Smithing Talisman

smithing talisman talisman elden ring shadow of the erdtree dlc wiki guide 200px
Weight 1.3
item effects icon elden ring wiki guide 55px 18pxEffect
Enhances weapon-throwing attacks by 10%

Smithing Talisman is a Talisman in Elden Ring. It is a brand-new Talisman in the Shadow of the Erdtree DLCSmithing Talisman enhances weapon-throwing attacks. Players can use Talismans in Elden Ring to boost a variety of Stats.


A talisman depicting an ancient smithing hammer. Inscribed with a smithscript. Enhances weapon-throwing attacks. In ancient times, smithing was a divine act, and blacksmiths interpreted the script they perceived in the wrinkles of molten steel to imbue weapons with souls.


Where to find Smithing Talisman in Elden Ring

Where to find Smithing Talisman:



Videos in Elden Ring for Smithing Talisman


Elden Ring Smithing Talisman Notes & Tips


Elden Ring Talismans
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    • Anonymous

      Honestly love the smithscript weapons, hope From continues to iterate on this concept in future games. Just wish the DLC added a smithing apron armor piece, like Hewg and the golems wear, that added an additional boost to them.

      • Anonymous

        too little of a damage increase to warrant using beyond limited gimmick builds, at least the divine beast one can be stacked, great job devs

        • Anonymous

          This might be a hot take, but i kinda wish this increased the raw damage of all smithscrip weapons by 10% not just the throw attacks.

          • Anonymous

            Can this get the Rellana's Cameo treatment? Something around 20% would feel so much better, as well as get rid of the pvp penalty. Throwing attacks aren't good enough to warrant a nerf.

            • Anonymous

              Does this talisman work on the Serpent-Hunter, the weapon that serves as both greatsword and spear? Thought to have been used to hunt an immortal great serpent in the distant past? A weapon symbolizing the moment when their master's heroic aspirations degenerated into mere greed, inspiring his men to begin their search for a weapon with which they might halt their lord?

              • Anonymous

                Pair this with the Two-handed Sword and Axe talisman, and suddenly the Spear of the Impaler's charged R2 becomes a sleeping giant of ****ing scary projectile weapons.

                • Anonymous

                  slap this on with the shard of alexander and a weapon infused with spectral spear and the blade of mercy along with the dagger talisman and you become THE dragon shredder.

                  • Anonymous

                    10% for a talisman with such niche use is oddly low. Golden vow can outperform it in all possible ways and it’s a buff. At least 17% would’ve been really nice but 10 is barely worth a talisman slot there’s two handed and axe talisman that have both 15% bonus that covers more attacks

                    • Anonymous

                      I agree with Arthurice this talisman is kinda mediocre for the weight. Also the usual 10% damage boost is just boring. Would be cooler if it changed your throwing attacks to target the head. Yeah I know this would be a nightmare to program and it probably wouldn't work on many enemies because implementation issues but y'know, something to think about.

                      • Is it just me, or is this thing just kind of "okay" for a Talisman? A 10% buff (that is reduced to 5% in PvP for some unknowable reason) on a Talisman that weighs 1.3, which is quite hefty for the effect provided. Like, Shard of Alexander also boosts an incredibly specific set of attacks, but the potential sample size is larger since it has more total attacks to buff, the boost is bigger (15%) with no online penalties, it weighs only 0.8, and it boosts the arguably best attack on your chosen weapon's move set for most weapons in the game, rather than a subset of specific heavy attacks on certain weapons. Like, why is this so heavy, or even why is the boost so middling for the weight? For new Talismans of similar weight, the Blade of Mercy gives a 20% (12% in PvP) damage boost for 20 seconds after executing a critical attack, which in PvE isn't that hard of a condition to apply, and it applies to any weapon in the game too. The Crusade Insignia is slightly lighter, and provides an extremely generic 15% (10% in PvP) damage boost whenever you kill any enemy, also for 20 seconds. The Axe Talisman provides the same boost to any weapon, with the stipulation being that you need to fully charge the attack to get the boost, and it's lighter and doesn't get nerfed in online play (thankfully.) It's like there were expecting the new Smithscript Weapons to be way stronger than they actually were (excluding that brief period where the scaling was obviously busted, like how did that get by testing?)

                        • Anonymous

                          Why this needed to exist at all rather than just rolling it into the arrow’s sting talisman I don’t know, but whatever.

                          • Anonymous

                            For some reason, this makes the eochaid's dancing blade do less damage. With it off got 1507 on Messmer Soldier, and with it on got 1465, I'd say needs more testing to confirm though.

                            • Anonymous

                              on standard (physical) infusion damage went 201>221, on magic infusion 130>143 so the 10% applies to both physical and elemental damage

                              • Anonymous

                                This talisman when tripple stacked with other sources of dmg is your bread and butter for Smith builds and help make them a viable ->strong weapon class.

                                • I tested it with the Spectral Lance. Usually 800-1K damage per lance, it can be up to 1.8K per lance hit (don't forget the crazy poise damage). Great talisman to bring down massive enemies.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    applies to spectral lance but not icicle spear? that's kinda weird but i guess ice spear is strong enough already lol

                                    • Anonymous

                                      How does this work? Does it only enhance the damage of charged heavy attacks? Does it increase the base damage of the smithscript daggers?

                                      • Anonymous

                                        Does this work on frozen needle??? Since you launch the literal ice blade if the rapier... I'm very curious

                                        • Anonymous

                                          Affects literally all weapons that have a "throw".
                                          This includes, but is not limited to:
                                          Smithscript Throwing Blades attacks and AoW.
                                          All Smithscript melee weapon's guard counter.
                                          Spears with throwing AoW like Ice Spear, or heavy attacks that throw it like Messmer's Impaler.
                                          Smithscript shield toss.

                                          • Anonymous

                                            I have no idea what the people claiming this is a Dark Souls reference are on about, but I am wondering if there's a connection between the smithscript forges and the fire giants. Because the Troll's Hammer also claims that smithing used to be a divine act in the past, and the Furnace Visage implies that the hornsent were familiar with the giants and their fell god.

                                            But then why are there no ruined forges anywhere in the Mountaintops? How would the giants or the trolls even fit inside them? And why does the Troll Hammer itself look and behave so different from every Smithscript weapon? There has to be something more to it that I'm missing.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              The item description is far more interesting than figuring out what weapons it does and doesn't work with. This could imply that Elden Ring takes place in the same universe as Dark Souls.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                " In ancient times, smithing was a divine act, and blacksmiths interpreted the script they perceived in the wrinkles of molten steel to imbue weapons with souls." Dark Souls ?

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  Just did some testing, it seems as though this doesn't stack with the charge attack talisman, but DOES stack with the two-handed sword talisman on throwing weapons that can be wielding in two hands (so likely not the throwing knives)

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    Threw a fully charged Messmer's Spear at a shadow dude for 1077 then equipped the talisman did 1553 damage so this seems to buff that weapon for those curious

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      Doesn't work on the lizard greatsword from my small amount of testing sadly. Technically not a "thrown" weapon but it basically plays the exact same for better or worse

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        Unfortunately doesn't work with Ancient Lightning Spear from Bolt of Gransax and also doesn't work with Ice Spear, since I guess those two are more "spell-like." As pointed out by another commenter, it DOES work with Spectral Lance (+10%).

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          This also works on the Smithscript throwing knives. Pair it with rotten winged sword insignia to make the most out of it.

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            Throwing Weapons have Damage Falloff. For around +7% at max Range equip Arrow Reach Talisman. Arrow Sting doenst work.

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              Seems to increase damage by ~10% in PvE. Tested on both the Smithscript Spear and Greathammer with charged and uncharged R2s.

                                                              Side note that damage falloff seems to make a big difference to your throw damage, along with some other random element I haven't identified yet, possibly different hitzones on enemy body parts (not headshots, but I assume they also deal increased damage).

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                Appears to be a ~10% damage increase to throws, didn't notice any changes to range or trajectory, that's usually changed by charging.

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