Imp Head (Long-Tongued)

imp head (long tongued) elden ring wiki guide 200px
damage negation icon elden ring wiki guide 18pxDmg Negation
Phy 5.8
VS Strike 5.2
VS Slash 5.8
VS Pierce 6.1
Magic 5
Fire 5.8
Ligt 4.8
Holy 5
resisntace icon elden ring wiki guide 18pxResistance
Immunity 35
Robustness 35
Focus 20
Vitality 20
Poise 10

Helm Wgt. 8.1

Imp Head (Long-Tongued) is a Helm in Elden RingImp Head (Long-Tongued) is one of the various Imp Heads that drops off of imps across the Land Between. The Long-Tongued variation increases the wearer's Dexterity by 2. Imp Head (Long-Tongued) protect the player's head by applying various defensive properties, it also changes the appearance as well when it is equipped. Some armor pieces may be available to both genders but may be slightly different for male and female characters.


Head covering made from the largely unaltered head of an impish golem.

Resembling a long-tongued demon, it holds trace amounts of vexatious dexterity.


Where to find Imp Head (Long-Tongued) in Elden Ring

The Imp Head (Long-Tongued) Helm can be found at:

  • Chance to drop from imps found in the Subterranean Shunning-Grounds:
    • From the Underground Roadside site of grace, go south through the shortcut door. This room has long-tongued Imps that can drop the Imp Head (Long-Tongued) hiding everywhere above the sewer pipes.


Imp Head (Long-Tongued) Set in Elden Ring

  • Imp Head (Long-Tongued) is an individual piece and doesn't belong to a set.


Elden Ring Imp Head (Long-Tongued) Notes & Tips

  • Increases Dexterity by +2
  • Sell Value: runes currency elden ring wiki guide 18 200
  • Base drop rate is 0.5% (at 100 Discovery)
  • Poise Updated to patch 1.07


All Helms in Elden Ring
Alberich's Pointed Hat  ♦  Alberich's Pointed Hat (Altered)  ♦  Albinauric Mask  ♦  All-Knowing Helm  ♦  Aristocrat Hat  ♦  Aristocrat Headband  ♦  Ash-of-War Scarab  ♦  Astrologer Hood  ♦  Azur's Glintstone Crown  ♦  Bandit Mask  ♦  Banished Knight Helm  ♦  Banished Knight Helm (Altered)  ♦  Beast Champion Helm  ♦  Black Dumpling  ♦  Black Hood  ♦  Black Knife Hood  ♦  Black Wolf Mask  ♦  Blackflame Monk Hood  ♦  Blackguard's Iron Mask  ♦  Bloodhound Knight Helm  ♦  Bloodsoaked Mask  ♦  Blue Cloth Cowl  ♦  Blue Festive Hood  ♦  Blue Silver Mail Hood  ♦  Brave's Cord Circlet  ♦  Brave's Leather Helm  ♦  Briar Helm  ♦  Bull-Goat Helm  ♦  Carian Knight Helm  ♦  Cerulean Tear Scarab  ♦  Chain Coif  ♦  Champion Headband  ♦  Cleanrot Helm  ♦  Cleanrot Helm (Altered)  ♦  Commoner's Headband  ♦  Commoner's Headband (Altered)  ♦  Confessor Hood  ♦  Confessor Hood (Altered)  ♦  Consort's Mask  ♦  Crimson Hood  ♦  Crimson Tear Scarab  ♦  Crucible Axe Helm  ♦  Crucible Tree Helm  ♦  Cuckoo Knight Helm  ♦  Depraved Perfumer Headscarf  ♦  Diallos's Mask  ♦  Drake Knight Helm  ♦  Drake Knight Helm (Altered)  ♦  Duelist Helm  ♦  Eccentric's Hood  ♦  Eccentric's Hood (Altered)  ♦  Elden Lord Crown  ♦  Envoy Crown  ♦  Exile Hood  ♦  Festive Hood  ♦  Festive Hood (Altered)  ♦  Fia's Hood  ♦  Finger Maiden Fillet  ♦  Fingerprint Helm  ♦  Fire Monk Hood  ♦  Fire Prelate Helm  ♦  Foot Soldier Cap  ♦  Foot Soldier Helm  ♦  Foot Soldier Helmet  ♦  Gelmir Knight Helm  ♦  Gilded Foot Soldier Cap  ♦  Glintstone Scarab  ♦  Godrick Knight Helm  ♦  Godrick Soldier Helm  ♦  Godskin Apostle Hood  ♦  Godskin Noble Hood  ♦  Grass Hair Ornament  ♦  Great Horned Headband  ♦  Greathelm  ♦  Greathood  ♦  Guardian Mask  ♦  Guilty Hood  ♦  Haima Glintstone Crown  ♦  Haligtree Helm  ♦  Haligtree Knight Helm  ♦  Hierodas Glintstone Crown  ♦  High Page Hood  ♦  Highwayman Hood  ♦  Hoslow's Helm  ♦  Iji's Mirrorhelm  ♦  Imp Head (Cat)  ♦  Imp Head (Corpse)  ♦  Imp Head (Elder)  ♦  Imp Head (Fanged)  ♦  Imp Head (Wolf)  ♦  Incantation Scarab  ♦  Iron Helmet  ♦  Iron Kasa  ♦  Jar  ♦  Juvenile Scholar Cap  ♦  Kaiden Helm  ♦  Karolos Glintstone Crown  ♦  Knight Helm  ♦  Land of Reeds Helm  ♦  Lazuli Glintstone Crown  ♦  Leyndell Knight Helm  ♦  Leyndell Soldier Helm  ♦  Lionel's Helm  ♦  Lusat's Glintstone Crown  ♦  Malenia's Winged Helm  ♦  Malformed Dragon Helm  ♦  Maliketh's Helm  ♦  Marais Mask  ♦  Marionette Soldier Birdhelm  ♦  Marionette Soldier Helm  ♦  Mask of Confidence  ♦  Mushroom Crown  ♦  Mushroom Head  ♦  Navy Hood  ♦  Night's Cavalry Helm  ♦  Night's Cavalry Helm (Altered)  ♦  Night Maiden Twin Crown  ♦  Nomadic Merchant's Chapeau  ♦  Nox Mirrorhelm  ♦  Nox Monk Hood  ♦  Nox Monk Hood (Altered)  ♦  Nox Swordstress Crown  ♦  Nox Swordstress Crown (Altered)  ♦  Octopus Head  ♦  Okina Mask  ♦  Old Aristocrat Cowl  ♦  Olivinus Glintstone Crown  ♦  Omen Helm  ♦  Omensmirk Mask  ♦  Page Hood  ♦  Perfumer Hood  ♦  Preceptor's Big Hat  ♦  Prisoner Iron Mask  ♦  Prophet Blindfold  ♦  Pumpkin Helm  ♦  Queen's Crescent Crown  ♦  Radahn's Redmane Helm  ♦  Radahn Soldier Helm  ♦  Radiant Gold Mask  ♦  Ragged Hat  ♦  Ragged Hat (Altered)  ♦  Raging Wolf Helm  ♦  Raya Lucarian Helm  ♦  Redmane Knight Helm  ♦  Rotten Duelist Helm  ♦  Royal Knight Helm  ♦  Royal Remains Helm  ♦  Ruler's Mask  ♦  Sacred Crown Helm  ♦  Sage Hood  ♦  Sanguine Noble Hood  ♦  Scaled Helm  ♦  Shining Horned Headband  ♦  Silver Tear Mask  ♦  Skeletal Mask  ♦  Snow Witch Hat  ♦  Spellblade's Pointed Hat  ♦  Traveler's Hat  ♦  Traveling Maiden Hood  ♦  Tree Sentinel Helm  ♦  Twinned Helm  ♦  Twinsage Glintstone Crown  ♦  Vagabond Knight Helm  ♦  Veteran's Helm  ♦  Vulgar Militia Helm  ♦  White Mask  ♦  White Reed Helm  ♦  Witch's Glintstone Crown  ♦  Zamor Mask

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    • Anonymous

      Seriously guys, don't even think about farming this without max Arcane, Silver scarab and Silver foot. Yes you may be lucky, or maybe not and spend half a day on it. And keep in mind that this is not the only item with such a low drop rate.

      Love you Michael Zaki

      • Anonymous

        For anyone still farming this in 2024, have a bow than can one-shot the imp from the grace (e.g. golem greatbow w/ a headshot). You can kill it and see if it dropped something by staying at the grace and resetting instantly if not.

        • Anonymous

          Can farm first imp from underground roadside site of grace as long as the shortcut across the path is open. Took me 5 tries.

          • Anonymous

            What. I was prepared for long farming session. Max arcane, silver scarab and foot (that i forgot to use). I died the first time. And got the mask on second try. What the xD

            • If you're like me and you're frustrated after farming these dinguses for way too long, (and your load times are short) try just running across the hall from the underground roadside grace, killing the first imp, running back and resetting, and doing that over and over again. The first imp drops the mask and is FAR easier to keep from falling off the ledge since he's not on a pipe. Just draw him away from the ledge and kill him, rinse and repeat. The imps to the right of him don't drop the mask.

              • The worst part of this farm by far is the fact that imps have super unpredictable movement patterns. No matter how carefully positioned you may be, they can always just walk right off the pipe.

                • Anonymous

                  Had I known it would take 400 imps to drop this I dont think I ever would have started
                  (339679 runes / 842 each imp plus a couple birds for four toed feet - 118 Discovery)
                  I swear FromSoft has a mechanic that makes stuff more rare the longer you play, how many times have I gotten something my first playthrough character by accident that is near impossible once I actually try for it.

                  • over 200k runes, 21 forked hatchets, 20 smithing stone (5)'s, and ONE head piece drop.

                    I found that the best way to farm this is as follows:
                    1. Go from the Underground Roadside grace across to the pipe room
                    2. Take the first Imp out
                    3. Take the pipe up and to the right and take the second Imp out
                    4. Drop down and take the two Imps on the descending pipe
                    5. Take the last Imp out that drops down on the small wooden platform
                    6. Fast travel back to the grace and repeat

                    Good luck.

                    • Anonymous

                      the most efficient farm i’ve found is as follows:

                      go from the underground roadside site of grace, kill the imp across the way, take a right onto the pipe and kill the one that runs at you. drop down to the pipe below on your right and kill the patrolling imp. continues downwards and kill the one that comes up, and continue to the flat wooden platform to kill the last one. fast travel back to the grace and repeat.

                      • Anonymous

                        There I was, on my 5th go, an imp dropped it, glowing blue and all. Suddenly I was ambushed by two others, the body fell onto the lower pipe. Near death I fought them off, before making the fateful leap to the treasure below

                        • Anonymous

                          Let me get this straight...
                          A sub 1% drop rate item...
                          Dropped by the gankiest jumpiest enemy in the game...
                          In a late game area with round geometry and deadly falls...
                          Where half of the enemies that drop the item fall into a pit full of lobsters...
                          You know what? You can keep it. It's an ugly ass helmet anyways.

                          • I was farming one of the other heads, got it after about 80 imps
                            Then went to the shunning grounds to get this last one.
                            Got it from my first imp. 200 Item discovery

                            • Anonymous

                              Dropped for me with 109 discovery on accident. I didn't even know this item existed until just now. Seethe

                              • Anonymous

                                The glow from the drop will be purple instead of white. Hopefully that saves you some time running back and forth to grab the drop. I wish I knew.

                                • Anonymous

                                  270 discovery (40 arcane, marika soreseal, godrick great rune, oath of vengeance from the grafted sword, silver four-toed fowl foot) and it was probably 6-7 kils with frenzied burst from the doorway of the room with the site of grace.

                                  after my frustration farming the full mausoleum knight set at low discovery, this was a very pleasant surprise. also the last of the 6 imp farms (technically i only farmed 3), but i found fanged from wyndham to be a little slower

                                  • Anonymous

                                    Started the farm with 0 Runes, Ended the farm with 353,640 Runes....The imp was dropping 842 Runes per kill. 353,640/842=420 Imp kills to have one drop.

                                    At that point I felt more stoned than the imp itself...

                                    200 Item Discovery

                                    • Anonymous

                                      This long tongued imp head was my white f**king whale. I can't begin to estimate how many times I killed that imp opposite the underground roadside grace between the first and last kill when it dropped for me.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        I'm not trying to make out like I'm some sort of mathematical genius I'm only asking out of curiosity. But doesn't the 'random' in RNG make boosting your discovery hoping to get a rare weapon drop pointless and futile?

                                        • Anonymous

                                          interesting fact: if you are farming this item with an arcane build like i am, (45 arc) you dont need to respec your character, simply put on a commoner garb, marika's scarseal, 2 finger heirloom and haligtree knight helm. (assuming 9 faith: +1,+5,+5,+2 fth) = 22 fth and use a dragon communion seal +10 to 2 shot the imp. took me 30 to 40 mins but i was down to my second to last larval tear so yeah.

                                          • Anonymous

                                            Dropped. At discovery 109 plus x1 silver fowl foot. Dropped within a min in Sub Shunning grounds. Might buy a lottery ticket if my luck is so good.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              It isnt much, but dont forget you to wear your Silver Tear Mask and Marika's soreseal for that extra discovery!

                                              • Anonymous

                                                I'll never understand making item drop rates low as 0.5%. I get it being rare but like you could have max arcane with a silver scarab and silver foot and you still wouldn't even have like a 20% chance to find it

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  Absolutely, without fail, use the frenzied burst method. Do not do this another way. Do not waste your life jumping on pipes like you're some kind of Italian plumber. 22 Faith and 99 arcane, folks. Accept no substitutes.

                                                  • If there werent' videos of this, i'd think this isn't even farmable in underground leyndell. spent already 2-3 hours, got probably a ten of hactchets and a ten of, discovery about 240

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      Holy **** i spent HOURS farming at the wyndham ruins for the fanged demon imp head, i come here for the last imp head i was missing:get it on my third run. Thank you elden ring

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        I waited until NG+3 to go for this helm, and had to use a respec to dump all my Vigor, Mind, and Endurance into Faith, Intelligence, Strength, and Dex, and run through Hyetta's quest to get a second Frenzied Flame Seal to double up on that damage bonus, in order to kill the imp in one hit from Frenzied Burst without using other spells. I recommend you don't wait until NG+3 to try to get this item.

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          when using the frenzied burst method, i recommend waiting until the imp's death animation is basically over before resting at the site of grace again (to avoid accidentally missing the drop by resting too soon).
                                                          also, although the helmet is a purple drop, i found the colour indistinguishable at that distance (standing at the grace) so don't skip picking up "white" drops like i almost did.

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            The Frenzied Burst Method is the best. Took me 30 minutes for the Imp Head to appear. Sadly, I was too quick on my button and rested at grace as that gorgeous purple light disappeared... Took another 42 to get another.

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              I've found that pretty consistently, equipping this item causes a hard CTD for me (on PC)

                                                              Curious if anyone else has had this issue, when I select the helm the menu recognizes that input but my character model doesn't change, then the game immediately freezes and crashes.

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                You can farm this very quickly by never even walking away from the grace. Use Frenzied Burst (You can use talismans and gear to meet the requirements) and you can literally two shot the mask-wearing imp by standing on the west side of the grace. I think it took me well over 100 attempts, but it went by very quickly.
                                                                Rest ->
                                                                shoot ->
                                                                wait 1.5 seconds for the imp to start running toward you (to make it easier to see if it drops something and to make your run to it faster if it does) ->
                                                                shoot again ->
                                                                wait .5 seconds to see if it drops ->

                                                                all without taking a single step. Hope this helps!

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  I spent over 2 hours killing the imps near Underground Roadside and I wasn't even farming for the helm, I just wanted to reach the catacombs and those giant lobsters rekt me harder than the dual Crucible Knights

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    It is about luck i guess, just like once i got 4 rune arcs in a row with rats and never again they dropped... The uncommon/rare drops are actually hard to come by, or just rather pop-up randomly... Got the mask after killing 70~80, went to reexplore the place and it casually dropped again after the 4th imp.

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      96 kills from the first Imp at the Underground Roadside grace with 324 discovery. Seems like the drop rate is about 1%. Don't give up!

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        After three separate 1 1/2 hour sessions, imp heads suck to collect lol. Still have yet to find one. I got one drop I missed out on by getting knocked off a pipe early into my first grind session but I don't know if that was it anyways. Still killed a few hundred of these specific imps, let alone others I've done the grind on... now in NG+1. 270 discovery. End my misery and hopefully buff drop rate please someday fromsoft ):

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          I've naturally collected all these so far just by playing the game. Doing all the catacombs, ect. This might be the only one I might have to farm

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            So I've run this route dozens of times, probably around 50 times now, killing 5 of them each time, and haven't got the helmet even once. The drop rate must be abysmally low.

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              Luck the farm is easy. I just open a broadcast and pay 10% attention to the actual farm, got it in 1hr30min for 274 discovery.

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                For people with Str/Dex builds farming this, using the Bolt of Gransax makes the runs a breeze. Since Bolt of Gransax scales with both Str and Dex this is an excellent choice! Plus you do not need to target anything else other than the tongue mask Imps. You can literally stand on the topmost pipe and snipe em all. The Imp's are incredibly weak to lightning damage and if you use a lightning scorpion charm talisman and charge up the special attack it completely oneshots the imps! The runs take around 40-50 secs each it's super chill !

                                                                                • It was fun to farm this, love how all the stuff(mostly) have a pretty low drop rate, gives me something to do that's not so "**** YOU DIE" lmao

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    For people with Str/Dex builds farming this, using the Bolt of Gransax makes the runs a breeze. Since Bolt of Gransax scales with both Str and Dex this is an excellent choice! Plus you do not need to target anything else other than the tongue mask Imps. You can literally stand on the topmost pipe and snipe em all. The Imp's are incredibly weak to lightning damage and if you use a lightning scorpion charm talisman and charge up the special attack it completely oneshots the imps! The runs take around 40-50 secs each it's super chill !

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      For people with Str/Dex builds farming this, using the Bolt of Gransax makes the runs a breeze. Since Bolt of Gransax scales with both Str and Dex this is an excellent choice! Plus you do not need to target anything else other than the tongue mask Imps. You can literally stand on the topmost pipe and snipe em all. The Imp's are incredibly weak to lightning damage and if you use a lightning scorpion charm talisman and charge up the special attack it completely oneshots the imps! The runs take around 40-50 secs each it's super chill !

                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                        Be me, spend 1 hour farming, finally get it to drop purple item and all, jump towards pipe, miss pipe, die, try not to cry, cry

                                                                                        • For anyone farming: You can fight 5 of the long-tongued imps in a row: (1) south of Underground Roadside, kill the one on the bridge; (2) drop off the bridge to the right and kill the one walking along the pipe; (3) kill the two that drop from hanging above; (4) approach the big platform to the south just enough to aggro the one behind the crates (can do so without stirring up the cat-headed ones). I did this about a dozen times before the first one on the bridge dropped the head. 274 discovery. Tried it again while writing this to confirm these directions and, sure enough, the fifth one on the big wooden platform dropped another head

                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                            Really quick way to farm this:
                                                                                            If you rest at the Underground Roadside and take a step or two to your right while facing the door, you can actually lock onto the imp standing on the rusted pipe. Blast it with a Frenzied Burst or two and bam, it's dead, and you can rest without having to move more than a few paces from Grace. This eliminates needing to run back and forth constantly. When the drop rate for this is so low, this can make things go by a lot quicker. And it probably goes without saying, but equipping talismans and headpieces that boost Arcane while also using a Silver-Pickled Fowl Foot helps too.

                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                              Fun farm. Less annoying platforming than the Envoy's Greathorn in Haligtree, and no damn ants to get in the way... Took maybe half an hour to an hour to drop. After trying a few routes, I boiled it down to the following:

                                                                                              Starting at Underground Roadside grace... sprint across the road (you can target lock first Imp from spawn)... judo chop first Imp to death and then drop off the pipe to your right... turn around and dragon breath the Imp walking up the pipe towards you (from the NE), then dragon breath the Imp hanging above him... run down the pipe to the left and wait for a fourth Imp to drop off the pipe from the darkness above. Killing this guy ends the route in a corner (each run takes ~30-45 seconds) and lets you reset to the grace immediately, whereas other routes I often had Imps aggro'd off in the distance and had to either track them down or run away and wait to reset. This route also has the benefit of only including 4 imps, all of this particular helmet type. Happy hunting! :) <3 Ja

                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                I got this randomly my first time in the area, forgot until now and came here to see what the stat boost was... 12 arcane and no boosts. Guess I won the lottery?

                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                  Sick of running all around the pipes so I just kept killing the first one and turning around. Took like 60+ kills at 273 discovery. Terrible drop right from what I'm seeing. So I wish you guys luck. Did this at Underground Roadside Grace.

                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                    Got it farming the door as recommended here got it within 75-90kills with 123 discovery! Good luck everyone

                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                      At 324 discovery (which is probably the max amount possible) this dropped for me after about 165 tries. If item discovery works as a multiplier (3.24 in this case) the drop rate for this would be about 0.0018%, which is over 200 times rarer than the notoriously elusive covenant items in dark souls 3. This has an absurd drop rate and I'd advise you to respec to maximum arcane, wear all item discovery boosters and prepare nerves of steel if you really wish to farm for it.

                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                        I've been farming these for nearly 5 hours at the Underground Roadside grace, 235 discovery before consumables, still no drop. This thing must have the smallest possible drop rate, because I have killed at least 400-500 at this point.

                                                                                                        • Droprate seems super low, if you have the right loadout you can sit at the Underground Roadside grace site and snipe the visable through two doorways and then immediately sit back down and refresh if he doesn't drop anything. You can also enter that big pipe room and snipe the several scattered throughout the area, just know they'll likely fall into the lobster pit below. The helmet is the only purple drop they have so watch for that. Best of luck

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