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(105) 83.60 48.3 39.9 17.1 39.9 51 20.9 3
Man-Serpent's Shield 122 104 - - - 100 108 D - D - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(105) 80.75 40.25 45.6 17.1 31.35 48 19 2
Perfumer's Shield 117 99 - - - 100 102 D - D - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(105) 74.10 40.25 33.25 15.2 33.25 45 18.05 1.5
Pillory Shield 124 106 - - - 100 108 D - D - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(105) 77.90 52.9 21.85 36.1 43.7 50 19.95 3.5
Red Thorn Roundshield 122 104 - - - 100 108 D - D - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(105) 76.95 36.8 39.9 35.15 35.15 47 19 1.5
Rickety Shield 122 104 - - - 100 108 D - D - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(105) 70.30 33.35 22.8 32.3 32.3 46 19 1
Rift Shield 122 104 - - - 100 108 D - D - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(105) 80.75 37.95 35.15 17.1 35.15 47 19 2
Riveted Wooden Shield 126 108 - - - 100 112 D - D - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(105) 81.70 49.45 29.45 22.8 42.75 49 19.95 2
Scripture Wooden Shield 122 104 - - - 100 108 D - D - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(105) 77.90 46 20.9 35.15 42.75 47 19 1.5
Shield of the Guilty 131 111 - - - 100 105 C - D     frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(105)hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(45) 76.95 41.4 34.2 29.45 35.15 42 19 2
Spiralhorn Shield 131 111 - - - 100 102 D - D - - frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(105)hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(45) 71.25 40.25 37.05 37.05 30.4 44 19 2

Elden Ring Small Shields Max Poison Upgrades

Quick Search of All Small Shields

Name Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Cri Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst Wgt
Blue-White Wooden Shield 150 - - - - 100 112 D - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(95) 80.75 42.75 33.25 20.9 39.9 49 21 2
Buckler 141 - - - - 100 108 E D - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(95) 70.30 28.5 28.5 15.2 28.5 45 19 1.5
Gilded Iron Shield 154 - - - - 100 118 D - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(95) 83.60 38 36.1 16.15 48.45 51 22 3
Ice Crest Shield 154 - - - - 100 118 D - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(95) 82.65 54.15 38.95 17.1 33.25 51 22 3
Iron Roundshield 154 - - - - 100 118 D - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(95) 83.60 39.9 39.9 17.1 39.9 51 22 3
Man-Serpent's Shield 146 - - - - 100 108 D - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(95) 80.75 33.25 45.6 17.1 31.35 48 20 2
Perfumer's Shield 139 - - - - 100 102 D - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(95) 74.10 33.25 33.25 15.2 33.25 45 19 1.5
Pillory Shield 148 - - - - 100 108 D - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(95) 77.90 43.7 21.85 36.1 43.7 50 21 3.5
Red Thorn Roundshield 146 - - - - 100 108 D - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(95) 76.95 30.4 39.9 35.15 35.15 47 20 1.5
Rickety Shield 146 - - - - 100 108 D - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(95) 70.30 27.55 22.8 32.3 32.3 46 20 1
Rift Shield 146 - - - - 100 108 D - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(95) 80.75 31.35 35.15 17.1 35.15 47 20 2
Riveted Wooden Shield 150 - - - - 100 112 D - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(95) 81.70 40.85 29.45 22.8 42.75 49 21 2
Scripture Wooden Shield 146 - - - - 100 108 D - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(95) 77.90 38 20.9 35.15 42.75 47 20 1.5
Shield of the Guilty 156 - - - - 100 108 C - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(95)hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(45) 76.95 34.2 34.2 29.45 35.15 42 20 2
Spiralhorn Shield 156 - - - - 100 102 D - - - D poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(95)hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(45) 71.25 33.25 37.05 37.05 30.4 44 20 2

Elden Ring Small Shields Max Blood Upgrades

Quick Search of All Small Shields

Name Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Cri Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst Wgt
Blue-White Wooden Shield 150 - - - - 100 112 D - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(82) 80.75 42.75 33.25 20.9 39.9 49 19.95 2
Buckler 141 - - - - 100 108 E D - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(82) 70.30 28.5 28.5 15.2 28.5 45 18.05 1.5
Gilded Iron Shield 154 - - - - 100 118 D - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(82) 83.60 38 36.1 16.15 48.45 51 20.9 3
Ice Crest Shield 154 - - - - 100 118 D - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(82) 82.65 54.15 38.95 17.1 33.25 51 20.9 3
Iron Roundshield 154 - - - - 100 118 D - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(82) 83.60 39.9 39.9 17.1 39.9 51 20.9 3
Man-Serpent's Shield 146 - - - - 100 108 D - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(82) 80.75 33.25 45.6 17.1 31.35 48 19 2
Perfumer's Shield 139 - - - - 100 102 D - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(82) 74.10 33.25 33.25 15.2 33.25 45 18.05 1.5
Pillory Shield 148 - - - - 100 108 D - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(82) 77.90 43.7 21.85 36.1 43.7 50 19.95 3.5
Red Thorn Roundshield 146 - - - - 100 108 D - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(82) 76.95 30.4 39.9 35.15 35.15 47 19 1.5
Rickety Shield 146 - - - - 100 108 D - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(82) 70.30 27.55 22.8 32.3 32.3 46 19 1
Rift Shield 146 - - - - 100 108 D - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(82) 80.75 31.35 35.15 17.1 35.15 47 19 2
Riveted Wooden Shield 150 - - - - 100 112 D - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(82) 81.70 40.85 29.45 22.8 42.75 49 19.95 2
Scripture Wooden Shield 146 - - - - 100 108 D - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(82) 77.90 38 20.9 35.15 42.75 47 19 1.5
Shield of the Guilty 156 - - - - 100 108 C - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(82) 76.95 34.2 34.2 29.45 35.15 42 19 2
Spiralhorn Shield 156 - - - - 100 102 D - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(82) 71.25 33.25 37.05 37.05 30.4 44 19 2

Elden Ring Small Shields Max Occult Upgrades

Quick Search of All Small Shields

Name Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Cri Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst Wgt
Blue-White Wooden Shield 157 - - - - 100 112 D - - - D - 85 45 35 22 42 53.90 21 2
Buckler 148 - - - - 100 108 E - - - C - 74 30 30 16 30 49.50 19 1.5
Gilded Iron Shield 162 - - - - 100 118 D - - - D - 88 40 38 17 51 56.10 22 3
Ice Crest Shield 162 - - - - 100 118 D - - - D - 87 57 41 18 35 56.10 22 3
Iron Roundshield 162 - - - - 100 118 D - - - D - 88 42 42 18 42 56.10 22 3
Man-Serpent's Shield 153 - - - - 100 108 D - - - D - 85 35 48 18 33 52.80 20 2
Perfumer's Shield 146 - - - - 100 102 D - - - D - 78 35 35 16 35 49.50 19 1.5
Pillory Shield 155 - - - - 100 108 D - - - D - 82 46 23 38 46 55 21 3.5
Red Thorn Roundshield 153 - - - - 100 108 D - - - D - 81 32 42 37 37 57 20 1.5
Rickety Shield 153 - - - - 100 108 D - - - D - 74 29 24 34 34 50.60 20 1
Rift Shield 153 - - - - 100 108 D - - - D - 85 33 37 18 37 51.70 20 2
Riveted Wooden Shield 157 - - - - 100 112 D - - - D - 86 43 31 24 45 53.90 21 2
Scripture Wooden Shield 153 - - - - 100 108 D - - - D - 82 40 22 37 45 51.70 20 1.5
Shield of the Guilty 164 - - - - 100 108 D - - - C hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(45) 81 36 36 31 37 46.20 20 2
Spiralhorn Shield 164 - - - - 100 102 D - - - D hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(45) 75 35 39 39 32 48.40 20 2



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    • Anonymous

      I will be using them for style regardless, but I agree it is a shame they don't seem to have much of a niche.
      I'd really dig longer active parry frames or quicker recovery, maybe a slightly more graceful animation,
      which also helps denote that there is a difference.
      I'd then also love to see stuff like parrying daggers and curved swords, cause dual-wielding is even more stylish.

      • Smithscript Shield and Shield of Night have the locations of their attack and defense values swapped (it should be Defense on row 1, Attack on row 2, like the others). I'd fix it but I dont know how.

        • Anonymous

          They took away one thing small shields are meaningfully good at and basically leave the entirely catergory useless unless you want more status resistance I guess.
          Even the weight is trivial when you can get a 3.5 weight medium shield that is better in every way and they can still use Carian Retaliation/Golden Parry for that sweet parry frame.
          They should have make the small shield more offensive leaning if this is the way they want to go about it, like others said, a quick bash, or even better, make Valorheart moveset from DS3 into a power stance moveset for small shield/straight sword combo.

          • Anonymous

            Why do some of these small shields look tasty? Iron Roundshield, Gilded Iron Shield, Man-Serpent's Shield, Ice Crest Shield, Rift Shield.

            Hope they add more small iron shields in the dlc of different yummy colors and effects like purple with boosted sleep resistance and green with slightly more stamina regen. :p

            • Anonymous

              There really should have been a quick shield tackle exclusive to small shields. Or a leaping shield slam like tree sentinel does. The biggest advantage of a smaller shield IRL is the ability to get around quickly while using it, but there aren't any exclusive small shield AOWs to go along with that.

              • Anonymous

                Carian Retaliation and Golden Parry negate small shield viability. If they had good Dexterity scaling and a critical animation then at least they could be used in a shield maiden style of play. But alas, their low weight and fashion are the only value they have currently.

                • Anonymous

                  Small shield block well when its used to block a single devastating attack that has no follow up in PvP, blocked Placidusax's nuke with small shield and take the window of attack immediately instead of running away

                  • Anonymous

                    Small shields have served a more aggressive purpose in the past with faster parrying frames compared to medium shields / weapon parries, this is accentuated more now with some increasing resistance to status. But y'know, one shield boosts all status resistance so just don't use any other lol.
                    I feel like with small shields being more geared towards light loading small arms builds, small shields should increase the speed of guard counters (same with 2 handed blocking). Guard counters are already very predictable and obvious, so it certainly wouldn't be broken.

                    • Small Shields feel bad in this game. In previous games they had the advantage of having the best Parry frames and lightest weight in exchange of the better defensive properties of Medium Shields. But Medium Shields can have Carian Retaliation applied to them, which means the only real advantage Small Shields have over Medium Shields now is lower weight, which is heavily offset by having lower defenses than Medium Shields. This means that in most cases, you would only use a Small Shield if you were purposefully min/maxing your Endurance and using the lightest Shield you can equip, meaning the Rickety Shield or maybe the Spiralhorn Shield if the status resistances are that important to you, with all other Small Shields just being suboptimal and not worth the weight until you reach the threshold where you have 100% Physical Block Medium Shields at 3.5 Weight. It's a reverse bell curve, where 15 of the 17 Small Shields are worse than some other Small or Medium Shield, because they all have the exact same parry frame data, so the only differences are passives (Spiralhorn is the best), weight (Rickety is the best) and defenses (Medium Shields weigh about the same at their lightest as the heaviest Small Shields and are better defensively across the board.) I understand that Elden Bling is a thing, but that's not really an argument against Small Shields being mediocre, as that is prioritizing Form over Function, which isn't the point of my comment. Buff Small Shields.

                      • Anonymous

                        When looking at the values for max level it has the Beastmans's Jar-Shield which is a medium shield listed in the top row

                        • Anonymous

                          they should buff all small shield to recover faster from a guard break ( 30% faster for example ) to be even worth any form of attention of non cosplayers….. absorb stats are too low and guard boost is absolutely trash… even 60 guard boost is unreliable in this game for mid-late game

                          • Anonymous

                            they let you put ashes of war with better frames than the buckler in a 100% medium shield with better guard boosts than some greatshields lmao
                            GOTY balancing btw

                            • Anonymous

                              Small shields are part of the strat to kill Rykard fast (poking is the best DPS in this fight and it's faster with a small shield).

                              • Anonymous

                                The Ashes of War system makes these much less relevant. In previous games, small shields were bad at blocking, but were excellent for parrying. But now I can get a great parry skill for my kite shield so....why use these? Maybe for the weight. Yeah, I think they might be worth it for a fast roll build.

                                • Anonymous

                                  Would be awesome if the max upgrade stats had a listing for guard boost, and not just the base form listings. Some shields seem to really catch up to others in terms of guard boost after a few upgrades, I just don't have the titanite to see how they compare past something like +6 right now. TBH wouldn't mind having guard boost listed in general for weapon stats, as there's a number of greatswords and ultra greatswords that have similar or better block stats than many small shields, for example.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    Now that you can put Carian Retalition on medium shields (which have 100% physical block, better guard boost, and only marginally higher weight and STR requirements) and get buckler level parries, small shields are basically invalidated. Considering that, I think they should give small shields full physical block or at least have them somewhere in the 90’s.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      I really think that other than parrying, small shields should have a useful effect.
                                      How about when used with a short sword or a dagger, giving a moveset similar to the valorhearth of ds3 ?

                                      • Anonymous

                                        Anyone know of any enemies that are good for practising the parry? I've never been all that great at it as far back as the first dark souls, The funny thing is though I had no trouble using the gun parry to set up visceral attacks in bloodborne. I was able to parry most enemies consistently so I don't entirely understand why I'm finding it this hard to do with a shield.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          There is an error in this table for the Iron Round Shield, but not on it's page
                                          It's physical defense is 71 not 55

                                          • Anonymous

                                            Missing spiral horn shield, found in Litruna of the lakes next to the walking monument. Closest to the ruined monument Sight Of Lost grace right below the lake you will see a purple item. That is this shield.

                                            It is a small shield that causes blood loos buildup. 8 str requirement, scales with e strength

                                            • I most recently played Dark Souls Remastered before this game so take this with a grain of salt. But I have found the small shield parry window to be MUCH more forgiving and reliable over medium shield parry. With medium shields I think you are better off guarding and then doing a heavy attack for a counter into a riposte.

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