Item Discovery

Type Base Stats
Effect Determines how often items drop from defeated foes

Item Discovery is a Base Stat in Elden Ring. Item Discovery is a Base Stat that governs likelihood of finding items on the corpses of defeated foes. Stats determine the strengths and weaknesses of your character. Stats can be increased by assigning points to them when leveling up. Be wise where you spend your points, and spend them according to your character class and your playstyle to slowly create your personal build.


Discovery Elden Ring Guide

  • The % chance of each enemy's item drop is multiplied by the player's Item Discovery.
    • Each item drop is calculated independently and sequentially. Each item in an enemy's drop pool can be rewarded consecutively from one kill. Although enemies may have up to 10 items in their drop pool, only up to 6 items may be rewarded from one kill.
    • Enemy item drop calculation breakdown:
      • P: Base Percent Chance from 0 to 100 (See item pages for this data)
      • D: Item Discovery from 100 to 324
      • W: Chance Weight
        • W = Floor(P*10*(D/100))
      • Formula: (W*100) / (1000+(W-(P*10)))
    • Formula Example (Rotten Crystal Spear at 140 Discovery): 
      • P = 8 because base drop chance is 8%
      • D = 140
      • W = P*10*(D/100) = 8*10*(140/100) = 112
      • Result = (W*100) / (1000+(W-(P*10))) = (112*100) / (1000+(112-(8*10))) = 10.85%

How to increase character Discovery in Elden Ring

  • Discovery can be increased by: 
    • Investing points in the Arcane Attribute
      • Discovery starts at 100 and increases by 1 for each Arcane level
    • Using the Silver-Pickled Fowl Foot consumable item to boost item Discovery +50 for 3 minutes
    • Equipping the Silver Scarab Talisman that increases item Discovery +75 while worn
    • With 99 Arcane and these two items, the maximum item discovery at a given time is 324

Related Equipment & Items in Elden Ring for Discovery

You can use the following Equipment and Items to increase your Discovery rate:

Elden Ring Discovery Notes & Tips

  • Notes


Stats in Elden Ring
Arcane  ♦  Dexterity  ♦  Endurance  ♦  Equip Load  ♦  Faith  ♦  Fire Damage Negation  ♦  Fire Defense  ♦  Focus  ♦  Focus Resistance  ♦  FP  ♦  Holy Damage Negation  ♦  Holy Defense  ♦  HP  ♦  Immunity  ♦  Immunity Resistance  ♦  Intelligence  ♦  Level  ♦  Lightning Damage Negation  ♦  Lightning Defense  ♦  Magic Damage Negation  ♦  Magic Defense  ♦  Memory Slots  ♦  Mind  ♦  Physical Defense  ♦  Poise  ♦  Robustness  ♦  Robustness Resistance  ♦  Runes Held  ♦  Stamina  ♦  Strength  ♦  Vigor  ♦  Vitality  ♦  VS Pierce Damage Negation  ♦  VS Pierce Defense  ♦  VS Slash Damage Negation  ♦  VS Slash Defense  ♦  VS Strike Damage Negation  ♦  VS Strike Defense  ♦  Weight


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    • Anonymous

      If it helps anyone, for an item near P ~= 0% base drop rate, you ALMOST have another P added to your drop rate for each 100 additional discovery you have, so drop rate ~= P * D / 100. On the other hand, for an item near P ~= 100% base drop rate, having additional discover does ALMOST nothing to the final drop rate. The effect in between the two extremes is, of course, something in-between.

      • Anonymous

        What does W = Base Weight mean? I would assume it would mean the weight of the item but the example uses Rotten Crystal Spear, which has a weight of 5.5, but the formula doesn't seem to account for that weight at all? There's no explanation of what the hell the W formula is meant to represent except to say "Base Weight". Did the example just get the weight of the rotten crystal spear wrong or is there some other meaning to "Base Weight"?

        • Anonymous

          This explanation is so laughably overcomplicated and badly written for something that's really not that complex

          • With 80 Arcane + Silver Scarab + Silver-Pickled Fowl Foot, Snow Trolls (found in the Mountaintops of the Giants) have a 56.66% chance to drop an Arteria Leaf when killed. Arcane builds stay winning.

            • Anonymous

              Serious question: Does this game have a rollover bug? I suspect but have yet to confirm that having 254+ discovery has the game reset your discovery to an impossibly low value. Computers are dumb and when you hit a maximum value it instead begins counting again from the beginning.

              Anyone remember the Civilization bug where upgrading Gandhi's peacefulness actually made him become the most violent character in the game? Like that.

              I'm testing this and will ask a couple programmers I know for their thoughts this weekend.

              • Anonymous

                It's like there's a build in mechanic to prank people lmao. I got a pumpkin head with 3 try after i lower my discovery stats to minimum but when i was farming it with 300 discovery stats with talisman and 99 arcane and the white finger it decided to not give me one after 30 try. I then want to confirm this by making a new character then run there farm a new pumpkin head after 6 try i got another.

                • Anonymous

                  When looking to farm anything I just respec to 99 luck using the glitch with Rosaria and equip as much item discovery boosting gear as possible. Makes it slightly less painful

                  • Anonymous

                    I can't for the love of god figure out if being summoned in another world boosts your Item discovery or drop chances, because I keep seeing a lot of drops during random summons, to the point of being comical (For instance in Raya Lucaria academy on the run way to the boss my arcane character usually sees 4-5 drops at minimum in summoned state compared to 1-2 if I am a host) This thing makes me feel like I believe in some conspiracy theory I swear

                    • Anonymous

                      Does item discovery affect the possibe quantity of items you can get from field items such h as Erdleaf flowers and mushrooms and such?

                      Sometimes I get 1x, sometimes 2x and very rarely I'll even get 3x. Would item discovery affect that, do you think?

                      • Anonymous

                        to put it into simple terms. take your discovery and change it into a percentage (eg 150 disc = 150%) then multiply the drop chance by the discovery. so 150% of 20% is 30%

                        • Anonymous

                          I believe I have ran into a mechanic associated with item discovery: I like to make new characters and "prep" them for my coop runs with friends, and in doing this I find that I tend to drop items and rare ones more often when I run ahead collecting upgrade materials from around limgrave and then liurnia and grabbing the red hot wet blade from redmane castle, but without fighting any bosses nor completing any dungeons. Perhaps it is just me getting "lucky" but I have noticed that after running ahead like this, item drops are more common and good (perhaps it's a mechanic to help speed runners? going for 100% completion by allowing them easier acccess to rare drops)

                          • Anonymous

                            Six games later and the best system is still world tendency from DeS. Tougher enemies = more rare items and souls. Problem is if they did that with say night in this you would just be constantly running to graces to pass time like dying in the nexus and playing at 75% health the entire time.

                            • To make the formula simplier, let's make the following assumptions:
                              0) Everything in this article is true (the most questionable one).
                              1) The total weight is always 1000.
                              2) Rounding never happens.

                              With them we can define our initial chances of getting an item as c1 = w/1000 (w is a weight of an item). The chance after getting our drop rates (d, from 1 to 3.74 or whatever is possible in the game) is c2 = wd/(1000 + w(d-1)).
                              1/c2 = (1000 + wd - w)/wd = 1000/wd + 1 - 1/d = 1 + 1/(d*c1) + 1/d = 1 + 1/d * (1/c1 - 1).
                              Now let's define the average amount of attempts until getting an item as n1 = 1/c1 and n2 = 1/c2. We get n2 = 1 + (n1 - 1)/d. And it finally makes sense: you will always have to make more than one attempt (chance never goes above 100%), and the amound of attempts beyond 1 is divided by the drop rate stat. When n1 is high (c1 is low), n2 ≈ n1/d.

                              • Anonymous

                                The start of this makes no sense. "Stats can be increasing by spending points to them after leveling up." And "It is advised to be wise at the moment of spending this points"

                                Who wrote this lol?

                                • Anonymous

                                  Does this affect how many items you get from non-drops? For example, if I were to farm Smouldering Butterflies at the spot near the Warmaster's shack, do the odds of getting 2 or 3 or more instead of 1 increase with higher Discovery?

                                  • Anonymous

                                    Just to confuse everyone more, the above calculation is if there is only one drop from the monster. If the information above is correct, meaning each drop-able item gains increased drop locations and ups the maximum of the random number then drop rates will be less than anticipated. For example, the Giant Rats in Earthbore Cave have Golden Rune 1 or 3 @ 20% and Rune Arc at 1%. If you have 200 Discovery that moves the max from 1000 to 1210 and then each item has a new spread: 20/1210, 1.65% for Rune Arcs and 400/1210, 33.05% for Golden Runes. If you don't put the other items into the calculation you might assume the drop rate for Rune Arc to be 20/1010, 1.98%. I would submit my Excel sheet for review but I don't think that possible. Please correct me if I am mistaken.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      This doesn't make any sense because if you have a discovery of 5 on a drop rate of 2% the new drop rate is 0.4%

                                      • Anonymous

                                        Don't forget about using the great rune of godric for an extra +5 semi-permanent boost to all your attributes.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          I find the more you farm a NPC, stormhawk in my cause, the drop rate lowers the more you farm them. Anybody know how to replenish the drop rate? Does it just take in game time in real time? Or forcing to go ahead days forward in game?

                                          • Anonymous

                                            I feel like the bit with "1 to 1000 item weight" is pointless info. The percent chance is all that anyone needs, and that item discovery is just a multiplier to the base drop chance.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              I use the Silver Scarab, Marika's Soreseal, Silver Tear Mask and Grafted Blade Greatsword. Plus I have arcade 99 and my discovery just stays at 274.0. It doesn't go any higher than that so I think an update must be preventing it or I'm doing something wrong. Does anyone know?

                                              • Anonymous

                                                Any reason in particular for why many things are so rare to drop? Just to troll us? The game is long enough as it is, trying to be a boss completionist is bad enough as it is, why do I also have to be saddled with MMO drop rates for stuff? I just wanted a cool shield, and a cool helmet, and....Marika damn it, why must you do this, From?

                                                • This is the worst iteration of farming in souls games. Remember DS3 concord farming? Now imagine almost every item being as rare but at least you only need 1 of them usually... Farmed every item in the game a few months ago and it took almost 2 weeks.

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    in final fantasy 8, if you boosted your luck too high, you overshoot the maximum luck threshold and can't acquire certain drops. it seems like that's happening here sometimes. i've never gotten the serpent flame sword. got the flame monk blade quickly without maxed stats. i'm just listening to podcasts and farming the same two serpent dudes after readjusting my arcane to 99 and boosting my discovery to 324.

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      I think From really screwed up with farming in Elden Ring. In Dark Souls 3, you had more items that boost item discovery, they were more effective and more easily accessible. Moreover, most armor sets and weapons didn't require farming and were available for purchase after a certain point in the game. In ER? Almost nothing is purchasable, and you have to FARM consumables that boost item discovery. That's ridiculous, farming to make farming easier? And even if you do, you get about half as much item discovery as you could get in DS3. I wish they address this issue in future patches and DLCs, right now farming is very frustrating

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        Took me 2.5 hours to farm 2 of those blades at 274 discovery. Got 14 Man-Serpent shields in the meanwhile, a whole mine worth of volcanic rock and a bunch of Albinauric Bloodclots (you can agro face eater by making noise while riding elevator up).
                                                        This item has only 1% drop chance at 100 discovery. So it is very hard to get. . .
                                                        Tips to make a special farming build before NG+ to farm rare drops:
                                                        - Silver Tear Mask (+8 arcane)
                                                        - Grafted Blade Greatsword (+5 arcane from weapon art)
                                                        - Rune arc + Godric Great Rune (+5 arcane)
                                                        ------ Total +18 arcane from gear and 81 arcane of your own.
                                                        Silver Pickled feet for +50 discovery to run at maximum 324 did not seem viable, since they cancel out with fast travel. To keep foot buff you would need to travel down the elevator towards the grace. This saves you seconds on resetting the elevator, but then you loose much more traveling back. Just did not seem viable in the long run.
                                                        Now I got the blades which I probably will never use, LOL :D
                                                        Good luck farming everyone!

                                                        • You know how Greirat in DS3 would increase his stock by going out and looting places? What if there was an NPC you could pay to go get all the farmable items from an area and sell them to you (not unique drops or materials)? It would be pretty expensive but you get plenty of runes by farming for an item anyway.

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            Using the godric great rune with an ark rune can help increase discovery near 300 or something i cant remember,i just with gravel stone wasn't so prevalent.

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              By the way, before trying to farm an item try asking on some online forum like reddit if someone can trade the item with you. You'll have infinitely more success than trying to luck out with this garbage item drop system.

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                For all of you guys trying to justify the drop rates im sorry to tell you that the souls bourne series's drop rate have always been terrible and elden ring is no different possibly worse even if you guys use all the drop rate items like silver scarab etc. It still doesn't escape the fact that some items are harder to get for example godrick soldier armor its probably one of the easiest to get but the black fire monk armor the haligtree knight armor the fat lady armor and the cleanrot armor are just way harder to get you might get lucky but not everyone is and this isn't even weapons or even crafting items they also have somewhat of a problem too

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  Discovery is also in creased by
                                                                  Marais Mask +1
                                                                  Mask of Confidence +3
                                                                  Albinauric Mask +4
                                                                  Silver Tear Mask +8

                                                                  These are the ones I know of

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    I highly doubt the formula is correct here. Because if something has a hypothetical droprate of lets say 40%, and you have max Discovery of 324, you get 0,4x324=129.6%. That doesn't make any sense. A formula like this might work, but you have to be sure all drop chances are below 100/324 or 30.8641975% to never get above 100%.

                                                                    I've also done a small test with farming the 8 Guillemots at the Cathedral of Dragon Communion. With 25% base chance for Four-Toed Fowl Foot to drop from Guillemots, this will be increased to 81% with 324 Discovery (0.25x324=81%) according to the formula above. I killed 95 of them, and got 53 Four-Toed Fowl Foot.
                                                                    So 95x0,81~77 Feet is the estimate amount I should have got, yet i got 53 which is really low. Now it might be possible I was very unlucky here, but I think you can see very easily while you're farming, that these things don't have a 81% drop chance. This farming run took 9m25 seconds btw.

                                                                    I've done some datamining for Bloodborne. How drop chances are calculated for example, is that an enemy can drop a set of items, which all have a certain rarity value at 100 Discovery. If that item's droprate can be increased by Discovery, the rarity value of that item gets a multiplier of Discovery/100. Then, the actual drop chance for an item is the updated rarity value for that item divided by the total updated rarity values from all items that can drop.

                                                                    Now, we know this might not work the same in Elden Ring, becaue it is possible for multiple items to drop at the same time. Therefore the drop chance for an item is most likely not dependent on the other items that can drop, like it is in Bloodborne. Maybe when the formula above goes above 100%, multiple drops can happen?

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      Aye, I’m just throwing this out there. So I’m trying to 100% all the gear.

                                                                      On my main I didn’t even try to farm, I have 11 Arc and managed to get all the Aristocrat gear except the Slender sword.

                                                                      This character has 34, and I’ve been farming for like 4 hours and have almost nothing still but somehow got 3 Eso and 3 swords.

                                                                      I honestly don’t think discovery does anything for gear. Just items. Like 700 berries but no gear, and the gear that does drop is repetitive. 8 shoes, 3 coats, 4 hats, all the same.

                                                                      Worried about people over leveling in areas, but get 100k runes because nothing drops.

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        remember kids, unless the game secretly goes above base 199 discovery with 99 Arcane, only level up your arcane to 82 arcane if your going to use arcane boosting items (Marika's soreseal, Godrick's great rune, silver tear mask. all together give +18) for your maximum farming needs.

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          Magma Blade? Less than 20 kills.
                                                                          Lazuli Glintstone Sword? Dropped on my 5th kill.
                                                                          Mausoleum Knight Greaves? Farming for over 4 hours, still nothing.
                                                                          ****ing drop rates...

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            I am confused, as I don’t believe there is a specific formula identified. But this is my belief-

                                                                            The percent of a creature dropping something is multiplied by Arcane times 0.01. For example, having 60 arcane and the silver scarab mask gives 235 discovery, so a 1% chance of acquiring an item is turned into 2.35%

                                                                            This is all speculation, please tell me if someone knows anything about the specific formula

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              If im correct the Arcane increase from marikas sorseal and silver mask adds 13 discovery. So a ×1.13 modifier to drop rate. If youre farming a rare item, say 1% drop, you now get a whooping 1.13% drop. Counting the starting arcane and assuming a build without any extra you go from about 1.1% (lowest arc being 7, highest 14, depending on class) to 1.23% drop.
                                                                              So ish 1 in 81 (80.3) up from 1 in 90 chance. Seems kinda pointless to go out of your way to get the items. Use em if you have tho.
                                                                              Counting the scarab and silver foot thats 1 in 43 (42.55) to 1 in 40 (40.3) so make sure to get those. The 125+ you get more than doubles your initial discovery.

                                                                              It seems to change amount dropped as well.

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                The women aren't cheering in glee.
                                                                                They're jeering at me because I've farmed 5 cleavers, two rakes, 3 sets of their armor, and zero sickles ;(

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  I have very mixed results with Discovery: it seems I get 3 rare drops on one kill occasionally with 80 arcane, while also getting absolutely no drops over 15 mins of farming occasionally.

                                                                                  I think the reality is an 80% increase of a 1% drop is still a 1.8% drop. You're not 80% more likely to find items, just 80% more likely to find THAT item.

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    I may be wrong, but does it also boost the chance of enemies appearing that drop bonus runes? Or is that just coincidence on my end?

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      For those of you that are curious, Discovery is actually represented as f * 100. For example, at 10 Arcane you will have 110.0 Discovery in the Status menu; however, the real value is 1.10. When you increase your discovery the effect is additive. The addend for Silver-Pickled Fowl Foot is 50 (0.50), so, after using the item you will see 160.0 (1.60).

                                                                                      The disassembly looks like...

                                                                                      xorps xmm8,xmm8
                                                                                      movaps xmm7,xmm8
                                                                                      addss xmm6,xmm7
                                                                                      maxss xmm6,xmm8
                                                                                      movaps xmm0,xmm6

                                                                                      ... where xmm7 is the addend, xmm6 is temp storage, xmm8 is ??? (seems to always be 0.0), and xmm0 is Discovery.

                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                        A think to note: Any equipment that increases Arcane will not increase item discovery if you are already at 99 Arcane. So there is an important distinction to make between an item giving "item discovery" (regardless of your Arcane) like the Silver Scarab, and an item giving "Arcane" (not giving a straight increase to ID) like the Silver Tear Mask.

                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                          There is a helmet called "Silver Tear Mask" that increases Arcane (and b extension - Discovery) by 8. It can be found in Nokstella, Eternal City during Rannis questline

                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                            Does Discovery affect number of materials gathered from the wild? For example sometimes you can get multiple Rowa fruit from a single bush. Does Discovery increase the chance for that?

                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                              just saying the marika's seals talismans both boost arcane which in turn boosts item disovery though only but 3-5 points

                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                There is also a silver scarab talisman. Its kinda hard to find. Its in the secret lift to the consecrated snowfield along with another mimic tear boss fight giving a death root. I recommend just looking it up on YouTube but there's an invisible bridge you can jump on

                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                  godrick great rune helps too +5 to all stats includes arcane-- not much but if u are farming without dying than it is a free boost

                                                                                                  marika's scarseal also boosts arcane

                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                    Drop rate of items feels significantly higher as you go up with little diminishing returns. One silver foot consumable makes a heap of a difference, and the buff does not expire upon resting. Ideally, i'd make an arcane build just to see what drops from everything but the consumables are plenty. Worth checking to see if item discovery increases odds of four toes for crafting

                                                                                                    • Noticed I had the discovery up icon when erdleaves started falling, and it disappeared when the leaves stopped
                                                                                                      Makes me wonder if other weather events have an effect on your character

                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                        Item drops DO increase with discovery, was reluctant to invest any points. Spent 6 points on it and immediately noticed a difference.

                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                          Hoping that discovery actually makes a big difference in the final game because i would love to make a build that focuses on crafting items and spells

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