NPC Summons in Elden Ring are the summonable cooperator NPCs that can be available in a boss fight. These are different from Spirit Ashes and can be activated by using their summon signs that appear in gold. A number of NPC summons have been added since the 1.03 Patch. These are specific to each boss and may have conditions that must be met before they are available as a summon. These conditions could be simple or part of different questlines and may require you to find each NPC and exhaust their dialogue before they become available. When they become available, their sign will usually be visible just outside of the boss fog gates where they can be summoned. Below is the list of NPC Summons and the conditions required. 

Summoning an NPC will reduce the number of runes you get from killing a boss by 25% and will also increase their health as if you had summoned a co-op player. This may actually make the fight harder as NPC summons are not as powerful as players.

See also: 

All Summonable NPCs in Elden Ring

Click on the tabs to view all summons


Legend Boss Summons
Great Enemy Summons
Field Enemy Summons


Legend (Main Boss) Summons

Godrick the Grafted

godrick the grafted bosses elden ring wiki 600px

Nepheli Loux:
  • Locate her at her first location and speak to her three times or exhaust her dialogue to have her available to be summoned

Starscourge Radahn

starscourge radahn bosses elden ring wiki guide 300px

Witch-Hunter Jerren
  • Jerren joins in on the festival. His summon sign appears to become available towards phase 2 of the battle.
  • Speak to Blaidd at Mistwood. Ensure you are in good terms with Preceptor Seluvis for Blaidd's sign to be available. 
Iron Fist Alexander:
  • The Summon sign for this NPC will appear so they can participate in the Festival with no prerequisites
  • Summon Patches by sparing him during your first encounter at Murkwater Cave. Summon Patches for this fight and there is a chance he will leave without helping in battle. 
Great Horned Tragoth
  • Tragoth can be summoned to assist in the Starscourge Radahn boss battle if you have not assassinated him.
Lionel the Lionhearted
  • The Summon sign for this NPC will appear so they can participate in the Festival with no prerequisites
Bloody Finger Okina
  • The Summon sign for this NPC will appear so they can participate in the Festival with no prerequisites
Finger Maiden Therolina
  • The Summon sign for this NPC will appear so they can participate in the Festival with no prerequisites

Morgott the Omen King

morgott the omen king cutscene leyndell royal capital walkthrough elden ring wiki guide 600px

  • Progress in the Melina questline until she says that she is leaving. Her summon sign is at the top of the stairs on the right, in front of the fog gate. She wields the Blade of Calling and uses faith based Erdtree/healing incantations.
Dung Eater
  • Release him during his questline (tbc)


Fire Giant

fire giant 300px

Iron Fist Alexander:
  • Help Alexander out upon meeting him in Northern Stormhill. Progress in his questline and he will be available as a summon. Make sure he is not stuck in his first location or stuck South of the Carian Study Hall in Liurnia. His summon sign will be at the fog gate entrance close to the Site of Grace. 

Godfrey, First Elden Lord (Hoarah Loux)

godfrey first elden lord bosses elden ring wiki 600px

Nepheli Loux:
  • Speak to Nepheli at the Roundtable Hold after defeating Godrick the Grafted then speak to Gideon Ofnir and ask him about Nepheli. Complete her full questline which can be found here. Her final location will be at the Stormveil Castle Throne Room. Exhaust her dialogue there to unlock her as a summon. If she is not at the Throne Room, you may need to also complete the Kenneth Haight Questline.
  • During the Shabriri questline, you will need to embrace the frenzied flame. This will also affect your ending. Do not cure it with the needle given by Malenia. Do not kill Shabriri to be able to use his summon sign. 

Red Wolf of Radagon (Raya Lucaria)

red wolf of radagon

Sorceress Sellen

Great Enemy (Mini-Bosses) NPC Summons

Margit, the Fell Omen

margit the fell omen high bosses elden ring wiki 600px

Sorcerer Rogier:
  • His Summon Sign may appear without any prior conditions. You can travel to Castleward Tunnel directly after a new game and his summon sign will be available

Godskin Duo

godskin duo elden ring wiki guide 300px

Knight Bernahl
  • Can be summoned for the Godskin Duo fight in Crumbling Farum Azula. You can find his summon sign by starting at the Dragon Temple Transept site of grace and going up the narrow staircase.

Sorceress Sellen

sorceress sellen npc photo elden ring wiki guide 300px min

Witch-Hunter Jerren:
  • Progress in the Sorceress Sellen questline to eventually be given the option to side with Jerren or Sellen at the Raya Lucaria Academy Library. Both summon signs will be available at this point and choosing one will initiate a boss fight battle against the other. 


Witch-Hunter Jerren

witch hunter jerren npcs elden ring wiki 300px min

Sorceress Sellen:
  • Progress in the Sorceress Sellen questline to eventually be given the option to side with Jerren or Sellen at the Raya Lucaria Academy Library. Both summon signs will be available at this point and choosing one will initiate a boss fight battle against the other. 

Mohg, the Omen

mohg, the omen

Dung Eater:


Enemy (Field Bosses) NPC Summons

Flying Dragon Agheel

flying dragon agheel wildlife creature elden ring wiki guide 300px

Bloody Finger Hunter Yura
  • Yura will be nearby the Dragon boss fight. Speak to him first and he will mention the dragon. His summon sign will then be available nearby.

Demi-Human Chief (Coastal Cave)

demihuman chief boss enemy elden ring wiki guide

Old Knight Istvan
  • Ensure he is still alive to be able to summon him for this fight. 

Bloodhound Knight Darriwil

bloodhound knight darriwil boss enemy elden ring wiki guide



Leonine Misbegotten

leonine misbegotten

  • Begin the Irina questline and deliver Irina's Letter to Edgar to be able to unlock his summon sign during this fight.

Omenkiller (Village of the Albinaurics)

omenkiller enemies elden ring wiki 600px

Nepheli Loux

Tibia Mariner (Liurnia of the Lakes)

tibia mariner ground boss enemies elden ring wiki 300px

D, Hunter of the Dead
  • Speak to him first just outside Summonwater Village before entering and he will be available to help you during this fight. 


Black Knife Assassin (Black Knife Catacombs)

black knife assassin boss elden ring wiki guide

D, Hunter of the Dead

Commander O’Neil

commander oneil bosses elden ring wiki guide 300px

Polyanna (Millicent’s sister)
  • Progress in the Gowry /  Millicent storyline, her summon sign should be available for use near Inner Aeonia Grace. She is available to help you progress Gowry's quest.

Valiant Gargoyle / Valiant Gargoyle (Twinblade)

valiant gargoyle

D's Twin Brother:


Magma Wyrm Makar

magma wyrm makar boss elden ring wiki guide

Blackguard Big Boggart:
  • Begin the Rya and Boggart questlines until you can purchase the necklace and Boiled Prawns from him. Purchase it then exhaust his dialogue til his tone shifts and he tells you that he's never met someone with a taste for prawns he couldn't trust. 
Great Horned Tragoth
  • There are no conditions to his summon.

Godskin Apostle (Dominula, Windmill Village)

godskin apostle npc elden ring wiki guide 300px


Draconic Tree Sentinel

draconic tree sentinel boss elden ring wiki guide 300x

Great Horned Tragoth
  • There are no prerequisites to use his sign. His summon sign is on the path just downhill from the Statue of Marika


Black Blade Kindred

black blade kindred bosses elden ring wiki guide 300px



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    • Anonymous

      What NPC helps you with Maliketh? my 1st playthrough had a gold npc summon right near the entrance but i can't find any info on them.

      • Anonymous

        What NPC helps you with Maliketh? my 1st playthrough had a gold npc summon right near the entrance but i can't find any info on them.

        • Anonymous

          What NPC helps you with Maliketh? my 1st playthrough had a gold npc summon right near the entrance but i can't find any info on them.

          • Anonymous

            Targoth, nepheli or rogier shouldve been the solaire of elden ring where they helped you with more bosses. It wouldve been more emotional when you betrayed them or they died.

            • Anonymous

              Considering you can have 3 possible summons with Makar, can you summon them all at once or are they like furled fingers where you can only have 2 summons at a time (excluding Ashes)?

              • Ah I miss ds2 summons. They were not "npcs with a backstory". They were just some random drangie fellows with cool memey names who would assist you anytime. Like bradley of the old guard or thomas the jester(a.k.a tank engine) or even bashful ray and twiggy shei. You would think they are real players

                • (I think my last post was deleted or something): Info on Margit is totally wrong. You don't need to talk with Sorcerer Rogier at the roundtable hold for his summon sign to appear. You could literally just start a new game and go to Castleward Tunnel and boom its there, like Tragoth. Idk why anyone hasnt updated this yet, its pretty easy to verify.

                  • The info on Margit page is completely wrong. You don't need to talk with Rogier at the roundtable hold for his summon sign to appear. You can literally just go to Castleward Tunnel after starting a new game and nothing else. Its pretty easy to confirm this idk why anyone hasn't updated that yet

                    • Anonymous

                      Call me a casual but I want to summon everytime i can get two summons so I can also get mimic tear. Its an epic feeling fighting with three other warriors. Fun times indeed.

                      • Anonymous

                        Not working for me at all anymore, why?? First it was with Magma Wyrm Makar, should've had TWO golden NPC summon signs there, Blackguard and Millicent, I had done everything in the questline required for them to appear as summons, but nothing. And now I gave D's brother the twinned set and he disappeared, but again, no summon sign to help against the gargoyles. This worked perfectly for months, what is going on?? Can somebody pls help me? I'm trying my first SL1 run so I need these NPC summons -.- playing offline only, but as I said, it worked perfectly for months with different characters. But not anymore and I don't get it.

                        • Anonymous

                          "Progress through the Sorceress Sellen questline till she returns to Raya Lucaria Academy to have her summon sign available when facing Radagon." This has got to be the dumbest process in the game just for an NPC summon. You actually go thru 2 NPC questlines just to get her to go back, by which point you'll probably be way overleveled for the Academy and not need her at all.

                          • Anonymous

                            You can also summon D in the fight with the Black Knife Assassin in the Black Knife Catacombs and D’s twin brother in the fight with the two Gargoyles in Siofra Aqueduct

                            • Anonymous

                              Bernahl can also be summoned for Godskin Duo. Presumably after doing all of taniths questline and defeating Rykard

                              • Anonymous

                                For a game with so many npcs and invaders i wish there was more summon signs. Fighting maliketh and that annoying tree sentinel with ensha and sir gideon. Astel with blaidd. Mohg with millicent. Fighting John elden ring and john dark soul with melania would all be really cool. I guess there isint many summons in this game compared to the others because of spirit ashes. Oh well.

                                • Anonymous

                                  I think theres something wrong with Rogier's summon condition, his summon is available regardless if i talked to him beforehand or not

                                  • There's no prerequisite for Rogier before the Margit fight. You can't even meet him before it unless you skip Stormveil and if you do he gets crippled which means he can't fight. Also if Melina doesn't have to leave you to be available for the Morgott fight

                                    • Anonymous

                                      bruh you can summon millicent more than anyone, she really is the best waifu

                                      damn you fromsoft for killing her!!!!

                                      • Anonymous

                                        My question is: why would I complete ALL of Sellen’s quest line before doing Raya Lucaria? Is there a reason the game wouldn’t have me going right towards Raya Lucaria??

                                        • Anonymous

                                          There are no prerequisites to summon Iron Fist Alexander for the Starscourge Radahn. He will always be there when the festival starts.

                                          On my first playthrough the Festival was the first time that I ever saw Iron Fist Alexander and only interacted with him AFTER winning against Radahn. So in conclusion, Iron Fist Alexander will always appear.

                                          • Anonymous

                                            If you for any reason used finger severer to send npc back without fighting boss, their golden summon sign won’t appear again after reload.

                                            I learnt this when I carried wrong spells and physick, wanted to sit down at site of grace but couldn’t, so I sent Tragoth and Shrimp guy back. Never able to summon them again.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              The black blade kindred for Millicent is the one before the lift of rold, not the one outside of gurranq’s place. Correct me if I’m wrong

                                              • Anonymous

                                                The black blade kindred for Millicent is the one before the lift of rold, not the one outside of gurranq’s place. Correct me if I’m wrong

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  I think they should add things like people you can hire seeing there are so many knights and soldiers around. It would be like paying them and commanding them to attack things so its like taming something. You should also be able to tame wolves rather than using spirit ashes

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