Albinauric Ashes

albinauric ashes elden ring wiki guide 200px
Type Spirit Summon
FP Cost 53 HP Cost -
item effects icon elden ring wiki guide 55px 18pxEffect
Summons two Albinauric spirits

Albinauric Ashes is a Spirit and Summon in Elden Ring. Albinauric Ashes summons two Second-Generation Albinauric spirits who wield ripple swords.

Albinaurics can also be found as Enemies in Elden Ring. For more information, see Second-Generation Albinauric.


Ashen remains in which spirits yet dwell.
Use to summon the spirits of two Albinaurics.

A strapping duo of cartwheeling spirits who wield ripple swords and spew freezing breath.
Both are second-generation Albinaurics, with dumpy heads that
resemble those of frogs.


Albinauric Ashes Location in Elden Ring

Albinauric Ashes can be found in the following location:


Elden Ring Albinauric Ashes Guide

  • Consumes Low FP (53)
  • Will perform cartwheels to attack, evade or reposition themselves.
  • Will perform frost breath attacks that cause Frostbite buildup 
  • You must be near a rebirth monument to summon spirits from ashes.
  • When you are close to a rebirth monument and able to summon, a monument icon will appear on the left side of the screen.


Elden Ring Spirits
Ancestral Follower Ashes  ♦  Ancient Dragon Knight Kristoff Ashes  ♦  Archer Ashes  ♦  Avionette Soldier Ashes  ♦  Azula Beastman Ashes  ♦  Banished Knight Engvall Ashes  ♦  Banished Knight Oleg Ashes  ♦  Battlemage Hugues Ashes  ♦  Blackflame Monk Amon Ashes  ♦  Bloodhound Knight Floh  ♦  Clayman Ashes  ♦  Cleanrot Knight Finlay Ashes  ♦  Crystalian Ashes  ♦  Demi-Human Ashes  ♦  Depraved Perfumer Carmaan Ashes  ♦  Dolores the Sleeping Arrow Puppet  ♦  Dung Eater Puppet  ♦  Fanged Imp Ashes  ♦  Finger Maiden Therolina Puppet  ♦  Fire Monk Ashes  ♦  Giant Rat Ashes  ♦  Glintstone Sorcerer Ashes  ♦  Godrick Soldier Ashes  ♦  Greatshield Soldier Ashes  ♦  Haligtree Soldier Ashes  ♦  Jarwight Puppet  ♦  Kindred of Rot Ashes  ♦  Land Squirt Ashes  ♦  Latenna The Albinauric  ♦  Leyndell Soldier Ashes  ♦  Lhutel the Headless  ♦  Lone Wolf Ashes  ♦  Mad Pumpkin Head Ashes  ♦  Man-Serpent Ashes  ♦  Marionette Soldier Ashes  ♦  Mausoleum Soldier Ashes  ♦  Mimic Tear Ashes  ♦  Miranda Sprout Ashes  ♦  Nepheli Loux Puppet  ♦  Nightmaiden & Swordstress Puppets  ♦  Noble Sorcerer Ashes  ♦  Nomad Ashes  ♦  Omenkiller Rollo  ♦  Oracle Envoy Ashes  ♦  Page Ashes  ♦  Perfumer Tricia Ashes  ♦  Putrid Corpse Ashes  ♦  Radahn Soldier Ashes  ♦  Raya Lucaria Soldier Ashes  ♦  Redmane Knight Ogha Ashes  ♦  Rotten Stray Ashes  ♦  Skeletal Bandit Ashes  ♦  Skeletal Militiaman Ashes  ♦  Soldjars of Fortune Ashes  ♦  Spirit Jellyfish Ashes  ♦  Stormhawk Deenh  ♦  Twinsage Sorcerer Ashes  ♦  Vulgar Militia Ashes  ♦  Wandering Noble Ashes  ♦  Warhawk Ashes  ♦  Winged Misbegotten Ashes


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    • Anonymous

      I use them purely for ayyy lmao but i'd be lying if I didn't say they spend 90% of every fight just rolling in a corner

      • Anonymous

        There is at least one comment here saying these spirit ashes are really good, so this is a heads up to consider before wasting your glovewarts upgrading them, especially if you don't enjoy doing the catacombs to get the glovewarts to upgrade your spirit ashes in the first place. I've got a good selection of ashes to choose from, but I've found through trial and error the ones that work best for me are lone wolves+6, Lhutel the headless+6 and the warhawk ashes+6 for any enemy that flies, those spirit summons have come through for me again and again from early game to Leyndell royal capital now. I've done a few catacombs for the prattling pates so had glovewart to spare so I upgraded the Albinauric ashes to +6 as well so I could try them out the first chance I got. In leyndell royal capital if you follow the main road to the east you come to a large set of double doors, the area has a lot of misbegotten and three or four dogs, I have no problem dealing with any flavour of misbegotten, I had already killed a leonine warrior at the farthest end of the lower level and I came back to the stairs to get the smithing stone, but I didn't realise how many enemies there were the further up the steps you go, quite a few of them are lying down sleeping, so its not all that obvious they are there. I killed one that wields the big axe but all of them seemed to agro at the same time including two perfumers and another leonine warrior. Obviously I was in way over my head here, the perfumers were buffing the misbegotten so they were taking hardly any damage, to say I was surprised would be a massive understatement. I used the albinauric ashes to see what they were about and to give myself the chance to sprint in the other direction, but despite what some are saying in the comments and the upgrades I'd put into them, they didn't last more than a minute or two, there were some strong enemies here but the wolves held their own against Margit with no upgrades put into them at all. The problem with this is you can only spirit summon once per rebirth monument unless you reset at a grace checkpoint. So unless you are early game trial and error can be expensive if you can't get back to where you died to collect your runes, so half arsed ashes like these albinauric are a liability much more than the are of any help. it's not like you get these right away in Limgrave either, I would have thought that by the time you can clear caria manor and kill Loretta you are going to have found spirit ashes many times better than these. This is just my own opinion, but these are not worth the grave glovewart I used to upgrade them to +6 it may be they are of use in niche situations but you can get one of the banished knights from the grave warden duelist in murkwater catacomb in Limgrave and Lhutel the headless in tombsward catacombs in weeping peninsula, they are both head and shoulders better than this ash.

        • Anonymous

          Picked up these guys for my albinauric playthrough just because they fit the theme, but these guys are actually really good. They seem to have so much hp that they just don't die, and it's sick af beating on dudes with the albinauric squad.

          • Anonymous

            has this been moved? the map link doesn't show it and haven't been able to find it in the graveyard east of caria manor

            • Anonymous

              I actually find them quite useful, their funky moves help them evade enemy attacks, and the ice breath is nice too.

              • Anonymous

                the closest we'll have to a bard companion in elden ring:
                they dont actually do amazing damage or have anything useful.
                But their summersaults and them spinning around does make for a fun side show, and can offer some stress relief while you die to the same bullshit move for the 12th time in a row.

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