Staff of the Avatar

staff of the avatar colossal weapon elden ring wiki guide 200px
attack power elden ring wiki guide 18Attack
Phy 113
Mag 0
Fire 0
Ligt 0
Holy 73
Crit 100
guarded damage negation elden ring wiki guide 18Guard
Phy 73
Mag 45
Fire 45
Ligt 45
Holy 57
Boost 52
attribute scaling elden ring wiki guide 18Scaling
Str C
Dex E
Fai D
attributes required elden ring wiki guide 18Requires
Str 34
Dex 8
Fai 24
Colossal Weapon Strike
Erdtree Slam FP 19
Wgt. 20.0 passive effects elden ring wiki guide 18Passive -

Staff of the Avatar is a Colossal Weapon in Elden Ring. It depicts an ancient appearance of the Erdtree. The Staff of the Avatar scales primarily with Strength, Dexterity, and Faith and is a good Weapon for those who want a STR/FAI hybrid melee build. 


Ceremonial staff depicting the Erdtree in its historic radiance. Wielded by the avatars who protect the Minor Erdtrees.

The avatars, emerging in the wake of the Elden Ring's shattering, were determined to protect the withering Erdtree's offspring.


Where to Find Staff of the Avatar in Elden Ring

The Staff of the Avatar weapon can be found at the following location:


Elden Ring Staff of the Avatar Notes & Tips

  • Weapon Skill: Erdtree Slam
  • This weapon cannot be infused with Ashes of War
  • Can't be buffed by Magic or Consumables
  • Staff of the Avatar can be upgraded by using Somber Smithing Stones
  • This staff is the signature one Erdtree Avatars use all throughout the game.
  • Sell Value:  er runes 13500
  • 1092 dmg on +10 with 99 all stats, highest from all unique weapons.
  • NOTE: As of Patch 1.08Colossal Weapons poise damage has been reduced. 
  • NOTE: As of Patch 1.09, the scaling values of this weapon were changed. Please refer to the Upgrades Table of this weapon below.
  • Other notes and player tips go here


Moveset & Videos in Elden Ring for Staff of the Avatar


Staff of the Avatar PvP Poise Damage Values in Elden Ring

Patch 1.10 adjusted PVP Poise Damage of all Weapons including some Spells and Incantations. Please take note that these adjustments are exclusive to PVP.

One-Handed Attacks

  • 1H R1 (1/2/3 Attacks): 576/403.2/403.2
  • 1H R2 (1/2 Attacks): 612/612
  • 1H Charged R2 (1/2 Attacks): 1478.4/1478.4
  • 1H R1 Jumping: 576
  • 1h R2 Jumping: 976.8

Two-Handed Attacks

  • 2H R1 (1/2/3 Attacks): 748.8/524.16/524.16
  • 2H R2 (1/2 Attacks): 795.6/795.6
  • 2H Charged R2 (1/2 Attacks): 1584/1584
  • 2H R1 Jumping: 748.8
  • 2h R2 Jumping: 1082.4


Staff of the Avatar Upgrades in Elden Ring

Please see the Upgrades page to understand the weapon bolstering process.

Requires regular reinforcement with Somber Smithing Stones.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Staff of the Avatar Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Standard 113 - - - 73 105 C E - D - - 73 45 45 45 57 52 26
Standard +1 129 - - - 83 115 B E - D - - 73 45 45 45 57 52.52 26
Standard +2 145 - - - 94 126 B E - D - - 73 45 45 45 57 53.04 26
Standard +3 162 - - - 104 136 B E - C - - 73 45 45 45 57 53.56 26
Standard +4 178 - - - 115 147 B D - C - - 73 45 45 45 57 54.08 26
Standard +5 194 - - - 125 157 B D - C - - 73 45 45 45 57 54.6 26
Standard +6 211 - - - 136 168 B D - C - - 73 45 45 45 57 55.12 26
Standard +7 227 - - - 147 178 B D - C - - 73 45 45 45 57 55.64 26
Standard +8 244 - - - 157 189 B D - C - - 73 45 45 45 57 56.16 26
Standard +9 260 - - - 168 199 A D - C - - 73 45 45 45 57 56.68 26
Standard +10 276 - - - 178 210 A D - B - - 73 45 45 45 57 57.2 26


Elden Ring Colossal Weapons
Anvil Hammer  â™¦  Axe of Godfrey  â™¦  Bloodfiend's Arm  â™¦  Devonia's Hammer  â™¦  Dragon Greatclaw  â™¦  Duelist Greataxe  â™¦  Envoy's Greathorn  â™¦  Fallingstar Beast Jaw  â™¦  Gazing Finger  â™¦  Ghiza's Wheel  â™¦  Giant-Crusher  â™¦  Golem's Halberd  â™¦  Great Club  â™¦  Prelate's Inferno Crozier  â™¦  Rotten Greataxe  â™¦  Rotten Staff  â™¦  Shadow Sunflower Blossom  â™¦  Troll's Hammer  â™¦  Watchdog's Staff

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    • Anonymous

      Approaching 2600 hours in this game and at least 1000 of those have been spent smashing with this. Love the look, love the feel. And with 1.14 crouch-smash buff, never felt better.

      • Anonymous

        Seems this things aow can be used to ez safemode stunlock any tarnished sized npc/invader in the game? Just smoosh them into the dirt and repeat when they stand up. Enough time to drink flask in-between? They cant really hit you while your in the air

        • Anonymous

          Best looking and most satisfying sound design (really sells the sheer heft and bludgeoning power) of any weapon in the game, IMO.

          Holy may be situational, but Strike is one of the best damage types in the game and is resisted by very few enemies. Gets an A in Strength and a B in Faith—finally, a weapon that outdamages the Golden Halberd I’ve been rocking all game. Crazy high poise and stagger damage too. I even loved it before the Colossal patch, but now it’s easily my favorite STR/FAI weapon in the game.

          • Anonymous

            In the dlc, if enemies aren't immune to holy damage this will become the one of if not the strongest weapon to use in the dlc.

            • Anonymous

              would be the strongest weapon in the game in terms of pure damage if not for the fact that nearly everything resists holy

              • Anonymous

                Even golden vow ash of war would’ve been better than butt slam. I once butt slammed right on to a giants hunt L2... Golden land would’ve been ideal and holy ground would’ve been very interesting on a great hammer.

                • Anonymous

                  Death Bird: "Oh boy, I sure do enjoy having -40 Strike and Holy absorption on this lovely evening. Good thing neither of those damage types exist."
                  Staff of the Avatar user: >passes time to nightfall menacingly

                  • Anonymous

                    not a bad option if you enjoy high level bracket pvp (200 range) because of the high scaling on multiple stats, letting you easily clear 1000 damage per swing

                    • Anonymous

                      the ash of war should have a lingering aow, like ordovis's vortex or smough's buttslam in ds1 so it isn't completely useless in pvp. overall though, fantastic weapon.

                      • Anonymous

                        it would be metal if this thing could cast erdtree incantations. Like i know that sounds SUPER far fetched, there would need to be a ton of custom animations made for it, but it just sounds neat.

                        • Anonymous

                          you know you're in the wrong timeline when this, of all weapons, doesn't even have Golden Land on it as a skill

                          (i know you can get the AoW close to the weapon, but it's just so much easier & quicker to upgrade somber weapons rather than regular ones)

                          • Love this weapon! Found it on my first playthrough, I was using Claymore and Grafted GS -- immediately ditched them. At 66 STR/40FTH, Axe talisman, Holy clutch ring, Holy & Charge physick this thing hits like TRUCK. 2000 dmg on fully charged heavy and can stagger almost anything in 2-4 fully charged heavies. Kinda drops off in the end game though with almost every boss being strong vs holy but still I think this baby is one of the best weapons in the game

                            • Anonymous

                              Long essay for pvp: People can jump attack this ash of war. They can also jump attack your r1s. You also can’t use a missed swings to bait a trade since hyper armor doesn’t protect you between swings. On the plus side this is the only collosal weapon that actually does solid damage. Oh but it will still lose the trade to stitcher/lance/ crouch poke thrusts, status builds, jump attacks and pretty much every L2 in the game. The back step attack is really good though and nobody expects it... but the back step attack won’t change HTK against meta builds. Basically it will take two back step attacks to count for a regular hit. And most meta builds will take 4-5 htk when regen and near death tear etc. Guard counters pancake people and nobody knows the timing or even expects you to block with it. Two handed has more stability than most great shields at the cost of chip damage. Curved sword talisman goes far on it, but blocking is never an optimal strategy for any weapon. Though a guard counter does count as double damage for total HTK. Have misercorde or dagger for the final hit, running r2 makes people panic into the next one. I like two handing this on my left hand and keeping dagger with I splint thrust on my right hand. So when it’s time to chase them down I still have the hammer ready. The hammer is too slow to crack a shield user so have impaling thrust for them. Golden vow ash is also a solid choice.

                              • Anonymous

                                I love the look of this weapon so, so much. It's a real shame that its AoW is Erdtree Slam instead of Golden Land, because Erdtree Slam is practically impossible to use in PvP.

                                • Anonymous

                                  I remembered when this thing was almost unusable, but now it had become my favorite bonk stick in the game.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    The second part of the "where to find" section is incorrect. It is dropped from an erdtree avatar near that grace but it has nothing to do with Hyetta's quest, Leyndell or the sewers. That grace is in the Siofra Aqueduct and the erdtree avatar that drops this weapon is fought in the Deeproot Depths.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      I couldn't quite settle on a weapon for my strength/faith build until I found this. One shotting clueless enemies with a jumping heavy attack never gets old.

                                      • This weapon is quite good for most builds using Malikeths Black Blade, at least in the context of a Faith build. This has worse faith scaling, but it’s also a good source of Strike damage even if Malikeths has a higher AR overall. This also has better reach with your regular attacks.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          Incredible weapon for Paladins. The buttslam is a little bit ridiculous but imagine you are a pro wrestler. This weapon scales so great with STR and FTH that you will turn heretics into fleshy pink pulp. Also does a lot of Poise damage. The closest to Grant or Morne's Great Hammer. Im upgrading it alongside Giant Crusher to compare.

                                          • Anonymous

                                            With the weapon art fixed, the buttslam is now wonderful for dealing with trash mobs. The AOE is actually quite large and can oneshot rat swarms. Whatever it doesn't kill will also likely get staggered, it staggers both Crucible Knights in the Ordovis fight.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              As of the new patch; both the Staff of the Avatar and Rotten Staff seemed to have had their weapon arts fixed.
                                              +9 Rotten Staff WA on 53 STR two handed(If that matters) did around 1000 damage to a Raya Lucaria Sorcerer. I can finally use these and Im psyched.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                I think the Weapon Art damage was fixed in the 3/16/22 patch. It's now doing 1.5-2x what a basic light attack with it does for me.

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  Disappointing weapon for Str/Fai builds. Slow, heavy, crappy weapon art. With how much it weighs, you would hope that it would outperform the Golden Halberd.

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    Disappointing weapon for Str/Fai builds. Slow, heavy, crappy weapon art. With how much it weighs, you would hope that it would outperform the Golden Halberd.

                                                    • the weapon skill for the few colossal weapons that use it: "Erdtree Slam," is now fixed and does a really nice amount of damage (staff of the avatar, rotten staff).

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        The weapon art has to be one of the many glitches things to be patched.. no way they intended the "strongest ground slam" to do 80 DMG and stagger a lil more than a normal slam

                                                        • Less damage than the golden halberd or giant crusher, slower to swing. Am I missing something? Was really hoping the weapon art would be that OP spell that all the Avatars seem to have.

                                                          • The Stats:

                                                            You need: Str:34 / Dex:8 / Fai:24

                                                            +Level / Phy / Hol / Sca (Str/Dex/Fai)

                                                            +0 / 113 / 73 / (C/E/D)
                                                            +1 / 129 / 83 / (C/E/D)
                                                            +2 / 145 / 94 / (B/E/D)
                                                            +3 / 162 / 104 / (B/E/C)
                                                            +4 / 178 / 115 / (B/D/C)
                                                            +5 / 194 / 125 / (B/D/C)
                                                            +6 / 211 / 136 / (B/D/C)
                                                            +7 / 227 / 147 / (B/D/C)
                                                            +8 / 244 / 157 / (B/D/C)
                                                            +9 / 260 / 168 / (B/D/C)
                                                            +10 / 276 / 178 / (A/D/B)

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              Bugged weapon art, and poor scaling/base damage that makes it worse than the Golden Halberd which you can obtain barely minutes into the game. Worthless.

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                The weapon art on this must be bugged, it does about 10% of the damage of the normal ground slam weapon art, even with all of the requirement to wield the weapon.

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  The weapon art does about 10% of the damage of the normal slam weapon art, unbelievably weak. I have proper stats to wield to weapon. Anybody else having this issue or have any idea why it is so weak?

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    The weapon itself actually seems pretty solid, I can't complain about the range or the damage, but the "weapon art" (forgot the real name) seems near useless. "This is the most powerful of all the Ground Slam skills" but it hits for 70 on a common enemy. I really don't get the point of it

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