Winged Serpent Helm is a Helm in Elden Ring. It is a brand new Helm in the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. Winged Serpent Helm is not a part of a set. Winged Serpent Helm protect the player's head by applying various defensive properties, it also changes the appearance as well when it is equipped. Some armor pieces may be available to both genders but may be slightly different for male and female characters. This helm is a good selection for builds focusing on Fire Knight Skills.
Helm of Kood, captain of the Fire Knights. A winged serpent perches atop it. Enhances Fire Knight skills. The winged serpent is the token creature of Messmer's military forces. It is a wise friend which keeps the base serpent at bay and holds its power in check.
Where to find Winged Serpent Helm in Elden Ring
The Winged Serpent Helm Helm can be found at:
- Shadow Keep: Sixth Floor: Climb the statues once you've used the lever to move them. Head outside, turn right and head up the stairs, turn left to the bridge which leads to Messmer boss fight, the Fire knight is right before and drops this item and Ash of War: Flame Spear. [See Shadow of the Erdtree Map] [Video Location]
Elden Ring Winged Serpent Helm Notes & Tips
- Winged Serpent Helm is associated with the Fire Knight Set.
- Enhances Fire Knight skills by 10% which includes Flame Skewer, Flame Spear, Flare, O Serpent, and Messmer's Assault
- Sell Value:
- Other notes and player tips go here
Videos in Elden Ring for Serpent Helm
- Anonymous
Looks surprisingly decent with the Veteran's Set. Probably goes good with the other Banished Knight related stuff too.
- Anonymous
If this buffs Flare O Serpent, what part of the AoW exactly gets buffed? Just the flat damage from activating it or the explosion when doing a ground slam attack?
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Messmer's Assault buffed by Rotten winged sword insignia, Millicent's Prothesis, Shard of Alexander and this helm. Chef Kiss**
- Anonymous
Does this boost the Fire damage given to your weapons after using Flame Skewer/Spear?
- Anonymous
The passive is frankly ridiculous, a further 10% damage boost that stacks with Shard of Alexander, yeah it only affects 2 skills but those skills are amazing and worth building around. Flame Spear is a projectile with Hyper Armor that is a great roll catching tool, and Flame Skewer is also good at roll catching and does even more damage since it's a two part skill, and even has an opportunity to true combo an R1 off the second hit if you whiff the first then they walk into the lingering hit box.
- Anonymous
I can't for the life of my find any chestpiece that matches this shade of metal, Bloodhound's comes the closest but isn't quite there, why does an alternate helmet for the fire knight set not at least match it in colour
Swap the effects of this helmet with the fire knight helm and you'll see 0 complains about it
- Anonymous
disappointing it doesn't boost the fire part of Moon-and-Fire Stance
- Anonymous
Does increasing my character's head size make this helmet any bigger? I don't mind the tint mismatch, but it looks like it shrunk in the wash.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
This plus That plus These with Those equals ultimate drip, if you equip the Catwalk talisman that increases damage with Fashion you can One Pose most bosses.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
FromSoft casually making one of the best looking helmets in the game as an option for the Fire Knight... actually, all the Fire Knight helm options are very good aesthetically. Price Master & Snailhead have their niches.
- Anonymous
This + Bloodhound chest and gauntlets + vagabond greaves = top tier bling
- Anonymous
I like this with the Carian knight set. also I wish this effected Rellana's fire portion of her weapons skill.
- Anonymous
Looks good, decent stats AND boosts already great ashes of war by a good amount. Praise the serpent!
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
this helmet, armor of solitude, briar gauntlets (the roll damage is surprisingly useful), young lion's greaves, bull goat talisman = exactly 101 poise
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
This helmet looks incredible with the Sanguine Noble Robe, Blackflame Monk Gauntlets and the Oathseeker Knight Greaves, my personal favorite drip
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Winged Serpent Helm + Shard of Alexander + Godfrey Icon + charged Flame Spear = bonkers damage.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
" Enhances Fire Knight skills by 10%. " <= Can we have all the skills involved ?
- Anonymous
"wearing this item during the fight with messmer the impaler keeps the base serpent at bay and holds its power in check" could someone please elaborate on what that does? does it make the serpent weaker?
- Anonymous
Lot of demon's souls-y stuff in this DLC. Demon's Souls is a PS exclusive. You know what ELSE is a PS exclusive?
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
this + leda’s armor + rellana gloves + black knight greaves
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Literally the penetrator helm but with messmer’s snake on top. 10/10
- Anonymous
Literally the penetrator helm but with messmer’s snake on top. 10/10
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Why is there always something on top of them helm, would be much cooler without it.
- Anonymous
Not matching tint on helm might seem weird but I think it was intentional design. Fire knight armor has the same tint on gloves and all fire knight weapons have this metal tint too.
- Anonymous
one of the coolest helms ever, goes insane with the entire bloodhound knight set
- Anonymous
I think the absolute coolest combo with this helmet is
-Winged Serpent Helm
-Twinned Armor
-Raging Wolf Gauntlets
-Nox Greaves
The Nox Greaves look absolutely AMAZING here too
- Anonymous
Goes surprisingly well with Gideon's/All-Knowing chest armor
- Anonymous
Winged Serpent Helm
Haligtree Knight Armor (looks good in either form but i prefer it altered)
Fire Knight Gauntlets
Bull-Goat Greaves
looks great on a holy build while also having some pretty good poise
For the fashion fans who're looking for matching armor:
- Bloodhound Knight armor
- Messmer's armor
- Briar armor
- Leda's amor
- Veteran's armor (really clean with the matching dragon motifs)
- Twinned armor
- Ronin's amor
- Vagabond Knight amor (my personal favorite)
- Anonymous
For the fashion fans who're looking for matching armor:
- Bloodhound Knight armor
- Messmer's armor
- Briar armor
- Leda's amor
- Veteran's armor (really clean with the matching dragon motifs)
- Twinned armor
- Ronin's amor
- Vagabond Knight amor (my personal favorite)
- Anonymous
Winged Serpent Helm
Bloodhound Knight Armor
Blackflame Monk Gauntlets
Nox Greaves
Looks pretty good
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Does this work on the fire weapon buff you get from using the skills
- Anonymous
I swear they make every armor set a different tone of metal making really hard to match pieces
- Anonymous
the most painfull thing about this helm is how almost imposible is to make it macht anything else.
I wish it was just a bit more silver/grey, so it would fit perfect the fire knight set
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Am i the only one who struggles to find a match for this helmet's metal color? it doesnt even match the actual fire knight armor, if you remove the red cape and let both metals be next to each other they reaaaally dont match at all, also this cape seems to spawn its elongated neck cover in armors where it probably shouldnt
- Anonymous
not a perfect match, but fits well with the night's cavalry set if youre looking for a slightly less ridiculous looking helmet.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
this helmet looks so dark souls 2 to me idk how else to describe it, like it wouldnt look out of place in ds2 at all
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
this + Horned Warrior Armor + Fire Knight Gauntlets + Scaled Greaves + Fire Knight's Great sword
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
This thing looks really dope with the Carian Knight Armor. The bronze is just about the same as the bronze draped around the shoulders.
- Anonymous
"keeps the base serpent at bay and holds its power in check." is surely simply here for the lore, but as an ophidiophobic it had a placebo effect against Messmer and really helped me
If only this helmet didn't have the bronze (?) tint to actually match with the rest of the fire knight armor...
- Anonymous
A little winged serpent (glowing golden) appeared atop of the helmet while i was fighting the main boss of the DLC (to avoid spoilers), is that a mechanic of the helmet or just happens in said boss?
- Anonymous
fits perfectly with the black flame monk set. the tinge of the metal is the exact same
- Anonymous
Would be cool if there was an option to remove the ornament on top of it
This plus the rest of the Fire Knight set gives you just enough Poise to tank the one handed light attack of a Dagger. If using a Colossal Sword (like the Fire Knight's Greatsword) alongside the Bull-Goat's Talisman, you have enough Hyper Armor Poise to trade with the two handed light attacks of almost all Great Hammers, the exception being the Black Steel Greathammer which has marginally increased Poise damage across the board compared to other Great Hammers, you'd need 46 Hyper Armor Poise to trade into that.
- Anonymous
This helm combined with Fire Knight Set (as intended) has a nice design that parallels the mascot armor/Raging Wolf set.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I dont even care about the stat boosting, it just looks so clean
- Anonymous
Its the knight guarding Messmer boss who drops it, just teleport to his grace and go down stairs
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
10% damage boost to Flame Skewer and Flame Spear ash of wars
- Anonymous
Probably my favorite helm in the DLC