
rotten stray 1 enemies elden ring wiki 600px
Location All across the Lands Between

Stray is a Wildlife Creature in Elden Ring. Strays are hostile and emaciated canines.

The spirit of a Rotten Stray can be summoned for aid in battle by using Rotten Stray Ashes.


...Stray dog.

...Though it is only a small creature, it is as violent as it is nimble. 


Stray Location in Elden Ring

Where to Find Stray:


Stray Drops in Elden Ring

Stray Subtypes


Enemy Type Buildup Type
Drops Notes and Locations


No buildup type.

Can be found across the Lands Between.

Rotten Stray

Inflicts Scarlet Rot buildup

Can be found in Caelid.

They are covered in the same mushrooms that make up the landscape of Caelid.

Blistered Stray

Inflicts Hemorrhage buildup

Two are near the Second Church of Marika, many are in and around the Writheblood Ruins, and many are found around and within the large, shallow pool of blood with the Blistered Giant Crows in the Mohgwyn Palace.

Like several other enemies that can inflict Hemorrhage buildup, they are covered in large red blisters.

Braided Stray

No buildup type.

Can only be found in Crumbling Farum Azula.

They wear jewelry and have braided hair (unlike other Strays, which lack most hair) that match that of theAzula Beastmen. This seems to imply they are or were pets of the Azula Beastmen, as Strays have no dexterous hands to braid with, though it is possible their relationship could have been more complex than that, due to the Beastmen's canine biology.

Elden Ring Stray Notes & Tips

  • Strays are fast and vicious; using a good shield is a good way to deal with them.
  • Deals Standard Damage. Some variants can additionally inflict Blood loss or Scarlet Rot.
  • Like most animal-type creatures, they are susceptible to Fire Damage and Status Effects (most notably Hemorrhage).
  • There are occasionally somewhat larger individual Strays that have more health and drop more Runes. They have a slightly different color than the normal-sized Strays.
  • Strays are essentially the same as Dogs in that they have the same behavior, moves, and drops, though Dogs do not have buildup subtypes. Strays are also far more common.
  • At one point of Elden Ring post-launch life, Blistered Strays, or as they were called at the time, "Bleed dogs," were the most dangerous creatures in The Lands Between. This was because of a bug related to how game registered their jump attack. Due to this glitch, one attack could easily guard-break the player and deal 1500 HP of total damage.



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er rotten stray


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    • Anonymous

      Ok did they really fix the bleed dogs? because I had one hit me for almost 3k damage, had no talismans that increased damage on, even had a boiled prawn active.

      • Anonymous

        Worst ****ing enemy in the entire ****ing game. Too ****ing common for the amount of bullshit they're capable of.

        • Anonymous

          >be me
          >lvl 160 50 vig
          >miss a swing
          >get stunlocked and die to 2 ****ing dogs
          >power off
          >go outside

          • Anonymous

            I kind of liked the bloody chainsaw dogs, you had to respect them so much since they could rev up and let it rip at any moment. The great equalizers of the Lands Between.

            • Anonymous

              dogs still obnoxious to fight since ds1, not a single fromsoft employee thought maybe we should stop them from stunlocking you

              • Anonymous

                i hate this the most... yes there are are some horrible enemies in this game but this guys along with any other enemy can result quick death especially if they dont die in 1 hit.

                • Anonymous

                  Block them with a 100 guard shield and just smack them with a guard counter. Any weapon (preferably a fast one) with wide sweeping attacks can deal with groups. AOE skills with hyperarmor can also be useful in a pinch though you might take a lot of hits if not careful.

                  • Anonymous

                    Sad that there are versions of this worthless nothing of a mob that have more health than some bosses do. Makes literally no possible sense whatsoever

                    • Anonymous

                      The broken dmg output has been fixed, but block counters still miss them with some weapons. animation goes through them but no hit reg. Also appens with rats and a couple other enemy types with a similar hitbox.

                      • Anonymous

                        The broken dmg output has been fixed, but block counters still miss them with some weapons. animation goes through them but no hit reg. Also appens with rats and a couple other enemy types with a similar hitbox.

                        • Anonymous

                          The ones in the Moghwyn Palace are nasty. There's a charged attack that's basically instakill. That attack chain breaks shields and drain 100% in a split second on a 80 poise tower shield, then kills you. I can imagine such a mechanic on a boss, but not on a random low hp mob.

                          • Anonymous

                            Hate these things. They can cancel their attacks at times, and if you're trying to defend then there's no good way to go about it; if you block, then another will just get around your shield, and if you tumble out of the way, then another will bite you just as your iframes end; then the other will have a nip at you just as you've been stunned, whereby you are stunlocked by these mangy hellions. Thank you, Fromsoft.

                            • Anonymous

                              They're bugged. I can hear my guard being broken multiple times in a split second when getting attacked by these. So annoying

                              • Anonymous

                                1/5 stars who designed these mobs? Not only are their hit boxes and animations cartoonish… but the hurt boxes as well. Should be a 2 hit kill but if the dog is in any way moving it may or may not count the hit.

                                • Anonymous

                                  I think the strays in the Consecrated Snowfield deserve their own sub-species name. I haven’t yet found any in-game description to support this, but they are visually different and proc bleed much faster than normal rotten strays.
                                  I’m calling them bloody strays personally.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    These appear to be bugged so that they hit multiple times during a single attack with no cooldown. IE a single bite will damage constantly as long as the animation is playing for that bite. They'll hit you dozens of times in a single bite animation, and thats only one of three attacks in that combo.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      Dog's chainsaw bite = drains full stamina bar + breaks shield + instant bloodloss
                                      *Miyazaki I sleep*
                                      Me with War Cry Uchigatana + Charged Attack Blood Helice
                                      *Miyazaki REAL SH!T*
                                      (as of Patch 1.03)

                                      • Anonymous

                                        I feel like dogs are stronger than even in elden ring.
                                        In others games they are just annoying, and even more so when paired with another enemy especially a mage or something like that, but they didn't do much damage and had low HP so they get one shot most of the time.

                                        In this game tho, they definetly put some levels in vigor because they can tank a very heavy hit or two, AND they deal high damage, AND they hit & run way more than before.
                                        If you don't play with shields, 3 of theses shits on you is probably death.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          Beware the "Bloody Strays" which are found in Mohgwyn Palace and writheblood ruins. These versions are covered in bloody cyst like things and seem to be intended as a middle finger to anyone who shield camps to deal with dogs. Their charged attack will almost instantly overwhelm nearly any shield and kill you very quickly if you get caught in it even at high levels. Best thing to do is take em out from a distance or before theyre able to attack.

                                          • Anonymous

                                            Avoid the dogs in mohgwyn's palace as much as you humanly can or take them down VERY carefully, their charge attack can straight up instantly kill you due to a (possibly? hopefully?) bug that lets them hit you 10+ times instantly. They are NOT the only dog that can do this as I had this happen elsewhere, but in here it happens most often.
                                            The first time it happened I had finger stone shield and it drained 70% of my stamina bar in what sounded like a chainsaw grinding on metal. The second time I wasn't so lucky and it instantly killed me and instantly applied bloodloss.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              Got 2-shot by a rotten stray in Mohgwyn's Palace. NG LV187 holding +9 Visage Shield + Greatshield Talisman, full bar of stamina. Sounded like it multi-hit me in one attack; broke my shield then full bleed on the second for my entire health bar. Please tell me this is a bug.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                The Rotten variety of this little shits are completely broken, they have a move that is an instant one shot. It breaks guard heavily and instatly bleed you for at least 1400HP

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  Beware, these dogs as well as the dogs in the bloody areas currently have a bugged attack (their heavy wind-up bite) that will hit you once per every frame that it makes contact. This attack will always kill you instantly even with the strongest greatshield in the game blocking it.

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    Hey, they don't teleport this time! I want the word 'teleport' added to messages because I wanted to put something next to dog ambush areas like 'Beware of teleport' therefor Dog.

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