Finger Severer

finger severer elden ring wiki guide 200px
Type Reusable
item effects icon elden ring wiki guide 55px 18pxEffect
Sends another, or oneself, home

Finger Severer is a Multiplayer Item in Elden Ring. Multiplayer Items allow players to interact with each other in various ways, including leaving messages for other players to read, co-operative gameplay and competitve gameplay like PVP.


Item for online play.
(Can also be used from the Multiplayer menu.)

Use as a Host of Fingers to select a summoned player and send them back to their world.

Use when you have been summoned to another player's world to return to your own world.

This phantom blade severs the link formed by a Furled Finger, but the maidens scorn those who abuse its use.


Finger Severer Location in Elden Ring

Where to find Finger Severer:

  • At the beginning of the starting area, go past the big wooden door, and just past the Site of Grace, you will find 1 alongside a Tarnished's Furled Finger. Map Link


Elden Ring Finger Severer Guide

  • Choose a summoned player to send back to their own world.
  • This player will be removed from the multiplayer session.


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    • Anonymous

      I can't get over the fact that not only can the taunter's tongue be toggled so ganking has no real downsides, but severing out rewards the gankers as well. Ganking has always been a part of the series but with Elden Ring pushing every single advantage in ganker's favor it's hard to want to ever engage with them. Gankers always come out on top, they will always have way more wins than you and it doesn't matter even if you beat them, in their minds they always win. Invaders are meant to be ego fuel for the gankers, you are supposed to spawn into whatever tiny cave they're in, get forcibly slept/maddened, and then get t bagged and pooped on. Even if you win, It's hard to feel good about beating a gank squad when you can only win against gankers that are profoundly stupid. If you have the slightest amount of self respect and choose to just not engage with gankers, you can't. Finger severer says you forfeit your runes like a coward, letting the gankers laugh at you while you stare at loading screens.

      • Anonymous

        Fromsoft hating invaders in this game: the item's effect is instant on press for a host or phantom, while being slow and interruptible for a red.

        • Anonymous

          Step 1.) Use the concealing veil. Step 2.) Invade loser gank squad in Limgrave. Step 3.) Land 3 perfect headshots with rainbow arrows. Step 4.) Get them to chase you. Step 5.) Repeat steps 3 & 4. And then finally, eventually, after theyre good and angry, let them close the distance and right before landing a single blow, sever out.

          • Anonymous

            “This phantom blade severs the link formed by a Furled Finger, but the maidens scorn those who abuse its use.”

            I wonder if something actually happens in game if you do. Cause from the looks of things ‘abuse’ would be an understatement. lmao

            • Anonymous

              Sorry Mr 80-poise-double-lance-Royal-Knight's-Resolve-abuser, you're going back to whatever stinky place you came from.

              • Anonymous

                I don't mind cutscenes, host is probably on their first attempt and wanting to experience the game with a little help, if they summon me to the same boss multiple times and watch the cutscene every time that's a different story

                • Anonymous

                  edge walked toward a dual nagis bonfire duelist for a minute straight. when i reached them i used this directly in their face. i don't invade to duel your ass with an unoptimized build, go back to the academy

                  • The game’s ultimate weapon for sneaky flask chuggers. I go out of my way to be super courteous to my duel summons: wait for them to appear from the other side of the arena so they don’t feel ganked when they spawn in, give them every opportunity to buff and drink Physick without running towards them at all, and try to make things as even and honorable as possible. So, when someone just says “F U” I pull out this OP weapon. No smithing stone upgrades needed; it’s always a 1 hit KO!

                    • Anonymous

                      Does anyone know what message you get after getting kicked by a finger severer?
                      Could it be "connection error occurred" by any chance?

                      • Anonymous

                        The invasion while co-oping with a friend or helping someone feature should never have been introduced in to this game, that's just bullsh** that you never see in the broader spectrum of games. If it's not consensual, it should not be happening, ruins the experience for the players on the receiving end. Di*k move by fromsoft to an otherwise excellent game. And gankers? Need to go get a life and let people enjoy playing together.

                        • Anonymous

                          honestly, i rather ppl use crimson flask in a duel than this ****... they run into mob while equiping bullgoat armor with full poise just to use ths **** to flee from u..
                          God knows what all these coward have been thinking.. they seem to forget i could also use ths too if i am about to lose

                          • Anonymous

                            When a host uses this it insta sends the summoned red back to his world but if you use it as a red it takes 1 year to send you back giving the host and his gank ample time to kill you. Thank you Fromsoft.

                            • Anonymous

                              Watch out when you use this you can still be killed while using it. Dueled a guy who was pre-buffed, great rune, and rune arc, then buffed some more so I severed. Then he brought me back again from cheese kill me before I could sever, then pointed down. Toxic players are rampant so if you use this make sure you have space and time.

                              • Anonymous

                                Was winning pretty hard in a duel with some guy. He was a breath away from dying, then he just backed up and used this thing to send me back to my world.
                                Wherever that coward is right now, I hope he stubs his toe real hard.

                                • Anonymous

                                  I use this constantly on my teammates after or right before the boss dies. It's hilarious.
                                  Bring on the downvotes, but just remember ya'll are still going to have to learn to deal with it. After all, this wouldn't exist in the game if Miyazaki didn't want it.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    A lot of invaders are using this, basically quitting, when they realize they are going to get their butts kicked. Is there a penalty for that? Because I don’t feel like I get runes or anything when a guy with 1 HP immediately returns to their world.

                                    What’s the point of invading if you’re going to quit instead of taking the L like a man?

                                    • Anonymous

                                      New trend is to cancel your summons before they can get rewards from fallen bosses. I honestly can't with this community anymore... What can the hosts even gain from this, apart from straight up shafting someone?

                                      • Anonymous

                                        Thanks to the fact that you still get runes from invaders if they use this, an exploit for afk free runes works! Thats right! And you can use it right after killing alberich in roundtable hold. Just ride torrent under the cliffs behind first step, then pop taunters tongue and go afk! Free runes forever!!! Works even faster if you have the white cipher ring enabled!

                                        • Anonymous

                                          Good luck actually using this if you're trying to leave a match against someone annoying PvP. This thing takes like twice the time of consuming a flask.

                                          • Anonymous

                                            When doing PVP i hotkey this in case i join into a world with people just waiting for a spawn to backstab or something, dishonorable people unwilling to bow, or go 2v1

                                            • Anonymous

                                              This thing can send back, summoned invaders( not invaders invaders). Is this a bug or it's supposed to happen? If it's intended it's pretty dumb from FS's part. Summoners can just decide to kick you out if they don't want to take the L. Not only that people can actually abuse it. Had a guy summoning me and kicking me away right as I came, multiple times, because he lost once.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                I ****ing love this thing. You wanna heal or run away after I summoned you to an honorable duel?

                                                Get ****ed.

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