Gestures in Elden Ring are a useful tool to express yourself to other players, some including a vocal performance or making sound. Up to six can be bound to a shortcut menu just below the pouch.

Certain Gestures are involved in unlocking secret areas or equipment. These secrets often come with prompts which allude to, or directly reference, specific gestures. See the Miscellaneous tab of the Secrets page for more information.


Elden Ring Gestures

gesture 25 elden ring wiki guide 150px

Point Forwards

Automatically received

gesture 29 elden ring wiki guide 150px

Point Upwards

Automatically received


gesture 33 elden ring wiki guide 150px

Point Downwards

Automatically received

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Automatically received


gesture 45 elden ring wiki guide 150px

Calm Down!

Obtained from returning to Patches in Murkwater Cave after being ensnared by his chest
[Map Link]

gesture 9 elden ring wiki guide 150px


Automatically received
Has a vocal performance: "Hey!"


gesture 37 elden ring wiki guide 150px


Automatically received

gesture 13 elden ring wiki guide 150px

Casual Greeting

Obtained after summoning Great Horned Tragoth before the boss fight Magma Wyrm Makar or within Starscourge Radahn arena
Has a vocal performance: "Hey!"


gesture 5 elden ring wiki guide 150px

Warm Welcome

Automatically received

gesture 34 elden ring wiki guide 150px


Obtained by interacting with the message beneath where White Mask Varre was originally, after defeating your first demigod and before talking to him at Rose Church


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Can be found on a ledge in the Stranded Graveyard, past the Soldier of Godrick boss

gesture 38 elden ring wiki guide 150px

Jump for Joy

Automatically received


gesture 42 elden ring wiki guide 150px

Triumphant Delight

Obtained after you help Iron Fist Alexander get unstuck from the ground in Stormhill

gesture 46 elden ring wiki guide 150px

Fancy Spin

Obtained from summoning the Spirit Jellyfish Ashes beside another Spirit Jellyfish within the Stargazer's Ruins


gesture 2 elden ring wiki guide 150px

Nod In Thought

Given by Sorceress Sellen if you agree to become her apprentice

gesture 3 elden ring wiki guide 150px

Finger Snap

Given by Merchant Kale when asked about the howling at Mistwood Ruins


gesture 14 elden ring wiki guide 150px

Rallying Cry

Automatically received

gesture 18 elden ring wiki guide 150px

Heartening Cry

Given to the player when talking to Witch-Hunter Jerren at Redmane Castle. Video Location


gesture 28 elden ring wiki guide 150px


Automatically received

gesture 32 elden ring wiki guide 150px

Polite Bow

Received by speaking to Finger Maiden Therolina inside Redmane Castle, before the boss fight with Starscourge Radahn Video Location


gesture 21 elden ring wiki guide 150px

As You Wish

Given by Hyetta when given a Shabriri Grape at Church of Irith

gesture 36 elden ring wiki guide 150px

My Thanks

Dropped at the end of the hallway in Volcano Manor after defeating Rykard. [Video Location]


gesture 40 elden ring wiki guide 150px


Given by Roderika after becoming a spirit tuner, leveling a spirit to at least +4 and talking to her after

reverential bow gestures elden ring wiki guide 160px

Reverential Bow

Acquired by letting Alberich complete the gesture after he spawns in the main hall of the Roundtable Hold


gesture 1 elden ring wiki guide 150px

My Lord

Given by Boc The Seamster if you allow him to call you lord (Requires giving him the Gold Sewing Needle, and reaching the Altus Plateau)

gesture 39 elden ring wiki guide 150px

What Do You Want?

Obtained when interacting with Ensha for the first time at Roundtable Hold


gesture 22 elden ring wiki guide 150px

By My Sword

Found in the Fortified Manor in Leyndell Royal Capital Video Location

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Hoslow's Oath

Obtained when invading Juno Hoslow for the first time at the Mountaintops of the Giants


gesture 30 elden ring wiki guide 150px

Fire Spur Me

Found in a Fire Monk camp south of Church of Vows 
[Map Link]

gesture 24 elden ring wiki guide 150px

The Ring

Pre-order bonus for official release, or awarded after killing a boss with a player who received it via pre-order (but not with someone who received the gesture from someone else)


gesture 8 elden ring wiki guide 150px


Give Thops the Academy Glintstone Key (Used to gain access to Converted Towers)

gesture 43 elden ring wiki guide 150px


Obtained when meeting Brother Corhyn for the first time at Roundtable Hold


gesture 47 elden ring wiki guide 150px

Desperate Prayer

Obtained from Gowry after purchasing Pest Threads and exhausting dialogue

gesture 4 elden ring wiki guide 150px


Obtained by interacting with the Two Fingers besides Enia


gesture 16 elden ring wiki guide 150px

Inner Order

Given to players when talking to D's twin brother at the Siofra Aqueduct

gesture 12 elden ring wiki guide 150px

Outer Order

Given to the player when talking to Melina in the Minor Erdtree Church


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Golden Order Totality

Given by Goldmask after telling him the solution to the riddle.

gesture 6 elden ring wiki guide 150px

Extreme Repentance

Obtained by befriending Patches, then fighting him once more and letting him take you to low health


gesture 10 elden ring wiki guide 150px

Grovel for Mercy

Obtained from Patches after he surrenders for the first time at Murkwater Cave

gesture 15 elden ring wiki guide 150px

Crossed Legs

Obtained by interacting with a corpse on a large piece of debris, South of Stormhill Shack 
[Map Link]


gesture 27 elden ring wiki guide 150px

Dozing Cross-Legged

Obtained by interacting with a corpse on a roof in Stormveil Castle near the Rampart Tower site of grace [Video Location]

gesture 19 elden ring wiki guide 150px


Automatically received


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Sitting Sideways

Given by Roderika in Stormhill Shack

gesture 7 elden ring wiki guide 150px


Automatically received


gesture 11 elden ring wiki guide 150px

Patches' Crouch

Obtained from Patches after he returns to Murkwater Cave from The Shaded Castle and surrenders the fight

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Balled Up

Obtained from Rennala after rebirthing for the first time


gesture 31 elden ring wiki guide 150px

Spread Out

Obtained by buying Boiled Prawn from Blackguard Big Boggart 
[Map Link]


Ring of Miquella

Obtained by Pre-Ordering Shadow of the Erdtree DLC.


Tired of anon posting? Register!
    • Anonymous

      The Ring from pre-order main game.
      Ring of Miquella from pre-order dlc1.
      there should be another one emote that go opposite way from Ring of Miquella to make full Elden Ring.
      you know what that mean...

      • Anonymous

        oh I was wondering where did I get "The Ring" gesture from, I see now, it'll be the same for the DLC gesture I assume

        • Anonymous

          Missing requirement to get My Lord from Boc: You must have one alterable piece of armor before you can give him the needle.

          Just tried it prior to posting april 23, 2024.

          Went to Boc with Golden Needle in Altus Plateau, but did not have demigod chest equipment. Wasn't given the dialogue choice to give it to him. I had beaten Radahn by that point so I bought the chest armor and went back to Boc, was able to give the needle to him

          • Anonymous

            Need a gesture that conveys "confusion" for times when I don't understand what the **** is the Host actually trying to do.

            • Anonymous

              It's annoying how many gestures you can miss in this game. I'm trying to get a character as close to 100% as possible in NG before the DLC drops and finding out that I've somehow missed four separate gestures that I won't be able to get until NG+ stings a lot under these specific circumstances, even if it's not a huge deal in the end.

              • Anonymous

                t-bag gen alpha kiddos vs point down tryhards vs finger snap apes vs fancy spin enthusiasts vs golden order totality gods

                • Anonymous

                  The "Calm Down!" gesture is also obtained if you listen to Patches tell you about the Iron Maiden in Raya Lucaria, get captured by it, then warp back to him, if you didnt already get it.

                  • Anonymous

                    It would be cool if we could to the gesture/pose Tannith's crucible knight does while standing next to ger

                    • Anonymous

                      There needs to be a chicken gesture, and you need to be able to obtain it immediately after being fog walled.

                      • Anonymous

                        80% of T-posers contributed the least in the fight. The remaining 20% just like to feel the breeze in their armpits.

                        • Anonymous

                          It would be so much better if the Dark Souls 2 gestured were here.

                          Imagine the "this one's me" or "no way" after a fight would be way funnier then just "point down".

                          But I can dream.

                          • Anonymous

                            When people get ready to fight a boss together how do they do that like fast-clicking thing? People always do that at me and I respond with a wave emote hahaha

                            • Anonymous

                              When you use the Patches' crouch gesture while wearing the Ronin's chest piece the caped shoulder wiggs out and gets a lot larger than it should.

                              • Anonymous

                                9/10 need gigachad Gideon boss pose/gesture to be a 10. Missed opportunity... :( he has too much of an ego to keep it for himself.

                                • Anonymous

                                  No one points down anymore.
                                  Nowadays, people throws **** at the end. But not me because I'm not a toxic person.

                                  • I'm hoping the DLC adds some old gestures, things like "Look Skyward" and "Shrug" from DS1, "No Way" and "This One's Me" from DS2, "Call Over" and "Toast" from DS3, and a few that I would think would fit from Bloodborne with some alterations would be "Shake Off Cape" with perhaps the added benefit of actually removing your cape if applicable (could be obtained from Boc after the completion of his questline) and "Make Contact" since I'd be surprised if some kind of "Outer god" is not involved in the DLC in some way, and this gesture could be reused to show that there are those would actually follow this "gods" as a kind of mirror to the Rapture and Inner/Outer/Golden Order gestures.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      Can we get the No way emote in ds2 cause I don't like fighting a dude who hides behind a shield and pokes I want to tell him No.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        You can get "balled up" by simply entering the character creator with Rennala and saving no changes. Just gives it to you without needing to spend a larval tear.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          When you get to the Zamor Ruins you have the option to talk to Melina and if you didn't get her gesture by talking to her at Minor Erdtree Church grace now's your chance. Use this chance as a opportunity to immediately go to Minor Erdtree Church grace and press Talk To Melina option you will have the dialogue of both Minor Erdtree Church and Zamor Ruins plus you will get the gesture you didn't get because you didn't speak to her before progressing further into the game.

                                          • Anonymous

                                            Two types of people that use point upwards:
                                            1. People who want to point down but don't want to be impolite
                                            2. People who want to mock their opponent (in a funny way)

                                            • Anonymous

                                              don't press "Test now" on the gesture menu when trying to use the grovel in mercy on patches, it doesn't work. You have to actually swap the gesture and use it normally.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                "Curtsy" seems to be missable if you don't activate the dialogue that unlocks it BEFORE kindling the Forge of the Giants. The option won't appear anymore once the "convince Hewg to leave the Roundtable" quest arc starts.

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  The lack of "No" or negative gestures upsets me. You can nod, clap, etc... but there's no way to say no to anything. If someone is going the wrong way, or wanting to do something I can't communicate. Moving left or right doesn't help and trying to point or flag for attention only works so well. Dark Souls 1 and 2 had these Gestures. Really depressing how you can't do anything even resembling a rejection in these games anymore just to spare sensitive feelings when they actually have valid reasons for communication.

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    I got the ring the very first time I cooped for a boss and so I assumed it was just the reward for beating a boss in coop. I see a good many players use it after beating a boss in coop though so I don't think it's too rare by now.

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      I seem to have missed Hoslow's Oath. I don't remember him doing the gesture and I don't have it. Maybe it was bugged for me?

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        On the patches page it mentions to do the "grovel" gesture. And specifically not the "grovel for mercy". Does anyone know how to obtain the "grovel" gesture??

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          It would be pretty neat to have that clawing-at-your-eyes-pose you do when you die from madness as a gesture

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            Are the emotes for online only or do they serve some purpose in the non-CoOp single player mode?
                                                            I know that you need to use the finger snap to talk to....err, be talked Blaidd.

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              use "Hoslow's Oath" with no item in hand to flex your muscles respectfully, like a sort of "we've got this comrade" kinda dealio

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                Incredibly Disappointed that gideon's little shrugging monolouge pose and D's brothers triumphant "i just stabbed a dead lady" pose arent gestures you can get

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  Geez, if I want all the gestures I must basically keep the wiki page open all the time...
                                                                  I don't play very often, taking a few week breaks from time to time. So my characters keep missing Reverential Bow and Hoslow Oath, because apparently hostile NPCs are now anime villains who "mUsT cOmPLetE tHeiR BS bEfOrE tHe fIgHt" and I get punished for attacking them on sight....
                                                                  I also miss Bravo often, since it's so out of your way to find and it disappears if you talk to Varré...

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    We get fourteen different cries/yells that all mean the same thing but the ‘no’ gesture from DS2 hasn’t been seen since. Just like most other people I CoOp with, I don’t understand what From is thinking.

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      'Balled Up' is incorrect - you don't HAVE to rebirth, you can just enter her cosmetic menu and click 'Finish.'

                                                                      That's kind of important for Level 1 bros and for characters that have no larval tears or simply want to avoid a re-spec.

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        Wish there was a well known gesture that meant no ill-will because invaders frequently think me and host are a gank squad (either that or they're really toxic) when we're really trying to progress the level but need to stay in place to kill them (bad for your health to be hunted by an invader the whole level)

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          I miss that "flexing" gesture that the ds3 hackers used to use all the time at pontiff sulyvahn. It was so funny.

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            I wish they would put in blood borne ROAR me and my friends would spam it after a boss and it was hilarious. It be nice and they already have the animations in the game.

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              Even if someone is awkward with using gestures, I’ll take a happy jump, running in circles, or even a swift crouch over a Host looking away after I help them finish the boss. Ah, well…
                                                                              There’s a couple of times where I died a heartbeat before boss, and the Host ran over to were I died and just stood there. It said it all, without gestures.

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                I don't know where else to ask this, but I'm wondering about gestures beyond the ones listed here: running in circles, wagging shields or weapons, etc. (feel free to add anything)
                                                                                I love the multiplayer energy, but sometimes I wish I knew what exactly I'm communicating.

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  Just a note - You actually need to let Juno Hoslow do the gesture in order to get it, similar to getting Alberich's. I didn't know this and sprinted right up and decked him. Now he's dead and no gesture acquired.

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    I got the balled up gesture even though I have never undergone rebirth, there must be something incorrect here.

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