Tree Sentinel Armor is a Chest Armor in Elden Ring. Tree Sentinel Armor is part of the Tree Sentinel Set Armor Set, and is a heavy, high poise set worn by the Tree Sentinels. Tree Sentinel Armor is an armor piece worn over or around the player's torso to obtain an increase of defense and resistance. It also changes the appearance as well when it is equipped. Some armor pieces may be available to both genders but may be slightly different for male and female characters.
Golden armor of the heavy cavalry Tree Sentinels who serve the Erdtree.
Adorned with a cape featuring the mark of the sacred tree.
Imposingly sturdy and nigh unbreakable, the grace of old yet lingers.
Where to find Tree Sentinel Armor in Elden Ring
The Tree Sentinel Armor Chest Armor can be found at:
- Obtained by solving a puzzle in Auriza Hero's Grave. [Elden Ring Map here]
See the Tree Sentinel Set page for a guide on how to attain the set.
Tree Sentinel Armor Set in Elden Ring
- Tree Sentinel Armor is a piece of the Tree Sentinel Set
- The rest of the set is composed by the Tree Sentinel Helm, Tree Sentinel Gauntlets, and Tree Sentinel Greaves.
Elden Ring Tree Sentinel Armor Notes & Tips
- Sell Value:
- Can be altered to Tree Sentinel Armor (Altered)
- Poise Updated to patch 1.07
Elden Ring Tree Sentinel Armor Gallery
- Anonymous
If you're looking for a less bulky/more subtle headpiece to match with this, I suggest the Leyndell Soldier Helm. Doesn't fully cover your face, no, but the color scheme and even the patterns on the helm seem to match the armor. Try it out.
- Anonymous
Looks awesome with the Horned Warrior greaves and gauntlets, helps compensate for the goofiness of the Fire Knight helm
- Anonymous
Shoutouts to the highest poise chestpiece that doesn't look goofy as ****.
- Anonymous
This is my favorite chest armor. Solid poise. Excellent fire resist. Not too heavy. Doesn't look like Blaidd on a bad hair day. Int, faith, arc, str, dex, this chest piece does it all.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
If you're looking for a good heapiece with this, D's helm looks pretty good on it
- Anonymous
This need a buff or veteran armor need a nerf, Veteran armor has 9 more poise than this with the same weight.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
My Favorit it looks awesome and one of the best armor in the game.
- Anonymous
Can be found at Auriza Hero's Grave but its hard to get. One of the best armor.
- Anonymous
My Favorit it looks awesome and one of the best armor in the game.
- Anonymous
Can be found at Auriza Hero's Grave but its hard to get. One of the best armor.
- Anonymous
My Favorit it looks awesome and one of the best armor in the game.
Think the description is meant to be grace of gold not old. Idk how to fix.