Rotten Stray Ashes

rotten stray ashes elden ring wiki guide 200px
Type Spirit Summon
FP Cost 35 HP Cost -
item effects icon elden ring wiki guide 55px 18pxEffect
Summon rotten stray spirit

Rotten Stray Ashes is a Spirit and Summon in Elden Ring. Rotten Stray Ashes is used to summon the spirit of a rotten stray. [Map Link]

Rotten Stray can also be found as Enemies in Elden Ring. For more information, see Rotten Stray.


Ashen remains in which spirits yet dwell.
Use to summon the spirit of a rotten stray.

Spirit of a stray dog corrupted by the scarlet rot. 
Though it is only a small creature, it is as violent as it is nimble, and its fangs fester with poisonous rot. 


Where to find Rotten Stray Ashes

Where to Find Rotten Stray Ashes

  • Found north of Sellia Under-Stair Site of Grace inside a building with a corpse and a rotten dog nearby. Map Link


Elden Ring Rotten Stray Ashes Guide

  • Rotten Stray's attacks apply (25-30) Scarlet Rot buildup.



Elden Ring Spirits
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    • In my experience this has too little hp and will basically die to any boss that spams AOE attacks before it can apply scarlet rot. Tried a +5 rotten stray vs magma wyrm makar for example and it did basically nothing. Has way too little HP imho.

      • Anonymous

        I dont really use summons much because you gotta upgrade it and i could just do most of the bosses without a summon anyways, but for my first rl1 run this dog has been pretty good thus far.

        • Anonymous

          There is a "11 Kills" challenge where you are only allowed to kill 11 required bosses to finish the game. To do this you need to kill Mohg as the second enemy in the game after Radahn. If you keep Mohg's aggro long enough for this Pupper to inflict Rot, it will drain about 2/3 of his full HP. This dog can kill a God. Very much a Good Boy

          • Anonymous

            Ah yes, the Margit-slayer. All you need to do is get Bladewolf by taking the teleporter near the Third Church and running down to Sellia. Congratulations on your free access to Stormveil, even at RL1, so long as Margit doesn't smack him to death before rot procs.

            • Anonymous

              this boi is always my carry until i get the mimic tears, then you can just get your clone to proc rot, bleed, frost and whatever else as well.

              • Anonymous

                You can get this stinky dog almost at the very beginning of the game. It should go without saying that scarlet rot at this stage of the game is very out of place, rare and powerful. Stinky dog totally trivialises a lot of early and mid game bosses, it just takes some practice taking enough aggro to let her proc rot.

                • Anonymous

                  So I was having trouble with Margit (I know I'm a noob) and had dies like a comical ammount of times. Then i found the Good Rotten Boi and wanted to try it out. So I went up to margit-land and rang up my new doggo freind as a meat shield while I got down some combo stuff. When I exit the menus and stuff, I notice that my Disease Pupper has brought Margit to HALF HEALTH. We take out Margit like he was nothing and were feeling pretty happy.

                  After blazing through a few bosses, I was feeling pretty confident about my Plague Pooch. So I brought him over to that Flying Dragon in Lurina and prepared to just stand back and watch the dragon get shredded.

                  *Dog gets one-shotted*

                  • If you’re having trouble applying rot to bosses then get a few hits in with a weapon that applies rot buildup with your hound. Just make sure that the hound gets the final few hits because his rot effect lasts much, much longer.

                    • Anonymous

                      Little known fact, the reason this is OP is that its Scarlet Rot lasts 180 seconds instead of the usual 90 so it deals twice the damage.

                      • Anonymous

                        This spirit ash is lowkey one of the best. Can get this fella before you fight a single boss and the scarlet rot can carry you through just about anything as long as it can be rotted.

                        • Anonymous

                          Wish I knew where he was before the patch. Internet decided to crap out, so no update patch for me. Running version 1.00.

                          • Anonymous

                            Pretty overpowered against anything that can get afflicted by Scarlet Rot.

                            As long as it stays along against a boss long enough to inflict it, it is pretty gamebreaking.

                            Would probably trivialize Rahdan if we were allowed Spirits during the Festival.

                            • Anonymous

                              This boy probably has the bugged 2k damage chomp the enemy versions have which is why their performance is so good. Truly a good boy!

                              • Anonymous

                                Completely skipped phase 2 of godrick with this debuff it applies, absolute silly. the dragon head is still on the pillar lol

                                • For some reason its scarlet rot seems stronger, the Scarlet Rot from Antspurn Rapier only did 2-3k while this dogs does ~6.5k against draconic tree sentinel.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    This dog is underrated and some even place it in F tier. My early game strategy is to grab this dog then go cheese the Night Cavalry boss for 42k runes.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      This dog is ugly but does great work. His attacks apply Rot status which really did a number on Margit. Found the ashes somewhere around the blood lake area near Streets of Sages Ruin. I opened a chest and got transported to Gael Tunnel (I think). I don't remember exactly where the ashes were. I was just trying to find a Site of Grace so that my fast travel would re-activate and I could get the heck out of that place.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        This dog is ugly but does great work. His attacks apply Rot status which really did a number on Margit. Found the ashes somewhere around the blood lake area near Streets of Sages Ruin. I opened a chest and got transported to Gael Tunnel (I think). I don't remember exactly where the ashes were. I was just trying to find a Site of Grace so that my fast travel would re-activate and I could get the heck out of that place.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          Definitly use this with the talisman that boost damage when opponent have scarlet disease. 20% physical damage for free.

                                          • Anonymous

                                            Worked like a charm for Margit. Dog lasted long enough to apply rot to him, and it did like 70% of his lifebar and didn't appear to expire. So apply rot and then focus on not dying is valid. It's a little slow, but it's easier to stay alive when you don't worry about attacking at all and let your dogrot do the work.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              The Poison or Toxic or whatever effect it applies will kill bosses for you if you let the extremely good dog get enough hits in on them at the start to apply the effect.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                This can be found just north of the Sellia Under-Stair site of grace. Walk along the shore, over the destroyed building's rubble, then you will see a body containing the ashes.

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  This dog can be a huge help against really tough bosses like Margit and Godrick. The scarlet rot status it inflicts will gradually do significant damage, so you just have to focus on dodging and let it do the damage for you.

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    This dog is ugly but does great work. His attacks apply Rot status which really did a number on Margit. Found the ashes somewhere around the blood lake area near Streets of Sages Ruin. I opened a chest and got transported to Gael Tunnel (I think). I don't remember exactly where the ashes were. I was just trying to find a Site of Grace so that my fast travel would re-activate and I could get the heck out of that place.

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      This guy is the best loot him in swamps of aeonia. He applies rot which doesnt go away and means you can kite a boss to death

                                                      • This dog is ugly but does great work. His attacks apply Rot status which really did a number on Margit. Found the ashes somewhere around the blood lake area near Streets of Sages Ruin. I opened a chest and got transported to Gael Tunnel (I think). I don't remember exactly where the ashes were. I was just trying to find a Site of Grace so that my fast travel would re-activate and I could get the heck out of that place.

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