Trophy & Achievement Guide for Elden Ring is an overview of the various trophies and achievements you can unlock throughout the game.

On PlayStation and Steam, there are 42 trophies to collect: 1x ps5 platinum trophy Platinum, 3x ps5 gold trophy Gold, 14x ps5 silver trophy Silver, and 24x ps5 bronze trophy Bronze trophies. On Xbox, the achievements are worth a total of 1,000 gamerscore 11x11.


Elden Ring Trophy & Achievement Guide


Please note there are SPOILERS in this guide, including the names of bosses, items, locations, three of the endings, and a major event that occurs towards the end of the game.

It is possible to get all trophies/achievements in one playthrough. It should be noted that there are four missable trophies/achievements that you are locked out of completing in a single playthrough once you progress past certain points in the game.

The missable trophies/achievements are:

  • Age of the Stars (ps5 gold trophy/ 50 gamerscore 11x11)
  • Legendary Armaments (ps5 silver trophy / 30 gamerscore 11x11)
  • Lichdragon Fortissax (ps5 bronze trophy / 15 gamerscore 11x11)
  • Astel, Naturalborn of the Void (ps5 bronze trophy / 15 gamerscore 11x11)

You can get all three endings in one playthrough if you save after beating the final boss but before interacting with Marika (you must still have the "Fractured Marika" Site of Grace), upload your save data to the cloud, complete an ending, and then download the previously uploaded save file and repeat until you have the trophy/achievement for the three endings. So far this method is possible on Steam, PS4/PS5, and Xbox One/Series.


Icon Name Quality
elden ring

Elden Ring

Obtain all trophies

Platinum / 70 gamerscore 11x11

ps5 platinum trophy

elden lord

§Elden Lord

Achieve the "Elden Lord" ending [Endings]

Gold / 50 gamerscore 11x11

ps5 gold trophy

age of stars

§Age of the Stars

Achieve the "Age of the Stars" ending [Endings]

Gold / 50 gamerscore 11x11

ps5 gold trophy

lord of frenzied flame

§Lord of Frenzied Flame

Achieve the "Lord of Frenzied Flame" ending [Endings]

Gold / 50 gamerscore 11x11

ps5 gold trophy

shardbearer godrick

Shardbearer Godrick

Defeat Shardbearer Godrick

Silver / 30 gamerscore 11x11

ps5 silver trophy

shardbearer radahn

Shardbearer Radahn

Defeat Shardbearer Radahn

Silver / 30 gamerscore 11x11

ps5 silver trophy

shardbearer morgott

Shardbearer Morgott

Defeat Shardbearer Morgott

Silver / 30 gamerscore 11x11

ps5 silver trophy

shardbearer rykard

Shardbearer Rykard

Defeat Shardbearer Rykard

Silver / 30 gamerscore 11x11

ps5 silver trophy

shardbearer malenia

Shardbearer Malenia

Defeat Shardbearer Malenia

Silver / 30 gamerscore 11x11

ps5 silver trophy

shardbearer mohg

Shardbearer Mohg

Defeat Shardbearer Mohg

Silver / 30 gamerscore 11x11

ps5 silver trophy

maliketh the black blade

Maliketh the Black Blade

Defeat Maliketh the Black Blade

Silver / 30 gamerscore 11x11

ps5 silver trophy

hoarah loux the warrior

Hoarah Loux the Warrior

Defeat Hoarah Loux the Warrior

Silver / 30 gamerscore 11x11

ps5 silver trophy

dragonlord placidusax

Dragonlord Placidusax

Defeat Dragonlord Placidusax

Silver / 30 gamerscore 11x11

ps5 silver trophy

god slaying armament

God-Slaying Armament

Upgrade any armament to its highest stage [Upgrades]

Silver / 30 gamerscore 11x11

ps5 silver trophy

legendary armaments

Legendary Armaments

Acquire all nine legendary weapons:

Silver / 30 gamerscore 11x11

ps5 silver trophy

legendary ashen remains

Legendary Ashen Remains

Acquire all six legendary ashen remains:

Silver / 30 gamerscore 11x11

ps5 silver trophy

legendary sorceries and incantations

Legendary Sorceries and Incantations

Acquire all seven legendary sorceries and incantations:

Silver / 30 gamerscore 11x11

ps5 silver trophy

legendary talismans

Legendary Talismans

Acquire all eight legendary talismans:

Silver / 30 gamerscore 11x11

ps5 silver trophy

rennala, queen of the full moon

Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon

Defeat Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon

Bronze / 15 gamerscore 11x11

ps5 bronze trophy

lichdragon fortissax

Lichdragon Fortissax

Defeat Lichdragon Fortissax

Bronze / 15 gamerscore 11x11

ps5 bronze trophy

godskin duo

Godskin Duo

Defeat the Godskin Duo

Bronze / 15 gamerscore 11x11

ps5 bronze trophy

fire giant trophy

Fire Giant

Defeat the Fire Giant

Bronze / 15 gamerscore 11x11

ps5 bronze trophy

dragonkin soldier of nokstella trophy

Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella

Defeat Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella

Bronze / 15 gamerscore 11x11

ps5 bronze trophy

regal ancestor spirit

Regal Ancestor Spirit

Defeat Regal Ancestor Spirit

Bronze / 15 gamerscore 11x11

ps5 bronze trophy

valiant gargoyle trophy

Valiant Gargoyles

Defeat Valiant Gargoyles

Bronze / 15 gamerscore 11x11

ps5 bronze trophy

margit, the fell omen

Margit, the Fell Omen

Defeat Margit, the Fell Omen

Bronze / 15 gamerscore 11x11

ps5 bronze trophy

red wolf of radagon

Red Wolf of Radagon

Defeat the Red Wolf of Radagon

Bronze / 15 gamerscore 11x11

ps5 bronze trophy

godskin noble

Godskin Noble

Defeat Godskin Noble

Bronze / 15 gamerscore 11x11

ps5 bronze trophy

magma wyrm makar

Magma Wyrm Makar

Defeat Magma Wyrm Makar

Bronze / 15 gamerscore 11x11

ps5 bronze trophy

godfrey the first lord

Godfrey the First Lord

Defeat Godfrey the First Lord

Bronze / 15 gamerscore 11x11

ps5 bronze trophy

mohg, the omen

Mohg, the Omen

Defeat Mohg, the Omen

Bronze / 15 gamerscore 11x11

ps5 bronze trophy

mimic tear

Mimic Tear

Defeat the Mimic Tear

Bronze / 15 gamerscore 11x11

ps5 bronze trophy

loretta, knight of the haligtree

Loretta, Knight of the Haligtree

Defeat Loretta, Knight of the Haligtree

Bronze / 15 gamerscore 11x11

ps5 bronze trophy

astel, naturalborn of the void

Astel, Naturalborn of the Void

Defeat Astel, Naturalborn of the Void

Bronze / 15 gamerscore 11x11

ps5 bronze trophy

leonine misbegotten trophy

Leonine Misbegotten

Defeat Leonine Misbegotten

Bronze / 15 gamerscore 11x11

ps5 bronze trophy

royal knight loretta

Royal Knight Loretta

Defeat Royal Knight Loretta

Bronze / 15 gamerscore 11x11

ps5 bronze trophy

elemer of the briar

Elemer of the Briar

Defeat Elemer of the Briar

Bronze / 15 gamerscore 11x11

ps5 bronze trophy

ancestor spirit trophy

Ancestor Spirit

Defeat Ancestor Spirit

Bronze / 15 gamerscore 11x11

ps5 bronze trophy

commander niall

Commander Niall

Defeat Commander Niall

Bronze / 15 gamerscore 11x11

ps5 bronze trophy

roundtable hold

Roundtable Hold

Arrive at Roundtable Hold

Bronze / 15 gamerscore 11x11

ps5 bronze trophy

great rune

Great Rune

Restore the power of a Great Rune

Bronze / 15 gamerscore 11x11

ps5 bronze trophy

erdtree aflame

Erdtree Aflame

Use kindling to set the Erdtree Aflame [Melina]

Bronze / 15 gamerscore 11x11

ps5 bronze trophy


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    • Anonymous

      after just recently finishing my ds3 100% grind, i dont know if i like that elden ring is eazy to plat or i hate it. one perfect game is not equal to another for sure

      • Anonymous

        Lmao, some say that elden ring plat is too easy while some complain it's too demanding (usually guys who make back up save to get ending achievements in one go) but DS games are way worse in this regard. People are crazy

        • Anonymous

          Just completed this yesterday and honestly aside from getting multiple endings you can do all of these in one run and they're pretty easy. I hope when the dlc comes out there's more/ harder achievements.

          • Anonymous

            I spent so many hours getting every single spell because I wrongly remembered there was an achievement asking for that

            • Anonymous

              Invader Bernahl in Farum Azula wasn't appearing for me, but after I beat the game I didn't restart but went back for one last try and he appeared! If anyone else is just needing Devourer's Scepter but the warmaster is gone and the invasion isn't happening, don't start a new game after beating the game, but go back to farum azula afterwards and see if he spawns in after you're the Elden Lord.

              • Anonymous

                In my first run I got Ranni ending and all the trophies except 8: the collections (angry because I had all the ashes beside lhutel), leonine misbegotten, elemer, and then the frenzied+default ending achievements. Second run im getting all the remaining achievements (besides default ending), with the power of crucible knight ordovis cosplay

                • Anonymous

                  I farmed every single weapon (2x in case i wanted powestance something) because I thought there was an achievement for it lol :D I have also all talismans, shields and tools in game for the same reason.. I didn't checked armor sets but I believe I have the most of them.. blame my reading skills I guess.. I thought 100% is 100% :D

                  • Can someone explain how to upload my saved data to the cloud, complete an ending and then download the previously uploaded save file? (Steam)

                    • Anonymous

                      Neither Rennala nor Red Wolf achievements registered for me. Strange, since there is no way steam was down for the whole period between those two bosses for me. Seems to be a not-uncommon issue given the other comments. Could be worse given it's fairly early game, but still annoying.

                      • Anonymous

                        Gotta be From's easiest Platinum of all time. Not that the game is easy, I actually found it harder than DS 3 and Bloodborne but easier from the perspective of not needing to even enter NG+ to platty. Granted with save scumming, but even using SS you needded at least 2 runs of most of the other Souls games...

                        • Anonymous

                          I have all the legendary talismans but can't seem to trigger the trophy for it, any ideas? Tried moving them in and out of storage but no luck (on PS4)

                          • Anonymous

                            I locked myself out of the legendary armaments trophy because i didn't know you had to do Bernahl's questline. The article says Bernahl invades so i thought it would happen regardless. There's a specific mention to finish Ranni's quest but no such warning for Bernahl. I wish it had been more clear.

                            • Anonymous

                              I need to know, for the achievements for getting the legendary items, do I have to get them all on one file or no?

                              • Anonymous

                                Anyone wanting to earn these achievements but not wanting to deal with all the bs, if you use the cheat engine. Even with multiplayer mod it will give you achievements if you add the legendary armaments. Then it is just as easy as turning on invincibility and killing the bosses. Seriously easiest achievements ever.

                                • Anonymous

                                  Can we appreciate how generous this is? We only need to get 3 endings, and no bs every ring/sorcery/miracle achievement from past games.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    Anyone want to help me get the platinum? The ony thing I need is the bolt of gransax. Could you message me on PSN (InTheZone) so you could join on my game to borrow your weapon and give it right back. Thanks

                                    • Anonymous

                                      The achievements/trophies for armaments, sorceries/incantations and talismans are not challenging. I miss the old days, when you have one item to trade for two or more legendary item, and you could get just one per playthrough, or bosses dropping their armaments only in NG+. And the tail weapons! You have to cut the tails of the bosses, that was real fun

                                      • Anonymous

                                        Erdtree’s Favor +2 link brings you to the basic Erdtree’s Favor:'s+Favor

                                        • Anonymous

                                          Mildly irritating that the achievements don't update if you beat the boss offline and then go online, means I'll have to run through the game again exclusively online (although I'm not sure that's a bad thing)

                                          • is Age of Stars ending achievement bugged for anyone else? I finished 1st playthrough yesterday summoned her after beating last boss got the cut scene and credits but no achievement

                                            • Anonymous

                                              Might be worth adding that the Lord of Frenzied Flame ending trophy is missable. I defeated all of the area bosses in Liurnia before progressing Hyetta's quest to the point I need to be invaded by and fight Vyke, now I can't fight him and get the Fingerprint Grape that he drops, locking me out of the ending.

                                              • who can drop or trade me the Bolt of Gransax and maybe Golden Order Greatsword, i have most weapons in the game i forgot to get the bolt be4 the flaming the elden tree, i can give the items back i just need it for achievement if it works like that, if not im willing to trade, im on PC

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  I was just playing a game and got the platinum. It's nice and all, but to be honest, some part of me felt bad that I wouldn't need to be doing hard work for plat, like in previous souls games. A little bit sad, maybe. On another hand, it's good that FS decided to skip all the bull**** chance drops for some trophies.

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    I swapped weapons back-and-forth from the chest a few times; no achievement. I tried dropping the items and picking them up again; no achievement. Then I quit Steam and when I loaded it again I had the achievement. Go figure.

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      I have played for 90 hours my first playthough trying to get everything and when I was ready I went for the Age of Stars final. It took me only 2 days to get the other ones rushing through zones: stormveil, raya lucaria, capital, mountaintops, crumbling farum azula and then back to capital.

                                                      Honestly I really enjoy the fact that achievement are doable just playing the game and discovering all you can, I didn't miss very much and it's too good you don't have to do something sick/reallly frustrating that takes hours and hours of the same thing

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        For anyone having issues with the armaments achievement and are about to try the "leave on the ground and pick up again" method (which does work), DO NOT leave them all on the ground at the same time. The game has a limit on how many items you can leave at once, which is 8. Dropping anything beyond that will delete the oldest item you dropped; there are 9 weapons, so I accidentally lost my Sword of Night and Flame... Anyway, try using the storage box instead.

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          So the legendary armaments trophy never popped for me even though I had all the weapon.
                                                          Fortunately the bug can be fixed by putting the weapons into your storage chest at a grace and taking them back out

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            So I did NG+ after getting 4 or so of the legendary weapons, had to go back and get all of them over again to get the achievement. Might be a Steam only thing, might be a just me thing, who knows?

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              If you kill Morgott in Leyndel before Margit in Stormveil, he isn't there anymore. So maybe the Margit achievement is technicaly missable ?

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                Any guide or video on how to do this: "You can get all three endings in one playthrough if you save before the final boss, upload your save data to the cloud, complete an ending and then download the previously uploaded save file and repeat until you have the trophy/achievement for the three endings. So far this method is possible on Steam, PS4/PS5, and Xbox One/Series". Actually i don't know where should i past the save file i downloaded from the cloud. Thanks!

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  If you are having problems with the legendary armament achievement even after getting all weapons, try LEAVING them on the ground and picking them up again, and whatever you do, DO NOT discard them.

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    if the sorcery, talisman or armaments achievements are not working, putting one of those legendary items in storage should fix it

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      Got the Legendary Armament achievement on Steam but I haven't gotten all the weapons. I'm still missing the Golden Order Greatsword. Achievement popped up after I got the devourer's scepter. Not quite sure what happened there.

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        yeah, you can get the trophy, but leaving the weapons on the ground and picking them back up, BUT doing it this way (left all of them at once), I lost Ruins GS, just my luck

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          If you're uneasy about dropping your precious weapons on the ground to fix the "Legendary Armaments" bug, stashing them in my storage chest at a site of grace worked for me.

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            Can confirm for "Legendary Armaments" that leaving the weapon on the ground and picking it back up gave me the achievement after doing it with all the weapons.

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              for example all legendary weapons, do i need to have all of them on 1 profile/playthrough or can i have them spreadout on multible.

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                it appears that requirements for legendary ashen remains have changed, i got the required remains on two characters and didn't get the achievement (j also got some other achievements before and after that so they aren't disabled for me).

                                                                                • Does anyone have a true and tested method to save scum on Xbox X for all endings? I could only find one reddit post which suggests to go offline, back online and delete your save. I'm really anxious about deleteing my ~200h save, isn't there a less dangerous method?

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    The Hoarah Loux achievement bugged out for me. I killed him, but didn't get the achievement. Thanks, Elden Ring.

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      It seems playing offline disables achievements you should have gotten, even after going back online. I'm missing loretta, knight of the haligtree despite having the malenia achievement. If not, this may be a result of crashes or trading deaths with the boss, causing the achievement to bug.

                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                        i forget to get 3 weapons on my first walkthrough, rush for them on NG+ and didnt get the achievement, do you need to get them all in the same run??

                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                          if the legendary arnaments doesnt work (like mine) but you are sure you got them all, put them into your sort chest at any grace, and the achievement will popup. if that didnt work put all weapons into the chest and get only the legendary arnaments out and it should work that way (my friend had to do that).

                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                            For anyone else who can't get the "Legendary Armaments" achievement to pop, upgrade each of the nine weapons at least once. This worked for me, maybe because it resets the weapons or has a different flag for each level of upgrade

                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                              To anyone missing the Legendary Armaments achievement despite having the required weapons, try putting the weapons in and out of the chest

                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                The legendary armaments achievement didn't work for me somehow. I got it after I dropped the eclipse shotel and picked it up again.

                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                  I didn't get the achievement at first for getting all legendary weapons.
                                                                                                  One of them was my main weapon
                                                                                                  Putting them in the chest did nothing.
                                                                                                  I dropped them all and picking up the one, I had upgraded gave me the achievement.
                                                                                                  Granted I had put the one I was using separate from the rest, then picked it up first after dumping them all on the floor.

                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                    Red Wolf and Rennala didn't give me the achievement even if I beat them, tho. Is that happened to someone else?

                                                                                                    • Hmm, any info on why achievements might be missing on steam? Legendary armaments (have everything from the list here in my possession) and Maliketh (beat him) are missing. Can I get them somehow? ...

                                                                                                      • The legendary arnaments won't work for me for some reason, have everything from the list in my inventory.

                                                                                                        Can it be because the grafted sword is +10?

                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                          I beat the Malenia but couldn't get the Shardbearer Malenia achievement... now I guess, I must beat her again on NG+ or new game. Thank you Elden Ring.

                                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                                            ummmm?? I don't understand my achievevment on Legendary talismans still not open, when i have those 8 legendary talismans ?

                                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                                              I have all 8 talismans, but the trophy wont pop up. Collected it trought 1s playtrough and NG+. Maybe i have to collect all in 1 playthrough?

                                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                                how do you do the whole uploading to the cloud and redownloading on steam to get all the endings in one playthrough?

                                                                                                                • @Wile Im sorry i didnt know you're working on the page too. Im done with mine so you can add your achivement back again(you can use the version page to get you achivements back)

                                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                                    Here are the achievements (at least on Steam):
                                                                                                                    - Shardbearer Godrick: defeat Godrick
                                                                                                                    - Shardbearer Radahn: defeat Radahn
                                                                                                                    - Shardbearer Rykard: defeat Rykard
                                                                                                                    - Shardbearer Morgott: defeat Morgott
                                                                                                                    - Shardbearer Mohg: defeat Mohg
                                                                                                                    - Shardbearer Malenia: defeat Malenia
                                                                                                                    - Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon: defeat Rennala
                                                                                                                    - Fire Giant: defeat Fire Giant
                                                                                                                    - Maliketh the Black Blade: defeat Maliketh
                                                                                                                    - Hoarah Loux the Warrior: defeat Horoah Loux
                                                                                                                    - Dragonlord Placidusax: defeat Dragonlord Placidusax
                                                                                                                    - Lichdragon Fortissax: defeat Lichdragon Fortissax
                                                                                                                    - Godskin Duo: defeat Godskin Duo
                                                                                                                    - Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella: defeat Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella
                                                                                                                    - Regal Ancestor Spirit: defeat Regal Ancestor Spirit
                                                                                                                    - Valiant Gargoyle: defeat Valiant Gargoyle
                                                                                                                    - Margit the Fell Omen: defeat Margit
                                                                                                                    - Red Wolf of Radagon: defeat Red Wolf of Radagon
                                                                                                                    - Godskin Noble: defeat Godskin Noble (Volcano Manor)
                                                                                                                    - Magma Wyrm Makar: defeat Magma Wyrm Makar
                                                                                                                    - Godfrey the First Lord: defeat Godfrey (spirit form in Leyndell)
                                                                                                                    - Mohg the Omen: defeat Mohg (in Subterranean-Shunning Grounds, far below the capital)
                                                                                                                    - Mimic Tear: defeat Mimic Tear (in Nokron)
                                                                                                                    - Loretta, Knight of the Haligtree: defeat Loretta (in Miquella's Haligtree)
                                                                                                                    - Astel, Naturalborn of the Void: defeat Astel (in the Lake of Rot)
                                                                                                                    - Leonine Misbegotten: defeat Leonine Misbegotten (behind Morne Castle)
                                                                                                                    - Royal Knight Loretta: defeat Loretta (in Caria Manor)
                                                                                                                    - Elemer of the Briar: defeat Elemer of the Briar (in Shaded Castle)
                                                                                                                    - Ancestor Spirit: defeat Ancestor Spirit
                                                                                                                    - Commander Niall: defeat Commander Niall (in Sol Castle)
                                                                                                                    - Roundtable Hold: get taken to Roundtable Hold for the first time
                                                                                                                    - Erdtree Aflame: get it after defeating Fire Giant and talking to Melina at the big bowl behind Fire Giant
                                                                                                                    - Great Rune: restore the power of a Great Rune
                                                                                                                    - God-Slaying Armament: upgrade a weapon to max
                                                                                                                    - Legendary Armaments: the ones listed in the wiki post are correct
                                                                                                                    - Legendary Ashen Remains: basically all Ash Summons with a unique name, like Ancient Dragon Knight Kristoff (although 99% sure Mimic Tear is required)
                                                                                                                    - Legendary Sorceries and Incantations: not sure which ones are required for this, but I just went around collecting the ones on the wiki (note: boss sorceries/incantations are not required for this achievement. I do not have Black Blade from Maliketh or Scarlet Aeonia from Malenia but still got the achievement)
                                                                                                                    - Legendary Talismans: don't have this one yet but just go collect the Talismans listed on the wiki
                                                                                                                    - Elden Lord: restore the Elden Ring after defeating Final Boss (probably works with the variations but not sure)
                                                                                                                    - Lord of Frenzied Flame: meet the Three Fingers and become Lord of Frenzied Flame after defeating the final boss (if you meet the Three Fingers but do not want this ending you need to progress Millicent's questline to get Miquella's Needle and then use it)
                                                                                                                    - Age of the Stars: complete Ranni's questline and summon her after defeating the final boss
                                                                                                                    - Elden Ring: get all achievements

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