Blue Silver Mail Armor

blue silver mail armor elden ring wiki guide 200px
damage negation icon elden ring wiki guide 18pxDmg Negation
Phy 12.4
VS Strike 9.5
VS Slash 12.9
VS Pierce 11.4
Magic 10.9
Fire 10.2
Ligt 8
Holy 8
resisntace icon elden ring wiki guide 18pxResistance
Immunity 25
Robustness 60
Focus 18
Vitality 18
Poise 19

Chest Armor Wgt. 9.2

Blue Silver Mail Armor is a Chest Armor in Elden Ring. Blue Silver Mail Armor is part of the Blue Silver Set Armor Set, and is a Medium Weight chest protection crafted with blue silver that was worn by the wolf-riding Albinauric archers. Blue Silver Mail Armor is an armor piece worn over or around the player's torso to obtain an increase of defense and resistance. It also changes the appearance as well when it is equipped. Some armor pieces may be available to both genders but may be slightly different for male and female characters.


Chainmail armor crafted with blue silver.
Worn by the wolf-riding Albinauric archers.

Blue silver is a metal born from the same mother as the archers themselves, and provides protection from magic and frost.


Where to find Blue Silver Mail Armor in Elden Ring

The Blue Silver Mail Armor Chest Armor can be found at:

  • Albinauric Wolfback Archers found in the Consecrated Snowfield, as well as the Ordina Gaol, drop the Blue Silver Set pieces.
  • One that is easily farmed can be found shortly north of the Consecrated Snowfield site of grace.


Blue Silver Mail Armor Set in Elden Ring


Elden Ring Blue Silver Mail Armor Notes & Tips


All Chest Armor in Elden Ring
Alberich's Robe  ♦  Alberich's Robe (Altered)  ♦  All-Knowing Armor  ♦  All-Knowing Armor (Altered)  ♦  Aristocrat Coat  ♦  Aristocrat Garb  ♦  Aristocrat Garb (Altered)  ♦  Astrologer Robe  ♦  Astrologer Robe (Altered)  ♦  Azur's Glintstone Robe  ♦  Bandit Garb  ♦  Banished Knight Armor  ♦  Banished Knight Armor (Altered)  ♦  Battlemage Robe  ♦  Beast Champion Armor  ♦  Beast Champion Armor (Altered)  ♦  Black Knife Armor  ♦  Black Knife Armor (Altered)  ♦  Blackflame Monk Armor  ♦  Blaidd's Armor  ♦  Blaidd's Armor (Altered)  ♦  Bloodhound Knight Armor  ♦  Bloodhound Knight Armor (Altered)  ♦  Bloodsoaked Tabard  ♦  Blue Cloth Vest  ♦  Blue Festive Garb  ♦  Blue Silver Mail Armor (Altered)  ♦  Brave's Battlewear  ♦  Brave's Battlewear (Altered)  ♦  Briar Armor  ♦  Briar Armor (Altered)  ♦  Bull-Goat Armor  ♦  Carian Knight Armor  ♦  Carian Knight Armor (Altered)  ♦  Chain Armor  ♦  Chain-Draped Tabard  ♦  Champion Pauldron  ♦  Cleanrot Armor  ♦  Cleanrot Armor (Altered)  ♦  Cloth Garb  ♦  Commoner's Garb  ♦  Commoner's Garb (Altered)  ♦  Commoner's Simple Garb  ♦  Commoner's Simple Garb (Altered)  ♦  Confessor Armor  ♦  Confessor Armor (Altered)  ♦  Consort's Robe  ♦  Corhyn's Robe  ♦  Crucible Axe Armor  ♦  Crucible Axe Armor (Altered)  ♦  Crucible Tree Armor  ♦  Crucible Tree Armor (Altered)  ♦  Cuckoo Knight Armor  ♦  Cuckoo Knight Armor (Altered)  ♦  Cuckoo Surcoat  ♦  Deathbed Dress  ♦  Depraved Perfumer Robe  ♦  Depraved Perfumer Robe (Altered)  ♦  Dirty Chainmail  ♦  Drake Knight Armor  ♦  Drake Knight Armor (Altered)  ♦  Eccentric's Armor  ♦  Elden Lord Armor  ♦  Elden Lord Armor (Altered)  ♦  Erdtree Surcoat  ♦  Errant Sorcerer Robe  ♦  Errant Sorcerer Robe (Altered)  ♦  Exile Armor  ♦  Eye Surcoat  ♦  Fell Omen Cloak  ♦  Festive Garb  ♦  Festive Garb (Altered)  ♦  Fia's Robe  ♦  Fia's Robe (Altered)  ♦  Finger Maiden Robe  ♦  Finger Maiden Robe (Altered)  ♦  Fingerprint Armor  ♦  Fingerprint Armor (Altered)  ♦  Fire Monk Armor  ♦  Fire Prelate Armor  ♦  Fire Prelate Armor (Altered)  ♦  Foot Soldier Tabard  ♦  Fur Raiment  ♦  Gelmir Knight Armor  ♦  Gelmir Knight Armor (Altered)  ♦  Godksin Noble Robe  ♦  Godrick Knight Armor  ♦  Godrick Knight Armor (Altered)  ♦  Godskin Apostle Robe  ♦  Godskin Noble Robe  ♦  Goldmask's Rags  ♦  Gravekeeper Cloak  ♦  Gravekeeper Cloak (Altered)  ♦  Guardian Armor  ♦  Guardian Garb  ♦  Guardian Garb (Full Bloom)  ♦  Haligtree Crest Surcoat  ♦  Haligtree Knight Armor  ♦  Haligtree Knight Armor (Altered)  ♦  High Page Clothes  ♦  High Page Clothes (Altered)  ♦  Highwayman Cloth Armor  ♦  Hoslow's Armor  ♦  Hoslow's Armor (Altered)  ♦  Ivory-Draped Tabard  ♦  Juvenile Scholar Robe  ♦  Kaiden Armor  ♦  Knight Armor  ♦  Land of Reeds Armor  ♦  Land of Reeds Armor (Altered)  ♦  Lazuli Robe  ♦  Leather Armor  ♦  Leather-Draped Tabard  ♦  Leyndell Knight Armor  ♦  Leyndell Knight Armor (Altered)  ♦  Lionel's Armor  ♦  Lionel's Armor (Altered)  ♦  Lord of Blood's Robe  ♦  Lord of Blood's Robe (Altered)  ♦  Lusat's Robe  ♦  Malenia's Armor  ♦  Malenia's Armor (Altered)  ♦  Malformed Dragon Armor  ♦  Maliketh's Armor  ♦  Maliketh's Armor (Altered)  ♦  Marais Robe  ♦  Marionette Soldier Armor  ♦  Mausoleum Knight Armor  ♦  Mausoleum Knight Armor (Altered)  ♦  Mausoleum Surcoat  ♦  Millicent's Robe  ♦  Millicent's Tunic  ♦  Mushroom Body  ♦  Night's Cavalry Armor  ♦  Night's Cavalry Armor (Altered)  ♦  Night Maiden Armor  ♦  Noble's Traveling Garb  ♦  Nomadic Merchant's Finery  ♦  Nomadic Merchant's Finery (Altered)  ♦  Nox Monk Armor  ♦  Nox Monk Armor (Altered)  ♦  Nox Swordstress Armor  ♦  Nox Swordstress Armor (Altered)  ♦  Official's Attire  ♦  Old Aristocrat Gown  ♦  Omen Armor  ♦  Omenkiller Robe  ♦  Page Garb  ♦  Page Garb (Altered)  ♦  Perfumer's Traveling Garb  ♦  Perfumer's Traveling Garb (Altered)  ♦  Perfumer Robe  ♦  Perfumer Robe (Altered)  ♦  Preceptor's Long Gown  ♦  Preceptor's Long Gown (Altered)  ♦  Prisoner Clothing  ♦  Prophet Robe  ♦  Prophet Robe (Altered)  ♦  Queen's Robe  ♦  Radahn's Lion Armor  ♦  Radahn's Lion Armor (Altered)  ♦  Ragged Armor  ♦  Ragged Armor (Altered)  ♦  Raging Wolf Armor  ♦  Raging Wolf Armor (Altered)  ♦  Raptor's Black Feathers  ♦  Raya Lucarian Robe  ♦  Redmane Knight Armor  ♦  Redmane Knight Armor (Altered)  ♦  Redmane Surcoat  ♦  Ronin's Armor  ♦  Ronin's Armor (Altered)  ♦  Rotten Gravekeeper Cloak  ♦  Rotten Gravekeeper Cloak (Altered)  ♦  Royal Knight Armor  ♦  Royal Knight Armor (Altered)  ♦  Royal Remains Armor  ♦  Ruler's Robe  ♦  Sage Robe  ♦  Sanguine Noble Robe  ♦  Scale Armor  ♦  Scaled Armor  ♦  Scaled Armor (Altered)  ♦  Scarlet Tabard  ♦  Shaman Furs  ♦  Snow Witch Robe  ♦  Snow Witch Robe (Altered)  ♦  Spellblade's Traveling Attire  ♦  Spellblade's Traveling Attire (Altered)  ♦  Traveler's Clothes  ♦  Traveling Maiden Robe  ♦  Traveling Maiden Robe (Altered)  ♦  Tree Sentinel Armor  ♦  Tree Sentinel Armor (Altered)  ♦  Tree Surcoat  ♦  Tree-and-Beast Surcoat  ♦  Twinned Armor  ♦  Twinned Armor (Altered)  ♦  Upper-Class Robe  ♦  Vagabond Knight Armor  ♦  Vagabond Knight Armor (Altered)  ♦  Veteran's Armor  ♦  Veteran's Armor (Altered)  ♦  Vulgar Militia Armor  ♦  War Surgeon Gown  ♦  War Surgeon Gown (Altered)  ♦  White Reed Armor  ♦  Zamor Armor

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    • Anonymous

      Such a shame that the unaltered variant with the coat gets rid of the quiver you carry on your lower back. One of the coolest things about the albinauric archers is that they have the awesome coat and the quiver on their back.

      • Anonymous

        Farming this: Just south of Ordina, Liturgical Town grace, there are 3 unmounted archers on cliffs who drop the Blue Silver set pieces. Don't bother going farther out or going after the mounted archers, they're a huge pain to deal with and this can take forever or just get you killed. Faster and easier to only farm the 3 sitting archers - main reason is that you can fight them without their wolves attacking you at all.
        Offhand the Beast-Repellent Torch and then two-hand something in your main hand that hits hard (the beast repelling effect will still work even when it's on your back). The Claymore R2 pierces for about 925 for me at full upgrades, makes short work of them.
        If you head south from the grace you'll see a white wolf standing watch on a cliff on the right. Run past him for the first archer who is the highest up. Run up and knock her over the cliff with 1 or 2 heavy attacks (or just burst her down fully if you can), then roll over to the 2nd archer and do the same. Getting them over the cliff makes for easy crowd control when they're trying to shoot you. The wolves may circle around but they'll leave you alone. Chug 1-2 times if you have to, jump the cliff and burst down whoever fell. Across the ramp is the other cliff with the 3rd archer, who is easy to deal with as she'll then be shooting you alone and never mounts up anyway.
        My suggestion would be to pop a Boiled Crab before running in. You should get a huge stockpile of these as they're cheap and excellent. The arrows are pretty benign at that point. Golden Vow helps too if you have it (or the Golden Halberd) and it stacks with the crab buff.
        Evergaol farm can be safer, but wastes a lot of time and also can't be done if you have already unlocked Haligtree.
        Anyway, I have to believe that these drop rates were increased. I just spent not even 20 minutes trying this and got the full set with an extra leg piece and 2 bows. it was probably some 10ish attempts total. 190 discovery using the Silver Scarab talisman and the Silver Tear Mask.
        The absolute fastest way to get this set is to just kill Latenna in Liurnia - but if you don't have that option, or don't want to do it, this is the best farm strategy I got.
        Good luck!

        • Anonymous

          For pants it pairs really well with the Black Knife Greaves. They both share a similar blue tinted metal.

          • Anonymous

            If you don't mind being a monster, you can easily get a full set of this by killing Latenna in Liurnia. Easy dungeon, accessible early game, and only costs you a relatively mediocre Spirit Ash.

            • Anonymous

              There's not really any Leg piece that compliments this set other than it's skirt, but the skirt has the dumb barefoot thing going on. Bummer

              • Anonymous

                Idk if anyone else has notices this, but the end of sleeve on the left doesnr appear to be fully staticed/attached to the rest of the set. During gestures involving the arms being lifted, the end of said sleeve moves should like it's on a broken hinge, and will even clip through the entire arm and hang off.

                • Anonymous

                  Why are people farming this stuff from the ones on the wolves?
                  The three just South of the Ordina grace drop all of it too at least as of the current patch.

                  • Anonymous

                    Probably the worst set farm in the game. I found a half decent way, start at ordina liturgical town grace, stay on torrent and go south, kill the two on the cliffs that have their back to you, and stay on the horse. the wolf AI will have them run the long way around, kill those two then the other on the cliff across , don’t fight the ones on wolves, just these three, stay on your horse

                    • Anonymous

                      3 short runs against the double archers near the tree north of inner consecrated snow fields grace at 200 discovery (0 investment on arcane) netted me this upper body armor/outfit.

                      • Anonymous

                        Archer SSW of Ordina can be just outranged with pulley bow and the range talisman. The other 2 to the west can be cheesed over the edge of the cliff with a bow. Bring the other arrow talisman and wear the beast repellent torch on your back (or just kill the wolves). With a +3 pulley bow I was killing all 3 in about 10 mins with fletched blood arrows. 12 kills netted me the armour and the bow. Slow but safe.

                        • Anonymous

                          I've never gotten this, nor any piece of the set, yet now it dropped at the very first ever with a new character. Wtf I'm never gettting anything in my life ever again.

                          • Anonymous

                            Here is a tip for this armor set.
                            I hate farming after trying for a few other items, so I used another character to go and kill Latenna, hired a mule, and then transferred to my desired. U could probably just make a new one to run to Liurnia and kill her and then transfer over and delete the save.

                            • Anonymous

                              Why are some armor pieces seemingly so much rarer than others? I got tons of of the skirt and hood, but it took forever to get the armor and bracelets.

                              • Anonymous

                                Someone commented that killing Latenna is an easy way to get this armour set. But they are not upfront about the cost of that trade off for an armour set that can be farmed.
                                She is an outstanding summons against dragons if some thought goes into where she is summoned. I killed Ekzykes, Borealis and Greyll on the first attempt with Lattena, she was also my first choice for those dragons around Farum Azula.
                                Also, if you make it to the apostate derelict and complete her quest the reward for that is an ancient dragon smithing stone, I don't remember if it's for +10 or +25, and as a nice bonus if you summon her near the dire wolves around Ordina to farm for the armour and the bow, she will mount one and ride around peppering the albinaurics with arrows just like they do to you.

                                • Anonymous

                                  For farming on low level chars who'd get swiss cheesed by the trio near the cliff;
                                  -Pop into ordina evergaol
                                  -run west and hop over the wall under the building's gazebo thing onto the roof of the half-buried building
                                  -jump south over the railing and quickly run up against the building the lone archer is sitting on top of
                                  -use the gravitas ash of war to drag her aim******* ass off the roof
                                  -stunlock her to death
                                  -warp back to ordina grace and go again

                                  I'ts definitely the safest way to farm but you're SOL if you've already done the evergaol

                                  • Inner Consecrated Snowfield grace, head north to the big tree. To the left is a kneeling albinauric woman with two lesser wolves. x2 Mohg's spear art will kill all 3, then do a sprinting heavy attack against the mounted albinauric woman. The wolf will always backstep, so you can follow with an immediate sprinted heavy attack.
                                    At 222 Discovery I got; 523k runes
                                    x3 helms
                                    x1 chest
                                    x2 gauntlets
                                    x2 legs

                                    • Anonymous

                                      Wiki is missing info. You can find it on the girl at the end of Lakeside Crystal Cave. Ruins a questline though?

                                      • Anonymous

                                        Hey update to anyone looking to get this before u farm it theres an ez way to get the entire set just get to the slumbering wolf shack before getting both haves of the secret medallion and kill the npc all you lose is a +10 somber stone entire set just dropped from her i used a bow to kill her but i doubt that matters.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          I found a better way to farm this, starting at the ordina grace, go west until you get close to the small cliff, then go south. aggro the dog with a bow and kill him away from the archers, then get a 100% physical shield and keep using guard counters to kill the archers. (the archers fall of the clif after a while which makes it easier to kill them)

                                          • Anonymous

                                            I have mixed this piece with almost everything, and I have found Seluvis gloves/pants to be the best fit. No armor piece in this game perfectly matches the chest, so you are better off finding something that matches the robe instead, and Seluvis gloves/pants go with the robe very well. Try this out. Without the stupid default leggings that go with this, it really makes the robe stand out and overall goes together great. As for the hood, I just forgo wearing a headpiece.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              Any way to pop the hood up? The "hood" that's part of the set is a janky chainmail eyesore. I'd love to have the blue cloth hood from this robe over my character's head.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                Kill latenna, she drops it. Bit mean but she's rude and it saves you from killing needlessly overpowered enemies for hours straight

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  Surprising, the un-altered version of this goes very well with the Fire Prelate Greaves; they get thinned out due to the mantle.

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    Beast-Repelling Torch. Get it, use it for farming this area. There's also an area southeast of the ordina liturgical town site of grace with one lone wolfback archer and another archer sitting next to two regular wolves. This second area is less efficient but you will not have to fight more than one of these people at once.

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      "One that is easily farmed can be found shortly north of the Inner Consecrated Snowfield site of grace"

                                                      Thats definitely no easy farm lol.

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        For those farming this chestpiece, I was farming the 3 archers on the rocks southwest of the Ordina site of grace for about an hour with 200 discovery and got multiples of everything EXCEPT the chest. I then switched to the 3 archers near the large tree to the southeast (the one directly between Ordina and Inner Consecrated Snowfields) and immediately got TWO chestpieces (one from a wolf rider and one from the archer sitting next to a smaller tree). I don't know if the drops are significantly lower for the archers on the rocks or if this was just RNG doing its thing, but try the ones near the large tree instead if you're steadily losing you're mind.

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          Got it on my 3rd try. 11 Arc wearing the mimic tear hat, got really lucky i guess. remove the robes and it goes great with Malenias legs

                                                          • Mountaintops of the Giants. Ordina, Liturgical grace. 274 Discovery farming the first 4 archers (right 2, left 1 then mounted archer). Dropped full set + Bow by the 10th kill. (Possibly just good luck). Beast-Repellent Torch makes it much easier & be ready to pop flasks cause these chicks don't miss haha. Good luck! :)

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              Remember to pick up dropped items by the archers every single time (perhaps before going to the next target in case you die). If the armor is dropped along with arrows or another item, the display will be white (ie. NOT blue).

                                                              I got the chest pc, 2 head pc, 1 bracelet, (no leg pc) in ~15 archers killed with silver scarab and 12 arcane.

                                                              Highly recommend AGAINST using range attacks at the foot archers. They can stagger you easily. So range is a waste of time in most circumstances. Even if you are a mage, prioritize Carian Sliver or Adula's Moonblade, for example. Killing the archers fast >>> killing them in some smart way

                                                              Equipping both the Beast-Repelling Torch and a shield in your off-hand is best for efficiency. The archers would drop down the rock edges and there won't be much time to roll --- plus rolling takes more time. And repeating it will add up.

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                if you're lucky to get ur hands on this, pair it with black hood from Sage's Cave. Matches so well that looks like a single set.

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  Farmed this for over 30 minutes with 241 Item Discovery for no avail. Respecced to a 99ARC, 40DEX and base everything else to farm easier and got it second try.

                                                                  In conclusion: This armor is not ****ing worth it.

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    been grinding for this set all morning. only a little over 200 item disco, but still - this is ridiculous. 27 skirts, 33 helms, 5 or 6 bracelets, ZERO chest pieces.

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      I'm actually convinced this doesn't drop, I got the rest of the set with dupes of 5-10 but none of the top. JUST LET ME HAVE THE GODDAMN SET PLS GAME IM BEGGING U

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        note that if you obtain this set by killing latenna, the NPC at the lakeside crystal cave shack, you lose out on a somber ancient dragon smithing stone that you can obtain in her questline

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          There should be a specificity that the Grace site near the "best farming spot" is INNER Consecrated Snowfield.

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            The chest does indeed drop from the archers, it's drop rate is abysmal though. Rest of the set drops like candy.

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              Full set drops from an npc in a shack at the end of the Lakeside Crystal Cave in liurnia of the lakes, gotta get passed a boss to get the armor, but afterwards it's pretty easy to get, the npc uses only a bow and is easy to kill


                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                i got the set by killing a npc at the slumbering wolf's shack... you get there going through lakeside crystal cave

                                                                                • This set drops off of the albinauric archers in Consecrated Snowfield, there is a group set up before the entrance to Ordina, Liturgical Town that can be farmed for set along with their bow.

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