Gravity Stone Fan

gravity stone fan elden ring wiki guide 200px
item effects icon elden ring wiki guide 55px 18pxEffect
Uses FP to emit fan-shaped gravitational shockwave
attribute scaling elden ring wiki guide 18Scaling
Str C
Int B

FP Cost 13

Gravity Stone Fan is a Consumable Item in Elden Ring. Most Consumables grant various effects such as restorative properties for recovering HP, removing certain negative status effects or applying temporary buffs and debuffs, while others can be thrown at enemies to deal damage.


Shard of rock found in the wake of a meteorite strike.
It is imbued with a particularly weighty magic.

Uses FP to emit gravitational shockwave.

The desperate ones which scavenge for these shards dub themselves "starcallers."


Where to find Gravity Stone Fan in Elden Ring


Elden Ring Gravity Stone Fan Notes & Tips

  • Deals 10 poise damage.
  • You can hold up to 10 Gravity Stone Fans.
  • You can store up to 600 Gravity Stone Fans.
  • Sell Value: runes currency elden ring wiki guide 18 100 Runes
  • Notably deals Strike-type damage. Can be useful against Crystallian enemies.


Elden Ring Consumables
Academy Magic Pot  ♦  Acid Spraymist  ♦  Aeonian Butterfly  ♦  Albinauric Pot  ♦  Alluring Pot  ♦  Altus Bloom  ♦  Ancient Dragonbolt Pot  ♦  Baldachin's Blessing  ♦  Beastlure Pot  ♦  Bewitching Branch  ♦  Blasphemous Claw  ♦  Blood Grease  ♦  Bloodboil Aromatic  ♦  Boiled Crab  ♦  Boiled Prawn  ♦  Bone Dart  ♦  Budding Horn  ♦  Celestial Dew  ♦  Clarifying Boluses  ♦  Clarifying Cured Meat  ♦  Clarifying White Cured Meat  ♦  Crystal Dart  ♦  Cuckoo Glintstone  ♦  Cursed-Blood Pot  ♦  Dappled Cured Meat  ♦  Dappled White Cured Meat  ♦  Deathsbane Jerky  ♦  Deathsbane White Jerky  ♦  Dewkissed Herba  ♦  Dragon Heart  ♦  Dragonwound Grease  ♦  Drawstring Blood Grease  ♦  Drawstring Fire Grease  ♦  Drawstring Freezing Grease  ♦  Drawstring Holy Grease  ♦  Drawstring Lightning Grease  ♦  Drawstring Magic Grease  ♦  Drawstring Poison Grease  ♦  Drawstring Rot Grease  ♦  Elden Remembrance  ♦  Exalted Flesh  ♦  Explosive Stone  ♦  Explosive Stone Clump  ♦  Fan Daggers  ♦  Fetid Flesh  ♦  Fetid Pot  ♦  Fire Blossom  ♦  Fire Grease  ♦  Fire Pot  ♦  Fireproof Dried Liver  ♦  Flask of Cerulean Tears  ♦  Flask of Crimson Tears  ♦  Flask of Wondrous Physick  ♦  Freezing Grease  ♦  Freezing Pot  ♦  Frenzyflame Stone  ♦  Frozen Raisin  ♦  Furlcalling Finger Remedy  ♦  Ghost Glovewort (3)  ♦  Giantsflame Fire Pot  ♦  Glass Shard  ♦  Glintstone Scrap  ♦  Glowstone  ♦  Gold-Pickled Fowl Foot  ♦  Golden Centipede  ♦  Golden Rowa  ♦  Golden Rune (1)  ♦  Golden Rune (11)  ♦  Golden Rune (13)  ♦  Golden Rune (2)  ♦  Golden Rune (3)  ♦  Golden Rune (4)  ♦  Golden Rune (6)  ♦  Golden Rune (8)  ♦  Golden Runes  ♦  Grace Mimic  ♦  Grave Glovewort (1)  ♦  Grave Glovewort (2)  ♦  Grave Glovewort (4)  ♦  Grave Glovewort (5)  ♦  Gravity Stone Chunk  ♦  Heavy Meteorite Fragment  ♦  Hero's Rune (1)  ♦  Hero's Rune (2)  ♦  Hero's Rune (5)  ♦  Holy Grease  ♦  Holy Water Grease  ♦  Holy Water Pot  ♦  Holy-Shrouding Cracked Tear  ♦  Holyproof Dried Liver  ♦  Host's Trick-Mirror  ♦  Immunizing White Cured Meat  ♦  Invigorating Cured Meat  ♦  Invigorating White Cured Meat  ♦  Ironjar Aromatic  ♦  Kukri  ♦  Lands Between Rune  ♦  Large Glintstone Scrap  ♦  Lightning Grease  ♦  Lightning Pot  ♦  Lightning-Shrouding Cracked Tear  ♦  Lightningproof Dried Liver  ♦  Lord's Rune  ♦  Magic Grease  ♦  Magic Pot  ♦  Magic-Shrouding Cracked Tear  ♦  Margit's Shackle  ♦  Melted Mushroom  ♦  Mimic's Veil  ♦  Miquella's Needle  ♦  Miranda's Prayer  ♦  Mohg's Shackle  ♦  Neutralizing Boluses  ♦  Numen's Rune  ♦  Oil Pot  ♦  Omen Bairn  ♦  Pauper's Rune  ♦  Pickled Turtle Neck  ♦  Poison Grease  ♦  Poison Pot  ♦  Poison Spraymist  ♦  Poisonbone Dart  ♦  Poisoned Stone  ♦  Poisoned Stone Clump  ♦  Prattling Pate Let's get to it  ♦  Prattling Pate My Beloved  ♦  Prattling Pate Please help  ♦  Prattling Pate Wonderful  ♦  Prattling Pate You're Beautiful  ♦  Preserving Boluses  ♦  Pureblood Knight's Medal  ♦  Radiant Baldachin's Blessing  ♦  Rainbow Stone  ♦  Rancor Pot  ♦  Raw Meat Dumpling  ♦  Regal Omen Bairn  ♦  Rejuvenating Boluses  ♦  Remebrance of the Black Blade  ♦  Remembrance of Hoarah Loux  ♦  Remembrance of the Black Blade  ♦  Remembrance of the Blasphemous  ♦  Remembrance of the Blood Lord  ♦  Remembrance of the Dragonlord  ♦  Remembrance of the Fire Giant  ♦  Remembrance of the Full Moon Queen  ♦  Remembrance of the Grafted  ♦  Remembrance of the Lichdragon  ♦  Remembrance of the Naturalborn  ♦  Remembrance of the Omen King  ♦  Remembrance of the Regal Ancestor  ♦  Remembrance of the Rot Goddess  ♦  Remembrance of the Starscourge  ♦  Rimed Crystal Bud  ♦  Roped Fetid Pot  ♦  Roped Fire Pot  ♦  Roped Fly Pot  ♦  Roped Freezing Pot  ♦  Roped Holy Water Pot  ♦  Roped Lightning Pot  ♦  Roped Magic Pot  ♦  Roped Oil Pot  ♦  Roped Poison Pot  ♦  Roped Volcano Pot  ♦  Rot Grease  ♦  Rot Pot  ♦  Rowa Raisin  ♦  Rune Arc  ♦  Sacramental Bud  ♦  Sacred Order Pot  ♦  Scriptstone  ♦  Shield Grease  ♦  Silver-Pickled Fowl Foot  ♦  Sleep Pot  ♦  Soap  ♦  Soft Cotton  ♦  Soporific Grease  ♦  Spark Aromatic  ♦  Spellproof Dried Liver  ♦  Stanching Boluses  ♦  Starlight Shards  ♦  Stimulating Boluses  ♦  Swarm Pot  ♦  Sweet Raisin  ♦  Thawfrost Boluses  ♦  Throwing Dagger  ♦  Uplifting Aromatic  ♦  Volcanic Stone  ♦  Volcano Pot  ♦  Warming Stone  ♦  Winged Crystal Tear  ♦  Wraith Calling Bell



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    • Anonymous

      Some people are saying they wished this was a spell or AOW but honestly i think both this and stone chunk would have been perfect as reusable tools, like Omen Bairns or Wraith Calling Bell. As another poster noted they're good for freeing up your hands and weight, can be used while 2-handing a weapon and don't take up your AOW spot. Their main drawback is FP cost(for STR builds) and low availability in the early game unless you're gunning straight for the bell hunter and buying them in bulk for a constant supply. Having them available as tools would keep their main draw as consumable while removing needless farming.

      • Anonymous

        Good for blitzing opponents in pvp, does lots of stagger damage, and is seldom used so there is that surprise factor

        • Anonymous

          Fantastic thing in invasions. Very quick to use, huge AoE, difficult to roll through and stuns those thrusty mofos like no tommorow.

          • Anonymous

            if anyone wants the arrow's sting talisman early and at a low level, these gravity stone fans make it possible, the chest is on top of a tower near 'impassable bridge' grace in caelid. if you go there early game, you'll see for yourself why none of the usual ways of getting something before we are intended to have access to it work here, but the shockwave from one gravity stone fan knocks all four soldiers guarding the chest on their arses, its a small area, and it buys enough time and space to get to and loot the chest.

            • Anonymous

              such a shame there isn't a spell like this. Besides rock sling, the most useful gravity magic is either a consumable or a weapon skill

              • Anonymous

                You can get a good supply of these and chunks in about the first half hour or so of entering limgrave.

                Go to the weeping peninsula near castle morne, kill a scarab and get poison mist.

                If you dont have 12 faith, you can get the two fingers heirloom by going to the purified ruins in liurnia, raising faith by 5.

                If you need more faith, you can get marika's soreseal in siofra river well, by taking a teleporter after climbing a collapsed pillar with an archer on it. The seal is at the base of the waterfall near the dragonkin soldier. Although if you need two talismans you will need to beat morgot first.

                Next, go to where the hunter spawns, make sure you have several cerulean flasks ready, as soon as the mist appears, run away to de-aggro him, then sneak behind him and just cast the mist until he dies.

                You then can buy as many as you want and now have 50,000 runes to spend on them. Useful for any build, very good for strength and intelligence builds.

                • Anonymous

                  This comes out so quick, really nice in PvP. Low damage (about 100-150) but it has a nice range and stagger. You can surprise people with this alot.

                  • Anonymous

                    quite useful in pvp - if you read that your opponent will panic roll and it catches em on the last part of it, you can combo it into a jumping R2 (great for colossal weapons, like royal greatsword that also scales with str/int)

                    • Anonymous

                      With how (mostly) useless the gravity spells outside of rock sling are this and the gravity chunk could have easily been great sorceries.

                      • Anonymous

                        Is it possible that this and other gravity-related items/skills also get the increase from having the meteorite staff equipped? Will do some testing myself soon.

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