PoisonStatus Effect 「doku」 毒 |
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Effect | Inflicts damage slowly over a long period |
Mitigated by | Immunizing Cured Meat Immunizing Horn Charm |
Cured by | Neutralizing Boluses Cure Poison |
Resistive Stat | Immunity |
Poison is a Status Effect in Elden Ring. Status Effects are various buffs or ailments that apply either a beneficial or detrimental effect to the target. Status Effects can be applied on both enemies and players alike. Status Effects are triggered after a buildup meter is filled by repeated application of attacks that cause the effect. Both players and enemies can have varying resistances to a given Status Effect.
Elden Ring Poison Guide
Poison is a status effect that builds up through repeated application of the effect. Poison is inflicted via various means including Weapons, Skills, Spells and Consumables. The poison build up of weapons can be influenced by the Arcane stat if they have it. Once the Poison meter is filled, the effect is triggered and the target is dealt damage slowly over a long period.
Note that the higher your Immunity is to Poison, the longer it takes for its gauge to fill.
Poison Effects in Elden Ring
Poison causes small amounts of damage every second and lasts for a very long time or until removed.
- There are two main categories of Poison; regular Poison and Deadly Poison. Generally speaking, the latter will do a concentrated, slightly higher DPS but for a shorter duration (and overall less damage in total).
- The benefit of Deadly Poison is it allows the buffs from Mushroom Crown, Poisoned Hand
, and Kindred of Rot's Exultation to be triggered more often rather than after the standard 90 seconds of regular Poison.
- Poison Moth Flight and The Poison Flower Blooms Twice will remove procced poison from the enemy regardless of which kind of poison it is.
- The benefit of Deadly Poison is it allows the buffs from Mushroom Crown, Poisoned Hand
- Poison inflicts differing levels of damage depending on the weapon used. For most weapons, it inflicts (0.07% Max HP) + 7 per second for 90 seconds, for a total of (6.3% Max HP) + 630 damage over its full duration.
- For the Serpentbone Blade, Venomous Fang, Tooth Whip and Deadly Poison Perfume Bottle, Deadly Poison inflicts (0.14% Max HP) + 14 per second for 30 seconds, for a total of (4.2% Max HP) + 420 damage over its full duration.
- For the Fetid Pot, Roped Fetid Pot and Hefty Fetid Pot, Deadly Poison inflicts (0.14% Max HP) + 12 per second for 30 seconds, for a total of (4.2% Max HP) + 360 damage over its full duration.
- Some enemies that cause poison build-up inflict it for (0.42% Max HP) + 18 per second for 30 seconds, for a total of (12.6% Max HP) + 540 damage over its full duration.
- Poison Spraymist has a stronger, unique form of Deadly Poison that inflicts (0.21% Max HP) + 21 for 30 seconds, for a total of (6.3% Max HP) + 630 damage over its full duration. This unique deadly poison is stronger than Scarlet Rot.
- Some Arcane-scaling poison weapons may be more effective at poisoning an enemy. For example the Serpent Bow will cause poison to build up more rapidly with a higher Arcane stat. But the resulting damage is the same.
- Poison effects can be mitigated by raising the Immunity stat. Immunity can be raised by adding points into Vigor. It can also be boosted temporarily by using Consumables such as Cured Immunizing Meat.
Elden Ring Poison Effect on Players
This section lists information pertaining to the Poison effect and its relation to Players
Elden Ring Poison Effect on Enemies
This section lists information pertaining to the Poison effect and its relation to Enemies and Bosses.
- Anonymous
the problem with poison is that it scales with arcane so bleed is usually just flat out better, and since poison is pretty quick to proc, it's optimal to switch to a different weapon for more damage per hit or one with a different infusion once procced instead of using the same poison infused one. this kind of discourages pure poison builds as continuing to use the poison only weapons will net you less damage.
what they should do to make poison weapons more appealing is to encourage more aggressive play. make it so that each hit with a poisonous weapon increases the damage of the next tick of poison damage. this could be shown with a colour change to the damage bar/numbers each time you trigger the effect to make it feel better too. they could also make it so that the bonus damage gained this way is affected by the poison build up of your weapon, so you can still benefit from using slower/heavier weapons with poison instead of light ones being the best for spamming this.
I love poison and the other damage over time effects in these games but it really should be a little more interactive than "proc and swap to something stronger"
- Anonymous
Funny how ppl say poison is weak. I put it on weapons with bleed and the amount of pressure & dmg stacks makes my build incredible against everything especially those annoying little invaders. Poison is 4 legendz only
- Anonymous
Make no mistake - poison is not weak. I'm making a blood+poison build for helping tarnished in coop, and I have a poison great katana and blood antspur rapier, with both exultation talismans. I have range with the katana, and when something needs the big cheese™, I pull out the antspur. I keep a blood venom fang in the pocket for burst damage. You can take a breather and the damage is still going. Invaders will be put to rest well enough though, as the long range pokes poison them quickly, if they keep attacking their health will wear down, if they back off and try to get a bolus they'll get catched quickly and rotted-poisoned-bled. Recommend this build. I started as dex only with a keen pest's glaive & poison armament, poison mist. Works great, give it a shot, young tarnished
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
In my humble (and probably wrong opinion) poison for the most part isn't worth using unless you're using the FBT AoW. Instead just go for bleed, and if you have to add another status, go with cold
- Anonymous
The best Poison build in the game for builds not focusing on Poison would be applying Drawstring Poison Grease and throwing Poisonbone Darts, in PvE it's simply alright while in PvP it can be kind of obnoxious due to the amount of status pressure something like a Thrusting Sword can apply in conjunction with an easily spammable projectile that is incredibly hard to punish, like seriously it's not even funny throwing darts are super good in PvP it's insane, why does nobody talk about it?
- Anonymous
Poison is **** for mobs, it worth it a little for bosses only. Few times I witnessed a mob dies by poison, it happens rarelly when the enemy HP is in 2% then it dies before I give the last hit. Ok, better than nothing, you can be saved by 1 less hit but I don't know why I would make a build focused in poison unless I don't plan to fight, just poison enemies stealthly or do it and run way repeatedly until the enemy dies, what would be perfectly doable in open areas but not in closed arenas. Other good strategy I can imagine would be poisoning a enemy and cancel the poisoning with the moth AoW to deal a big amount of delicious damage then keep poisoning/canceling the poisoning + big damage repeatedly. **** for poison immune enemies of course.
- Anonymous
There is an almost complete overlap between mobs that can be bled and those that can be poisoned. Its a debuff that compliments a defensive playstyle in contrast to bleed, but is juxtaposed by the need to play aggressively to apply the debuff in the first place.
- Anonymous
Poison is too weak compared to scarlet rot, it should lower the enemy's attack and defense instead or hurt their stamina bar. (PVP)
- Anonymous
I wish the poison was still purple or at least one of the variants was. I always liked the noxious dark purple cloud look from dark souls.
Since it seems really clear that a lot of people still don't know about the super duper poison secret, here it is; Venomous Fang (claw weapon from Caelid) does buildup of "deadly" poison, which is whole lot of "meh". Putting a poison infusion on it though, and it's still going to proc the deadly poison but with the duration of normal. The total damage of this over 90 seconds is 1260 + (12.6% max HP). As it's also a non-somber weapon, you can throw on some rot grease for a combined total output of 2610 + (28.8% max HP) over 90 seconds. 2-hand it, do the hokey pokey, and that's what it's all about.....
- Anonymous
Poison wouldve been better if it prevented pve's stance bars from recovering (pve) and reduced stamina regen by a significant amount (pvp) so that it would be more distinct of a status ailment.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
After testing it appears poison from swamps do a flat 8.04 damage per second for 180 seconds (1448 damage in total). I tested this at two different health thresholds and lost the same amount of health at both. I tested this at the weeping peninsula poison swamps as well as the dlc poison swamp.
- Anonymous
Poison Infused Dryleaf Arts packed with Poison Flower Blooms Twice Ash of War = Bleed that can be procced at will.
Just use the Poison Bottle on your offhand for mobs since they do little damage otherwise they'll die too fast and keep Poison Hand (unupgraded, still works) on your off hand when fighting bosses for the buff.
I'm having a lot of fun on NG9, this rivals Bubble Build in terms of unique, weird fun.
- Anonymous
Do poison and deadly poison stack or share the same build bar?
- Anonymous
The Poison inflicted by Poison Spraymist (0.21% max HP) is better than scarlet rot inflicted by weapons (0.18% max HP), but worse than rot inflicted by incantations (0.33% max HP)
- Anonymous
I wish there were more options for poison, we have like 10 spells for ice and bleed, but only 1 for poison
- Anonymous
i wish poison would be more viable, like, its cool, but it sucks and the fact from make every boss almost strong against it and making so many enemies also immune to it... like man, it already is bad, stop killing my poor boy, let us be an annying poison swamp too
- Anonymous
Any info on the Deadly Poison Perfume Bottle’s Deadly Poison?
- Anonymous
So whats the point of using this when rot exists? Serious question
- Anonymous
Whats the total damage inflicted by a poison infused venomous fang?
- Anonymous
For spirit ashes with poison damage, Jarwight and Haligtree Soldiers should be put on the list, as both throw poison pots.
- Anonymous
The Godskins are listed among both vulnerable and immune bosses. Which is it?
- Anonymous
There are a total of 44 weapons that inflict hemmorrhage, with 28 of them being infusable. And only 3 that inflict poison, with one being a goddamn bow and the only infusable option being a fist weapon. Not to mention poison is the weakest status effect in the game as of now, apart from PvE madness/deathblight. I pray for at least some poison weapon variety in the DLC, this is so sad
- Anonymous
Gonna try and beat the game using only fart build. I call it, the Elden Stink build.
- Anonymous
making a poison build from the ground up must be hell in this game
- Anonymous
Just reading this forum. Have another look at poison moth flight. It makes poison a hybrid bleed/rot. Some people want all the burst of bleed and all the dot of rot, without valuing the benefit of having both burst and dot. The strength of poison is the ability to add a dot, the pop the dot for hp% burst damage, then quickly re-apply the dot to activate Exultation talisman and mushroom crown. Self-poison+cure is more manegable and less taxing than seppuku. Poison has so many tools that apply poison so very fast, and at every range. One or two 45 Arcane serpent bow, serpent arrow mighty shots seem to poison several bosses immediately at long range. Coiled shield doesn't even require arcane to quickly deliver deadly poison at midrange. Poison moth pops the dot for 5%maxhp burst + 250, while doing damage of a weapon AR heavy with added + 25% with a range close to punish (you can only use it to punish in pvp, but you want to range-close punish the bolus attempt). This is on top of the %HP dot that is running until you pop it. The ability to repeatedly pop and refresh for the 20% damage exultation talisman boost, plus the many ways to apply it, the fact that it applies so quickly and that the ranged options are so strong in their status amounts, and the and the fact that it can nearly keep up with normal rot dot while also doing all of these things makes it much better than some comments suggest. PS - yes, there is strong rot. Ekzykes and Scarlet Aeonia are pretty vulnerable and also often dunked on for this reason.
- Anonymous
For Ash of war poison mist, poison effect lasts much less than 90". Probably 40". Better off poisoning enemies with poison knives or serpent arrows
- Anonymous
Poison may be worse than scarlet rot, but it is more accessable and versatile!
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I think they could have made all instance of poison « deadly poison », and it still wouldn’t have been unfair, when stuffs like bleed and rot exist. The shorter duration would also have synergized better with the rot exultation.
- Anonymous
what they need to do is to allow multiple stacks of poisons...with each 15 in arcane stat the user have, they can add a stack of poison to double/triple/quadruple the effect...all it needs is to be harder to proc...like 35% less status build up and allow you to stack it...it would be more viable to infuse a weapon with poison for mid-late game...since we already know...poison build up is pointless if you can't apply it.........................it's never gonna be busted this way and it'll be certainly be better outside of low level characters..................it would be fun to have actual poison themed spells...i still dream of a poison mage pleague doctor build...let's hope they think about the potential poison could have if they finally make it right..................................just think of all the damage you lose uppon using poison infusion/enchants? all this wasted damage output should be brought back as poison damage............imagine you lose 70dmg on your weapon because it's poison infused...and then remember you can't buff it....take this 50-250dmg wasted into poison damage and there we go! finally fun to use!
- Anonymous
I think the way I'd rework poison would be to lower its damage and shorten the active time but in return make it take less buildup to proc and let it stack with itself (which would reset the active timer). Rot is always going to be the go-to "sit back and watch your enemy die slowly" status so I'd love for poison to be a more proactive status that forces you to keep up the pressure to make full use of its potential
- Anonymous
Are albinaurics immune to poison? I've tried poison mist on the Mohgwyn albinaurics. I've tried serpent bow and arrows on the albinauric archers in Ordina. It doesn't seem to be proccing.
- Anonymous
what if you wanted to make a cool poison build for pvp, but god said neutralizing boluses x99
- Anonymous
You got poison normal stuff lasts a while
Venom/Deadly poison the strong stuff lasts less but twice as deadly usually applied by a jar that venoms/deadly poisons you as well.
Then you got the perfume which is essentially ds2 poison more dangerous than rot.
- Anonymous
this better then bleed and frost in some cases, against light load roll spammers it's the best since you can still damage from the poison as some times the effect still connects.
- Anonymous
If poison had some kind of extra effect that wasn't pure damage it would be much more viable. It's not *useless* but pales in comparison to pure damage or a status effect like bleed and frost which can do all of poison's damage at once. Something like reducing enemy resistance/damage/stamina/stance regen would make it worthwhile. Or if they just gave the player character the damaging clouds that every other NPC gets so it's both direct damage and over time.
- Anonymous
First: why is poison so incredibly weak
And second: why is incantation poison (and rot) stronger? Faith is already OP.
- Anonymous
You also have a weak poison type that doesn't do %MaxHP but fix damage per proc.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
tfw your opponent only has a few seconds left, lose hope and give up trying to fight
- Anonymous
I feel like poison is seriously underrated in pvp. People either ignore it, and you get free chip damage, or they try to cure it immediately. If they go for the latter, you can usually get a free hit using a ranged attack or with a weapon that's good at chasing people down.
- Anonymous
Accidental likes by missing the replies link. I want to retract it. My enemies want me to retract the poison mwa ha ha ha.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
They knew poison was so bad in this game, for the enemies that use it, they had to give them a strong damage tick while you're in the cloud.
- Anonymous
DS2 was the only one where poison wasn't completely useless.
- Anonymous
Whats the name of those things in the dragonbarrow that spew poison and have a one shot grab attack where they scream in your ear? Those are missing
- Anonymous
This page still states Coil Shield as dealing regular poison, but update 1.07 made it do deadly poison
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Elden Beast is missing from Poison Immune bosses. Even though that should be obvious to us gamers as it is a god lol
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Does poison help you keep the poise damage up or not ? Would be helpfull on some bosses
- Anonymous
Omen are missing from the list of enemies vulnerable to poison. Even in the shunning grounds and Leyndell catacombs they go down easily from two of the three poison types available to the player and it doesn't take much for it to kick in. I haven't tried poison spraymist on them.
Also," banished knights (late game)" shouldn't be on the immune to poison list, they are not immune to it. I've been using poison arrows on the same knights at Farum Azula every time I reset or die. I don't know how anyone could mistake them for being immune to poison when it's pretty much the opposite. They don't even have a high resistance to it. Serpent and poisonbone arrows work just fine on them.
- Anonymous
I would like to ask if anyone knows a way to apply something like poison without dealing any damage.
For example can you ally the effect with the parry skill on enemys.
I want to know since I'm doing a run with only the soljars of fortune and want a pacifist way of getting them without cheating.
- Anonymous
As a fun extra bit of info: If you use the Pest/Kindred of Rot spirit ash you can buff its damage by poisoning something near it.
- Anonymous
I think that would be great if regular poison could stack up to 2-3 times with timer reset
It would make Kindred of Rot's Exultation be more consistent and also adds up into rogue / warlock fantasy
And also I'd like to see more poison self-inflicting tools
- Anonymous
I've had a quick look at the comments but only as far as August. Someone asks if deadly poison and poison can be inflicted at the same time with one reply saying yes another saying no. I don't have an ARC build I do use serpent and poisonbone arrows also poisonbone darts for additional damage but whenever if tried to proc poison with the poisonbone arrows on an enemy I've already poisoned with serpent arrows it doesn't seem to take, definitely no miasma to show it's worked and no HP bar ticking down. Can anyone who knows for sure say for definite one way or another?
- Anonymous
Poison is easy to proc against big health pool enemies and makes kill them faster like using black fireball in order to decrease their hp. In pvp, it may be a nuisance because it's a slow hp burn but it's still very effective as a pressuring tool. If you're making a status effect build then poison is one of the reliable tools to apply.
- Anonymous
good for pressuring in pvp and then punishing if they try to use a bolus
- Anonymous
Is it possible to trigger deadly poison when target is already poisoned with regular one?
Asking for a friend
- Anonymous
The Elden Ring Reforged mod adds a nice little effect to Poison that I think is really interesting: it reduces your status resistances for the duration. It tweaks other stuff, but just adding the resistance debuff to Poison would be a cool addition for the base game/future FromSoft titles - makes Poison stand out as something more than just a weaker Toxic/Rot.
- Anonymous
average scarlet rot over poison debater vs average just use both fan
- Anonymous
investing arcane for extra poison buildup is mostly pointless, its scaling should be improved to give arcane builds another outlet besides bleed.
- Anonymous
Although poison does partially scale with the enemy's HP, that flat +7 in the formula makes much stronger on enemies with smaller amounts HP. Or to think of it another way, unfortunately poison becomes less useful as you progress further into the game.
For example, the total poison damage against:
3,000 health: (7 + 0.0007 * 3000) * 90 = 819 (27.3%)
10,000 health: (7 + 0.0007 * 10000) * 90 = 1260 (12.6%)
20,000 health: (7 + 0.0007 * 20000) * 90 = 1890 (9.45%)
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Right now I'm on a playthrough of a character who is a Status build (so they make use of Poison, Bleed, Scarlet Rot, Frost and Madness), for the most part I've been using Poison now and it's proven to be pretty useful. The DoT isn't much, but it's plenty to eat away at boss health bars while they don't allow you to attack them due to either aspects of certain fights or due to their aggression. Also the Poisonous Mist AoW does a very good job at getting Poison procs.
A good use that I found for it was against bosses with adds, against O'Neil I Poisoned him right away and dealt with the crossbow men he summoned, between the time I got the Poison proc and the last of his first wave of summons was dealt with he had lost almost 1,000 HP. The other big thing that I found was that the synergy with Scarlet Rot is HUGE, if you get both on your target they're taking an alarming amount of DoT.
My primary Poison setup is dual Poison Spears (Cross-Naginata and Spear, both +8), this gives you good reach to hit enemies to Poison them while still getting okay damage. I was able to shred Ghiza at RL52 thanks to that. Plus you get the amazing Spear power-stance moveset with the Cross-Naginata's superior light attacks.
Also there have been times where Poison strait up saved my ass by finishing off an enemy who was chasing me and could have probably killed me otherwise.
Another benefit to Poison is that the Affinity on either Strength/Arcane or Dexterity/Arcane builds that level the two stats evenly the damage reduction isn't that bad, typically about 7% if you're using a weapon that innately favors either Strength or Dexterity, hell some weapons lose very little AR when compared to Keen/Heavy, on a Dex/Arc build the Butchering Knife and Estoc only lose a single point of AR when using Poison/Bleed as opposed to Keen. Then there's weapons like the Iron Greatsword for Str/Arc which is STRONGER than Heavy at 45/18/45 (Str/Dex/Arc), and if two-handed outperforms Occult.
This does mean that Poison won't do much against smaller enemies as they'll likely die before they get Poisoned, however it also does mean that your damage output against bosses isn't crippled as much as it was in previous games (in DS2 it was more like 15% or more less AR).
Yes this also applies to the Bleed Affinity, but Bleed is broken at this point and somewhat cheap.
Overall from my experience so far Poison isn't as bad as it's made out to be, it's no DS2 Poison (the gold standard for Poison), but it's pretty good and doesn't feel ANYWHERE near as cheap as Bleed, I will say that it could use a slight buff. I just wish that there were more Ashes of War that gave weapons the Poison Affinity by default, I know that this becomes a non-issue when I can obtain the Black Whetblade, however I have to get through Radahn to obtain that, meaning that I'm stuck with Poisonous Mist and Poison Moth Flight until then. That is what I'd argue is the biggest thing holding Poison back.
- Anonymous
For those wondering I tested Poison and Deadly Poison today. I asked about getting my results double checked on the discord but… anyway…
Serpentbone + 24 and Poison Shamshir +24 with 25 Arcane on the Volcano Manor troll.
3 hits of either weapon proc’d poison. 10 for Sham, 21 per tick for Serpentbone.
2 hits of Sham + 1 Serpentbone yielded 21 tic poison. My other test was Poison Moth Flight which finalized the damage as 2377 for Poison and 2533 for Deadly Poison.
I’d test more but dealing with this community today has me close to uninstalling. Hope this helps someone looking to play with Poison. Also, fun fact, offhand Serpentbone combos surprisingly well after every second swing of the Shamshir.
- Anonymous
If I'm using two weapons, one with regular poison and one with deadly poison, how is it determined which kind will be applied ?
I don't think there are two separate bars so is it the swing that procs poison even even if i filled 99% of the bar with the other type ?
- Anonymous
For those of you complaining that Deadly Poison deals less damage than regular poison and suggesting that it's duration be increased to compensate, you seem to be missing the best part about Deadly poison. Since it only lasts 30 seconds it can proc the Mushroom Crown and Servant of Rot Exultation buffs much more frequently. Procing regular poison on an enemy gives the buffs for 20 seconds and then makes you wait over a minute before you can start applying it again vs deadly poison which only makes you wait 10 seconds.
This kinda makes the Serpentbone Blade a less OP Dex version of ROB that can be found a fair bit earlier in the game.
- Anonymous
There are a lot of subtle things that hurt poison. A number of weapons have inherent bleed and are infusable to get more bleed, but poison is almost never infusable. Bleed has special effects like bloodflame that keeps up the pressure even when you have to time your attacks in addition to dealing damage. The flies deal damage while poison mist only inflicts poison. All of this on top of taking a long time to deal moderate total damage. I would say that the build rate of poison should be higher for all weapons, poison moth flight should deal more damage than a bleed proc when it hits a poisoned enemy, deadly poison should have a longer duration so it deals the same total damage as poison but in less time, and the servant of rot incantations could use arcane scaling on the dragon communion seal
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Wouldn’t it be cool if poison reduced flask healing by 50%? Just saying…
- Anonymous
Poison does seem generally weaker than Rot- scarlet rot typically has higher damage, which is just more convenient. But what could be neat is if it had a similar effect to Toxic in Dark Souls, maybe reducing stamina regeneration by 20% so it has PVP value, and making enemies slightly more poise breakable.
- Anonymous
Poison is seriously disappointing as a status in this game, seriously if you can use Scarlet Rot in a situation instead you will almost always use Rot over poison, and maybe use poison if you can stack it on top. The spells for poison are very underwhelming too, and there's barely any weapons with innate Poison, even Deadly poison is meh because it last for so little.
Maybe Poison should have some kind of effect so it isn't just weak Rot, like maybe lowering non-physical defenses, or gives an attack debuff, something to make it worth using, or at the very least give us more variations in ways to apply it. Like Moth Flight is a good start, next could be a weapon that has the exultation effect when inflicting poison, or something!
- Anonymous
is it possible to inflict both regular and deadly poison at the same time?
- Anonymous
I feel like poison should have a different effect to differentiat it from Rot/Toxic, maybe have it be more debilitating like debuffing AR and Defense more effectively than Frost.
- Anonymous
I feel like poison should have a different effect to differentiat it from Rot/Toxic, maybe have it be more debilitating like debuffing AR and Defense more effectively than Frost.
- Anonymous
I feel like poison should have a different effect to differentiat it from Rot/Toxic, maybe have it be more debilitating like debuffing AR and Defense more effectively than Frost.
- Anonymous
Made a debuff/poison assassin character, been having a lot of fun running around and using poison mist to whittle everything down. Once I get the scarlet rot spell its gonna be over for these mfers in the Lands Between
- Anonymous
Does poison do anything for hitting cap? Or does it only do the dot and buildup
- Anonymous
Did some testing on the banished knight outside of the Dragon Communion Church in Caelid
Poisonbone Darts, Poison Pots, Poison Mist (Incantation) and Poisoned infused weapons will deal 8 damage per tick
Poisonous Mist (the ash of war) deals 10 per tick
Poison Spraymist (the perfume) deals 25 per tick, but I have a feeling this one is a shorter duration than the others. (Deadly Poison)
- Anonymous
Does deadly poison take priority over regular poison? IE one weapon that does regular and another that does lethal while powerstancing
- Anonymous
Poison should have a slow debuff, so we add "slow" status to the game and buff poison same time.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Is there a list of "deadly poison" Weapons?
I only know serpentbone blade and venomous fang.
But claw range is so **** I have trouble with some bosses, it's like their collision box is bigger than their hit box. It's so annoying.
- Anonymous
Poison is inferior to scarlet rot, but can be stacked alongside it for extra damage. You’ll notice when you see an enemy’s health tick down twice in a second.
- Anonymous
There actually seems to be some kind of motion value going on with poison buildup. Golem's Poison Halberd +25, 60 arcane, buildup: 192
R1 did not instantly proc poison on my friend, he said it brought him to about 75% iirc.
After the buildup was fully drained, I hit him with a fully charged, warcry-augmented R2 that instantly procced poison on him (it also killed him lol).
We did not test any other attacks.
I had Axe Talisman and Roar Talisman, though I doubt they had any effect on the poison buildup I still thought I'd mention it for posterity.
- Anonymous
I feel like poison needs to be modified. Maybe not make it as damaging as scarlet rot. But instead poison could apply a damage debuff to those afflicted by it. That way it is not ignorable. This could buff turtle builds considerably but it would make poison stand out and see more use.
- Anonymous
So I do not understand why poison spray mist is such a ridiculous outlier not only among the other poison weapons but also Scarlett rot.
For reference,
Deadly poison is better than normal poison. This is because even though it has a shorter duration its damage is twice that of normal poison so in the same 90 seconds deadly poison will do twice the damage.
Scarlett rot is better than deadly poison in the same 90 seconds.
Deadly Scarlett rot is better than deadly rot in the same 90 seconds.
Finally and very strangely Poison Spray Mist specifically is the best in the game in the same 90 seconds. It is also far more effective if the bosses are at lower Health values. With the highest base tick damage of any DOT in Elden Ring.
I just don't understand...
- Anonymous
Pretty useless mid to end game as scarlet rot is just better.
- Anonymous
For easy comparison I calculated the damage per tic of each poison with numbers of max hp at 500,1000,2000 and 5000 in that order.
normalpoison: 7.35 - 7.7 - 8.4 - 10.5 (90sec)
Poisonous mist ash of war: 8.5 - 9 - 10 - 13 (40sec)
fetid pot: 12.7 - 13.4 - 14.8 - 19 (30sec)
serpentboneblade/Venomousfang: 14.7 - 15.4 - 16.8 - 21 (30sec)
Poison spraymist: 22.05 - 23.1 - 25.2 - 31.5 (30sec)
Scarlet rot: 15.9 - 16.8 - 18.6 - 24 (90sec)
Deadly Scarlet rot: 14.65 - 16.3 - 19.6 - 29.5 (90sec)
I haven't done player testing but I have a few assumptions.
1)Normal poison and deadly poison can't be stacked.
2)With whatever formula you initiate the poison proc, its duration bar can be contributed by any other poison. If I am right on this then by initiating the proc with either a fetid pot or poison spraymist then maintaining the duration with any normal poison infused weapon you can achieve damage like deadly poison or scarlet rot.
- Anonymous
what weapons/spells apply deadly poison? and does poison stack with rot or even other type of poison? Like can you apply both poison and deadly poison at the same time?
- Anonymous
How does the game manage dual wielding different poison types? Such as offhand Venomous Fang and main hand poison infused sword?
Is the applied poison based on whichever weapon procced it, Or does it default to stronger/weaker poison?
- Anonymous
Needs to either 1) Stack X times or 2) deal 0.25 (up from 0.07) of max health per second to have any meaningful effect in both pve and pvp. Poison thematically and as a game mechanic is actually well implemented, but like always FS fails to balance the damage. It is way low and seriously needs a buff.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
if there's a game with poison and you can't stack it, is it even poison???
It's actually kind of crazy that Poison is as strong as it is in PvP. You think I'm trolling? No, you know that phantom hits exist and apply status through rolls, the difference between something like Poison and something like Bleed is that Poison doesn't get absorbed by rolls like Bleed does. Frostbite at least still applies it's Negation debuff, but Poison DOES DAMAGE. Enough damage that it forces your opponent to eat a Bolus to not lose over half their life over the span of a minute and a half, which opens up two opportunities for you: either play aggressive to not allow your opponent to consume a Bolus and force them to take the Poison damage, or bait your opponent into eating a Bolus to then punish them for doing so at an unsafe time, for example by using a projectile. Either way, even if you do nothing, you get guaranteed chip damage. Meaning even in the worst case scenario where both of you have stupidly high latency and can't land any attacks and you can't punish their Bolus uses, you will win all because of Poison procs slowly chipping them to death. And the difference between Poison and Scarlet Rot is ease of access, Poisonous Mist is an amazing Ash of War, Drawstring Rot Grease gives less application per swing and is a pain to obtain in large quantities, the only good Scarlet Rot weapon is the Antspur Rapier because it's buffable and fast, but unfortunately has short range for a Thrusting Sword. Poison can be put of anything, especially on Occult weapons that can get both Poison AND Bleed to have the best of both worlds, sustained chip in high latency and great burst in low latency.