Bloodhound Knight Floh

bloodhound knight floh elden ring wiki guide 200px
Type Spirit Summon
FP Cost 95 HP Cost -
item effects icon elden ring wiki guide 55px 18pxEffect
Summons spirit of Bloodhound Knight Floh

Bloodhound Knight Floh is a Spirit and Summon in Elden Ring. Bloodhound Knight Floh is an aggressive melee spirit with attacks similar to that of the Bloodhound bosses.

Bloodhound Knights can be found as Bosses in Elden Ring, for information on them see Bloodhound Knight and Bloodhound Knight Darriwil. They can also be found as non-boss Enemies, for information on these see Lesser Bloodhound Knight.


Ashen remains in which spirits yet dwell.
Use to summon the spirit of Floh, the Bloodhound Knight.

Spirit of a Bloodhound Knight they called the Rabid Stray. Will attack without pause immediately after being summoned.
Floh vowed that there was only one lord he would ever serve: a true king. And so, the Rabid Stray never found a master.


Where to find Bloodhound Knight Floh

Where to Find Bloodhound Knight Floh


Elden Ring Bloodhound Knight Floh Guide

  • Like many red-eyed summons, he will not follow you, and will instead aggressively attack any enemy in his vicinity.
  • His name likely references certain geological epochs. In this case, the Floian period, the second stage of the Ordovician. He shares this trait with Darriwil, another named Bloodhound Knight, and the Crucible Knights Ordovis and Siluria.



Elden Ring Spirits
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    • Anonymous

      Something Interesting. Bernhal's Beast Champion armor says "Beasts are drawn to champions, and to lords" and this Bloodhound summon drops from the Red Wolf of the Champion. Serosh (a beast) serves Godfrey. Blaid serves Ranni. Mailiketh serves Marika, which probably started the tradition. I think it's possible that Marika and Maliketh might of gotten a bit frisky. It would explain the "misbegotten" which literally means "badly conceived" or "illegitimate child" My conclusion: Marika is a furry

      • Anonymous

        Would highly recommend using Cursed-Blood pots. Super useful for rabid summons that go apeshit on anything in aggro range like Floh here for example. (Cursed-Blood pots make summons target the specific enemy the pot hit and act more aggressive towards it.)

        • "Floh" is german for flea and mostly refers to him jumping around like one. No need to desperatly draw at (geological) straws here when the game is full of the german vocabulary anyways.

          • Anonymous

            Love this guy. At first I swore I'd never go through another chariot dungeon, but I think the bloodhound knights are really cool, so I did it to get Floh. I got him to +10 so we're BFFs now. Maybe there are higher tier ashes that are better to use a +10 upgrade on, but none give me the same enjoyment as watching Floh skitter around on all fours. Sometimes I summon him in a low level area with lots of enemies just to watch him go ham. I think he likes the enrichment. Occasionally he can't find anyone to aggro onto and just sits in a corner while I die, but that's okay, he's still a pal. :)

            • Anonymous

              Excellent for my GTA V Los Lands between playthrough as Franklin. I yell "get em CHOP" and he siccem good

              • Anonymous

                "Hey Floh I need you to help me kill the windmill village Godskin Apostle"

                "Nah fam there's an Albinauric in the gate town that owes me five bucks I'll brb"

                • Anonymous

                  After playing with Floh for a while, I learned a lot about they way he should be used, namely in boss fights. You're supposed to treat him as you homie- you step in to get the boss off of him, and in return, when you need it, he'll be there to get the boss off of your back. On top of this, he also does really high stagger and bleed, so he has the potential to destroy just about anythingwhen the cards are all in place.

                  However, if he's getting focused, he can't do that. And if you're getting focused, you can't put in much damage. As such, you're supposed to play together, taking turns doing your thing. If Floh gets his opponent to commit to a big move, that's your chance to dish out the pain. Otherwise, you want to be holding aggression so that way Floh can build up stagger and get that high-commitment move to happen.

                  Proper setups, and you can stunlock certain bosses. Floh's big weakness is AoEs, so you have to be killing the boss before any of that happens. Since most bosses have one AoE or another, you're forced to play around it and make sure that never happens. If you back off and wait for Floh to get a big move, you'll lose him in seconds.

                  Overall, I've found that Floh is deliberately designed to appeal to one playstyle, and one playstyle only- hyperaggression. If you're running with something like paired daggers, try him out. He'll only let you down if you let him down.

                  (I also recommend the Turtle talisman and shield. Not necessary, but it sure helps and makes the tag-teaming more fun and snappy. Those two reduce your downtime on attacks, and as such directly increase the uptime both you and Floh can have.)

                  • Anonymous

                    Not a huge issue but the location of this spirit ash is not in the chest, it is dropped by the dungeon boss, Red Wolf of The Champion, the chest behind the boss contains a deathroot

                    • Anonymous

                      The strongest Spirit Ash in the game for killing non-boss mobs. It can decimate large groups while surviving and avoiding stunlock while putting out quick good AoE damage where Oleg and others tend to get stunlocked, deal slower overall damage, and struggle outside 1 vs 1 situations. Take it to the popular YouTube location for testing stuff, Gatefront Ruins where there are a large group of soldiers that will gank summons during a test. Unfortunately, it does not follow so the only way to get it to stay with you after it has killed everything it can find is if you go far enough it gets leash spawned to your location. It aggro very readily on anything nearby as long as it is within a certain distance, even if no line of sight.

                      • Anonymous

                        I really want to like Floh more, but they're a tough sell over, say, Oleg who costs only 5 FP more and is super tanky, attacks rapidly with high stagger chance, and actually follows you around. Cool for flavor though, and Floh can actually apply Bleed which is cool, but he's relatively fragile compared to other named ashes.

                        • Anonymous

                          I really want to like Floh more, but they're a tough sell over, say, Oleg who costs only 5 FP more and is super tanky, attacks rapidly with high stagger chance, and actually follows you around. Cool for flavor though, and Floh can actually apply Bleed which is cool, but he's relatively fragile compared to other named ashes.

                          • hands down the most infuriating piece of garbage summon in the game, you wanna have it follow you to the overworld boss?(ie ice dragon or glintstone dragon etc)? NOPE TOO BAD HE'S RUNNING A FULL ONE MINUTE AND 15 SECONDS AWAY TO AGGRO MOBS IN THE RUIN ON THE ENTIRE OTHER SIDE OF THE LAKE! maybeeeeeeeeeee he'll come back to hit the boss before it dies? oh look he killed a jellyfish.... and another... and another... LETS GO DUDE I SUMMONED YOU TO HELP WITH THE DRAGON! aaaand more runes from another jellyfish... and the dragon dies... and this idiot is still killing jellyfish. man i haven't been so annoyed in months.

                            • Anonymous

                              This is my go to spirit. He does great damage and is pretty tanky, but the thing that's really nice is he is usually pretty quick at picking aggro back up after it switches off him. You do have to deal with him playing his own game though, but it can honestly be kinda fun just running around and blasting whatever he decides is gonna have a bad day not to mention he doesn't need you to follow him around for him to go after stuff. Dude has cleared many ruins while I'm just going through my inventory.

                              • Anonymous

                                It pains my heart to say this but, this summon is kinda ass ngl. The bleed is all he’s really good for. Or maybe I just didn’t upgrade him enough and ditched this poor boy for mimic?

                                • Anonymous

                                  I love and hate this summon, he is excellent in combat, good DMG and the bloodhound step makes him very good at dealing DMG and staying alive, but the thing I hate about him is that he doesn't follow you. I know it kinda fits his lore (not serving any master) but stil,l I hope they make it so he follows you eventually.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    Is it a bug that he has no AI if he doesn't detect any enemies? I mean like literally, if he's not attack smth, he's not moving. Kinda annoying when on some bosses you spawn him on entrance but the arena's size just makes him completely useless since the boss is 2far away for him to see.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      Is it a bug that he has no AI if he doesn't detect any enemies? I mean like literally, if he's not attack smth, he's not moving. Kinda annoying when on some bosses you spawn him on entrance but the arena's size just makes him completely useless since the boss is 2far away for him to see.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        Is it a bug that he has no AI if he doesn't detect any enemies? I mean like literally, if he's not attack smth, he's not moving. Kinda annoying when on some bosses you spawn him on entrance but the arena's size just makes him completely useless since the boss is 2far away for him to see.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          Absolutely monstrous.
                                          Cake very close to directly solo-ing the mini boss in let’s sell royal capital even though it’s immune to bleed!
                                          Because he hits hard then retreats, he’ll often jink around attacks even when he has aggro

                                          • Anonymous

                                            I cant summon this dude. I have enough FP and i have the summon icon appearing. It has a line over it showing i cant summon it but i can summon other spirits

                                            • Anonymous

                                              Incredibly good for drawing aggro. You summon and he rushes into action and is very aggressive. Teleports too.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                My +7 Floh practically soloed the double Cleanrot Knights in the Abandoned Cave. I only did about half an hp bar of damage to one of them with my character, then they just died b/c my spirit summon is insane, lol

                                                Don't sleep on this guy, everyone is talking about Lhutel and Omenkiller but Bloodhound Knight Floh is absolutely vicious

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  He's a little dumb sometimes, but when he gets going he seems alright.
                                                  Def not suitable for open world summoning cuz he doesn't follow you, and has to aggro on bosses. Probably not worth the effort compared to other summons.

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    For some reason I can’t summon this guy anywhere.. Costs 95 FP while I have 125, so that’s not the issue. I can summon Mr. Jelly just fine.

                                                    Am I missing something?

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