Winged Crystal Tear

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Type Crystal Tears
item effects icon elden ring wiki guide 55px 18pxEffect
Temporarily reduces equip load in mixed physick

Winged Crystal Tear is a Crystal Tear in Elden Ring. Crystal Tears can be mixed in the Flask of Wondrous Physick to enhance its effect. 


A crystal tear formed slowly over the ages where the Erdtree's bounty falls to the ground.

Can be mixed in the Flask of Wondrous Physick.
Temporarily reduces equipment load.


Where to find Winged Crystal Tear in Elden Ring

  • Found on an altar surrounded by Skeletal Snails just inside the Capital Outskirts to the east-northeast of the Hermit Merchant's Shack. [Map Link]


 Elden Ring Winged Crystal Tear Notes & Tips

  • Boosts max equip load by +450% for 3 minutes


  • You can find Crystal Tears at the bases of Minor Erdtrees and elsewhere throughout the Lands Between
  • At sites of grace, you can mix two crystal tears in the Flask of Wondrous Physick (This will allow you to create elixirs with various custom effects)


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    • Anonymous

      This is overpowered for Invading, Invasions usually don't last more than 3 minutes, so why not Light Roll the entire time. I recommend not crutching on this in case of a nerf and your skill will never recover.

      • Anonymous

        Effect is incorrect, it doesn't reduce equip-load of items equipped, it expands the amount you can equip, sorry to any blue dancer users, this tear won't help you.

        • Anonymous

          Way way over tuned even for pve and lasts wayy to long basically makes eqip load pointless and they still haven't fixed it yet ffs.

          • The only time I use this is when I'm using my Great Horned Tragoth build. I'm using a Colossal Weapon with Ground Slam and an Arbalest with Kick and regular Bolts, and that's it, so I feel like that's a big enough handicap for this to feel at least a little honest.

            • Anonymous

              I like how the definition just straight up lies, it doesn't reduce anything. It increases your max equip load. Thought this would be cool for a blue dancer charm build, but I guess not.

              • Anonymous

                East northeast of Hermit Merchant's Shack grace site, by the cliff before the Minor Erdtree at the end of the graveyard.

                • Anonymous

                  is it me or did they change your roll efficiency with this recently? i feel like i used to get the extended I frame rolls when active now it seems that they either decreased or eliminated it completely. i mean honestly if they did i dont disagree bc this tear completely invalidated the windy cracked tear.

                  • Anonymous

                    This crystal tear increases your max equip load by so much it is physically impossible to be over encumbered while it is active.

                    • Anonymous

                      I'm so glad I'm finally seeing some love for this tear in these comments. I've been a long advocate for this tear ever since the game released, and it has been a core part of my build in all of my runs. This tear deserves so much more love than it gets (though honestly I kind of don't want that because than people will start using it in pvp and my 3/4 lionel black wolf mask build when Im light rolling while spamming waterfowl won't be as comical anymore)

                      • Anonymous

                        Easily the most busted tear in the game. It’s not even close since a 450% increase is truly ridiculous and for a whole 3 minutes at that! This just basically erases equip load from your build and allows you to be light rolling in bull goat armor with heavy weapons. I am so glad that most people either don’t know about this or deliberately choose to not use this in PvP as it is so goddamn broken it is unbelievable that it hasn’t been nerfed at all.

                        • Anonymous

                          The tooltip is a lie, then, if it actually reduced your equip load, and let you use blue dancer's charm, that'd be neat.

                          • Anonymous

                            I was like "cool, let's try this out, might help with my heavy build by adding like 10 more"
                            - sees max equip load being over 400 -
                            Say whaaaaaaaa
                            I was super tempted to put this on my dual colossal build, but like... come on, lightrolls with colossals? Just remove a 0 from the percentige so I can use it without feeling dirty.

                            • Anonymous

                              Using this in PVE is amazing for my strength build, but I wouldn't dare cheese using this in PVP. It's so unfair using this in PVP.

                              • Anonymous

                                Page says "found on an altar surrounded by skull enemies." I went to that spot and found it in a bowl surrounded by snails. Anyone confirm this?

                                • Anonymous

                                  Godspeed to PvPers that don't hardswap. Not being able to refactor your build to deal with lightrolling ****heads must be horrible.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    Desperately needs a nerf. Allows for ultra cancer twinked out builds at super low level by deleting the endurance stat from the game.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      Basically just a free counter in PvP to every single weapon in the game that isn't a heavy thrusting sword.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        One of, if not the best one for those who need med or heavy armor. It removes equip load as a mechanic which saves you points that would've went to endurance for at least 3 mins which is time enough to fight a difficult boss for one or two phases. Being able to light roll means you have the near max i-frames in your long distance rolls and in these Souls games, being able to roll out of danger is quintessential and useful in all situations.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          insanely op for being completly free, just grab both medallion halves and go grab it within 20 minutes of starting a new character

                                          • Anonymous

                                            I still don't know why this tear doesn't have widespread use, but thank God it doesn't because it would just make everyone wear bull-goats. In the scenario it does get abused, good thing we have Law of Regression.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              should lower poise by a percentage just to make twinked out builds that rely entirely on this less effective

                                              • Anonymous

                                                I wonder what made them pick +450% more equip load, It really should have been just +100% at the most or more preferably +50%. That way you can use whatever weapons you want and even better armor but you wouldn't be able to be the ninja flipping havel monster we have now.

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  invaded a gank in full bullgoats at level 40 rocking this tear. I just ran the other way for 3 minutes and they alt f4'd lol

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    I mean it sounds so great on paper up until you realize that any bozo that relies on this tear decided that it would be a good idea to make endurance their dumper stat and skimp on it.

                                                    I mean sure they probably have a lot of health and passive physical resistance on them. But there's no physical resistance better than a decent shield with 60 guard boost.

                                                    A Brass Shield or even a Golden Beast Crest Shield will do the trick if your doing a strength scaling build. As otherwise extremely niche the GBCS is.

                                                    With endurance as low as theirs, they may only be allowed to swing their weapon safely exactly once before they don't have enough stam to roll away, and if you make that single / second attack fail before you can close the distance, they are screwed, especially if they ever need to block your attack for any reason.

                                                    Its why I always laugh when I see some bullgoat armor tryhard flying around using this tear. Because I know despite being tanky and near impossible to poise break, they always fall if you simply just push them hard enough and refuse to give them a break. Pursue them with the endure ash of war, and they're likely to cry uncle.

                                                    In the words of John Wayne, "Don't push me pilgrim, I push back, hard!"

                                                    Kids, don't do performance enhancing drugs, level your endurance to 30-40 and use Great-Jar's Arsenal like a good little boy should, or else you will pop like a balloon, like that bull goat armor with the dual nagis down below this comment.

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      I didn't think I needed this until I realized it lets you fast roll. Huh, that's actually really helpful.

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        had a dude in stormveil come in with bullgoat and dual nagis, popped this, proceeded to be horrible at the game for 3 mins, then pulled the plug when the buff ran out. graceful from start to finish.

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          i LOVE wearing full bullgoat armor with WITH Greatsword and fingerprint shield and i still be light af
                                                          love it

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            To all the PvP people out there:
                                                            Deal with it. Learn to fight against it. What Fromsoft really needs to do is stop listening to the objective minority. These are primarily PvE games. That is the primary purpose. PvP is the secondary purpose. So quit whining when someone uses what they're objectively allowed to use.

                                                            • Found a guy using double Antspur rapier seppuku full bull goats abusing this crystal tear in Limgrave. This is not a balanced item in any capacity

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                I don't think this is as busted as everyone below is saying. It's easy to hit high poise with only a small investment in endurance - low 20s is enough to equip heavy armour and a heavy weapon. If you choose to use this instead, you have low stamina, you've lost a physick slot and your whole build is ruined by law of regression. It's also awkward to the point of useless in invasions as you'd have to find the host, equip all your heavy gear, use the physick and then hope that you can get the job done in 3 minutes.

                                                                What it's useful for is if you want to have the ability to swap to a heavy weapon situationally, but don't want to waste the extra points on endurance. I use this combined with strength-knot on my bloody helice build so I can swap to Mohg's spear if I'm getting pissed off.

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  I dont understand whats the issue people are having. Having 100 poise is not that great. What else can you do with this? Have a lot of weapons. Since you can only use two at the same time, whats the big deal? The more weapon your enemy has, more fun the duel is. What more is there? Light rolling? The only difference between 0 equip load and 69,999% is tiny distance. The speed and iframes are the exact same.

                                                                  If it is so OP, then just use it yourselves. Its just as you said, no investment is needed. It takes just one flask space.

                                                                  This is coming from a person who has 37 endurance and is not interested in using this. I obviously value poise, damage negation and weapon variety. Still seems underwhelming to me.

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    In PvP, it's great if you have some heavier quick swap weapons with you or want to power stance something to boost your damage.
                                                                    Also, it lets you light roll even if you'd be heavy loaded without it. It's not just for unga-bunga poise armor but also just to increase your mobility and nimbleness.

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      Knot tears: +10 to one attribute
                                                                      Element-shrouding tears: +20% to one non-physical damage type
                                                                      Hardtears: some % of elemental defense or status resistance
                                                                      Bubbletear: a one-time shield that's easily removed by a 30 damage throwing knife
                                                                      Crimson/Cerulean/Green tears: relatively minor regen, heals, boosts to HP/FP/Stamina
                                                                      Winged Crystal Tear: Literally break the endurance hardcap for 3 minutes in terms of carry weight. No more need for Great-Jar's Arsenal. No more need for bullgoats unless you want 100+ poise, so it essentially frees up two talisman slots to use for other broken stuff.

                                                                      Seems balanced.

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        To all the drama queens, this tear it's balanced by the fact that it's one of the few tear effects in the game you need to shape your entire setup around, so once it runs out, you're going to have to switch or deal with a worse-than-usual setup. The more you benefit from it, the riskier it is.

                                                                        Also, bloodhound step exists.

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          Invaders hate him! Learn his one easy trick to completely negate Winged Crystal Tear builds with one easy cast! 9/10 Wizards agree Law of Regression is busted, try it today! Or don't, it's pretty annoying honestly.

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            remove this and just give us some grav spell that lasts a minute tops for a much more reasonable +50% equip load or something. and I never say remove things, I just want a damn equip load altering grav spell so I don't have to be a duckin degenerate and use this to simulate it on my gravity master roll play

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              i picked this up and immediately used pureblood knights medal to teleport out and those 2 crystal tears are gone from my inventory and they are not at the altar any more...

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                This seems very janky, who in their right mind would make a build that can’t move except for one three minute burst?
                                                                                Surely people would know somethings off, play defensively for three minutes then what? The guy peace’s out?

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  This seems very janky, who in their right mind would make a build that can’t move except for one three minute burst?
                                                                                  Surely people would know somethings off, play defensively for three minutes then what? The guy peace’s out?

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    I run Law of Regression on my pure caster, and it is absolutely bliss when somebody is fat rolling/over encumbered and they use this Crystal Tear to make up for the deficit. Immediately they are back to their low mobility selves and either need to change armor or eat Carian Slicers.

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      people are overreacting.. sure, if this was in any previous souls games, it would break pvp... but in elden ring its pretty meh compared to any meta build rn

                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                        It gives you light load with a full bull-goat set. This is all with 0 endurance investment, so this tear basically gives you 133 poise, the best physical damage negation in the game, and light load dodge i-frames for 3 minutes. It's the best tear efffect in game no question about it.

                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                          Just for comparison, other tears can grant you the equivalent of +5 Faith or +15 Vigor but this one gives you something like +99 Endurance.

                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                            The winged crystal tear does NOT increase damage boost of the Blue Dancer Charm. The damage boost from Blue Dancer Charm scales only on your flat equipment load, not your equip load percentage. All this tear does is increase your max equip load by 4.5x, which does not affect your flat equipment load.

                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                              PvPers are so entitled in this game. Not everyone does pvp. And not stop biching and moaning to have yet another thing nerfed. This is why non FromSoft gamers hate this fanbase.

                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                An absolute godsend on a RL1 run, lets you get some extremely high defenses despite being such low level, which matters a lot when it means that only 1 or 2 of a boss's attacks can oneshot you instead of all but 1 or 2 oneshotting you.

                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                  Casting Law of Regression will nullify the effects of this crystal tear if active (whether on an enemy or yourself). It's pretty funny to watch them scramble to unequip their armor or use the Finger Severer. It does require 37 INT, though. Still, I hope this helps!

                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                    So started a new wretch character and rushed this, bull goats and colossal weapons and great shields as a test, this is basically made for twinking. Only hard part was killing magma wyrm at SL1 and non-upgraded weapons, but still only took a few attempts with the NPC summons as I already had full Tree Sentinel set and duel colossal swords at this point. With this, strength knot tear and Radagon's soreseal you can run full bull goats and whatever heavy weapons you want and still mid-roll at base level. I don't think there's ever been a FS game where you could stack this much **** on a SL1 character (granted the lack of weapon level matchmaking was still much more broker than this). Only counter to an invader doing this is having friends who have high level characters and gear, even then you can poise through everything except moonveil. Just don't see how anyone could defend this in its current state. This isn't about PVPers being entitled, this is just completely unbalanced no matter how you look at it. Unless you only play solo, PVP balance also effects PVErs. Would something like a reduction to a 1.5x boost even effect solo players that much anyway? That is still more than enough of a boost if you already have some endurance investment and stack other sources of equip load boosts. Are no endurance investment mages running this to use heavy armor against bosses or something?

                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                      Not broken, havels can be dealt with in PvP. In PvE wouldn't change much cause mobs hit hard. And you also lose a Flask Charge which can be 10s no FP coat or 50% HP restored or steady damage boost, etc.

                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                        Not broken, havels can be dealt with in PvP. In PvE wouldn't change much cause mobs hit hard. And you also lose a Flask Charge which can be 10s no FP coat or 50% HP restored or steady damage boost, etc.

                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                          This really needs a major nerf fast or else this going to break pvp, especially at lower levels. Keep in mind that you don’t have to fight a single boss to get this with the right routing. Imagine being a low level little Timmy strolling through Limgrave and you get invaded by a brick shithouse dual wielding giant swords, this just begs people to twink. Giving it the same increase as the Great Jar Talisman or a little higher would be far more balanced. Instead of invalidating endurance as a stat, it could give high endurance builds an extra boost. Hell you can stack this with Vyke’s dragonbolt/great jar talisman/erdtree’s favor +2 if you really want to roll around in full bull-goats and dual colossal weapons.

                                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                                            HOW THE **** IS THIS NOT MENTIONED IN ANY PVP META DISCUSSION??!!

                                                                                                            This one drink literally breaks the entire meta... even casters with low Endurance (10 END = 48.2 * 4.5 = 216.9!!) can equip Bull-Goat or any high poise set... at 120 or below!! And it lasts for 3min, which is shorter than most duels and some invasions...

                                                                                                            Who the **** thought it would be a good idea to put a x4.5 equip load boost on a 3min timer?! THAT ANYONE CAN DRINK AND BENEFIT FROM??!!

                                                                                                            Hopefully someone at From will realize their mistake and patch this to a short buff timer (30s) at least or drastically reduce it's bonus (maybe x1.5, even then it's still strong but not absurdly broken), but in the long run this will break the PvP meta as it stands. After Bleed builds and Moonveil are nerfed this FOR SURE must go next on the chopping block.

                                                                                                            This must be mega nerfed or else duels will inevitably become an unbalanced tradefest. In practical terms, it entirely removes the need to level Endurance since you already start out with so much of it.

                                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                                              It's hilarious how powerful this item is and I love it!
                                                                                                              Everyone's laughing til they see a light rolling havel

                                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                                4.5× is too much. With 2.34 times your equip load you are already able to make a mid rolling character fast roll.

                                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                                  Makes my char go from Over burden state where he cant move to fast rolling crack head. What kinda drugs they put into this?

                                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                                    4.5x? Does it mean is maximum equip load = 160(99 endurance) x 1.08(erdtree +2) x 1.19(great jar) x 1.15(vyke's drangobott) x 4.5x (winged crystal tear) = 1064 maximum equip load ! OMG! You can fast roll with bullgoat set(63) + double guts sword (46), more of that you can close to triple it

                                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                                      this essentially breaks pvp as it stands, 4.5* equip load is an insnae buff for 3 minutes (which is the duel timer limit in DS3 Arena and generally higher than the ttk on summon duels). Anyone argueing the pvp meta levels justifying lower meta with 'everyone will be poise lords' needs a reality check that this flask allows maximum poise at any level with heavy weapons included, it essentially eliminates the Endurance stat from the game entirely since Stamina is a non-issue even without investment.

                                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                                        With the Winged Crystal Tear mixed into your Flask of Wondrous Physick, you can have the poise of giants with 0 endurance investments, for 3 minutes. Not many invasions will last that long. Duels generally last even shorter than that. It's like an insane quadrupling of your maximum equipment load. You get to break the meta by having a drink. The other detriment of low Endurance - having very little stamina - can also be offset a little bit by using the Greenspill or Greenburst Crystal Tear along with it for additional max stamina/stamina regen. I mean, if all you do is duel and invade as a red, this would make it so you don't need endurance at all.

                                                                                                                        This item breaks any RL meta by completely invalidating one of the attributes in the game. For that reason, I think it is the worst item in the game and should be nerfed heavily, if not removed entirely. Boosting equip load doesn't even make much sense as a consumable in the first place.

                                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                                          4.5x max load multiplier, with some potential rounding errors, lasts for 180 seconds on the dot
                                                                                                                          Seems to be multiplicative like most other buffs in game, tested with various talismans and Vyke's Dragonbolt
                                                                                                                          What this effectively means is that you can be max weight or even overloaded, drink this, and be lightrolling for 3 minutes, perfect for red or blue invading

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