Mask of Confidence

mask of confidence elden ring wiki guide 200px
damage negation icon elden ring wiki guide 18pxDmg Negation
Phy 2.3
VS Strike 2.5
VS Slash 2.3
VS Pierce 2.3
Magic 5.3
Fire 4.8
Ligt 4.7
Holy 4.7
resisntace icon elden ring wiki guide 18pxResistance
Immunity 24
Robustness 11
Focus 39
Vitality 35
Poise 5

Helm Wgt. 3.3

Mask of Confidence is a Helm in Elden RingMask of Confidence is a Light Weigh headpiece that increases Arcane. Mask of Confidence protect the player's head by applying various defensive properties, it also changes the appearance as well when it is equipped. Some armor pieces may be available to both genders but may be slightly different for male and female characters.


Mask with the mouth sewn shut with gold thread.

Increases arcane.

When Radagon married Rennala, he ordered the Carian magic preceptors to don these masks. To make it clear that all of their matters were to be kept strictly private.


Where to find Mask of Confidence in Elden Ring

The Mask of Confidence Helm can be found at:


Mask of Confidence Set in Elden Ring

  • Mask of Confidence is an individual piece and doesn't belong to any set.
  • It is a variant of Preceptor's Big Hat which doesn't have the hat.
  • Poise Updated to patch 1.07

Builds with Mask of Confidence


Blood Dancer Written Guide


Elden Ring Mask of Confidence Notes & Tips

  • status effect 59 elden ring wiki guide 44px Raises Discovery +3
  • Increases Arcane by 3.
  • Sell Value: runes currency elden ring wiki guide 18 200
  • Cannot be altered cosmetically
  • As of 1.03, this helm has 10 Frost resist despite displaying 11 Robustness. The Robustness number is actually the Blood resist, but Frost resist is meant to match it. In 1.02, the helm had 10 Robustness (10 Blood and 10 Frost). This has not been fixed in 1.04.


All Helms in Elden Ring
Alberich's Pointed Hat  ♦  Alberich's Pointed Hat (Altered)  ♦  Albinauric Mask  ♦  All-Knowing Helm  ♦  Aristocrat Hat  ♦  Aristocrat Headband  ♦  Ash-of-War Scarab  ♦  Astrologer Hood  ♦  Azur's Glintstone Crown  ♦  Bandit Mask  ♦  Banished Knight Helm  ♦  Banished Knight Helm (Altered)  ♦  Beast Champion Helm  ♦  Black Dumpling  ♦  Black Hood  ♦  Black Knife Hood  ♦  Black Wolf Mask  ♦  Blackflame Monk Hood  ♦  Blackguard's Iron Mask  ♦  Bloodhound Knight Helm  ♦  Bloodsoaked Mask  ♦  Blue Cloth Cowl  ♦  Blue Festive Hood  ♦  Blue Silver Mail Hood  ♦  Brave's Cord Circlet  ♦  Brave's Leather Helm  ♦  Briar Helm  ♦  Bull-Goat Helm  ♦  Carian Knight Helm  ♦  Cerulean Tear Scarab  ♦  Chain Coif  ♦  Champion Headband  ♦  Cleanrot Helm  ♦  Cleanrot Helm (Altered)  ♦  Commoner's Headband  ♦  Commoner's Headband (Altered)  ♦  Confessor Hood  ♦  Confessor Hood (Altered)  ♦  Consort's Mask  ♦  Crimson Hood  ♦  Crimson Tear Scarab  ♦  Crucible Axe Helm  ♦  Crucible Tree Helm  ♦  Cuckoo Knight Helm  ♦  Depraved Perfumer Headscarf  ♦  Diallos's Mask  ♦  Drake Knight Helm  ♦  Drake Knight Helm (Altered)  ♦  Duelist Helm  ♦  Eccentric's Hood  ♦  Eccentric's Hood (Altered)  ♦  Elden Lord Crown  ♦  Envoy Crown  ♦  Exile Hood  ♦  Festive Hood  ♦  Festive Hood (Altered)  ♦  Fia's Hood  ♦  Finger Maiden Fillet  ♦  Fingerprint Helm  ♦  Fire Monk Hood  ♦  Fire Prelate Helm  ♦  Foot Soldier Cap  ♦  Foot Soldier Helm  ♦  Foot Soldier Helmet  ♦  Gelmir Knight Helm  ♦  Gilded Foot Soldier Cap  ♦  Glintstone Scarab  ♦  Godrick Knight Helm  ♦  Godrick Soldier Helm  ♦  Godskin Apostle Hood  ♦  Godskin Noble Hood  ♦  Grass Hair Ornament  ♦  Great Horned Headband  ♦  Greathelm  ♦  Greathood  ♦  Guardian Mask  ♦  Guilty Hood  ♦  Haima Glintstone Crown  ♦  Haligtree Helm  ♦  Haligtree Knight Helm  ♦  Hierodas Glintstone Crown  ♦  High Page Hood  ♦  Highwayman Hood  ♦  Hoslow's Helm  ♦  Iji's Mirrorhelm  ♦  Imp Head (Cat)  ♦  Imp Head (Corpse)  ♦  Imp Head (Elder)  ♦  Imp Head (Fanged)  ♦  Imp Head (Long-Tongued)  ♦  Imp Head (Wolf)  ♦  Incantation Scarab  ♦  Iron Helmet  ♦  Iron Kasa  ♦  Jar  ♦  Juvenile Scholar Cap  ♦  Kaiden Helm  ♦  Karolos Glintstone Crown  ♦  Knight Helm  ♦  Land of Reeds Helm  ♦  Lazuli Glintstone Crown  ♦  Leyndell Knight Helm  ♦  Leyndell Soldier Helm  ♦  Lionel's Helm  ♦  Lusat's Glintstone Crown  ♦  Malenia's Winged Helm  ♦  Malformed Dragon Helm  ♦  Maliketh's Helm  ♦  Marais Mask  ♦  Marionette Soldier Birdhelm  ♦  Marionette Soldier Helm  ♦  Mushroom Crown  ♦  Mushroom Head  ♦  Navy Hood  ♦  Night's Cavalry Helm  ♦  Night's Cavalry Helm (Altered)  ♦  Night Maiden Twin Crown  ♦  Nomadic Merchant's Chapeau  ♦  Nox Mirrorhelm  ♦  Nox Monk Hood  ♦  Nox Monk Hood (Altered)  ♦  Nox Swordstress Crown  ♦  Nox Swordstress Crown (Altered)  ♦  Octopus Head  ♦  Okina Mask  ♦  Old Aristocrat Cowl  ♦  Olivinus Glintstone Crown  ♦  Omen Helm  ♦  Omensmirk Mask  ♦  Page Hood  ♦  Perfumer Hood  ♦  Preceptor's Big Hat  ♦  Prisoner Iron Mask  ♦  Prophet Blindfold  ♦  Pumpkin Helm  ♦  Queen's Crescent Crown  ♦  Radahn's Redmane Helm  ♦  Radahn Soldier Helm  ♦  Radiant Gold Mask  ♦  Ragged Hat  ♦  Ragged Hat (Altered)  ♦  Raging Wolf Helm  ♦  Raya Lucarian Helm  ♦  Redmane Knight Helm  ♦  Rotten Duelist Helm  ♦  Royal Knight Helm  ♦  Royal Remains Helm  ♦  Ruler's Mask  ♦  Sacred Crown Helm  ♦  Sage Hood  ♦  Sanguine Noble Hood  ♦  Scaled Helm  ♦  Shining Horned Headband  ♦  Silver Tear Mask  ♦  Skeletal Mask  ♦  Snow Witch Hat  ♦  Spellblade's Pointed Hat  ♦  Traveler's Hat  ♦  Traveling Maiden Hood  ♦  Tree Sentinel Helm  ♦  Twinned Helm  ♦  Twinsage Glintstone Crown  ♦  Vagabond Knight Helm  ♦  Veteran's Helm  ♦  Vulgar Militia Helm  ♦  White Mask  ♦  White Reed Helm  ♦  Witch's Glintstone Crown  ♦  Zamor Mask


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    • Anonymous

      Low key one of the best pieces of armor I've come across in the game. If you don't put points into arcane and you want to use something like Greyoll's Roar that requires slightly more, you can pair this with Godrick's Great Rune to get what you need without the negative effects of the other arcane bosting armor.

      • Anonymous

        Low key one of the best pieces of armor I've come across in the game. If you don't put points into arcane and you want to use something like Greyoll's Roar that requires slightly more, you can pair this with Godrick's Great Rune to get what you need without the negative effects of the other arcane bosting armor.

        • Compared to the Omensmirk Mask, you lose 1 poise and add 0.3 more weight in exchange for 1 more Stat Point (2 Strength vs 3 Arcane) which I consider a fair tradeoff. If you need the Arcane and don't want to wear a Helm with additional downsides, I suggest wearing this over other options. It is also quite stylish, from a certain point of view, but I never see anyone wearing this for some reason...

          • Anonymous

            Its cool that the game has a way to alter the appearance of some armors; its mostly useless though. Removes a cape here and there. Wish it would allow you to alter the color of the armor.

            • Anonymous

              This head piece fits nicely with the Ronin Chest(Yura) piece. My personal fashion souls look:
              (Head) Mask of Confidence
              (Chest) Ronin Armor
              (Arms) Essentric Gloves
              (Legs) Ronin Greaves

              • Anonymous

                This headpiece goes perfectly with the cape of the Ronin Armor, well tbh a lot of things fit with the Ronin Armor but this looks especially nice

                • Anonymous

                  Looks pretty good with hoslow armor. The light black color of the hood is the exact shade of black as the cape

                  • Anonymous

                    From a lore perspective, why does this increase arcane stat when Radagon is would be faith and Rennala intelligence? Does the arcane/occult affiliation suggest there is something more secretive that Radagon/Rennala got up to other than marriage?

                    • Anonymous

                      If anyone wants a good chest armour to match this with, try either the Sage Robe for a light armour (the hood is the same colour as the robe, so it looks like you've just put on a red poncho) or the Eccentric's Armour for a heavier setup (hood matches the scarf that would attach to the unaltered Eccentric's helm).

                      • Anonymous

                        If anyone wants a good chest armour to match this with, try either the Sage Robe for a light armour (the hood is the same colour as the robe, so it looks like you've just put on a red poncho) or the Eccentric's Armour for a heavier setup (hood matches the scarf that would attach to the unaltered Eccentric's helm).

                        • Anonymous

                          The off-black tone matches the Scaled Greaves. For a full white+black fit, try Scaled Gauntlets + Night Maiden Armor + Banished Knight Shield

                          • Anonymous

                            This helmet really makes me wish we had dyes for armor, the color of the hood mismatching with so many armors is something that really bugs me.

                            • Anonymous

                              > Mask of Confidence is an individual piece and doesn't belong to any set.
                              It should belong to the Preceptor's Set as an alternate helm - the Preceptor's Big Hat has the same mask, only with an added hat on top.

                              • Anonymous

                                saying this helm raises item discovery is like saying a helm that increases vigor raises your health, the boost to your character discovery stat comes purely from the +3 arcane, there is no extra effect apart from that

                                • Anonymous

                                  For RL1 this can enable dragon incantations together with something raising faith. You could also wear the respective imp head you get way later and makes you look ugly or the silver tear mask with the same property while also reducing your attack damage. So this is probably the best choice.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    This looks surprisingly good with the hoslow armor, I'm coupling both of them together with my newest character

                                    • Anonymous

                                      A question out of curiosity: as a non-native speaker I can't tell if 'their matter' refers to the royal marriage, or researches done by those Carian magic preceptors. Could someone kindly share with me their interpretations? Or even better, the interpretation regarding the original Japanese text. My thanks in advance!

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