Festive Hood

festive hood elden ring wiki guide 200px
damage negation icon elden ring wiki guide 18pxDmg Negation
Phy 1.4
VS Strike 1.8
VS Slash 2.1
VS Pierce 1.8
Magic 4.5
Fire 4.2
Ligt 4.4
Holy 4.6
resisntace icon elden ring wiki guide 18pxResistance
Helm Wgt. 1.7

Festive Hood is a Helm in Elden RingFestive Hood is part of the Festive Set Armor Set, and is only a two piece set worn by the dancers in Dominula, Windmill Village. Festive Hood protect the player's head by applying various defensive properties, it also changes the appearance as well when it is equipped. Some armor pieces may be available to both genders but may be slightly different for male and female characters.


Hood worn by dancers at the festivities in Dominula, the village of windmills.

Decorated with many-colored flowers.


Where to find Festive Hood in Elden Ring

The Festive Hood Helm can be found at:

  • Dropped from the yellow clothed Celebrants in Dominula, Windmill Village.
    • Here's a fast way to farm this: Go to the Windmill Village site of grace, summon the horse, while moving towards the first group of 3 enemies use ranged attacks (Magic Glintblade is convenient for the freedom of movement post-aggro) to kill the enemy on the right (the one that has a skull mace if you aggro her, she has the yellow hood), try to avoid hitting the bush, pick up potential items, repeat until you get the hood.


Festive Hood Set in Elden Ring

Elden Ring Festive Hood Notes & Tips


All Helms in Elden Ring
Alberich's Pointed Hat  ♦  Alberich's Pointed Hat (Altered)  ♦  Albinauric Mask  ♦  All-Knowing Helm  ♦  Aristocrat Hat  ♦  Aristocrat Headband  ♦  Ash-of-War Scarab  ♦  Astrologer Hood  ♦  Azur's Glintstone Crown  ♦  Bandit Mask  ♦  Banished Knight Helm  ♦  Banished Knight Helm (Altered)  ♦  Beast Champion Helm  ♦  Black Dumpling  ♦  Black Hood  ♦  Black Knife Hood  ♦  Black Wolf Mask  ♦  Blackflame Monk Hood  ♦  Blackguard's Iron Mask  ♦  Bloodhound Knight Helm  ♦  Bloodsoaked Mask  ♦  Blue Cloth Cowl  ♦  Blue Festive Hood  ♦  Blue Silver Mail Hood  ♦  Brave's Cord Circlet  ♦  Brave's Leather Helm  ♦  Briar Helm  ♦  Bull-Goat Helm  ♦  Carian Knight Helm  ♦  Cerulean Tear Scarab  ♦  Chain Coif  ♦  Champion Headband  ♦  Cleanrot Helm  ♦  Cleanrot Helm (Altered)  ♦  Commoner's Headband  ♦  Commoner's Headband (Altered)  ♦  Confessor Hood  ♦  Confessor Hood (Altered)  ♦  Consort's Mask  ♦  Crimson Hood  ♦  Crimson Tear Scarab  ♦  Crucible Axe Helm  ♦  Crucible Tree Helm  ♦  Cuckoo Knight Helm  ♦  Depraved Perfumer Headscarf  ♦  Diallos's Mask  ♦  Drake Knight Helm  ♦  Drake Knight Helm (Altered)  ♦  Duelist Helm  ♦  Eccentric's Hood  ♦  Eccentric's Hood (Altered)  ♦  Elden Lord Crown  ♦  Envoy Crown  ♦  Exile Hood  ♦  Festive Hood (Altered)  ♦  Fia's Hood  ♦  Finger Maiden Fillet  ♦  Fingerprint Helm  ♦  Fire Monk Hood  ♦  Fire Prelate Helm  ♦  Foot Soldier Cap  ♦  Foot Soldier Helm  ♦  Foot Soldier Helmet  ♦  Gelmir Knight Helm  ♦  Gilded Foot Soldier Cap  ♦  Glintstone Scarab  ♦  Godrick Knight Helm  ♦  Godrick Soldier Helm  ♦  Godskin Apostle Hood  ♦  Godskin Noble Hood  ♦  Grass Hair Ornament  ♦  Great Horned Headband  ♦  Greathelm  ♦  Greathood  ♦  Guardian Mask  ♦  Guilty Hood  ♦  Haima Glintstone Crown  ♦  Haligtree Helm  ♦  Haligtree Knight Helm  ♦  Hierodas Glintstone Crown  ♦  High Page Hood  ♦  Highwayman Hood  ♦  Hoslow's Helm  ♦  Iji's Mirrorhelm  ♦  Imp Head (Cat)  ♦  Imp Head (Corpse)  ♦  Imp Head (Elder)  ♦  Imp Head (Fanged)  ♦  Imp Head (Long-Tongued)  ♦  Imp Head (Wolf)  ♦  Incantation Scarab  ♦  Iron Helmet  ♦  Iron Kasa  ♦  Jar  ♦  Juvenile Scholar Cap  ♦  Kaiden Helm  ♦  Karolos Glintstone Crown  ♦  Knight Helm  ♦  Land of Reeds Helm  ♦  Lazuli Glintstone Crown  ♦  Leyndell Knight Helm  ♦  Leyndell Soldier Helm  ♦  Lionel's Helm  ♦  Lusat's Glintstone Crown  ♦  Malenia's Winged Helm  ♦  Malformed Dragon Helm  ♦  Maliketh's Helm  ♦  Marais Mask  ♦  Marionette Soldier Birdhelm  ♦  Marionette Soldier Helm  ♦  Mask of Confidence  ♦  Mushroom Crown  ♦  Mushroom Head  ♦  Navy Hood  ♦  Night's Cavalry Helm  ♦  Night's Cavalry Helm (Altered)  ♦  Night Maiden Twin Crown  ♦  Nomadic Merchant's Chapeau  ♦  Nox Mirrorhelm  ♦  Nox Monk Hood  ♦  Nox Monk Hood (Altered)  ♦  Nox Swordstress Crown  ♦  Nox Swordstress Crown (Altered)  ♦  Octopus Head  ♦  Okina Mask  ♦  Old Aristocrat Cowl  ♦  Olivinus Glintstone Crown  ♦  Omen Helm  ♦  Omensmirk Mask  ♦  Page Hood  ♦  Perfumer Hood  ♦  Preceptor's Big Hat  ♦  Prisoner Iron Mask  ♦  Prophet Blindfold  ♦  Pumpkin Helm  ♦  Queen's Crescent Crown  ♦  Radahn's Redmane Helm  ♦  Radahn Soldier Helm  ♦  Radiant Gold Mask  ♦  Ragged Hat  ♦  Ragged Hat (Altered)  ♦  Raging Wolf Helm  ♦  Raya Lucarian Helm  ♦  Redmane Knight Helm  ♦  Rotten Duelist Helm  ♦  Royal Knight Helm  ♦  Royal Remains Helm  ♦  Ruler's Mask  ♦  Sacred Crown Helm  ♦  Sage Hood  ♦  Sanguine Noble Hood  ♦  Scaled Helm  ♦  Shining Horned Headband  ♦  Silver Tear Mask  ♦  Skeletal Mask  ♦  Snow Witch Hat  ♦  Spellblade's Pointed Hat  ♦  Traveler's Hat  ♦  Traveling Maiden Hood  ♦  Tree Sentinel Helm  ♦  Twinned Helm  ♦  Twinsage Glintstone Crown  ♦  Vagabond Knight Helm  ♦  Veteran's Helm  ♦  Vulgar Militia Helm  ♦  White Mask  ♦  White Reed Helm  ♦  Witch's Glintstone Crown  ♦  Zamor Mask

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    • Anonymous

      if ya'll need something to do when farming this try turning on your golden effigy to be summoned somewhere, it feels less horrible when you're being summoned. it's like a break from the monotony!

      • Anonymous

        Because they didn’t add golden chain mail hoods, I use this in tree sentinel armor and it’s very nice.

        • Anonymous

          Its is my great honor to be able to let you all know, they for whatever reason this won't drop from the folks IN the village. But if you go to the windmill in the west, where you find the noble gear, there is a group that drops them almost first time for me. Hope this helps more people not end up with endless bone shards lol

          • Anonymous

            Can they please just give guaranteed drops after a certain amount of kills? And the higher discovery, the less amount of kills or something. I'm sick of killing the same basic enemies for 6 hours and not getting the drop. What does this add to the game at this point? It's just a lottery to be more miserable than anyone else. All I wanted was a flower crown bro

            • Anonymous

              FromSoft's programming expertise is amazing. I can't believe they're able to detect the exact item I want in my brain waves and make its drop rate fall to infinitesimal levels

              (I did eventually get it by focusing the three green-hooded ladies near Windmill Village grace. About 600k runes worth of runs at 160 discovery)

              • Anonymous

                42,518 runes worth of farming, discovery 115. Finally got one. The fashion is worth it, but bring some silver feet

                • Anonymous

                  spent 2 hours farming for one magma blade with max discovery
                  spent 1 run to get a festive hood with base discovery
                  wtf is this shti

                  • Anonymous

                    Dropchance seems to be around 0.5% with standart, unbuffed 100 discovery, propably even lower than that. Another problem is that there is only 4 of the yellow clothed dancers scattered around the village, so farming this will take most people a very long time.

                    • Anonymous

                      My 113 discovery character got two of these after three minutes of farming. My 239 one I haven’t seen one after 2 hours of farming in the same exact spot -_-

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