Spear Talisman

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Weight 0.5
item effects icon elden ring wiki guide 55px 18pxEffect
status effect 73 elden ring wiki guide 44px Increases thrusting weapon counterattack damage by 15%

Spear Talisman is a Talisman in Elden Ring. Spear Talisman increases thrusting weapon counterattack damage by 15%. Players can use talismans in Elden Ring to boost a variety of Stats.


A talisman depicting a spear and a soldier.
Enhances the counterattacks that are unique to thrusting weapons.

Spears are standard weapons for soldiers in the Lands Between.
They made it possible to respond to a ferocious foe with an equally ferocious counterattack.


Spear Talisman Effect

Spear Talisman increases thrusting weapon counterattack damage by 15%.

  • Counterattacks are attacks performed while the enemy is performing an attack animation, in which they receive 30% additional Pierce Damage (15% in PvP), the talisman further increases it by 15% multiplicatively.
  • Do note this is exclusive to Pierce Damage, any other damage type does not benefit from counterattacks.


Where to find Spear Talisman






Spear Talisman Notes & Tips

  • Does not enhance Elemental counterattacks.
  • Sell value: runes currency elden ring wiki guide 18 500
  • Damage is increased by thrusting weapons (spears, rapiers, etc.) when hitting an enemy that's performing an attack animation. Guard counters may work, but only if performed such that they strike the enemy while they are attacking, rather than recoiling from hitting the shield.
  • Spears and Thrusting Swords make great candidates for this talisman because they deal Pierce damage.
  • Bows and Crossbows also deal increased counter damage with this talisman.
  • Many other "thrusting" attacks count; what matters is the specific attack, not the weapon in general.


Elden Ring Talismans
Aged One's Exultation  ♦  Ailment Talisman  ♦  Ancestral Spirit's Horn  ♦  Arrow's Reach Talisman  ♦  Arrow's Soaring Sting Talisman  ♦  Arrow's Sting Talisman  ♦  Arsenal Charm  ♦  Arsenal Charm 1  ♦  Assassin's Cerulean Dagger  ♦  Assassin's Crimson Dagger  ♦  Axe Talisman  ♦  Beloved Stardust  ♦  Blade of Mercy  ♦  Blessed Blue Dew Talisman  ♦  Blessed Dew Talisman  ♦  Blue Dancer Charm  ♦  Blue-Feathered Branchsword  ♦  Boltdrake Talisman  ♦  Boltdrake Talisman 1  ♦  Boltdrake Talisman 3  ♦  Bull-Goat's Talisman  ♦  Carian Filigreed Crest  ♦  Cerulean Amber Medallion  ♦  Cerulean Amber Medallion 2  ♦  Cerulean Amber Medallion 3  ♦  Cerulean Seed Talisman  ♦  Cerulean Seed Talisman 1  ♦  Clarifying Horn Charm  ♦  Clarifying Horn Charm 1  ♦  Clarifying Horn Charm 2  ♦  Claw Talisman  ♦  Companion Jar  ♦  Concealing Veil  ♦  Conceiling Veil  ♦  Crimson Amber Medallion  ♦  Crimson Amber Medallion 1  ♦  Crimson Amber Medallion 2  ♦  Crimson Amber Medallion 3  ♦  Crimson Seed Talisman  ♦  Crimson Seed Talisman 1  ♦  Crucible Knot Talisman  ♦  Crucible Scale Talisman  ♦  Crusade Insignia  ♦  Curved Sword Talisman  ♦  Daedicar's Woe  ♦  Dagger Talisman  ♦  Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman  ♦  Dragoncrest Shield Talisman  ♦  Dried Bouquet  ♦  Enraged Divine Beast  ♦  Entwining Umbilical Cord  ♦  Erdtree's Favor  ♦  Erdtree's Favor 1  ♦  Erdtree's Favor 2  ♦  Fine Crucible Feather Talisman  ♦  Fire Scorpion Charm  ♦  Flamedrake Talisman  ♦  Flamedrake Talisman 1  ♦  Flamedrake Talisman 2  ♦  Flamedrake Talisman 3  ♦  Flock's Canvas Talisman  ♦  Furled Finger's Trick-Mirror  ♦  Godfrey Icon  ♦  Godskin Swaddling Cloth  ♦  Golden Braid  ♦  Golden Scarab  ♦  Graven-Mass Talisman  ♦  Graven-School Talisman  ♦  Great-Jar's Arsenal  ♦  Greatshield Talisman  ♦  Green Turtle Talisman  ♦  Haligdrake Talisman  ♦  Haligdrake Talisman 2  ♦  Hammer Talisman  ♦  Hosts' Trick-Mirror  ♦  Immunizing Horn Charm  ♦  Immunizing Horn Charm 1  ♦  Immunizing Horn Charm 2  ♦  Kindred of Rot's Exultation  ♦  Lacerating Crossed-Tree  ♦  Lance Talisman  ♦  Lightning Scorpion Charm  ♦  Longtail Cat Talisman  ♦  Lord of Blood's Exultation  ♦  Magic Scorpion Charm  ♦  Marika's Scarseal  ♦  Marika's Soreseal  ♦  Millicent's Prosthesis  ♦  Moon of Nokstella  ♦  Mottled Necklace  ♦  Mottled Necklace 1  ♦  Mottled Necklace 2  ♦  Old Lord's Talisman  ♦  Outer God Heirloom  ♦  Pearl Shield Talisman  ♦  Pearldrake Talisman  ♦  Pearldrake Talisman 1  ♦  Pearldrake Talisman 2  ♦  Pearldrake Talisman 3  ♦  Perfumer's Talisman  ♦  Prince of Death's Cyst  ♦  Prince of Death's Pustule  ♦  Radagon's Scarseal  ♦  Radagon's Soreseal  ♦  Radagon Icon  ♦  Red-Feathered Branchsword  ♦  Rellana's Cameo  ♦  Retaliatory Crossed-Tree  ♦  Ritual Shield Talisman  ♦  Ritual Sword Talisman  ♦  Roar Medallion  ♦  Rotten Winged Sword Insignia  ♦  Sacred Scorpion Charm  ♦  Sacrificial Twig  ♦  Shabriri's Woe  ♦  Shard of Alexander  ♦  Sharpshot Talisman  ♦  Shattered Stone Talisman  ♦  Silver Scarab  ♦  Smithing Talisman  ♦  Spelldrake Talisman  ♦  Spelldrake Talisman 1  ♦  Spelldrake Talisman 2  ♦  Spelldrake Talisman 3  ♦  St. Trina's Smile  ♦  Stalwart Horn Charm  ♦  Stalwart Horn Charm 1  ♦  Stalwart Horn Charm 2  ♦  Starscourge Heirloom  ♦  Taker's Cameo  ♦  Talisman of All Crucibles  ♦  Talisman of Lord's Bestowal  ♦  Talisman of the Dread  ♦  Twinblade Talisman  ♦  Two Fingers Heirloom  ♦  Two-Handed Sword Talisman  ♦  Two-Headed Turtle Talisman  ♦  Verdigris Discus  ♦  Viridian Amber Medallion  ♦  Viridian Amber Medallion 1  ♦  Viridian Amber Medallion 2  ♦  Viridian Amber Medallion 3  ♦  Warrior Jar Shard  ♦  Winged Sword Insignia

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    • Anonymous

      My question is, if i have a flame art infused spear for example, would this increase the fire damage deal or just the physical portion?

      • Anonymous

        oh leo ring, not only do they ruin you by taking away more than half your counter damage, now they took away your personality by attributing it to generic soldiers instead of a named character for memorability

        • Anonymous

          Absolutely nutty on something like a Heavy Cleanrot Knight's Sword with Quickstep, I've never actually tried this build until very recently and now I fully comprehend and understand why I've seen so many people use and berate this setup both in videos and in game, the Counter Hit mechanic become really problematic when you can't strafe Thrusting Attacks due to them having nearly perfect tracking. Stuff like the Halberd is fine, you can strafe the running attacks really easily, but Thrusting Swords are in a completely different league.

          • Anonymous

            For those wondering, yes, it does work very well with Milady, naturally, and is particularly cool to land the Wing Stance R2 with the right timing. Obviously it can be difficult to pull off since WS takes a second to even pull up (and you're talking about hitting a counter window, so timing is even harder when someone's pressuring you), so I wouldn't count on that for a PvP build, but it's extremely satisfying in PvE. Lots of enemies have longer attack animations that they can get locked into, and the reach on that flying R2 is deceptively far. With a bit of practice, you can get it down really neatly until it's just about second nature. Again, not really something I'd necessarily make a build for, but I've found it pretty viable in PvE, and I'm honestly pretty bad at this game despite... an embarrassingly high number of hours sunk into the game (not five digits yet, but I'm well on my way).

            • Anonymous

              It's mentioned extremely briefly above, but it's important to make super clear that elemental infusions are diminished with this talisman. Something like Siluria's Tree, for example, has mostly poking attacks, but its damage is split almost evenly between physical and holy, meaning it only benefits from the Spear Talisman for half its damage. Better to go Keen/Heavy/Quality if you want to use this.

              • Anonymous

                Amazing on weapons with both poking attacks AND hyper armor, like the Rusted Anchor, Lance, Claymore, and Zweihander. This means you don't have to evade every singe attack a boss does and can trade into weaker hits for huge damage.

                • Anonymous

                  So, piercing damage is what matters right? Not an actual thrust? Meaning this'll work on venomous fangs or flowerstone gavel?

                  • Anonymous

                    Once you get the hang of it, you can consistently get 50% extra with impaling thrust with ease because its speed means it’s easy to time your attack to land in the window.

                    Bosses which spam combo attacks like Radhan or Crucible Knights are so fun to destroy with counter attacks on impaling thrust.

                    Best combined with keen guardian swordspear for max damage or a heavy lordsworn greatsword for 15% lower damage, 10% higher stance damage and 10% higher crit bonus.

                    • Anonymous

                      Some numbers I got when testing counter damage against a crucible knight while was shield poking with the pike:
                      Normal R1 (without counter damage): 234
                      R1 with counter damage: 304
                      R1 with counter damage (with talisman equipped): 350

                      Counter damage increases the damage of the attack by ~30%
                      With the spear talisman equipped, the damage of the counter attack was increased by ~50%.

                      I had no damage buffs activated

                      • Anonymous

                        Does this stack with the War Cry AoW (and by proxy also the Roar Medallion and Highlander's Axe) since spear weapons get a thrusting attack with the altered heavies?

                        • Anonymous

                          Is a counter attack different than a guard counter? Curved sword tali gives 20% extra damage to the latter, regardless of weapon attack type

                          • Anonymous

                            how this works is when the enemy attack is able to deal damage to you in that portion of their attack animation.
                            you can evade that attack and attack at the same time either by jumping over theirs, just not standing where their attack will land either by their side or behind them or just out of range for them to hit you but you are able to hit them.
                            and the other strategy is trading blows either tanking the damage or using a shield to block their attack while you are able to attack from behind your shield.

                            it's probably the most optimal for spears or poking weapons with long range and the ability to poke from behind a shield, but it can still work with shorter and more nimble poking weapons.

                            • Anonymous

                              Do enemy attack startup frames count for counter attacks, or is this talisman active only during an enemy's attack active frames?

                              • Anonymous

                                It does not work with carian thrusting shield after testing. with talisman damage was the same as it was without. Which is odd since it deals pierce damage.

                                • Anonymous

                                  Pretty nuts with the 2-handed talisman. Combine with shard of Alexander and you can probably get one shot builds for PvP at least

                                  • Anonymous

                                    For those confused this simply increases the damage you deal when attacking an enemy that is in the animation of performing an attack.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      What am I doing wrong?
                                      Did this test: Godrick Spear Soldier attacked with Pike and without talisman: 373 damage, while in attack animation: 448 damage (+20%). If he is using his charged attack, it will be 373 damage.
                                      With talisman: the same numbers.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        So it is not the guard counter but litereally just any attack what can reach more early the enemies than their attacks?!

                                        So for this the enemy must to attack and you must to be faster! Many piercing attacks do actually this normally so you can easily attack faster.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          "Does not enhance Elemental counterattacks"

                                          I mean I was expecting this, but it makes my Lightning build very sad nevertheless.

                                          The Bolt of Gransax and Dragon King's Cragblade would like to speak with Mr. Zaki.

                                          • Anonymous

                                            Can someone make a vid on how to properly use this I don't see any dmg difference on this talisman after many experiments, i dont know what im doing wrong lol and i need help

                                            • Anonymous

                                              Does this work with all Pierce damage or JUST thrust attacks? For example, the lucerne does all Pierce damage but would this talisman affect the normal halberd r1 (downward slam), even tho it is not a thrust attack, but does do Pierce damage?

                                              • Anonymous

                                                the only talisman with the "[weapon class] talisman" naming convention that is actually good with the weapon class in question

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  This Talisman can be very strong. It does only apply on thrusting attacks while an enemy is in an attack animation. Many people think bc of the description calling it "counterattack" they mean the guardcounter but they dont.
                                                  Also it applies only on thrust attacks so the weapon is meaningless but the moveset is the important thing.

                                                  Tactic 1: Non spear weapons like Claymore and Zweihänder have a chargeable thrust attack and while the boost being procentual you get more value by using stronger weapons like the Zweihänder instead of spears. In combination with the
                                                  axe talisman(boosts charge attacks) the bonuses are stacking making the damage incredebly high. Its slow so u have to use big attack windows like if a dragon breahs fire. In humanlike battles u will surely stagger the enemy out of their attack
                                                  animation so just make sure to hit first but in their animation.

                                                  Tactic 2: Spear+shield combo. U wont stagger the enemy but u will block the arriving attack by the enemy and can still do attacks bc u can do attacks while blocking with the shield. Just wait for the attack and then poke it. Just need a lot of stamina.

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    This is a terrible talisman. Most peircing moves don't even count. Peircing weapons ussually have very little poise, so your hits arn't gonna flinch them out of their attack, meaning your just trading damage. 15% just isn't worth getting smacked in the face

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      maybe a weird question but does giants hunt count as a thrust attack, if so... does this talisman affect it?

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        I noticed while puttong this on my character that it was lowering the AR of my weapons by 1-2 points. I'm switching between equipping and unequipping it and it is indeed lowering the AR directly. 242 dropped to 241, 287 dropped to 285. Can anyone else confirm that their AR is getting lowered by this talisman, even if it's a negligible amount?

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          Is it worth using this with a standard clayman's harpoon? Especially when it will only boost the physical portion?

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            This is very good against Malenia if you use a heavier thrusting weapon (I used the Commander's Standard).
                                                            Beat her without summons on the first attempt after getting wrecked on every other playthrough.

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              so exactly how are you supposed to use this talisman in PvE?
                                                              the only three ways i can come up with without trading blows and getting hit in the process is
                                                              1 using a shield and poke from behind the shield,
                                                              2 outrange their attack while yours hit,
                                                              3 using quickstep or bloodhound step around their attack and hit them during it.

                                                              the shield poke is kinda a crutch and you don't want to do that too much anyways because it lowers your damage.
                                                              outranging enemies is not always an option but it does work well for spears most of the time.
                                                              being forced to use an AoW just to get some negligible use out of the talisman seems a little much.
                                                              and since most thrust weapons don't deal that much poise damage it's not exactly like you can interrupt the enemy from hitting you.

                                                              is it something i'm missing here in regards to the PvE usability of this thing?

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                Does this effect the counter attack damage of non-thrusting weapons? Like does it directly buff counter attacks, i.e. Pierce Damage weapons. I'm pretty sure things like the Rusted Anchor and Beast Jaw can get the Counterattack bonus, but I'm not sure if this talisman works on them because of how this page is worded.

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  Pierce damage in general seem to work well with this talisman. Running the Rusted anchor with wild strikes AoW, Jumping attacks, and good timing everything gets shredded

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    Does this work with the Raptor Talons? been trying to test wether or not those claws deal piercing damage with the jumping heavy attacks but I can't figure it out for the life of me.

                                                                    • I Dont understand why they dont nix this or slam it with a item changing nerf, and instead give this kind of all-the-time bonus from a talisman to Weapons that are all around lackin effectiveness. Instead they give the literal damage buff talisman to a weapon that is already having trouble staying within balanced parameters................. Give a talisman like this instead to Regular Axe's, say, or Regular Sized Hammers, Whips even. Weapons that actually need this talisman. It would open up so many more build options.

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        normally crossbows are pretty crap but with this and arrow's sting you can get some ok damage out of them.

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          The Endure meta will ensure we see lots of people using this Talisman. Lances/Thrusting Swords are godly now.

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            This is fantastic for a greatshield and spear turtle strategy in PVE. Just don't turtle in PVP. Players are smarter than regular NPC enemies, and there are plenty of ways to get around turtles.

                                                                            • Addressing the questions on this comments section:
                                                                              1) Piercing damage is a type of physical damage; it can be dealt by any melee weapon's thrust attack (even the piercing damage type is not stated on the weapon's in-game description) or by arrows, great arrows, and bolts.
                                                                              2) A counter attack is damage dealt to a target while it is either in the frames of an attack animation or in the recovery frames for said animation; during said window, the target's piercing damage resistances will naturally be reduced by 30%.
                                                                              3) This talisman reduces a target's resistance to piercing damage during a counterattack window by an additional 15%, stacking multiplicatively with the natural 30%, yielding a total decrease of 49.5% of said target's piercing damage resistance during a counterattack window.
                                                                              4) This talisman only boosts piercing damage (i.e. physical damage), and therefore any elemental damage dealt by the thrusting attack or projectile will not be affected by the talisman's modifier.

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                "does not enhance elemental counterattacks" 1. Why? 2. Does that mean it wont work on a bow shooting fire or lightning arrows?

                                                                                • I tested it on a Troll with a Pickaxe 1H R1 and only attacking the legs.
                                                                                  Regular is 151 damage.
                                                                                  Counterattack (attack during the Trolls attack) is 196 damage, which is 29,8 % more damage.
                                                                                  With the Spear talisman it's 225 damage, which is a 49 % increase. So 19,2 % increase compared to the regular counterattack.

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    I'm assuming this works with "Piercing Fang" and "Impaling Thrust" ashes? If you are using them with a spear it would be more beneficial to use over "Shard of Alexander"?

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      Use this with pickaxe and the jump attack equipment and you can deal 2k or more damage at lvl 80 with no other buffs start on or two shooting bosses up to morgott

                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                        Mixed reports on the merits of this talisman in PvE. On testing I found the vast majority of my activations of this talisman are on trading with an enemy or boss. It's true that humanoid enemies wielding normal weapons are much more susceptible to counterattack damage, but that doesn't discount how useful this can be for the right builds. If you go high Vigor/Endurance and slap on some heavy armor and health/damage negation talismans, your trades even with bosses will be monstrous, especially with great spears and heavy thrusting swords. Except with Malenia, obviously.

                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                          We can't even get the Lordsworn's Spear(speculative name) and yet it features on this talisman along with the soldier who wields it.

                                                                                          With this and stuff like the Troll Knight's Sword not casting Carian Phalanx as a skill, among countless other examples, Fromsoft is really rubbing it in with enemy-only equipment.

                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                            With 2 naginatas I catch poke people and it does very good damage. Just make sure they don't have buttloads of poise, vigor, and something that can one shot you. So what I'm saying is when I'm doing this I have plenty of poise and vigor myself. All it takes is catch em normally once sometimes twice.

                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                              In PvE this is really good with royal knights resolve for crouch poke trading using a greatsword. Outside of trading it's nearly impossible to make use of this as PvE enemies are not vulnerable during recovery frames. Fantastic for little enemies that charge.

                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                It has very picky timing from my tests it requires you to deal damage during the exact time an enemy's attack is 'hot' or meaning dealing damage. Some weapons such as daggers or whips have very small opportunity windows and thus are very chancy and rare to counterattack against meanwhile a colossal sword has a wide attack window.

                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                  Anybody able to test if this actually works on the Square Off R2?
                                                                                                  It is a poke after all and chances are you actually poke someone (at least in PvE) while they are doing stuff, considering it puts most enemies into a soft stagger.

                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                    I’ve tested this with multiple weapons using the description provided and it doesn’t work at all. Same damage with an attack during an enemy attack animation.

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